INISHED UP 'Won Many Games During "Their Schedule. Considering past reports of some and distant softball teams, {it be impossible to pass the En- girls" softball team for the in without some word of cheer 'the success they have had, being bt the best rural team in the They started their success- on May 24th with the -Go-getters, winning by = 13. again at Kingston on June they 'played Westbrooke girls Won the first prize money by a of 37-9. Being flushed with Success they played the Tam- ters on July 3rd, and the score being 17-10. Feeling gh they would like to try IE new, they played the Treasures on July 21st, Same being in favor of Dy a score of 16- This game only encouraged the and with new material they Camden Bast girls oi July Eh, the game ending = tie, 10-10. On August 3rd, they playsd the Bworth Go-getters for the third winning 20-17. Having been they felt encouraged to T res a return the game they showed themselves perior in the last six innings game, scoring more runs than 1 of course, kin- flame that couldn't be extin- li © They played the return with the Camden East girls ~, 5. The Enterprise girls M +. It was then easy to see ¥ the former game was a tie. On Bt 17th, they played the Go-get- losing for once by & score of August 27th, they played Selby The Selby girls played being 'young at the game, to a erowd, they fi go > £q2 #53 B August 4th, Although los- |G POR kind of a task winning the big Four title last fall. Every team in the Union gave the Senators plenty to worry about, afd the Argos whipped 4pm. dapisively here MEL Thame pions may repeat--in fact, they will probably be just as strong as they were in 1926--but they will find ome clever teams opposing - them. Miller's absénce will make a hig dif- férence. He was just ag effective as any other backfield player in the Big Four last fall, and his generalship Was uncanny. Miller incidentally is the best all-round athlete produced in. the Capital in years. In addition to being a star football player, he is former in the Ottawa district, and his prowess in hockey is shown by the fact that the New York .Amer- year contract. He is a goalkeeper, and will likely replace Vernon Forbes in. front of the New York net." Oricket Still on the Go in Merrie England Cricket will never die in England, although it has been somewhat in eclipse for a few years owing to the repeated successes of the Australidns in the annual competitions for the now famous "ashes." England's tri- umph over the Antipodeans recently has given the ancient game a tremen- dous filip, and it will probably be found soon upon the stage and in the movies. Bir James Barrie's plays and books are studded with epigrams on the game. The famous dramatist used to play, and at one time had a team of his own, but he was never as capable an exponent as Sir Arthur onan Doyle and other literary crick- eters. Barrie's whimsical outlook on the gave 1s well known to students of his literary and dramatic works. There was the vicar in the "Admir- able Crichton," who apologized be- cause his parishidners were weak. in bbwling, and "Mr. Darl®g" in "Peter Pan," who was asked te contribute stories on the game because of the no- toriety he gained by living in his dog's kennel.' The Australians will be in Canada soon, on their way home via Vancouver, cans have just signed him to a five-| B*, SEBAL 2 L National League. Pittsburgh 5, New York Philadelphia 5, Chicago . Only games scheduled. Only game scheduled, : International Le Reading 3, Jersey City Baltimore 17, Newark 0. Toronto 8, Buffalo 3. National League. Cincinnati .. . St. Lonis ., .. Pittsburgh .. . Chicago .. .. . New York. .. Brooklyn .. .. Philadel phia . . American League, . 88 82 80 31 66 85 55 53 60 60 62 65 72 78 82 81 New York . Cleveland . Philadelphia .. * 54 60 62 64 68 a0 84 98 Toronto Baltimore Newark. Buffalo Rochester: . Jersey Cit Syracuse .. {Reading .. Cincinnat{ 5," Brooklyn 1. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL. 0. 4. © American League. Philadelphia-Chicago, postponed, rated as the leading baseball per- {rein x League, Jersey City 2, Reading 0. Syracuse 8, Rochester 4. STANDINF OF THE CLUBS. Won. Lost. T.P. P.C. 11 12 12 12 16 11 18 20 Won. Lost. T.P. 14 13 17 18 13 13 13 11 . 580 517 .563 .563 473 A458 .399 396] P.C. 614 574 547 529 518 .504 404 1315 P.C. 1667 .589 686 563 497 452 426 .205 A By Billy Evans. Exit Fred Marberry as champion relief pitcher. Enter Joe Pate of the Philadelphia Athletics as his most logical succes- sor. A Champion and a "Comer" Manager, Stanley Harris of the Washington club has announced that Fred Marberry is to graduate from & mere finisher to a favored starter. bis play was lac king. Incidentally, he didn't seem It For nearly two seasons Marberry's chief object in life, as far as baseball Is concerned, was the saving 'of games for the Washington club, When a pitchér faltered in a tight game, he was invariably rushed to the rescue. Marberry's remarkable ability to hold the . opposition in chéck in the pinch played & prominent part in the two pennants won by Washington. Had an injuréd arm not JJerced him out of the 1925 world series, Washington probably would have emerged the victor in the annual classic. He Wins First Start. The collapse of the veteran Wash- ington pitching staff this your has convinced Manager Harris that gev- eral of the old-timers have lost the ability to go the route. They even waver too early in the game to use Marberry to advantage as relief pitcher. wn Realizing this, Manager Harris has decided to give Marberry a thorough chance to win himself a job as a re- gular starter. His first opportunity of the season eame July 5th against the Boston Red Sox. He worked impressively and gained a 3-2 win over the tail enders. : Curiously enough, it was the first game Marberry has been pormitted to start since the world series of 1924. . greatest rellef pitchers of all time. Even as a regular, Marberry, who is a glutton for work, is almost certain to be called on in a pinch. "The toughest thing about start- ing 2 ball game and then finishing it, rather than working a few innings, is the difference in the way you must piten," says Marberry. "As relief pitcher I have made a practice of putting all n#7 swuft on every » realizing I must hold the opposition. That ¥ind of pitching would soon kill off a starting pitcher. "I am sure my hardest task will be to readjust my style." Pate is 1026 Model. Now as to Joe Pate, Connie Mack's rather poorly southpaw. 'With the season halt over, 15 vic- tories scored hy the Athleties can be credited largely fo Pate's relie® work. In eight of these games he has been credited with the win, "while in seven others he has held safe the narrow margin bequeathed him when he entered the game. Pate doesn't appear to have much stuff on his ball but his fast one |i has a little hop that makes the bat: ters pop up, his change of pace is clever, and his knuckle ball practic: ally unhittable when he gets it over, But best of all, Pate has plenty of nerve. He is what is Known in base: ball as a "money pitcher," doing his best work when hardest pressed. Thé Athletics would have been lost! without Joe Pate this year. He is the 1926 model of Fred\ Marberry in the hero role. i Joe Pate boasts a most unusual record in the role of chief rescuer of the Athletics. Quite should be is te regime, , conditions } use more | EDHAM KOLORED SHI They'will'save you time, labor, money and add beauty and charm to your home, ° ALLAN LUMBER CO. 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