THE DAILY BRITISH 3 -- -- # ---- THE WOLFE. ISLAND = | duis, vai 4; ate Baten | == Hh. -- ee ES -- © SCHOOL PAR HELD, "ml Extra Values for Fair Week : iw ona Horne, 4: Glen sier, 9; ; " See Our Display of On Wednesday at the Village] 2°T4on Gillespie, 13; Maud Wood- A ; Sod a hin Beautiful Furs | a ha. Viiage Horbers Bam. 13. | or AH : 'at Shaw's 3 Cockere] -- Ranous ~ Pyke, 13; i M. f, turers of Won. Awardy, Charles Woodman, 13; Maud Wood RENE ath a SR : ac er r Aithough the day wae noi very as. a Howard-Koyes; 4; Helen 5 g { : h - bright, there was 3 splendid tarn- |" Pullen 4 team. Dillesple 3% : : : Fr 4 ; - 6ut to the Wolfe Island Township = Bordo Lo 13; a fi h K ddi : meF ir Coats, Scarfs, Schoo! Fair at the Fair Grounds in Ranows Pik. i; en McDonald, : \ 'ee or e 1 es. . Si the vill terdaw Th ; r 9; . RE . : . Be: . 1 4 ngs yestordan There was 2 man, 13; Godfrey Barr, 5. We have just received 1,000 Book Covers, which will be giv- ar Chokers Jf moe summer of eivier'in "och | ma3, 1: Guster bres." 207 ee ta school children calling at the store Friday. So. Kid, .|'Wyona Horne, 4; Ranous Pyke, 13, } : Ham. en to fifteen children com Colt, dratt type--Eiwood Pasue.| || - be here early | : Your Fur Coat or Furs remade, re- , 6 1 : 4 workmanship, | The prizes to the boy and girl | . - ne ---- : ? Calf, dairy heifer--Wyona Horne, CT Ls maki) the highest points went to : reasonable prices and quick despatch. {Gorda Gillespie of oo No. 13 and 4; Harry Greenwood, 4 Sep.; Wil- CREPE BED SPREADS, $2.59 McKay Fur Coats are priced in plain Wyona Horne of No. 4. The school | 1am Whitmarsh, 4 Sep. . » figures, much less than general stores so-alled Sale Prices. Comparison will convince you. Com- pare -style, quality, workmanship and You can depend on McKay Furs to be exactly as represénted. If you live out-of-town, write for our "1928 catalogue of Fur Fashions and ex- pert fur advice and information you des sive, parade was wom by school No. 13, amg, ay breed--Braest Green- - 12 only, Krinkled Crepe Spréads in an extra good size-- 72 x 20 which also -gaghered most of the Su ; inches. These Bed spreads are very easily laundered and require no prizes of the day. os . & y The results are given below in Apples and Cooking, yonmg. ..\.-t... LL... 0 Sal Price... . each the different classés, the number| ADDles, winter variety--Clarence * . : ++ $2.59 ! : Gibson, 14; Gordon Gillespie, 13; ft h me denogitg the school > = * ! after edch name denopiti the schoo Florence Alarie, 8; Clara O'Shea, 7. hier od orénce Alri. Cars O'then, 1. hy ~FLOOR OILCLOTHS, 55¢. SQ. YD. : a ville. 9; Howard Seville, 8; Gordon . : Te tay : nah ~ Whea!. Marquis, 4 gusris--Gor Slisxhia, 13; Gladve Nils. 3 Parn ] pd enting a new range of best quality Dominion Floor Oil- don Gillespie, 13. : re Payne. | |} ; ; or ' : Whats heat yous. Hothel 4; 18: Orala Hotae gr Roneen Ruvse. [1 | "cloths; in pretty Block, Floral and Tiling designs. All widths up to oe te aan GHRl, &: Teas Hons 3, trices ene... 5Be, sq, yard Wyona Horne, 4; Maud Woodman, Bread, date; ug or ralsin--Ella ; : s ite d | : x : cKAY Limi : : Mosier, 9; Jean Grant, 6; Wyona { \ McK UR HOURS 33: Charles Woodman, 13; Howard Horne, 4: Thelma' Stevenson Bb: LINEN TOWELLING, 7 YARDS FOR $1.00 : 1 Barley, sheal--Wyona Horne, 4; | Helen MacDonald, 13; Lois Niles. 8 ea a Jear Grant, 6. gore, ment, fuuftins--Jeun Grant, th Li BL yard lengths of all pure Linen Towelling, in White ; = 8 . 6 husked Min. | 8: ys Niles, 8; Lois es, 8; : S nie Wordon, ae Joslin, 13, Eila Mosier, 9; Wyona Horne, 4; wit or ue border. : On sale friday at 1.00 length Jack O'Shea, 7; Winnie Stevenson, | Elva Fawcett, 5. . ™ a 6; Alice Bolton, 4. Layer cake---Reba Mullen 4; Flor: ; » ' , 5 Sweet corn, single ear---Easl Jos-| ®0ce Alarie, 8; Helen MacDonald, i ; : C ln, 13; Winnie Stevenson, 5;-Alfee| 13; Jean Grant, 8; Maud Woodman, . So Bolton, 4)}.Minnie Woodman, a: at hovd Mosier, 9. ie Readh e . 1 1 i Jack O'Shea, 7. - uit tarts--Jennie Ryan, 8; Removes Corns, Callouses and Bunions in Sweet corn, sheal--Minnié Wood- | Jean Grant, 6; Leona Bulls. 4. . 11 ] te ' Ten Minutes. - . man, 4; Earl Joslin, 18; Alice Bol-| Reba Mullen, 4; Wyona Horne, 4; : * 5 Tg ER ' ton, 4; Reta McRae, 6; Lawrence | Muriel Watts, § SEE OUR DISPLAYS ! Horde. 3. Maple créam--Wyona Horne, 4: THE ALWAYS Mary MacDonnell, 7; Leona Bulli ! Field 'corn, six husked ears--Jos- 8, ' ime SEERTEERY | RUGS | RS I DERIES Charles Woodman, 13; Mary McRae, | Ella Mosier, 9; ' ) 6 "Field corn, single ear--Joseph Sewing and Manual Training. KINGSTON'S CARPET WAREHOUSE. Marrison, 4; Charles Woodman, 13; | Two patches, patchword design Jean Grant, 6; Mary McRae, 8; Jean | Maud Woodman, 13; Reba Mullen, Horne, 3. y - 4;. Audrey Fawcett, 5; Leona Bulli, Field corn, sheaf--Charles Wood- | #: ane Horse, 3; Greta Horne, 3. man, . 13; Jeéan' Grant, 6; Jeane WO patches, applique design --- ; ; Horne, 3; Mary McRae, 6; Howard | Augusta Horne, 3; Jean Grant 6. --l he justly proud, It stands on a} Watt, 9. : Guest towel<-Jean Grant; 6. Reba east. It ua corner gite facing the Mullen, 4; Wyona Horne, 4: Maud : . 8 a frame building 70 feet 'Vegetables, Woddman, 13; Augusta Horne, 3: sand 32 feet wide, erected on a Potatoes, 12 Irish Cobblets--Gor- | Helen Macdonald, 13; Tes ¢ roan oi 3 Suuaation, large porch don Gillespie, 13; Richard Russeil,| Window stick--Kenneth Berry, 8: ARY ian ont entrance. lnside, 4; Sanford Kyle, 4; Gordon Dignum, | Clarence Boyd, 4. ay mr Rdidiy lighted by 13; Millard Horne, 3. , i . . Cols 8 ant equipped with the Potatoes, peck Irish Cobblars-- Collections and Essays. munity hall for the Department of | (< an pam of lights for even. Gordon Gillespie, 13; Gordon Dig.| Collection. "15 most troublesoms | Agriculture spake of the excellency -- yn Ration. The wainscotting num, 13; Richard Russell, 4; San-| Weeds--Gordon Gillespie, 18; Hilva|of the bulldfng and especially rom- or r 8 Are of Sir, ¥hte the walls ford. Kyle, 4; Ella Pyke, 13. Fawcett, 5; Lawrence Horne, 3; |plimented R. W Wager, boss car- fo Ha re tastefully décorated in Potatoes, single Irish Cobbler | Augusta Horne, 8: Millard Horne, 3. | penter, on the, excellence of the work gy he 0 re. The floor is polish- Gordon Gillespie, 13; Gordon Digs| Collection of 50 insecis--Auguita | done under © his personal = super- al lated o «This auditorium is num, 13; Henry Halliday, 14: Rich: | Horne, 8.1 bp oa « | vision. - He also spoke of the en: b p © stat three hundred and wo : se foe {ard Russell, 4; Ella Mosier, 9. ¢| . Collection oti. nuts.and seeds-- | thusiasm shown by the people' of routs Nat people. At the far end A ---- : ---- Potatoes, 12 Green Mountain o#| Gordon Gillespie, 13; Millard Horne, | the community in the Bullding of | ® bres, 1s & wide stage flanked TEE 0d Dooley--Sanford Kyle, 4; Winnis| 3; Lawrence Horne, 3. * | the halk and said that walle in some Sone ae rooms of ample propor- if 8 § | Stevenson. "5; Ramous Pyke, 13: Collection of leaves and sprays-- | places it had taken about a year io os rp Age 8 finished in red J urse C Richard Russell,. 4; 'Clara O'Shea, | Ranous: Pyke, 18; Barl Joslin, 13; | finish such a butidias, not so at wor I equipped with a splen- " = 7. y , Kvelyn McDermott, 4; Muriel: Watts, | Enterprise, as t e work was push-| % | Potatoes, pack Green Mountain or | 4; Gordon Gillespie, 13, |. od Shead very rapidly. The speaker | | CN the basement, is the heating [ff ment in rp and fancy, Dooley--Sanfofd Kyle, 4: Richard| Essay, "The. Birds That Live assured the gathering that it was > ant, a ig {Fiadiay) Pipeless ultable for all occasions, and Russell, 4; Phillip Hogan, 7; Ranous | About Our House"--Wyona Horne, on his 'recommendation how much age. ok ho is a large ban- Hi i CLASS ? Pyke, +13; Clara O'Shea, 7. 4: Muriel Watts; 1; Augusta Horne, | of & grant was made, and bs Fecon- Ju on 2 rp for ~~ FIRST a Rb. Potatoes, single Green Mountain| 3. mended to his chief that the maxi- | °%€ ha. red and fifty guests and OPEN 6 AM. TO 2.30 AM. : or Dooley--Ranous Pyke; 13; Rich-| Essay, "My Day at Mr. Bushell's| mum under the Act be hahded ocer. The boss & fully equipped kitchen, rg '~ ; ord Russell, 4; Fred Henderson, 14; | Fair"--Maud Woodman, 13; Gordon | Mr. Hart spoke of - the advantage : asement is reached from the T E CROWN CAF E Jack Halliday, 14; Henry Halliday | Gillespie, 13; Greta Horne, 8. which in some cases. the city people | 20itoriom by a staircase near the Se E PHILIP TOY, Manager Kok 14. ! ) E84 3 Howard Seville, 9; Jaan Grant, 6. Jennie Ryan, 6; Wyona Horne, 4; 2} yards. Extra value % have over the cduntry but not so in | ROTH West corner. The whole plant Potatoes," peck Trish Cobblers Writing and Art. the case at Enterprise, as ali could | '* calculated t minister to the wants from old seed--Ranous Pyke, 13:| Writing, 4th class--Thelma Stev-| gather and enjoy many of the ad Souda. of the Samm apity in a Ella Mosier. 9: Joseph Marrison, 4. | enson, 5; Jean Grant, 8; Floyd Mos- things they had been previously un- ay thee manxer, For up to thi Mangels, 5 roots--Wyona Hotne, | fer, 9. : able to see, owing to there being no bial ASEPIie has had fio public 4; Bdna McRae, 6. Writlig, 3rd class--Winnie Stev-| meeting place. He also urged 'tae | JATLRE IB wh ich. conedrts and pub. P Mangels, 1 root--Douglas Saville, | onson.'5; Elva Fawcett, 5: Gordon |need of thave being a season of ré- pig re, night be _beld. ment! fi, ec ve vege son | wos Co ee ae |The TR pts dna THE TIME for you to buy an ELRCTRIC TOASTER, or/ J! © Beets,» 6 specimens --. Gordon 5 Rano Pre, Tor Be a: TR ooputy minis. | 24Ye gone past repeated attempts ff for service. Call in and let us show one Gregg, 8: Mids Bolton, 5: Hepry|d FETE "| ter of agriculture, presented a sil- iy sg made to being. lata being ES aaa +7 $8.00 to $7.50. Snider, 3; Bertha McRae, 6: Howard | Writing, 1st class-- Maud MeDon- | ver trophy which was won by 'a ir Ad lic hall Rut all to no and first class ordeF all makes of [| Seville, 9. ald; 7; Mae Snider, 3; Dorothy Murs | team composed of : Yat. As Sarly ia January of 1 guarantee our work. : Beets, 1 specimen--Eart Mosier, | phy. 8. tas Year that the machinery was set RRC % 9: Howard Seville, 9; Maud Wood-| Writing, primer class--Blwood | at the stock judging competition in| 18 motion h resulted fif'the er- i. e man, 13; Doris Kyle, 6; Althea Rus| Payne, 8. connection With the 'Na 'alr. | 2tion of the a: t sditice. Aa.en- B C LO, |: Drawing, {th class--Gorden Ding. | He traced the value of such judgiuy } a nities. supsrintended the : a1 Cartots, §' specimens--Heward | man, 13; Barl Joslin, 13; George competitions which_first started tn | NOT Bul these en Suits Jo givisg ; ne ae Bl Watts, 9. Audrey Fawceft, 5: Eval Dingiian, 13, i '| the township fairs 'and then grew Chas. 1's share : , stedif to Mr. = MENA | yi, 13; Thelma Stevenson, 5;| Drawing, 3rd class--Jerome Mur-|into the provificial exhibitions. Mr. an. The building took its = Clarence Gibann, 14. phy, 8; Florence Alaris, 8; Gorden | Edgar Drew, in a short speech, rve- form under the expert workmanship EEE A hs AT Carrots, 1 specimen--May Snider, | Gillesple, 13. ~ | sporided. Mr. Roadhouse also spoke [of Mr R. F. Wagar. The exterior rs Shen, 7: Eva Pyke. 137 |. Drawing, 1st clast--Dotothy Mur. |of the sent stventane of a. ore he Tabor demon. Beil, while aw . 93 1 v Rs 5 . AX A 5 fs 1 r Aitrey ett 8, Wrasa Horns, phy, 2 ant "McDonald, & Ken mntty | in Ay by Mr. Jaco Loucks. . Turaips, § roots--Althes Russell} | ; 18 the speaker, traced t rr -------------- : : En omasiar © ress apire There are about 170,000 men and R Turnips, 1 root--Althes' Russell, tehing _ dry s 1 : : {women in prisons of the United § Ontos, # specimens--Biva Faw- . Onions, 1 specimen mjva Faw-