ee BR T Straight Liberal seats and two Lib. tends congratulations. It is hard to | cause Investors are convinced, not eral-Progressives.. More significant | be defeated so badly but It is a grea; only of W. H. Coverdale's ability, than ever, is the fact that some of | satisfaction to know that the Prinel- [but also of his integrity. And the these gains were made in places | ples for which Liberals were fight- [latter has really far more. to do where the tariff was bound to be an |ing have prevailed in sufficient | with: {4 present. bettered position | Issue, and effectually disposes of the | places to ensure a' coitindance of 9-the company than the former. SIV 30 aften heard that industrialthe Beneficial govermment that. the There are other advantages which Ontario wants a kigh tariff. The | country has bad - for the past five | acerue to tavestors who only buy. the riding of Kent, Which includes the [years under Mr, King. : stocks of those companies which ate Industrial city of Chatham; the rid. Fh c. ' edministered By men of proven capa- ing of North Oxford, which includes LF bility and acknowledged integrity. the industrial city of Woodstock FRONTENAC-ADDINGEON The Canada Steamship Lines again both rejected Mr. ee -- ; can well be used as an example. ers. So did South Oxford which in.| From the majority received by! 'Here is a company which, while cludes Ingersoll and Woodstock. In| Dr. Edwards in the county yesterday | most certainly having no monopoly the large industrial city' of London | day it is evident that his popularity | of the Great Lakes trade, yet at the that has for yedrs been regarded as |is by no means on the wane. Mr. !same time, the recent consolidation a Conservative stronghold, a ma-|R. J. Bush@ll put up a 800d fight, | makes it 'the dominant factor in the Jority of 4,383 was reduced to 871. {and . his SuUppoPters helped him | shipping situation on the inland ee FF In Brantford, the biggest agricut. nobly, but the ead secured by Dr.| waters of the Dominion. As Mr. RE -- tural implement centre, a Conserva- | Edwards last Fall was hard to over- | Coverdale has the complete contid.. : Daily - | tive majority of 2.443 was reduced | come, De Edwards is an experiénced ence 'of investors, so too he will gain £ ; : wHIG to 750. In South Renfrew in which Politician, and 'he knows his riding | the confidence of the publica con- enn rer Potdeit] te two industrial towns of Renfrew | from one end to the other. Not only | tidence which is essential in the ad- . 'WAEN YOU HAVE A PRINT- and Arnprior are ft foes he know the ridibg but' ne ministration of aif transportation > textile factories Conservativs | Xlows the -electors, and these are companies. ¢ , ING JOB, DO YOU THINK majority was reduced from 1,441 tothe things that count in election} Economies and savings will oven- : OF THE BRITISH WHIG COM- 125. Had there not been a campaigns, . 'tually be made through the recent R TT | three-cornered tight 1 would Mr. Bushell campaigned vigorous- consolidation of ®ie three lake : MERCIAL PRINTING DEPT ve have ° been - completely 'wiped | 1¥ but the odds against him were too | fleets; Mr. Coverdale is too expert a . ~ : out, But berhaps more signii- | great to be avercome in & few | public utility operator not to realize, : : td cant than "all Was the Yesul: | short weeks. The Fair coming at and 10 carry out to the fullest ex. in - T WN REPRESENTATIVES: in Oshawa, where a majority of over | this Particular time, tao, interfered | tent, the betterments 'in the ger. TRA 5 ts Hossarar®em 190 King| 1 200" was reduced to 800. This isto some extent with ng - afrange: | vices which the recent mergdr has |- x 'the eity that was most affected by; Ments and he was not able to cover | Made possible. Thus investors must the cut in the, automobie tariee and | the riding as" thoroughly as he benefit in the long run, but they will : the vote indicates that it is feeling | should. Although beaten he 18 by no benefit not so much by "ability" as . : is --- » more favorable towards "the Liberal | means discouraged, 'and will doubt by "integrity. The latter is the > Fi ine pr inting good service party than it did a Year ago These | less try another battle with _Ahe | most important point upon which . a . whicy me Of the straws which show | doctor when the: next contest comes an intehding favestor will satisty reasonable Prices which way the wind is blowing. Mr. | around. himself before making his commit- The circulation of The Britis aig Vincent Massey frankly told a! . ------ ments, ! 5 Suan 7 he Susi tngston audience Saturday night. THE LIBERAL PROGRAMME ---- = that when the 1924 Libera) Budget -- : =D . ofa M48 brought down he was yery! 'Rt. Hon. Mackenzie King has a |. TTORIAL NOTES. + Strongly opposed to it, but he had Bid - fine programme to CAFTY out fh the 0 . Conservative election posters all Since found that the Liberal method coming re Ho bas pledged What a fine 247 Bt was. over the country implored the people | ot cheapening the cost of agricul : 1 ---- , ; bo himsélsto carry out th things: ' he : nay yold Another lection" and tural Implements increased sales and | § oo continge Felontiesity ne in- What a Tory slaughter: g they have certainly done so. Not ex- re business for the factor. vestigation of the customs service, . 1 i : -> ¥, however, in the way in which 3 at i$ the Liberal doctrine | and to Carry out withoiit fear or ot morning, did you vote up. : x ; British Whig authors of the posters wished it| ang it will, we feel sure, contiftue to | favor the Seeded reforms. : ©. The results of the polling | make headway in Ontario. 2. In our dext budget to make a a-- » lorday indicale that the Liberal ee / Teductions .in direct taxation and al atten. 10 be all Liveral gains | Commercial Printing Department Bas been returned to power| The Prairie provineés, as was ex. [thus further lighten the burdens . & majority sufficient, to allow | pected, went solidly against the Con. | "POR the people. ; EN British Whig Bldg. Phone 2614 . 3. To reintroduce 'and' carry Mr. 'King will attend the Imper. | : Eovernment to carry on inde: servative party, returning only One| through the legislation Which waa | fal Conference after all. Kingston, Onlario ntly, if need be, for it is Conservative, and defeating Myr. defeated or scrapped by the Conser- -- | jFictically assured that all those Melghen, himself, ang Hon. Rober | vative action at the efid of the last The Robb budget dia it; the Tor | ( as Liberal-Progressives will Rogers. It is unlikely that the Con- Jession, Such as old age pensions and les could not budge it. i Mr. King on every import- | se i r cre . . : | measure which he will bring bo- . 4. 0 fo al hat dies In 2s Dover Ottawa evidently appreciates the | o House. With the aid of the the Conservatives - one ot Bie oa Hor iod Ma#kensie King administration. | ssives, U.F.A., Labor and In- did well, and they also retained a = It was a poor day for Kingston er tress csi aun ves: : nations within the British Empire. o--" dents, those favoring progres-| firm hold on the Maritimes. But TE lea Liberals but the night--what a glor- | trea; That sound Y berment! the number of visitors from other Who 'can ind the time 19gislation will total about 185 | during. the mest tive years, it is 1 'countries than the United States | and strength for such a walk; would v -------- y at 3 ; abn : ! ed lke dismem Finally, though not so considerable, & twenty miles a day, : he Conn ihb uinety odd|altogether provable thar: rit [DO YOU DRINK Faink PINTS OF ious oteasion, : . ; The Whig tried to te the people It really does look ax if the Cana. | considerably increases the grand to- | be the better Hut fonr or tive Be Conservatives will. be} the dissatisfaction in the Maritimes WATER DAILY? B to muster, 5 "4 will 'be dissipated, ang that the PS" : ; » sl Liberals win again " make gains| The average person should drink that Meighen couldn't win, but dian electorate are of opinion that | tal of our guests during the fine | miles is 'excellent medicine, ang two : at least three pints of water daily, many doubted our authority. ' season. Who will deny in face of | or three is far better than the few thers. Summing up the whole Ban that duplRg Hot : 3 the governor-general was deceived these that the tourist ind hundred yards that tat situation the result Yesterday was a [©YeD more than uring 3 ---- s : by Meighen. The Conservative lead- try is fares ron oe rae nim people Tara tha fallattes 20 many 1 trlamph for the policies | Weather. Premier Ferguson will be the next er sought af advantage and 83 8D | press It is Also gratifying to ses : Because you are not thirsty does | (qo Appear before the electorate of AL 5 y ; ---------------- ¢ . : al the try that ha 8.. 'The| Hig | BOL necessarily mean that you do not | Ontario. He sees something ahead of | 1 0 the country * PROYER| how the Quebec Qoveriment and | Fresh Pags and Shaw Gibsbns. | ut Canada. i . disastrous to him, - certain other associations concen- Scandal had little effect. pudiated by the Sed more water: When you con- him. ¥ trate dpom organizing this industry -- y The hat People were -f unlikel it wil ; sider that 'water comprises about 70 No ------ 5 Wh Upon a broad and solid basis. A few i, was the Roh mares aver hn vu + a | Der cont. of the Hody weight and has | | Coming events cast their Shadows cons SE Hon. W hy a Rensl¢ King days ago the Minister of Head Kings: nl ated prosperity of the Can. | tarite Dolley that wil)' pro aany Important funbtions, you un- (defers and the coming of. the Grits calumny cast upon him, with a re. | DOUNced that Clesn anything that ean be clbnnsy National Railways, Qld Ace| round development in 't derstand why there is little danger a y Bowen, sas fhe' Shadow | 4 SHY for ono And Integrity far 1 . 0. COE & P. BAR : Other benifticent meas- | and a general policy that will make | that any person in goo health can | Ca asim 0 : : beyond anything heretafore con- ; ; Office: 80 Aveh Street. "Phone 1235w h | for unity, and 'we believe that such {drink too much of it. ADYhow We oa all Gree on the ceived. He is a peer among the Call and deliver, the peaple of Canada. Asa p Water is necessary to provide merits of the Kingston Industrial | Premiers of Canadian parliaments. 3 Droposes to dot all the by The British Whig the Slasticity and suppleness to bones, Exhibition. Let us all 'see it early ------ iin, Principal roads of the Dominion witn made little appeal. s muscles, cartilage and telidons, to ' Te ---------- | halting places where the tourist may Dr Vincent A 1 oked {nto it caretully| homies Yarious Juith of INE body ag 029 Ofte. a Hon needed 6 coins' he, OTM: : of subordinates WIT IN HiNotron they. may' bertorm thelr functions, "Every tittle bit added to what || - Quebec Viewpoint and. visit the surrounding errs. DENTIST THE RES GSTON. land to act as a solvent for 80 E x ard all desirable material accommoda- |] ' : Eveatuzs br appointment, , | Surprise to the Liberals. Although blgod and iymph hy which nutritive La Presse comments rapturously ton. | 272 Princess streen. Phone 108 upon one of the Province's mos: |. _ rr ---- Mr. Halliday entered the field at a ubstances are taken + 1tleli Whiz e abundant | Paving Industries: the tourist traf. ---- --s late date, he proved to be a remark. are 0 all 8 The British Whig gav flo ot} g the system and waste produc are evidence that the country was going "It 1s al Meredivie that the i a Lumber » all sizes » [hi $000 a lida: a tu ith | moved. | Ltberal; too bad. Kingston electors | 0 I a le Bp z. t. that w ty : One common fallacy now Is the {unhéeded the timely advice. Canada this year the sum of $190; io > F OR S ALE tes hat was os ocLISEINg- (holler that water should' not be Or-- ; 000,000 trom - American isto } : Ye ested that he would make drunk with meals, or. that i¢ faters| Tt is stated that Federal govern- | alone. It fs true that our rich: nei Name For 3 3 na be and many thought teres with. digestion. The only ment employees wer 'helping in the ghbors are Spending ) : : - Also Roofing Material Wien one views the situation calm. | PATRIul practice' is to drink any Ii | Tory interests in" Kingston Judter-| ; a | 1y, SHI6E 1t1s ll over, one is Sounq | WWI When you have food io your] 147. This shares. should ba faves. X This gated. : r<| to confess thgt for the time he was | MOUtH. (18 Promotes a tendency a in the fight, Mr. Halliday mad, go Sither to hehew or over Sal, hes "What a change a few Hours : hat Rt 86 absorbed. It i we've got Just mikes a little nit t may ;be absorbed. 80 | more," was a happy Liberal con- THe result in Kingston was a YE | provides a fluid medium tor the | yioiion last night: splendid run. He has no Feason to one food is wished down, makes. Today government officials feel disg 'He put wp good water, 80. long as ft has not ayy ay wort very. indepen- clean fight, and took his defes: wick | Tun Gown a roof, Ia pure. But it to] M00 Touterdey to discuss: a smile like the good sport that he insipid 'and. distastétul heesuse ft Is. : : Many, things, undoubtedly, contri buted to Dr. Ross' large } he | Put Dutting. aside intiuences lous kinds that may have worked in ons | Bis favor, it bas got to be admitted | of It