RE, ETE, A { Mrs. Thomas Bowsr dnd Mrs' Russel Were visitors at the Inverary air on Wednesday. Yoeated by Whig. The Britigh Whig ran an advert- dsement asking that Alf. write Ceell Smith late of Farnham. Old country. Mr. Harding was a cal tier at the Whig business office on | Widnesds afternoon. He is a mem- Planting 10,000 Tulip Bulb), { The ga' g rut the O.P.R. station | {will be a .eautiful sight in the | i spring, for Mr. G. Stockbridge, the gardener, is 8g Present planting over | ten thousand tullp bulbs. He has just | i received a speeidl consignment from | the hemdqnarters and expects some | more to come pext week. ig From Ireland. i Mr, Thomas Wilson of the staff of | the Belfast General post office and | Mr, William Galbraith of the staff] of the Belfast Evening Telegraph, , lef¢ Liverpool on Sept. .24th for a i trip through Canada an for a few days in Kingston at the home of Mn and Mrs. T, Hanson, | Bagot street. Graham street-car type busses were this' morning delivered from Oberndoffers" Garage to Brockville. They were purchased by W. Jackson, of Brockville, who will use them on} 2 city Bus service there. They have the usual four cylinder Dodge Bros. engine. When they left the city this moreing they crasted a great deal of interest, excitement and comment on all sides. They are being delivered Harding | through' the Dodge agent in Brock- ville. Awards Made, As the candidéte who was success- ful in ohtaining the Nicholls' Schol- arship at the recent matriculation examinations to Queen's University was not able to enter the Univeisity, | the awdrd has béen made to Jacob Strenkoveky, of Brantford. who ob- tained =n less valuable scholarship. | The\Nicholls is worth $65. A similar | situoNon occurred with the Day Me- morial Scholarship and it has been awarded to George M. Macdonnell of 'Allard. It is worth $25. At Gospal Tabada. given at the Gospel Tabernacle on Tuesday night, Mr. Innes bandied this subject, "The Divine Power of tion's Life." He read the 40th Peadm. In dealing with the mystery of the {Christian 'fife, Mr. Innes drew at- Two More C.P.R. Locomotives. Two more of the large C.P.R. en-| giges which are being built by the Canadian' Locomotive Co., are in the yard almost ready to leave. They are Nos, 5366 and 5367, which will pro- badly leave for duty abou; Saturday. tention to the fact that no metter whare the Christian wes g be found or what his lot was, if he could Jook up to God and say "Father, I know this is the plage. and position You | County Cogirt Case. There will only be one case at the non-jury sittings. of the Count Court, which will: open with Judge It was learned today, that snéth- er monster protest meeting against the Chicago water steal, will be held 'in. Buffalo, during' the month of 'Novembe¥, and it 8 expected that Kingston will ba represented at this most importan; gathering. It is hoped to have every lake har { bor city represented at this interna- > meeting of he Great Lakes fort will he made fo secure Govern: ment action 10 check the water steal. : ha improvements and wat- Fe commerce will also be dis- + but the chisel business of the will be to organize a deter d fight agalns; the Towering of tke level. 0. prominent speakers Hon. F. H. Heenan, rthur, and C. Alfred Ma. of Toronto, - will ts all over the prov interested in lake iS, have been invit- Lavell. presiding, on Tuesday aiter- noon, next at 2 o'clock. The case sét down on tha docket is tha; of David J. Patterson and John "J. ' Patterson, plaintiffs, and Henry Bauder and C. Albertson de- fendants, The plaintiffs' claim is that & garage business and filling station operated" by the defendants ap 593 Princess street, is a nuisance, and they ask for an injunction restrain- Ing thé defendants trom carrying on the business "the Sug- ; r l= gested & Paper for Ang ) ---- Winnipeg, Man: Sept. 30--Pur chase of the "Canadian Church- man" afid its adoption as the official organ of the Anglican Church in Canada was discussed and approved at the closing session yesterday of the annual meeting of the General Board of Religions Education. 'The action of the Board will be brought before the executive coun- cil of the church Saturday, and the council is expected to approve fhe tional ! ation. when. a final of. | TecOmmendation and place if befdre thie Synsd. < During the debate at the Boar} meeting tod.y, Bishop Richardson o Fredericton referred to fhe "Church Messenger." now thé mais Anglican publication in Candida, and said tha: this organ was "unworthy of repre- seniting the church fa Canada." Spine of Catfish Causes | | Death of a Warsaw Man i silky surface in a brilliant arrayof b ig t 8 smart, shimmering gowns for afternoon of Shades: # Sa JUNGLE GREEN ORCHID POWDER Full 36 inches wide. *1.50 yd. enjoys the popularity that & frocks of almost every occasion, be it evel 3 rmal wear. The large range of shades i . COCOA PINE BLACK Savy BUFF ROSEWOOD FRE) ROSE PO es We wate most fortunate in securing, i tity o ra fine quality, silk Black, Brown -suitabl he Shae Fall wear.