Saturday, October 2, 1926. | GET RID OF THAT SFRUIT-ATIVES"--A SURE, ' herself, even ey did me good and I hey relieved of | these troubles, Now I always keep a box of "Fruit-a-tives" in the house." This genuine fruit medicine ~ | made from fresh fruit juices, in- and combined with tonics w= is Nature's own recting Constipation, Pain in the * Stomach, Kidney and Bladder Troubles: for purifying the Blood; apd building up the general health, a a box yourself--take them according to directions--and see how Earn feel better.. | and 50c. at all dealers. General Insurance Fire, Life, Accident, Automo- - bile, Burglary, Liability, Plate _ Glass, Baggage, Robbery. Reliable Companies only rep. resented. R. H. Waddell 81 BROCK STREET "PHONES 326-896. DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon A5D Weiling a Street. Phone 070. _Earenin. by appointment. PIANO TUNING | CONSTIPATION he" Vital Flame | Stirring Serial At Primitive Passions byMay Christie CHAPTER LXXXVL The bathing-beach was a novelty to Leonie, with its scantily attired i maidens clad in flaming silken suits | | that clung about their lithe young! | tigurds like the fish scales on af { mermaid! » "They stay all day like that," the oe { westerper informed her, with 2 ! pardonable pride in the fact that he | | knew more about these places than! if he did live thous-! ands of miles inland. "Look et the] girls on the Tednis-courts." | A dozen hard courts were dot-| i ted with players alrily attired in| | swimming garb. i There were lots and lots of young | men, too, with legs and arms and { chests burnt a, deep Indian col lor. And in the 'kiddie pool,' dozehe, of children splashed and shouted! | gally to each other. | "A lively scene," remarked Leante, rather astonished. She and | her companion looked over the edge! of a wall in the direction of a faint melody that came from some string-| ed instrument of South Sea Island | origin. The player was a Dana Gibson i spads, with two pert damsels one on either side of him. Sisters, ap- parently, one blonde, the othor { brunette. Both had bobbed -hair that had been waved by tongs. The fair | girl wore an emerald bathing snit of jersey silk, lowcut, and exces- sively short in the leg portidn, there was a lengthy gap between the 'top' | of her green silk.stockings, rolled below the knee, and the scanty gown itself | Her sister, brunette, the wore Stop Sour, Acid |, | i youth who lounged, extended, on the | pe carl let of ed stovkings. They had patch of color on the beach "1 thought your censors wers aw-| fully strict,' whispered Leonte to] her companion. "Thogp girls | awfully 'out,' but-- Along came a photographer, a stunted, homely little fellow in a bathing suit with a short tweed eoat above it, giving hi room, topheavy look. in front of the damsel | grinned, hesitated, then idly: "Say, kid, won't you yourself?" The emerald maiden shook her bobbed haag. and drawled in turn: "I ean't be bothered. My name's written en my back." The little photographer gave her a push round with his: foot, and there appeared, sewn in big white YE Te a, vivid | He stepped in green, drawjed introduce | similar Eig "and. jong! i 160k | | passageway a mush-| { forget the children. letters on the baek of her bathing} suit, just below the shoulders, intriguing name of "Billy." The' red-clad sister roused the | her- | must be strings of boys queued up self apd rose displaging on her own | back a hage: "Topsy." "Say, kid, you're tdo fresh, are!" you i She approached the little man! and tried to push.him in the water. There was a tussle, fellow, amidst much laughter, con- trived to make his escape. Then the two girls and their in which the i i handsome escort dived into the pool, | swimming about like seals. "Quite a free-and-easy place" laughed Leonie, uncertain what think. Her own bathing suit, with its short silk shirt, didn't look half so sae as she had thought it would nd---ao!--she wasn't as slim as fing pert flappers. "a But Jimmie Becker found no { fault with her She was soon re- to! i stored to her usual mood of confi-! dence in charms. herself « and her own | ~ Stomach- Now. Tho day sped br Ther swam. { and then "dried off," on the warm 0 Into any ay Drog Store. Get | sands, and swam again. Jimmie a Box of Pape's Diapepsin. End | Becker taught her how to dive, too i { © Lunch in bathing sults seemed | fukny, and was vather a primi- i tive sort of meal, faken at a snack { that the beach possessed, | Leonie was as hungry as a hunter, | and enjoyed fit. Thereafter to tango, to | had the energy the i { music of a band! "Girls have such a marvelous time | | counter It was the best restaurant and | were jostling each they lounged on the! sands again, and after a time, even | in America, I think," vouchsafed the | THE DAILY. BRITISH WHIG FARMERS AT SUNBURY ------ ---- Are Basily Euged Filling Up' the Suzmbury, oa "Cascarets" for | Headache, Colds, the order of the day, in this vicinity Miss Lora Berry, Lansdowne, is vi- Constipation siting at the home of Wilfrid Coop- || | per. Sunbury was well represented | Inverary fair. To-night Clean. you your bowels and | %t stop headache, colds, sour { Mr. Fred Cumming has bought a stomach {farm in Pittsburg and is' moving his | * | live stock, machinery, etc., these | Ee 10-cent-box 1 eo RYE: Mr. Lorne: Car uBi AEP Take a Cascaret to-night to cleanse chased a new Chevrolet roadster. i your Liver, Stomach and Bowels, and | Hoe will surely teel Sreat b2 morning | | her home Lane hunny a bad Seid, prof spent five weeks with relatives at biltous; nervous, upset, hothered with | Co0ksville, Badjerres and Cottng- { a sick; assy, disordered stomach, or | Wood. | have backache and feel ak worn out. | . Sunbury 'soft bail on Saturday after havin h Mrs. William Coopper returned to I 3--Silo-illing io! ; on {8 team plafed | Are you keeping vour bowels clean | Perth Road at the Inverary fair, the | 0 with Carcaréts--or merely forcing a every few days with! salts, cathartic pills or castor ofl? i nl girls of the soft ball team! Cascarets Immediately cleanse and presented their manager Wilfrid regulate' the stomach, remove the] sour, andigested and fermenting food | Feapier, *ina Waterman's pen and | and foul gases; take the excess bile PeBCll at the home of Robert Gibson | {on Tuesdd) evening last. from the liver and carry off the con- i stipated waste matter and poison| Miss Jessie Coopper, Miss Eileen | from the bowels { Marshall spent the past week visit Remember a Cascaret to-night will | ing friends at Lansdowne. Mr. Cecil | straighten you out by morning. A 10-| Balls is visiting his uncle at Water- cent box from your druggist means | town, N.Y. The Ladies' Aid of ihe | healthy bowel action; a clear head | { United Church are having a sale of | and cheerfulness for months. Don't *| cooking) at the market on Saturday. | jpcore being 10-11 in favor of Perth! couldn't have a moment's diffi-| culty in getting! married! Vid | i just waiting for yom USE [1] OTHER MEDICINE word." ~ y : "Oh, maybe," (Let him continue -- i in that delusion, if it put her value Baby's Own Tablets Are the Ideal up!) "But I'd never marry unless Remedy for Babies and Young L.cared for the man, heart and soul." | Children. This praise-worthy sentiment must make a 'hit' with anyone so { honest and outspoken as the west. erner the health of the baby is most jeal-! "Course you wouldn't kid. Apd-- | ously guarded and the mother is al-| and it's my good fortune that you've | ways on the lookout for a remedy! waited, isn't it?" which is efficient and at the same Ah! That was better! That was time absolutely safe. Thpusands of | more like the thing! Almost tanta- | mothers have found such a remedy | { mount to a proposdl; though he had- {in Baby's Own Tablets and many ot! n't quite committed himself | them use nothing else for the ail-| 'Suppose we leave the beach now, | ments of their little ones. Among] before it gets too chilly, ana run! them is Mrs: Howard King, of Truro, | | over to Coney Island for the even-{N. 8. who says:<-"I can strongly re-| ing." he went' on. "You haven'ticommend Baby's Own Tablets to been there, have you? It's a dandy | mothers of young children as I know! to say the Canadian mothers are noted for | | once mo | Mr. and Mrs. | couple place, and makes me feel just like | of nothing to equal them for little | a two-year-old." | So pff they went In the big car, | Leonie in r pretty linen frock, with a light wrap about her shoul-| ders She blinked at the dazzling array | of lights' that greeted them as they! heard the great amusement centre. | Millions of lights, of every color Afid thousands of merry folks! other in an ef- | | fort to enter the gates, They left the car and Jimmy Beck. | er steered her through tha crowds, | holding her arm possessively. Suddenly, Leonie's heart gave al painful thud and her breath caught| in her threat. Misfortune of mi } fortunes! Would, they. see | ones." | sold by | at 25/ Baby's Own Tablets are medicine dealers or by mail cents a box from The Dr. Williams' | Medicine Co., Brockyille, Ont, | -- -- 1 Westbrook Budget. | Westbrook, Oct. 2--S8ilo tilling is! Ao order of the day and | reminds that winter will soon be | here again. Miss Carrie Morley and | Mr. J. L. F. Sproul are both in the | General Hospital suffering from ap-| pendicitis, but latest reports are they are improving, much to the pleasure of their many friends here i Thogpmas Feeney, of | Portland, Maine, are spenditg a! of weeks guests of Mrs. ¥ Tat Fv, We have a nice sock of Birch, Maple and. ¢ Oak Flooring. "Only thebest brands carried: S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED COAL, LUMBER AND WOODWORK, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, osTARIO Private Branch Exchange 'Phone 1871 em NOW IS THE TIME To have your Fall Shoes made. JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 BROCK STREET. THOUSANDS OF MOTHERS | = Attention! Queen's Students We have a compléte stock of Study Lamps, tension Cords, Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc. Federal and Westinghouse Radio Sets. Buy your electric needs from a Queen's graduate The Saunders Electric Co. 167 PRINCESS STREET. the care they give their little ones-- | ~~ "THE GIRL IN THE SECOND CABIN" By E. J. RATH i Author of "The Nervous Wreck," eic. Spencer Trumbull didn't want to take a sea voyage for he nerves. He was too interested in a girl in the Adirondacks. So he hired his nld college chum, Billy Trask, to go in his place. Billy decided to be good and sick. In fact, he was wheeled on board a the amr Ruiar by a male nurse--an ex-prizefighter, a a Se fisations dat arise pod the romance that " climax of this fascina story, young woman, with a smirk. "It's a| Would they cut her dead? Or would | gopnny. Mrs. ing Plano Tuning, Nepairing and 'Mayer Plano Adjusting. Norman M. Butcher, 27 Pine 'PHONE 184. [George Clark Wright | Civil Engineer and Contractor. Office 81 Brock St, cor. Wellington "and Frock Street. 'Phone 326, DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST £3 Princess Street. Phone 1530 Ges for Painless Fxt COKE HEAT YOUR HOME WITH COKE | Cheaply, efficiently comfortably "STELCO" COKE The best Canada can uce $13.00 per ton Sold only by | of such awful misery. Loge - i $ _----------------------------" 4 | | be | Never Feel Drowsy After Eating As I Did Before Discovering Pape's Diapepsin Ugh! Those sour risings! End | {them with Pape's Diapepsin. Almost | { instantly turns stomach right-side up. You feel elated to so quickly get rid | Bloat, belch- | | Ing, flatulence---gone in a twinkling. | No matter what you eat or drink to' | cause acid-dyspepsia, Papa's. Diapep- sin any time, day or night, settles | stomach into sweetness and comfort. {Try it and prove it. Get a 60 cent package to-day at any drug store, | velop into love. | all the world over, but almost more | sort of feminine paradise!" "Would you like to live here al-| ways?" Jimmie Becker's volce held! a kindly curiosity, and--she "hoped ~intense admiration for herself which pretty, quickly would Men were gullible so in this perfectly delightful coun- | ry." "I'd like nothing better," coved { Miss Leonie, Thén she added, with a sigh: "But it's frightfully isn't it? I mean---when a girl's alone, and has to pay her own bills| -** She broke off coyly, as though | | afraid she'd said too much. The answer was all that would wish for, at this juncture. she | "A girl as lovely as you are, CROSS-WORD PUZZLE 3 2 > 4 |5 Je 7 8 9 10 s i 4 roomed ow, south side. b rooms, 3 piece electric lights and large By 400 tramps pick- | the city Nmits Wingy apd det z jappearing wilt form a proverb. Horizontal, 1. Almost a donkey. 4. To hesitate. 8. Cat's foot. 11. Door rugs. 13. Soft broom. 2 ho 15. 1v. 18. 23. Deity 25. 28. 39. Cat's nails. otin Hi SSqrect Wuers Ss Piaced: in. fhe eircind squares the wordy 14. 18. 11T. 18. 20. 21. 22. "Pencil mark. de-| | expensive, | all} | | Mrs. | spent Sunday in Newburgh. Mr. and | | Mrs. Wilfred Haggerty were visitors! {at Mrs. M. Kellar's, on Saturday. Mr.| } James Farley was in Kingston on { Monday. Mr. Samuel Dafoe of Tweed | is spending a week with his brother- { Mr .| on Tuesday after spehding the sum-| | Shane of Desmond, visited with Mrs. | | week. High schobél { on Tuesday 'and found everything | | satisfactory. | and son; Carmen, of Verona, were | Ella Yeomans visited at Wesley on '| Monday, with Mr..and Mrs. Will | Weese. # | | sisted in the rally Prior and son, Howe Is- they expose all her pretty meanness|, =; wore recgnt visitors with Mr : of character to this new-found beau | { and Mrs. Joe. Welch. J. O- Driscoll, | of hers? As large as life, and right| pn, 11s and D. Sheehan, Ki ngston, | wg i in front of her, was Miss Marcella] | spent Sunday last at Leo Kennys. | Field, clinging to the arm of her! { Miss Mooney, Fredericksburg, fis You'll be eorry if you miss the first installment of "THE GIRL IN THE SECOND CABIN" which will tho a IN THE BRITISH WHIGQ ON WEDNESDAY, OCT. 6. beloved Miles Holden. ' { spending some time with her broth- (To Be Continued.) er, Charles Mooney. DOINGS AT NEWBURGH { Mr. and Mrs. Wilbred Sproule. Mrs. | | Shellington® and daughter left on| | High School Inspector Made Visit to| Thursdad for Montreal, where Miss' bully more than 1000 homes, sell- The Village. Nt Newburgh, Sept. 30---Mr. and] Oliver Shapgraw, and young son, | Mr. and Mrs. Manson Lee and Mr. | | Calvin Lee, Yarker, were with Mr. | and Mrs. Holder on Sunday. Mr. and | Willys Galbraith, Belleville. | in-law, Mr. H. Embury, at Wesley. | Gilbert Miligan arrived home| mer in New York State. Mr. Edward | Files of Point Ann, visited his mofh- | er, over Sunday. Mrs. MeGill; Centreville, Mrs. | Hill and Mrs. Miligan during last Inspector Lav-| elle, paid Newburgh an official visit} Mr. George Babcock] : OLD is causing costly dam- at Mrs. A. Conway's, on Friday. Miss | age to your motor -- eight i months of the yeor. It's the big- gest cause, according to motor car experts, of excessive crank- case dilution; corrosion, fouled spark plugs, high gas consump- tion, rapid cylinder wear. | The dangerous "choke" babie Rev. Mr. Mackenzie, Yarker, as- service on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Miss Leonard and Miss Barrfe, Yarker. calied on friends in the village on Sunday, and attended the Pally sex.!. vice. ; . Mr. J. Carroll Anderson, BA, Oshawa, visited at the parsonage over the week-end. A circuit Sunday schoo! service was held Sunday af- ternoon at the Newburgh - United church. A-large number was pres- ent from Wesley, Camden East, and Stratheona The friends from St. Andrew's, Napanee, rendered good service. The orchestra. music, Mrs Valkman's beautiful solo and Mrs MeGregor's address were much en- joyed and greatly appreciated. "Eliminate excessive use of the 'choke,' and you eliminate 50 to 75% of the cause of repair bills," say leading motor car service experts. » Flooding your motor with raw and cylinder walls clean of the oil film of protection. Metal to metal contact follows. Scoring, pitting and rapid cylinder wear result, consumption is increased at a tremendous rate : J is Winterfront ends the , don't know if age brings wis- cold weather damage dom or wisdom brings-age. This i ant a will i ------ important discovery 'keep your motor at summer oper- ating efficiency the year "round RCA MAHEIAD 5 FIVIERS JEN Mr. and Mrs. L. | Shellington will be married to Mr Hylands spent Sunday the guests of | Walters. - keep your motor at the correct ' temperature for most efficient ing them to workers on weekly payment system The College of Cardinals, The government of Australia has! tomplete, is members, { Makers of many fine cars » have corrected for their owners this costly error To which motor car experts >= attribute 50 to 75% of all premature motor wear. Willys-Kn Big "6" Ville St. 7 Kei ol ot In ten minster--you can have is vital protection--for a frac- tion of what it ill cout 10 repair the damage cold will Drive in for ten minutes when the tem. perature reaches 60°. That's when - cold starts its work of destruc. tion. Go out equipped to savé yourself next spring's repair bill Winterfront regulates your ~ motor temperature osiomatically, taking in just enough cold air to operation, It cuts the "warming-up" period to seconds--breaking you of the costly and dangerous "choke" habit, To give their owners year "round protection against the costly damage cold will bring--makers of these fine cars have adopted Winterfront as standard equip- ment: Packard "8" Pierce Ase row, Peerless "8" and Deluxe Models for all cars Priced $29.25. to $80.50 Special models for Ford Chevrolet and Dodge Priced $19.50, $22.05, $25.08 PINES 'S WINTERFRONT--IT'S AUTOMATIC . At Any Garage, Accessory or Auto Dealer .. Ow veler to District Distr' ator: EDWIN CHOWN & SON, 248 Bagot Street a Telephone 241. a small when | made up of seventy