Ge : ___THE DAILY BRITISH Founded i847, = NEW FALL HATS THE JAEGER SHOP SUITS $20.00 up to $35.00 (All prices between) TOP COATS $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 - Right at the beginning of the Fall season, with styles at their best -- fabrics at their finest--and tailoring never better, we pre- sent this value-giving demonstration » of . Suits and Top Coats. Men who appreciate _ the utmost in everything, including ex- mane low price will certainly respond. DURING FAIR WEEK We are expecting a record-breaking business. LIVINGSTON'S AGENTS IN KINGSTON FOR BURBERRY COATS 1f Off Your Route It Pays To Walk 1000 Butterflies!! ing fast. Have you t one for Ro yet ? Float praeto ; like a real Butterfly. With one of the following purchases may be JE at Pastry Counter or: "BLE power TEA : 'Ceylon blend--good body flavor--proves a favorite where § and will -- wm i gif ns i KINGSTON'S BIG FAIR "NOW. IN FULL SWING} Exhibits Are Now All in Order ~ and Have Been Much Admired. 2 Kingston's big tar lait 18 Sow a fui swing. Everything & dn dia and all that #t is necessary to make it a great success ds to have good weather. Now that the election is over, a re- cord crowd is looked for at the exhi- bition for the balance of the week. Although Tuesday the opening day of the fair, was election day, a large number of people visited the ewhibi- ition and were delighted with it. The directors, realizing that Tuesday would be more or less an off day, on account of the election, did not have a programme of Taces or lam usamen ts. On Tuesday afterneon, Joseph White, Pontsmouth, the poultry judge, commenced his work. On aec- count Of being slated to act else where, on Wednesday, he will not be able to complete hs work until Thursday moming. Egg Laying Contest. There are six pens entered i the laying contest in connéction with the poultry exhibit at the fair. The Josult. Jor She, Sst day Was. 8 241 8: Hicks, B. Rocks, 5; C. L, Hicks, W. Wyandottes, 5; W. Gardiner, W. Wyandottes, 2; W. Gardiner, An- cones, 3. The contest will comtinue for the five \lays of the fair, Women's Institutes. Everyone pauses at the Women's Institutes' epace at the: ight of the main entrance, which has been filled with flowers and where the table decoration competition is going on. The Institutes of. Parham and Moun- tain Grove found it impossible to send in exhibits, but the ather In- stitutes, Inverary, Westbrook, Syd- enham, Harrowsmith, Godfrey, Pitts- burgh, Sunbury, Glenbumie, Batter- sea and the Frontenac Juniors, have arranged the flowers with fine taste against a background of cedar. The executive of Fromtemac district and the committee in charge of the exhibit have been most active. A pioture of Mrs, F. 8. uson, Inverary, president of the Women's Institutes of Frontenac, will be found on the Woman's Page of to- day's Whig. Vanluven Bros. One of the most ve motor displays on the grounds is that of Vanluven Bros., Ford dealers. The |taree tent which houses this ex- hibit ds docated just to the north- (gray), light black deliv- f{ory, sport mosdster, touring car in § | moleskin, coupe in moleskin, tudor The cars are finished with lacquer be effedted by the raic. More cans are being sold at present time im Ontario than on occasion, mainly due to the price is rignt, and ve, after years of ser longer than any other. interested in the pur- car, truck or tractor. 'you to visit this ex- convincad that the new you have been looking ¢ People can go windowishopping at 7 it is | the Kingston fair, for the latest and most lovely fur coats ave to be view led through the window of W. F. Gourdier's space, including Fur | ment sills, lintels, G. B. Holland, Barred Rocks, 2: [herder J. Smith, W. Wyandottes, 1; C. L.|] If you are a radio fan, call and bee this radio exhibit, as there gre many new things Which Hel might interest you. R. 7. McClellan's Exbibit When going through the palace, i. will certainly pay you to make an in- spection of the concrete products which are on exhibit in the exLibit owned by R..J. McClelland. If you are re thinking of building a new house or barn; see the cohcnete Blovky snd be convinced that it is a concrete block build that you want. These concrete blocks have been officially tested and are guaranteed to comply with the building require. ments of the building codes, also the building by-laws of the City of King- ston, Three blocks were tested. in Toron- to, to an average of sixty-eight tons. compression test, and were only one month old. Three bricks tested over twenty tons each. Mr. MeClelland also carries a complete stock of ce- course, lawn vases, cement seats, ete. The plant where these articles are manufactared is"at the corner of William and Ou- faric streets. et eee Ju Cattle. L. J. C. Bell, Brampton, the gov- ernment judge for je cattle, ar- rived in the city on Wednesday morn- ing, and commenced work. . Mr. Bell is the owner of a large jersey farm at Brampton, which has four hundred head of cattle. A large number of cattle have been shipped across the by Mr. Ball, and have won prizes at the state fairs. D.'G. Boyd, the horse judge, also sommenced work Wednesday morn- ing. | City and District Excursion From Clayton. The Clayton band brought about 150 people from Clayton, N.Y, to Kingston-on Wednesday for the fair. Had Great Confidence. The citizen who wagered $50 that the Liberal party would be return- ed by twenty-five over the Con- servative showed fine confidence in Liberalism. He won with some to spare. . Big Kennel Show: The Dog Show at the Kingston Industrial Fair this year promises to be the best of its kind ever held in. Kingston. A pew- building has been provided; an official veterinary will be attendance. Boy's Nose Fractured. Robert Orr, a YTéurteen-year-old boy of Simcoe Island, was kicked in the face by a horse thiz morning and suffered a fractured nose. He was brought to the General Hospital where he was given medical atten- tion, . ---- In the Police Court. In the Police Court on Wednesday mording, & young man was charghd with stealing a ring and also a watch, but he was found "not guil- | ty' on both charges and they wers dismissed. According to the evidence, the ring neported stolen is a wedding ring and it is claimed that a certain young lady in Kingston is now wear- ing the ring, so it is likely that therp will bé further developments in the case. | un SOCIAL HENS | Mrs. J. A. Gould, Mrs. Billott Ir- win, and Master Bobs snd Bille motored from Toronto today and are |. the guests of Miss Jane Irwin, Col- borne street. * . 4 Miss Vina Young Alfred street, Is in New York the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Salter. 3 - » " par and Mrs. T. Pugh who have returned rom. Snglana 'are mans a few days Wik liam Cherry, Barrie strest, before SU ha a A Aaa hl hh ah A A Aha bd ddd Thie great response to the former listed bargain 'Specials given dusing the past eater value giving for ition. few days, mpts us to remaining 3 fais ys of the Exhi. PRICES SLASHED AGAIN 100 only Extra Large. Size - Honeycomb Bed Spreads % EXHIBITION SPECIAL ! Former values at $3.25 means a real, substantial saving on this bed- ding necessity. White, medium in Ra weight, easy to launder, with neat- ae S rH y hemmed ends. Size is full 2 x = only Bed Comforters 2.95 each AN EXHIBITION SUPER-SPECIAL Every one of them valued formerly at $3.75, means that you are saving nearly $1.00 on each Comforter. Made from best quality filling, covered with dainty, floral de- signed covering, with pretty 'panels'in Blue on Rose to match. Note the large, generous 'size--66 x 72 inches. EXHIBITION SPECIAL - $2.95 EACH 500 Yards ENGLISH MERCERIZED TABLE DAMASK 35c¢ yd. Priced formerly at 50c. yard 1,000 Yards 36 Inch UNBLEACHED COTTON 5 yds. for 59¢ Pre-war 'value at Rrowar Dice --- heavy quality, Unbleached Coston inches widey being formerly 16¢. Sard : Rind Lin Silk wide. 250 Yards Black Duchess at 21.19 yard Repeated so as to give every Exhibition Visitor the SPPOTtuSity to secure their share of this great A lovely, rich, lustrous quality, Exhibition Week Only + $1.19 Yard. 750 YARDS