Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Sep 1926, p. 11

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TO-NIGHT ONLY Nagel Cinire Windsor "Dance Madness" A - Ane a n - = ny or r------ tein THE CAPITOLIANS oo wae ee A SCRIP BOOK. WILL SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY ! } by [Feeeensnnas 'Taxicabs Phone 800 28c DAY OR NIGHT . The cab tht serced the prices FOR SALE BY TENDER To Settle an Estate, This Property Must Be Sold. A solid §.x0 8, all mod- SLT Ry . ve . a n barn Bb 3 ; © to house, one accommodate wl | made | i | i | MARINE The governmeént boat Concretia, which was in at the causeway, clears ed this morndng for Bay pons. The car ferry Chiltles Lyons, which has been dn the Collingwood Shipbuilding dry dock for two days, cleared this morning for Prescott. The steamer Cape Tunily is at the Collingwood = Shipbuilding Company having general repairs. Barges are expected to-day at the Richardson elevator. Up--Sert. 14th, McKingsiry, 2.45 p.m. Mapleheath, 11.30 pam; Sept. 15th, Field, 6 a.m. Down---Sept. 15th, City of Teron 10.20 a.m.; Richards, "11 am.: 2 pm.? Edmonton, 3.30 Nr to, Mapleton, p.m. The steamer Kingston 'made her trips east and west to-day. Willlam Swaine, piano tuner, Orders received at 100 Clergy street to herd about 25 tons of |{West, 'phone 564w. fer house with stable 8 de And 20 sheep. These have concrete floors. ground with property. be, divided up to oan be sten by apply~ 450 Division Street, s Will be received up to Uet. T let, 1928 whe, M. BAILEY . BA ' 2287 St. Urbain Street, Montreal Que. '- i Kingston Yacht Club SEE Ri? STH f o C. 8. Kirkpatrick, Sec'y. SALE OF VALUABLE 'CITY PROPERTY | Will be offe for sale on ¥ he seer DAL OF SEP- 1028, at the o's TU; Mr..J. Derry is in charge of the luncheon of the Rotary Club on Thursday. '"Houbigant Toilets" at Gibsons. Notice to Creditors In_the Matter of the Estate of Charlies Whitiear, se of the Township of Oso, 1a the County of Frontenac, and Frovince of Ontario, Yeoman, De conned, NOTICE ts hereby given, pursuant to section 58 of the Trustees Ach R.8.0., 1814. Chapter 121 and amending acts that all creditors and others havin claims or demands agains: the estate o the sald Charles Whiticar, Yeoman, de- d, wha died on or about the Twen- ty-thind day of August, A. D, 1926, at ® Town of Perth, in the Oounty of Lanark, are required on or Before the Ninth day of October, A.D. 1924, to send hy post, prepaid, or deliver to C. J. Foy, of the Town of Perth, Solicitor for the Executors of the last Will and Testa- ment of the said decedsed, thelr Chris tian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars In writing of their claims, a statement of thelr accounts and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the sald Executors o | Will proceed to dis ribute the assets: of {Londcn's famous novel, ods ans {®t the Capitol Theatre, is sald to be iTeplate with spectacular scenes. {any statement. But expectations in|! | political gircles AMUSEMENTS testi What the Press Agents Say About BIG SCENES FILMED. "The Bea Wolf" Packed With Drama and ir Action. A mew screen version -of . Jack "The Sea be on view for] rE aw Wolf," which will' ey A forryboat and a giant ocean liner Actually crash at sea. The ftemy founders in a fog, while "'Wolf" Larcen's vessel, the Ghost, Js burned after a desperate battle between the "Wolf" and his mutinous crew. While all these episodes are thril- lingly recorded by the camera, the emphasis in thé picture bas been laid upon the. striking story, which is at bottom a study in contrasts--the brutal oss captain who believes that "might makes right' 'and the assthe- tic, peace-loving young reviewer and clubmen whom he réscues after a Catastrophe af sen. Ralph W. Ince, a man of great : physical Prowess, a8 well as a tal- ented actor, is sald to 40 thé best work of his career as "Wolf." Claire Adams is the heroite. Other play- ore featured ars Theodore Von Eitz, Spitz Edwards and Mitchell Lewis, Mr. Ince directed thé picture THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG A =~ The evening frock (left) has its own wrap, which may be retained as a part of the costume or removed with the outer wrap. At the right "is a street model with simple frock and cape of tan kasha cloth. The cape is trimmed in nutria fur. MEIGEEN WILL LIKELY RESIGN Progressives May Be Taken Into Cabinet by the Liberal Leader. _ Ottawa, Sept, 15--The rival poli- tical leaders are reviewing the field for the next move. Neither so far has made any public pronounéement. Prémier Meighen was at his office this morning, but declined to make are that he will Summons his Cabinet and make pre- parations for placing his resignation In the hands of the Governor- General. § This would be followed by the summoning of 'Mr. Mackenzie King to form a government. of a Liberal-Progressive coalition Government. During his previous term as premier, Mr. King made. a number of endeavors te secure (he admission of the Progressives to his Cabinet. In the early part of last WOULD RAISE SPEED | | friends. Motor League Will Petition Per hour on the provincial highways of Ontario in place of the present is to be strongly urged government of this province by the Ontario Motor League. league at a special meeting, called to discuss the speed regulations in | this province, and which was very There is already talk. in the air | largely attended, after full consider ation, unanimously went on record for the increase t hour limit, but h rate of 20 miles per hour in cities, towns and villages, remaining as ft Is. LIMIT T0 35 MILES| Ontario Government to Make the Change. By W. G. ROBERTSON | Secretary Ontario Motor League. A speed limit of thirty-five miles imit of twenty-five miles per nour upon the The board. of directors of the the 35 miles par the present ne Ideal trispdship brings ideal | ~~ -------------- "Perfume Oils' Gibsons. City students who intend taking al course at Queen's University will re-! gister on Friday and Saturday of! this week, while students from out! of the city will register on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The man who won't etand to 'Be cheated sometimes sits in judgment | on the wrong person. { "Houbigant Perfumes" Gibsons. When a man criticizes your ections ihe expects you ito praise him, | Farmers, Stockmen and | = Exhibition Visitors KRESO DIP NO. "CANADA'S BEST STOCK DIP. Standardized, Non-Caustic, Insecticide; Germicide and. Disinfectant. ; For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs and Poultry | KRESO DIP NO. 1 prevents diseases, cures eruptions, heals cuts and abrasions, repels flies and insects, makes skin ; and adds greatly to the comfort and appearance of stock. In Tins . . 25c., 50c., 75¢. and $2.25. - FREE SAMPLES AND BOOKLETS ALL THIS WEEK, PRINCESS PHARMACY. soft and DRUGS AND DRUG STORE SERVICE . "Where Princess and. Division Cross" A ------ Two Queen's graduates were ed in the recent contest. They W Dr, Preston in Lanark and Dr. tnam in North Renfrew. Both | ported the Conservative party. "Houbigant Creams" Gibsons. A poted lecturer announced retirement from the platform dus his recent marriage. He will pose as the audience. 3 At the . Perth cheese board boxes were sold at 15 13.-16¢. "Salted Almonds" Gibsons. 'Broadcast From War Ship Is Novel C.N.R.M. Feature 3 noon by ro, & Not Dipeet, Ki ---- rke | h J the said deceased amorig the parties en- 3 welling Houses on dhe titted thereto, having regard ab to the claims of which they shall then have Dotice, and that the said EXsoutors will no: be lable for Lhe said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose clatm notice shall not have been 3 ved by them at the time of ue ution. Dated at Berth, this 7th day of Sep: tember; Av D> 1926: le : LC. For. ecutors Solicitor session, the. admission of Rober: Forke, at the time Prograwsive lexd- er, and couple of other Progressives, Was mooted. But the proposal failed to materialize. It is now thought that Mr. King, when he is calied on to form an administration, will en- deavor to secure Progressive mem- bers of his Cabinet. When in the west during the 'recent .campaign, both Mr. Mackenzie King and Mr. Forks spoke on the same platform. Fire Damages Frame Residence Fire almost completely destroyed the two-story frame residence at 100 Pine street occupied by Mr. Nichol- Son and 'owned by Mr. Gilchrist, when a blaze siarting undér the stairway during the sarly morning ~~ | S8ined great headwass before an | ala was sent in. The firemen an. swered 2 call at 4.09 this morning and after a great deal of trouble managed to extinguish the stubborn blaze which. had gained quite a headway on them. Mr." Nicholson was in the house alone at the time, and he was al- most overcome by the smoke when he was awakened by his spaniel dog. He immediately went to a neighbor who sent in the telephone call to the department. The damage« was . covered by insurance, While there was a strong opinion in favor of abolishing the speed Umit entirély in the open country, it was felt hy the meeting that this might-be a little too @istic a step to take from the present compara tively low limit of 25. miles pér hour and the altesnative proposal of Increasing the' limit instead was decided upon. to. : up en bloe bid, and tthe not reached the houses reserve bid is be put up separately, subject to a will he'd pind eats see { HOTEL RANDOLPH | i TRY SR SUNDAY N ngston, Solicitors T. J. MUNRO, Auctioneer, oo Strong Case Is Made. It was pointed out, however, that a very strong case could be made out for the abolition of the speed init entirely, and in its stead mak- ing it compulsory upon all motor. ists to at all times exercise care and prudence in driving. It was held that while such a provision is al- ready embodied in the law, this most important phase of it was al- most lost sight of by the courts, whi®h are at present more or less found by technical infringement of speed. With the sped limit abni- ished, the circumstancls under which the car was driver would bé the determining factor in all cases which came under the law and would insure justice to All com- cerned. : x » Jt was further brought to the at- tention of the meeting that Com- niissioner A. W. Campbell, of the Dominion Department of Highways, who hail recemtly voiced the view that the time had arrived for the. abolition of techumical speed limits, had made the statement that the modern coustruction of the present highways enabled high speed with- out injury to the roadbed. This, of course, applied only to passenger ve- hicles and light pneumatic tired trucks, the heavier solid vehicles having to be subjected to special regulation at all times. fio a [~The Higher speed was considered as being a necessity, both from the point of view of safety and economy. As the regulations now stood the roadways were daily becoming more | Jept. 15th, 1.30 pm, | CODSESLSd. mot only seriously delay. |. a OOO, suai 108% fijAe Tel & Tel... LL qary Loco. Lo. io... 120% he alternative to higher speed. ose aw Rey aye 5 ---------- hn Ged 0% of the purchase 0 fidition in the British Navy harks back to Nelson and a great many features of dally routine on board ship date from the time of the famous Admiral. However, the navy is at all times equally ready fo es- tablish precbdent and the Comman- er- A charge of 5% will be made on Al taxes and will be en. forced at once, P sor ey dl except Non. and Sat. of 2 pm. Godk 4 re Marines, and after a light and serious music, clude: with a medley, "Sen Old England." this tion of the program Queen Street. ---- ---- STOCK MARKETS | - Sih > Rr "BY .. Pee... : er 5 8 -ne Feelin y bh Ra SRA bea ew in : i CECE RR | ET ee a io nl! Hina wale

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