- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC THE WEATHER MAN | Z55cni™ | Easy to Gain ; Bald-headed Tumblers--E. Eves. Muft Tumblers--H._ Coventry, With : IS UNKIND Nuns--L. W. Cunningham. 1 ---- Flyer-Homers--E. Eves. § : Check Homers--H. Caldback. Y 5 dro sma amir Sod Tone woven cane | Yeastand Iron with a great deal of interest. ig TY B= New Combination of Yeast with The following is 4 list of some bf * Sa Qik Wagite 4 AX Le ros ther winyy IRI Log AA tol le NE ST US wx I . , eight > \ ----r---- : Poultry. prairie Tac oe ls Stic Science, . . go dln aeiT OR FURRY eg re AT Se oa ran OG, a Ta TG: w BILE LH B 8 Brahmas--S. Vance, Belleville. fa Fray ao ¥ * itd ep : Napanee; Miss M. Henderson, Mrs, Barred Rocks--H. HB. Pyke, J. : : B. Buck, Kingston. 3 Laturney. : . Bread, brown--Mrs. H. B. Sutton. White Rocks--Mrs. Lapointe, ! ° J Ai # . ON SEN 1 Bread, nut--Mrs, H. BE. Sutton, | Brockville. Mi. B. Buck, Mrs. Berry, Kingston | Jersey Giants--Chester Holland, ils. on 4 EEE E RR \ Silver Wyandotte--B. Whitney. A Y'S 4 0.7, cy il Beg rg lie ry po hits Wyandotte -- Clugston : E , A X- . y ; - B.| Bros. a HANLE pol . N c Buck. * Partridge Wyandotte--J. 8S. Pat- (Established 1871) OS ite rei NL. Buns, brown--Mrs. H. E. Sutton. terson. 3 ¥ ¥ y 5 Tea biscuits--Miss M. Burt, West. Rhode Island Reds--H. B. Pyke, J : - i; : St cams hi P passages of =} | brook; Mrs. B. Buck, Mrs. H. Law- J. M. Anderson, Barrietield. ang ils f On all our flaors will be seen "Exhibition Sultes purchased recently 'booked to all parts of | © 4 son, Rorns-- iis . White Leg A. Donevan, that : . | the Furnitare Exhibition displayed in furnished rooms on our floor, Roll cookies--Mrs. H. B. Sutton. Lansdowne. poraes mines : 7 3 5--J : : €St creations fu smait styles and finishes. Bring your friends. the world, Pass- TARE" Short hagad-r-re. H. E. Sutton. | "Brown Beshorte<d, Greta: buld up weight. : : | A Oatmeal cake, date filling---Mrs. Black Leghorne--J. Walsh. yeas been known as Buck, Mrs. H. Lawson. Black Minorcas--H. B®. Prka, a now EEN J 8 rick vitamine food, gut not : * : Pe < g ram 3 Light layer cake--Miss M. Burt, Brockville. ) {until we petected "i ed 2 ; ID rane Pate aaa) ) » Mes. H. B. Sutton. Buff Orpingtons--p, Maxwell, | yeast"-- which Sones in Be West Indies. Mediterran: $35 Wristlets we Chocolate layer cake--Mrs: Sut-| Odeses. concentrated tablet form, ton, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. H. Silver. Game Bantams--B. Stein, H. L.|Wwas It possible to take yeast THE LEADING UNDERTAKER Round the World Steamship Lunch cake--Mrs, H. B. Sutton, Keill, Joyceville; W. 8. Veale, find tron In the right propor- y 'PHON NVALID COACH YOUR SERVICES ' Propsid pa 'arranges for it! II. Mrs. H. Lawson.' ~ "| Black and Red 'Game Bantams. tioha Youd up None B 147 FOR I) Yau hg iy : Jou desire "ta" "being ' Gruen has now perfected the Angel cake-Mrs. R. E. Donald:|p Whitney, . James Harris, s. egetable "Iron o GHT. + For full p x i write J. P. Hi " bined with yeast is quite easy Slatives first wrist watch we can 00. Mrs. 8. B. Sutton Knight, Elgindbu combin, y . v Hay 1 i + > . lo . . . . H X di } r for the e- = i {Cpe Thi i made a. Sunsliite cake--Mrs. H. Lawson,| Black Cochent art Casterton. to A ata ironized be- Walter Cann em || PAPER HANGING, PAINT % P. & TA, C.N. special Grue Mrs. H. E. Button. ' White Cochens--Art Casterton. comes just twice as beneficial as ordi- 1 ING AND GRAINING Riys 3 Station, Pov or Johnao ose) i Fruit cake, uniced--Mrs. FH E.| Buff Cochens--Art Casterton. nary fresh or cake yeast. Pinsmith, Roofing and Furnace Walndt 'unk Grata rio Kingston, Out, Opoe greater size and strength Sutton, Mrs. Buck, Mrs. Lawson, . Ironizsed Yeast tablets are compos- Work Jobbing a Specialty. Special Ontario streets, a ' of parts, i Mahogun d a - . . x ood elements, First class work. Prices reasonable, day and night. 'Phones 99 or 2837 Prom. Wrisicia mee vais de... Ms Buel, Mrs. Bd oo ntautated Sood to take| Automobile Radiators repaired FRED. YOUNG, - : now available in 4 choice of | Berry" ple--Mrs. Sutton Miss J. and free from druglike effects x ob BAGOR =e retored. a 106 COLBORNE STRURT several smart designs in : ~ ||7ou are. under weight, do not enjoy (00 BAGOT ST. Phude heavy white reinforced gold Glasgow, Mrs. Harker, Pic TON good health, licking in energy and ---- PIII rae oy Pumpkin pie--Mps. Sutton, Miss force, "ironized yeast" tablets will . 1 . Glasgow, Mrs. Harker. pr -------- pick you wight up, and if they fall, * Ho WwW ' Tarts--Mrs. RB. Donaldson, Picton, Sept. 15--Mr. and Mrs. You get your money back. Memorials use Kinnear & d'Esterre | | Mrs, Sutton. Philip Harrington Accompanied by | Sold by James B.' McLeod and all - > JEWELLERS Cheese dish--Mrs. N. Berry. Mrs. Ouelette and som, Gerald, nave | good druggists, at $1.00 for a large Before placing your order for Electric R 168 IRINCESS ST. Sandwicheés--Mrs. N. Berry, Mrs. | returned to Detroit, after a pleasant | 80-tablet package or sent direct from - Monufuents call and inspect our : H. E. Sutton, Miss M. Burt. visit with Mrs. Richard Harrington, | laboratory. on receipt of pies. Iron- i} och: Of All Kinds Cream eandy--Mrs. 'M, Burt, Mrs. | Union street. 5 ized Yeast Co, Fort Eris; Ontario, Cemetery Lettering a Let me quote N. Berry, Mrs. H. BE. Sutton. David Gordon, whe came , down | Canada. : . specialty. Meat loaf--Mra, H. B. Sutton. from Beaverton £0 spend holidays at : v Plum preserves--Mrs. W. C. Gar-| his home here, is quarantinéd with diner, Miss J. Glasgow, Mrs. B.{an attack of diphtheria. Fortunately g J. E. ' . | Buck. he'is now on the road to recovery. TELEPHONE .417. : . Varfoties of jam---Mrs. Harker. A large crowd were at the Regent A { Corner of Princess and Alfred 1 T Jam, any othér varieties----Mrs. J. | on Tuesday evening tg hear the elec- Streets, DR. RUPER P. MILLAN 8. Wardner, Belleville; Mrs. J. H. | tion returns which" were announced Ti { - DENTIST Norman, Mre. W. C. Gardiner, as they came in, BLS ' elly, maple and grape--Mrs. H.| Mr. and Mrs. Willis Yerex and E. Sutton. : 3 Eg Detroit, 3 he sviming Mu. A] . i . , Gas Tor Vainiess Extraction t X children have returned from u visit > : . | MacGregor gave a party in bosor of Well Known Writer oe Bales are hunted with dynamite OPK BYRNINGS BY Al Jel, any other kind--Mrs, Sut- | with Mrs, Yerex's people in Toronto. . i " Miss Evelyn Switzer. = dvi - APPOINTMEST ton, Mrs. Harker, Miss Glasgow. Mrs, (Capt.) D. B. Christie enter. 7 ' Es dm ; | ' i Marmalade, orange or grape | tained a number of friends at teu |r: TOMATOES RIPEN SLOWLYY : a ewspaper ww Mrs. J. 8. Wardner, Mrs. Sutton, | on Friday afternoon at - her cosy 'W. C. Gardiner, Miss J. [Clisgow, the guests and Misses Margaret: ) or RAs had very discouraging, 610est | poiieves He Has Found Real ¢ Peaches, canned--Mrs, Vivian, | Bowling of Kingston, nieces of the hid meeting on the tomatoes. The vines are 'tain of Youth. i & Shannonville; Miss Glasgow, Mrs. | hostess assisted with the serving. f : THREE CASTLES CAFE < hovering just around the corner. | this additional report from A or p Mrs. Harker, Miss| ths west. ; : versy. evendng | Perhaps with the election over and | BéDt newspaper man, "it LAR DINNER 55c. Glasgow, Mrs. Buck. The Loyal Sons Men's Bibid Class business. The canning - Pactories can do a real day's work. Iam & Pod k }! Mra. Harker. the . auditorium of. the Ugiteq y| Baye When rusning only a day. of | joying of EES - _ 8 Horn Most---iise Monday. A much needed dit of road Tae ager days--baliove Lhe : | Harker, Miss M, Burt, Mrs. Herman Frederick on Sept 4 Bi os 0 fear as I cansot com- | WOK 18 Being done on Stanley street, | the real fountain of youth rr @ xv BP 4 il, Sour mixture--Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. | Mise Mamie Drope, Peterborough, at 4 votes Ine Caen Ate filling in-and widen-| "The writér says this fesiing of B | y pel him to give back the . ? ' | N. Berry. was & recent guest at the home of RN Friends of Mr. Cannift Haight | yng old--make similar : - [il| Sutton, Miss Burt. . Detroit, are visiting relatives in we be Bind to know that after seven | their experience with this remas VE HAVE OPPORTUNITY OF PLEASING YOU ? Red Sauce--Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. N. | town and county. weeks of suffering from blood i= | compound in cases of nervous MAY WE | THE home. Miss Genevieve Smith re. | Smbition and confidence. Miss M. Burt Ferguson still . continues very 111% turned from a visit to Kingston last | FOF the benefit of men tars for ithe next two weeks in the ab- supply to all 'who wish to M. Burt, W parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bdwin Green. Del ' sent ot a regular teacher. no risk basis. Results, in Cheese, white--W. C. Taylor, Bur- | tield. Talbot street. K. : Mrs. Gardiner, cocuihome on Bridge street, Master Ted. 'atir<| The Weather Has. Not Been Very R » His Vi For G Meals Marmalade, any other' Kind-wMrs. dy Warrington of Toro itious. egains 1 Well Ser y ed thick and green, but little sunshine P Sutton, Marsden Kemp fg in town on his of and lots.of rain, making the fruix In connection with recent press Pears--Mrs. Sutton, Miss J. Glas semi-annual visit. Ww, w. Cole has been wonderful! My eyesight ; ; ; ! the country saved, the tomatoes like " phonic ok BOTRS JI Poicken; Sanned--ars. sutton. | met for the first time sins iS. notte {Lot Twa wing uy muscles feel oying what seems to be & ge com S | Beatis--Mrs. W. C. Gardiner, Miss | Church. Ray, J. J. Mellor; the lead two a 'week, although the Hallowell Jong of strength, activity - a J. Glasgow, Mrs. Harker. ~.. _ | er was in charge. ing the road for several rods, trom | health and youthful restoration vickles, varlotios--Miss J. Glag- | hor brother. Bro Drope, - Grove | °2t4In = the foot of hill to entrance of Hallo. | 2 & Tesult of less than 30 . li! 0W, Mrs. Vivian Mrs. Sutton. "| street. 1 ( 3 OON TEA WITH US. I} Berry, Mrs. W. ©. Gardiner. Mrs. James Wood, Vancouver, is -| som, he was discharged from the To- ness, Chronic fatigue, 8) HAVE YOUR. AFTERNOO, Salad dressing--Mrs. N. Berry, | With Mrs. Chillie; Ferguson and ee With inflammatory rheumatism and | | Friday and has resumed her duties | 2 this Jocality, who have m Dairy Products. neuritis, : : as priseipal. Miss Mildred Burr fs | SPA0C8,10 try Double Strength Butter-- Mss. George Bliss, Bigin- Roy: Greenfield has returned to Miss Florence Mallory is at home | stances, must be completely ridge. » ; Miss Merle Rorabeck, 'murse-in: f agalu-sfler a pleasant trip to Mug- | tory or the cost of Erbac % : Hi : vl Pure maple syrup--Mrs mH. Law-| training at Prince Edward County koka. ) tons No. | Buckwheat Coal for S y a to, admitted . Bloomfield, Sept. 14.--The weath- Mrs. J. 8. Wardner, Christie of Bellevilla and Eleanore STOP AT THE 0 slow ripeniftg--especially with frost | ticles on the defeat of old age, co ox. Mrs. Vivian. returned from a two months trip to pu ) . : , | #verything else will settle down to walk : Peas--Mrs. Sutton, Miss Glasgow, | day season 'on Sunday afternoon in 'Barriefield . ! Areas flags brine ! Ww thon : Canners packed about 2,700 bushiels | feel 'nearly as ambitious a8 in * Tomatoes--Miss J. Glasgows Mrs A danghter was born te Mr. and " " : j t Doubls Strength Erbac in 5g i : 't ; . : well Canners lane. : Owr Motto is Quality and Service. I Relish---Miss . J. Glasgow, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. 'Carman Metoalt, ! ad olde many oth it jonto Hospital, and is Bow at his | Despondency, and the lack of formes Mrs. James Hitcheock, Joyosville; daughters, East Lake Road, Mrs. J LM d . fo] Supplying in the Wellington schools er} E Mcksod as i burg; Mrs. B. Buck, Kingston; Mise Rochester after holidaying with his eathrook. # T. and Mrs. W. B. Cox spent | Promptly refunded. pencer son, Elginburg; Mrs. C. E. Oetinor, | Hospital, has gone to New York to Sunday in Belleville, NOTE: Double Strength Erba Willon; Mrs. B, Buek, Kingston. | complete' her course. Bo me to| Mrs. E. B. Purtelle and. daughter, | Pecial- formula, particularly de Brin rei $9.00 per ton, delivered. Rronienas Seuaty Cheese special| Dr. Bedell, Bloomfield, and : Miss Marjory, leave Tuesday for o | for the use of. those near £ ' J --W. C. Taylor, Bu \ Henderson, Wolfe leland; P. J. Law. baby show last w as, Kingston; W. E. Cooper, Sun- with the fair. rHldge: Arthur | Nirss/Cahoon were the Judge, at hr a day's shobping in Toronto. - Mies | Middle life--do not confuse i: inary to A eek in connection Sliaty lonits Ttelle will go on to Guelph, where e is enrolled at Macdonald Col Attended Auction John Mallory will miso be a x Addison, The f : " student at Guelph this year, ave preity well got Cattle, a gles ms suisieq | absifind Clinton goer harvested and the hum of of the Jersey ecattle E . fil 6 take up post-grad: ork | threshing machine is heard ring. the afternoon ane "Ts 9 ueen's, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hill and Bramptosd, acting : a : daughters spent Sunday at' As judge. Although the exhibit was The regular meeting of thé W.M Station, the guests of M: not large'a number of fine cattle its a mt twa , . James | 8. was held in the school Toom, brother, Charles Hill. Mis were shown and Erect ere; and youn ; : . Ts ¢ n L n Watts Is hing - J. Anderson, Barriefield-~Firsf, | 4, Ni ANhUr Powell is: vie moth. nce. all 7 to vn | this wesk. 'Quits & few f aged 'cow? third on 'heifer. © The = 8 send + by lor. Ma POW Weitiy tls or : rs "M attended the auction sale aged cow Jacaba Irene has won fine | - anit Tablets. | we. \ Ty Sper a : if Mott's, Redan, on Friday. ies Kingston alr. th V ful gk "M 1 x TY Mrs. BE. L. Mott and son, ~ F. J. Rerkins, Kingston 3 5 5 5 the iti d leved, A. 1 were Sunday visitors at John No 1---Second, =e Bull: | is 'so mvmeh JW, l WE Riven, ia X many friends of Mrs. C. | third, aged cow; first, two old | reco hd Stoo, ' r - oh 8 Book. are pleased to learn that 'mileh coW; second, bull 3 ougls ant Janine: 5 ) a : =| Re 'were n gaining Boaith in the General Hox . +4 e.