Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Aug 1926, p. 13

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Saturday, August 14, 1926, THE DAILY BR ITISH WHIG rt as | The Whig' Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place B Hi Wht : BIRTHS, i Help Wanted | OUT OUR WAY. BY WILLIAMS. | -- Business Services The ' ris h 3 3 Oe an Mrs, Milton Wand toes | ie a Pan Help Wanted 8b . ? re | fo INGeToM, OMB. Noswia Tipp), 8 daughies: es | AUCTIONEERS Ex Sie are restricted to. tagis DEATHS. | Pehl Bora ATER Se opss LOOK AT ME ! Just \ /JisT Loow AT \ | hie Saree We RSA y ¥ ; | " m ' Toate: "Silly Wate wie of rpm A Tacs ion Aun: 1h, Tatas 7, outa ifs" ies Soa" 301 Wal LOOK AT My DRESS! MN_CARTOOM 1: | Mirrays" Allon" "Room yitik SLASHIFLED RATES| Clark, age ye ngton Bireet. O-1 cou CHOKE A LL CAN es ; Bay rece isasriiosst. wi ot In ths Ts Jeg Dal, A. Agents Wanted % ot a ART NEVER HAVE | Insurance as Dil Ta oy line Chargh Cas HOWE 13 iston his Ar yo, Dousi MAN OR WOMAN--To travel and 8 : BLAY! EVERYBODY NAWTHIN ROUND r FIRE-Automobile ana hualty 1 fa oe Sn |] (Poe heen nt on due oly Seat RE? LST IN TH HOUSE NeeOs [| HERE! Goes Fite Trdfuagr mie 450 Ba] SIE GAYS sisseun Whasns bas 14h, 1926, Margarete 5 - » - ANpANEEE Sevesabian ot J. 8 hy Alma Bt y. For SET GHT OM beth Births, Bawigiueiv Mars Fungal whi 2 er late veldsnes particulars Write 3 Wineton Oo Foconts OVER As EN HE MY = PITCHER compuniog™ ron the most rel és, OOO narged, «gn Monday m b SALES NTS od 4 TARTS ARTI ¥ {range established In 1860 Ome ) Tard of Thanks and Memoriam | ary Cathedral sung ot i or. | Baud a Wnrepredonted deter SMACK HIM MA! I LAID THERE In Clarence Street, opposite Post Offtee harged, 51.60} ceeh, $1.00 lock for the Repo her sou largest and complete Boo) . TH SUN FER TH' Rn. sch insert Friends and acquaintances respectfully! acres. Nursery lished dvartining ord attend. years. - Our agency is INK -T' ORY! Invited to § sred for Irregaiar i the one-time iopers Sdn Ki Ont. ,on August 'W And secure territory. Deluam Fats: no Maken doe Jus tana PA 1336, William Parks, iced 50 -- od uit eis Wveregs words to the |, vemcs CC residence, 33 Waated Ellerbeck Btreet, on Monday alfter- reed [0 be teceived by noon at 4 ok to St. Georry TEACHER WANTED--Tor 8. 8 School Rone Bnd 8 The Brits Gathedral, thence to Cataraqul| "No. 19, township of Caladar. Must A. ANDERSON-- Painter and hig Office within § fare 2 Cemetery, Bei ang Soli dante. Suiary A Shop and residence 'phone 1968. ms IR ------------------ N I. f ~ ° oy ri of insertion, 3 > nell, Finton Bb, O, OnP = 288 King Street. Ads ordered for more than one eee eset. | ee y GET YOUR PaINTIN 8nd stopped before expiration Ww BEADED PURSE -- With sum of Real Estate For Rent one Bow. ITices reasonable only be charged for the num wy mxowey, lost Tuesdsy noon on or Rear A ea ES {sper for Sale. Horton, in Colling« times the ad. appeared and Bteamer Wolfe Islander, Please re- Apartments and Plats v7 { 00d Street. 'Phone 2984-J. Mens made w rate earned. turn to Purser and receive rewand. PAINTING AND PAPER ik Ate per - --- rent, new § room Shingl the same ag line of type -- BETWEEN NAPANEB---And Kingston, APARTMENT or hingling and all kinds = of Bpecisl rate for Yess advertising | BUCIVOEES NAPANED a Bingeton; Soca viol water heating. (10, 00d work done promptly. Kely Brox. 21 Jon request, the right oat polka dots, containing gum UL oq. oe pan. > , Earl Street, near rrie blishers res lasses, return ticket ron - 3 or reject ai) slassifiod aaverdaiag Bes and sundry artistes" ors reward AAR TRENT. #ydenham Apartments ney PAINTING. B Roblason, reas Se WOT Blreet Sob. for return to Mra W. F. Nickle, 130 ran Fefrigerator, bardwood | fxiephone 343 Mak for & want 8d | Eo) Stree oe, X Broo : / Pi Boorse. Apply 69 Broo BRACELET---Sllver, found, at corner DES APARTMENT--Furnished V of Wiliam aad Wella Yon Burtets. or i 7 rooms and bath- Ng BAC Loan Owner can have same at Whig Office. room, beautifully sJecorated, hard. 1861. To Ty JARPEN ARE und electricity, gas, in t o e eside % Qn NI 33vA may an 'same gonial residential locality. Apply Box loan Rn oir ag 3 Fa a by calling at 57 Chatham Street. J-11, Whig Office. yonimenc, bods Souaat'as . > UNFURNISHED FLAT---Contalning 8 CRANK FOR CAR pk ound on Sues rooms, kitoben and bathroom, at 358% Sinlmum monthly Rt Street. Owner may have same a Prin Street. Apply to James Reld. &1t, manager, 87 Clarence ! t, Whig Office. 364 Princess Stree CHILD'S DARK BLUE SWRA - Joana Wolfe Istand. Finder kindly [4 ROOMS--.As 188 Ee orreat, 3. . Btorage Me: 3 leave at drs. Baker's store, Wolfe 1s- $55 Sydenhaan Btreet or 136 Queen Si. STORAGE--For furniture, clean, id land. 'Phone 1133. . alr, fooms and spaces; your owa : ------- hy Em au ey. i) Jt, 01 DOG---Tan and white, with a tan col. |= -- ' lar, lost. Answers to mame of Bus. Business laces s A WHY MOTHERS GET GRAM -- 308 Jofen Be. P $e. friar' w. ter. 'Phone 1180-F, * JRwilliawme - CORNER SUITABLE--For butcher shop ry "THE ON ot, me. BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHOU : and LOST SATURDAY NIGET--August 7th, Aowill make alterations to suit tenant. : Ly furniture or any merebeiUs Parlors: #74 Princess Street By Riatake Sods put In oth Snr JAply 5 Peivick Strewr, © V0 Proof building. 'Fhone 1000 of 11 Ambulance Phone 559 Finder please leave at the Whig Of- OF IONS tro Bian; Age and mal -- Sean floe. 9 y u 5. erms to suit tenant upon application to R. tate Sal Sal i Miscermncous i anon Rad KNIGHT LATCH KEY-iound, corner Bagot and| 'D. Sloan, Bibby's Limited. Real Estate For Sale Articles For ° Business Services | ABHES--Cloaned out of and YanaA Verena, Janeen, Rnseta Owner may have STORE--173 Wellington Street formar Farms and Land 12) Miscellaneous 15 . Professivua 21 "yards, clean Job done. a ; and Mattermea. Ambulance 'phone 35. ly occupied by Emily Crawford, florist. 24 Ruseell Sireet. 'Phone 335 MILITARY PIN--Lost, with Oxford and n September 1st. Apply to C. | BRICK BUNGALOW---With double lot. PROVIDE--For that one-third of your| LUOY--Geo. F. and Jennie A., Chiro. - cre Pp, H. ROBERTS, Buck on { between Bteacy's store and | lévingston & Bro, Brock Street. ~ Bsrquin for quick sale. Apply owner,| life that is spent in bed. "Invest in ractors, Registered Nurse, 203 Bagot ASHES--Removed from yard and cele : 3 Ordnance Biheet, Please return to 116 448 Barrie Street. Rest" at Frontenac Mattress Co. Phone treet. 'Phone 951-w. Hours 9-12, i neral Sariiag; frst class drys and Embalmer, | 3rinance Bt Rowe os STORDS--Centrally located on Princess THOIOE PART ear 1961J., 877 King St. E. 1-5, 6-7.00. Consultation free ood "lop sae. stim fivea. J - i . good uckie. Transfer, or 3 AMBULAN trancen. "leh ied and with rear en about "one. Tile: kro duuSST| RUBBISH BURNERS-- Garden Fences | DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER -- W. A.| 'Phone 1s} ss Siie 0 4 CE. FPIRCE OF MACHINERY w For car,| trances. Algo rooms s itable for lodge| bu he Sydenham, Ont. Phone 20. 1 d on corner Clarence and King| or olub premises. Heated apartments| bush; about one mile from church, Gates, Baskets for ever purpose.| Marcells, corner of Barrie-and Prine Ow: may sam Ap. . Co.| school, cheese factory and general 'Phone 380. Partridge Wire & lIron| cess Streets. Chiropractis adjusts | BATTERIES -- Batteries whist ne gid e 31 tha non sent poly 1 'Cotien 4 Known as the Lucas farm. Works. Plating in Silver, Nickle, ments, electric treatments and hand rentals; delivered. Phone 1307. Whig Office. : il 11 at a eacrifice. Appl to er, ete. massage. X-ray service. 1 ad I en CUT FLOWERS Richer Eilerbeci Moscow, Ont." Dob tion free. Hours 9-13 a.m, 1-§ pm. | eo 0 Stores. Open evenings. . BOU! SIDE RACK--Found for truck, Owner ] a " TWO COVER TOP BUGGIBS-In good Evenings by appointment. Office tele- CAVERLY TRANSFER 00. UETS Weliave same wt Drury's coal office, Houses ® | FARM--100 acres, § miles from Kings-| shape. Van Luven Bros. 34 Princess| phere sis esidence 'phione 957-J. | Princess. Strcar hay; aiso general SKIN BLEMISHES Halr, Mol t t i Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers: nares § G AR' Ww 1c ING BOTY DESIGNS Wellington Street. ' CT I RET 7 | FRAME HOUSE -- Al] improvements, ning water, hen houses for 200 hens. garage, 304 Collingwood Street. Ap- 1 KIRKPATRICK S Help Wanted Ply 108 Raglan Road, or phos G4rab: Apply to Leonard Gordom; Glenvals, Scars, P ete, removed peérmaneut- | OUR SPECIALTY Radio. Bet 1 ART AND FLOWER STORE TT Male Haw em es teeth AY of Je . . Satisfact . ] "Phones 452 and 1218-J, Male Help Wanted 8 Fine RBSIDENOE -- West end. near ater a af 0 Bo ener Sorvice, Ratio Rhone ------------ : | BOYS--Wanted to sell week-end papers. n hardwood foors, Te th hy Houses 14 pour' Srp onc out pe 0 38 Expert Pass Tani ton, 60 acres under cultivation, run. Street. ace, Apply to Harold J. Smith, cor. Barrack electricity, verandah. ye, Ear, Nose, 25 Player-Piane Adjusting at and § Streets. ' F EW. MULLIN e Classified Dispray tenas Streets 2°18 °F apply 344 Fron Real Estate and Insurance Broker For Sale Dagat Street. Phone $01w. House 11367 Phone 14s MAKE MONEY AT HOME--You oan Joh and Division Streets cw. Jhon sarn $1.00 to $2.00 an hour in your FURNISHED SUMMER BUNGALOWS--.| Phone 539-w. See Advt Page 3 : Medicay + W. LINDSAY, LIMITED Vaasing or Soliciting: we. testrict ae! 'S And Tf Teoma mpm RUNG, and As we -are remodelling UPHOLSTRRING--A Dd Yassing or soliciting; we instruct you 'Woreensd ver: : 8 : RESIDENOB--Brick veneer, § room, | DR, HOWARD PR FOLGER 238 seneral: Ww. KENT MACNEE and su pL on with work, . Write to- Beason Bhstview Birt 6 mileg from| hot water ho elsotrie light and our large store now, we Sagot Street, Kin ® Jingie i We daar Fry) o8 a100 : : day. enhenitt Company, Limit- ; a J as, 3-p. ba e. Cheap for! ) ! | Writing All Kinds of Insarance. od, 31 Dominion Buildin a aad Kingaton. . Apply J. D. Boyd. Telephone Suen me APR J. B. Cook, Bank have on hand al kinds of oat. : - ¥hone 1600-4. : . ; - . ildi i UEEN'S UNIVERSITY -- Board. Brock and W, Sta. fries 80 13-40, wanting Ry. Station-| oe OOMED HOUSE Newly doce: | ~ uilding material, such as Qu NY i Jo i 2001 traneportation Eapetiopenoiin, Free| SEIEN BOCMED HOUSE Newly 3 ji] Marden has douse aman Tersstt || Brick, Doors, Windows Ria| weeks Will print the tedequiiia t Al- b "Phone 2051 transportation. perience .unneces-| FRI Apply J. Ix Boyd. "Phong 375i Garden, hen ho rms. Ti d . a : Mets for 1956-27. Those 1 fay. Wette Baker, Supt, (2124) Star| fred $4100--Rrick bungalow. § rooms, mod and Lumber, ol different area | FLKe students should write a ¢ SOLID BRICK HOUSE -- Centrally lo-| 2 farms, near city, would exchange, sizes. ome and see it-- Fa us| ¢ & &ls - bY ng ull particulass WELL ESTABLISHED ... Automotive cated; all modern equipment. Apply puses and Flats to let. : 3 . nd pipe organ. 'Phone 3050em | - AD SALINE whether oy Wish : erators. elootsécal equipment and Radio Dis- ' % ' Ha are Insurance--aMoney to loan. the prices will be right. Address 1562 Sydenham Street | omen. wn tributors desires salesman with car. 135 Princom pioror TOtor's MW 0 Ee : 8 refri > 4 Perfection oll Sogkers ar kory Ogawa to Cornwall. Exclu- 351 Princess Str Phone 1189J. Barfisters ana Solicitors 21h I oleum ve 01 STONE HOUSKE--233 Brock Street, elec- A J Ab -------- wr Rh 80 cheap cong confiioting side . tric light and gas, hardwood Noose poi] SOLID BRICK HOUSE--On stone foun % imiled W. H. BERRINGTON--Barrister. Solici. ARto Booomteries rugs. D. X. Engineers & Co. water heating. Immediate possession. 2s tor and Nowary blie, \ Turk's Stor. e s Lo ered. Aly to James Reid, 384 Fria ht ce 0! ton Street. [1 Weiing KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY Aner 0 USAN -- Who wishes to learn| suman COTTAGE-To lot 1 : CUNNINGHAM & SMITH .- --Makers of Auto, Buggy, 'PHONE 705. / Desf cutting, pork cutting end curing. shed, 13 miler fooor 259, 201, 268, 265 Princess St. and Sollciiore ~ 53 Caren pisers arishsis o Bomssy: Boat season, i ni Also 8 practical butcher, Apply An-| ofty. A X N-14, Whig Of A B. Cunnningham, .;| Coupe bodies, California To, Uj son Brothers. Bo A -- E07 | OVERLOOKING GFiY PARE -- Solid M. Smith. ugham, X.0; Rolstering. Awnha 8.1 rd Bee 7 ROOMED HOUSE---Sixth Stre, -| brick, four bedrooms and sewing room. Taratture 18a 347 King street. 'Phone 3945. GAUDI DESIGN. YouNG MENS od iy" tition oo| 1 decorated, electric light 3" Diece| Bathroom. Hot water heating. Fire. DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers g urope, on » da st ANd furnace. R 25.0 lac Living room, dinin, room and PORTO Solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, " unnecessary. Send self-addressed en- month, al : ant § el} ited ar ase condition. Price BA sold Fra ought a" Crame MorigaX: E. Day, Adrian 1 A it Wrecki, Ci a Go : yelope for list of postions. Box 133, rooms, electric light and tollet. Rent| 96.500.00. -00 of purchase PrISe. or, 507 Princess treet Successors to| Morigages arranged. 'Phons $05. uto ing Co. oo a : Mt, Vernon, N. ¥. Ji6.00. Apply H. F. Norman, Patriek hostage. gion ihe Antique Shop, REYNOLDS 3 Co--BatTistor and Bolior. One ton Ford Truck. 4 : -- Ambitious, Con Sou : ningham, Agent, Clarence Btreet. ; Cushions tor, 81 Brock Street. Morige "(| JAlse aii Kinds of Second MAN % yo 7 Ronen NSE oar er : Auto Tops and 16a. Fanged on city and farm prowess, Astomobile Parts for all makes py : one 2508. 4 Hand Tires, all sivey o i Articles For Sale. Uk--Spealatier To . . paired. Bide Corinne: Jor new or re. SMEA--Ambrose, BA. Barrister and|| price $4.00 to 860m ired, 3 i Miscellaneous Ppholste: and decking, wind-| Solicitor. Law Omide. cor 3 A ) 3 Sa al Body Glas pat In White you 8nd Brock, over Foyal Bank, ang ROSEN & POLLITT 4 . Help. w 3 Rooms 10|AsHES -- And heavy Clinkers. a slacleum (Sad Sdging Jor run- | to loan. 'Phone 1999. "Phoné 2475-w, 140 RIDEAU 87. Female anted s : -- | tal ited for road work pine boar SFPROOI | min ---- SLD--By & society. a small, un.| To be had for deswine: APDIT] Brfoees Srrees ss. Sade 12 order. Persona REEmmm--= = SENERAL.For 1 adult. Apply ished ; must be heated and| to Angrove's Foundry, King foo a - Mrs. D. Stuart Robertson, 184 1 cent on. Apply Box O-14,] Queen Sirests. Fuel ana reed 18 | A BEAUTIFUL BABY BOY--For adop- Automobiles sor Sale pan reat at 1 or 6.30 o'clock, or Whig Ofiee stating terms, : - a Gir forniy ra: fo eT Arenty ste ror Box 3 : one 117. ee A NUMBER-Of Boys an Bi ee > y to CHEVROLET SPROIAL-- Wii preva 'T MOTHER'S HELP -- Or Wanted To Rent 11] Sais Short Models: Atos *Henid Concsmslon pasar for IR AARD-..| 0.7. On | Tonable, Apr oe Toronto Street, 1. + COMPETENT M rtm Also eneral servant, immediately. Ap- 9 1 ~ new and DIY 10 Moa. Stewart Robertson, 18 S74- HOUSE -- Medium sized. unfurnish ee, 5 Phone' ei ni of lowest 'price possible; hard Ladies' Halr Parlor 24 i | St. od, soft mixed slabs, | to 'Phone 1388-w. with modern conveniences; family . 3 . tivo, from September 1st. 'State loos. | BRICK--8t y 3783J. ALL - CLASS HAIR WORK FOR GENERAL -- Housework. tion and tile MAD Fikst Ladi . . a 13 sleep at home preferred. Ap-| Bog Leib ik oulars 2 Feat 634 KB Limited supply, Aton DorperTl - shan antor- For d Touring, 1918 Ply Mra Miller, 38 Kensington Ave. $10.00 ton this month only. rd ERAS singsing, "Curling. Kidier sng F. S00. load. | ningh. : 5 "Bay Street, Kingston ord Roadster, 1923 W. ies GIRLw18-13, to do MEht b k and and vored Cliomom i § er | inyates, To Ease Work of Tire ie 1.00. Soft slabs, $1.00] Telernine Sasi Ete ab 3 WL one fe AE AEE pa (| BoB § cht au pa re aad 90 Wal cor The nuts and threads on the rim r i econ lug bolts should be ofled every time Heht delivery back. . Gu Bruton, i slide 1 andertake Berni 6 tire 18 changed, ae od : Ordnance. RENC a WAVING Fd Sedan, 1923 valid and er ' keching i: family of three: nol tighten up readily. It they become Phone and Curling, a; With Hasslers aad other extras. rly. apps Bod $008 100 ¢ it miay bo thought that the : : ati and $oiai 5ome 40 right Apply Box Mais, Joo dry 100 tIEht when. they ane sie = a Pere Sie ARS a Overland Sedan 4 Door. with the result that the driving lug, r | F, ord Ton Truck 'and clean which holds the rim in Position, may ; With al Sr jour enaing.| Pull out, allowing the rim to shi, A hair ye pi pr apeed 1604-5. and cut off 'the valve stem. For the very latest in Ladies' We would ask you to inspect t The motorist who does not-use his . Jor o : Date be Purthpergung. Thess go car for several days will find that on New Bus Routes. LADIES' 7 PRIVATE bpian. 7 day trial and onal starting out with it the gasoline will! Motor buses are providing services Ww . je ng 2 50 be slow to ignite. This is partly due] over 5,000 miles in areas wan Be tr 108 peice KINGSBURY, = - Sg. The a toate ron River, lis. ! Bargains, . sitions, | You ave missing the Does Spr © rgn i " unt) : place when the car was not in use. and drowned. brvite--you ar an. tias'if Jou Mise readin the Waly Clas: Ln

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