THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG \ '$8 Mond sy, August 9, 1926. " AMUSEMENTS A PREACHED FAREWELL 1] be the better for it in every nn ing. determined to 'hold their own, © -Dr. Ryan paid a high tribute to] they tried to pull plays on the bas : -------------------------------- SPOR | { the important part sports of all dmpire but he was right on his job. STOCK MARKETS ] Fat | kinds bad In forming the character | The Treasures learned very quickly | 1 - > {of the iddividual and added many | that their tricks couldn't be worked. | (Reported by Johnston & Ward, AT THE CAPITOL. { sraiulation to the young ladies as criticism from some of the players, Toronto -- Rev. W. E Kidd Ministered K TON WON f ho handed them the trophies. who were told plainly by the base Wewbhare of the Moatgus) snd Richard Dix and Lols Wilson in a| for the Last Time at the | Mr. Harry Watts, manager of the | umpire that if anything of that soft apges). . Advance reports tell us that Rieh-| ° | behalf of the team, for the hand. | girl giving the offence to the bench. Aug. 9th 1.30 ) ard Dix's latest Paramount picture, St. George's Cathedral held the | Some trophies, and for the thought- | The base umpire was also criticized | g- Sor rm. . | talness and kindness of the mém-|by a good many Kingstonians for Amer. Loco. ... ... 4.0 . 1064 at the Capitol Theatre to-day, is EE | Baldwin Loco. ... ..... .. 13¢% hy : season on Sunday, when Rev. W. E. good. They say it is a gay comedy Kidd, M.A., ft for the {Good Base Running and Time- arrangements made for the competi- | game and leaving the 'Lost Tress. C.P.R IAT tn ly Hitting Gave Locals {tions at the plenle. ures" to play by themselves, But Chrysier | What the Press Agents Say About » | { Attractions > | v WOR | words of encouragement and con-| This of course caused some harsh corner King and Clarence Streets. Rollicking Comedy. Cathedral. { Supremes, thanked the A.O.H. on| was heard again he would send the New York . "Let's Get Married," Which arrives largest summer congregations of the | { bers toward the players and for the | not pulling his players out of the EB. & O that starts at sixty miles an hour last time, as one of the cathedrsl : Mrs. Wilson, president of the La-| these things seem to all go with the General Motors and gets raster every foot, clergy, At the 8 o'clock celebration Wa alo ssked to. image Fofliek- of the Holy Communion, many of the Verdict. ' | dies' Softball League, added a few |game and as the last seven Innings | pp 000 Motors ing Richard as a wild young man arish ed words of appreciation for the beau- | looked as though Enterprise had the 3 whose lovely flancee threatens him $9 Younger Demers of the pariah (Special to The British Whig.) {titul trophies and of comgratula-|superior team the fans felt quite Inter, Michal Png with the gate if he gets Into ANY (tion by Rint were present. At the 11 Peterboro, Aug. 9. --Making every tion to the girls for their work dur. Pleased. Enterprise girls also played [yp Truck : {more scrapes. Innovently, og a o'clock service and at evensong, the | Nit count, Kingston Ponies, defeated |ing the season. on the following Thursday evening yon. "Cor "°° jcaught in a raid on 3 cabaret an Ze i At mating | Péterboro here Saturday '7-4, al-| wp Walker, a member of the ex-| against the Camden East. soft hallin'y Bak sent to jail for thirty days. He tries, | congregations were large. though outhit 13 16 10. The losers | five of the 8 1 team the game bei Hed at the |: .¥.C. Sok ans ince her | Mr. Kidd preached from the text: "I j ecutive o e Supremes, also spoke | tea same ng ca a © Pan. Am. Pete. B ... .. by means of letters, to Sony . have planted, Apollos watered, but [Dad twelve men left on the bases, | briefly in appreciation of the 800d | sixth innings on aceount of darkness Pleres Accow just 25 sciling yu nis : x God gave the increase." "Among the | 2nd this was the immediate cause of | work done by the team throughout the Score being 31-8 in favor of Bn- Sou. Rail = South Sea _senniteis, adh Bae many things St. Paul has given us 1s | thelr defeat, as the Wiiners bunched | the season and of the beautiful tro- | terprise. : .. 3 osdlBpieri BI . ; . their hits and had only four men phies. Tho score by innings: 8ID FOX AND HIS better see "Let's Get Married." In|the Catholic idea of the chufch of left 05. Six of the ten Khugstos Enterprise SERENADE {addition to this rollicking comedy, |God, the church for all time stretch- hits were crammed Into the sixth ANNUAL MATCH OF Camden East....0 3 Sou. Pac. ... Sinclair Oil yea ann Stand. Oil of New Jersey... Studebaker .., ... ... Texas Of... ... ... .;.. 1% Kingston Union Pacific ... i... oy 15735 Results in the Kingston Tennis U.S. Rubb : YOUNG CADDIES Sis finals are as follows: Junior U.S. Seat eat 34 A ampionshipL-Catheart vs Kiliott, | vo 56 AB > --- : to the parish of St. George's, formed | ®ade it 7-4, and there it was held | +| Westinghouse A.B .. : Special Programme of Music Was |; th tar days' LOL. one | deépite the efforts of the Petes to | Boys Were Given a Jolly Time | von ar, 6-3, ye 33. White' Motors years ago. | tie the score. | on Saturday Morning--Good Lad ubles --- Worden ang Willeys Overland Rendered On Sunday Evening. hundred and forty-tw ogramme of special music was : i { Cairns and Heckman were the op- Taylor ve McMillan and Torrance. Woolworth A prog pe The church' was unique in its his-| he op Prizes Were Presented. Won by Worden and Taylor, 6-3, Despite the threatening weather| Men's Doubles--McLachlan and Sid Fox and his Serenaders will dis- [ing back to the beginning and reach i | '|pense the latest musical numbers. [ing forward to the future. It is in SALE hes Srely Man Jutten. vid dition - the progression of time that traditio ficit of 4-1 to 4 favorable balance of is formed." AT PRINCESS STREET, CHURCH . Mr, Kidd referred more especially 6-4. Another, run in the seventh -t i given In the Princess Street United tory, which was interwoven with the | POSINE pitchers. The Kingston hurl- 2-6, 6-0 er seemed invincible with men on | . . Montreal. Aug. 9th, 1.30 p.m. church on Sunday, as a mark of ez respect to Rev. J. A. Wadell, a form- Blsory of the Nd he Sunt bases, although touched for af least | w er pastor of the church, who eom- fo" ono" BS clergy, men of vision, | OR hit In eight of the nine innings. | Of Saturday morning, the caddies of . Sian vs Jones and Torrance. Won | snitibi Power ... ... ducted the service, men of service they had been. The | 1eckman kept the Ponies off the |the Cataraqui Golf and Seunry hong 3nd Sorfante; 8-4, 6-4. | Aghestos, com. |. The choir was under the direction 1310 Dean Buxton B. Smith had a [Paths altogether in five innings, [Club Keld their annual mateh. There MoGre on Bg Michilian and | Asbestos, ptd. of Mr. E. Madrand and the Junior great vision when he had re-built| Put When they did get on more hits'| were eighteen entries in all, the Ve gor HMO and Chambers. Bell Telephone Choir, under the direction gf Mrs. the cathedral. He felt that when it| Were forthcoming to send them | Players being divided intd various y Me Band McGregor, | Brazil al rates for Dances. . | 3-6, 6-1, 6-0 of ¥ ted. orn- right around to score. | groups which were under the charge , » i Brompton A L. M. Loney, assisted. In the morn-|wag ar jest consecrated, free from | "8ht aroun score Austin, Miss Austin, | Junior giris--MeAsthar, vs Bows, |p C. pon ing the cholr sang Fflueger's anthem, | gent tho men and wonmien who had| Thompson pulled the feature play of! Dr. L. J. : : "MADAME WIL A" "How Long Wilt Thou Forget Mo?" | ota" I) and had maintained | of the game when he took Jim Hall's | Miss Redden, Mr. Waldron and Woy vr Meartiur, 53. oS Can. Cement, com. .. and Mrs. A, Archibald rendered very | jig tragitions, rejoiced in paradise. It | 10n8 driye while running with his | Stewart Alken. i o] deteated rep 3 Bag McLachlan | Can, Cement, ptd: ... beautifully as a vocal solo "Tho lig not alone by the ministry of the|Dack towards the plate. *A fine stop| After the match he caddies were two 'Wacdonel] three sets to!pom. Bridge ... ... Now at. Hotel Prince George, On-| Plains of Peace." A mixed quart- clergy that tradition is made, it is by | by Holson of Teepoll's drive was an- | Sateftalave a3 Or takes ' Hollinger . . 'tario Street," gives particulars for|ette composed of Mrs, A. Archibald, | (pe service and devotion of the mem- | Other fielding feature. Every man | uch. Dr. Austin, ne ia 18 » a Ind. Alcohol ... busin low, riage. Your F. hert H. B. Wisk {on the Peterboro te ¢ a great interest in the boys and their yan Cup Game. Laurentide : usiness, love and marriag Mrs. Rutherford, A (bers of the parish. The speaker re- am had at least I Ryah Past, present and indication of future |anq L. M. Loney gave a selection. terred to the splendid co-operation e hit, Heckman leading with | Sames, donated ep JIBAYIS | nny oup athe Which Nos Mackay .. ... .. events, as marked in your hand by In the evening the anthem was of all the societies of the cathedral |threa Chetry, with the same num- | 38 first and sécond prizes an Cl y the Quéen's owling | Montreal Power ... Nature, clearly indicated. Gives in- rg B Sun W. . ber, led the Ki g 'were donated by various mémbers of | Club and the Rockwood Bowling | Nat. Breweries, com. . . formation on all affairs. Accurate, | TU'Rer's "AA Even E're the Sun Was parish. He spoke iso of the services | ber. led the Kingston batters, while | "ub. The wigners were 8s fol-| Club, at the Queen's green on Sat-|Nat Bheweries, pid scientific and reliable advice on busi-| Set." Mr. A, E. Hunt gave Handel's [of ype cathedral, always devotional | Purvis and Britton were the ORIV ocr urday afternoon, the Rockwood Club [Ogilvie 2 » id "Largo" as a saxaphone solo, and and when occasion demanded it, bril- | Ones to go hitless, Manager Daley, | Was up seven points on the game Ottawa Power ... ness, health, investments, changes, | { 9. f etc. Wilds has made Palmistty a life Mr. H. B. Wiskin sang "0 Heart of |jjant. 'No better testimony to the Of the visitors, was chased in the Class A (18 Holes) and 4 points on the round. There is Price Bros. .. i. one more game to be played. B. Spanish River,#com. study, is noted for being one of the | Mine." - large part the musical services of | ninth for kicking too strenuously | 88 Ewart, F. cup and $3. Jeit exponents in raanda. Readings -- this cathedral church have had in the | about a called ball, 93, Kincaid, E., club and $2 (al-| Sears of Rockwood was up 9 over J. Shawinigan $ alts * Re Blood-poisoning, following extrac-| hearts .of the worshippers could be Kingston lowed 6 strokes). E. Singleton of Queen's; R. 8. Gra- | Smelters ce as tion of four teeth, caused the death had than in the letters we received ngston. 5 Ki id, C. club, ham of Rockwood was up 5 over Ww. tf C Sin The KINGSTON CLEANERS ||at Windsor of William Jackson, aged [rom all parts of the empire during AB. R. $5. Nite H. Wormwith, of Queen's; A. Tur Stes) rim i AND DYERS twenty-seven. the centenary campaign which invari-| Thompson, If . .. cotte of Queen's was up 7 over Dr. Winnipeg ya Clean anything that can be cleaned Londen Old Boys will meet again ably refesred to the beauty and ap- | Halbert, 2b Ryan of Reckwood. ---- peal of the cathedral service." Batstone, 2b . . ---------------- GRAIN QUOTATIONS. in 1929, C. COE & P. BARRETT Seq our nine-piece Dining-room In closing, Mr. Kidd thanked the | Cherry, cf . Safe Blown [ : Sh, wo wn Up Aug. sth, 130 pm. Office: 56 Arch Street. 'Phone 1225w Suite on sale at James Reid's, $95. |econgregation for their many expres | Purvis, 1h . Wheat-- But the Robbers |x" ... Sept. 'oi | | | | | { vu © > BE Class B. (9 Holes.) 48 Thurlby, T. cup and $3. 57 Doyle, F. club and $1. 659 Halligan, H. club. 59 McCue, W. club. DD we - Class C. (9 Holes.) 65 Ewart, T. club and $2. 66 Mears, T. $1. 70 Doyle, V. $1. I A special prize of $1" was gives to Clifford who made the worst hole j sions of affection to him and his fam- 8 . . OT 1 f t t 8 | Britton, s N ICE. ily, and bespoke the same loyalty for | Tetro, ec . . . 1, Henry Billings, of Kingston, will | D8 successors. He prayed that God's | Tepell, rf , not be responsible for any debts con. font... . Were Unrewarded ™:..- a .e Blannuinninnn als oinonms HE OD 08 ee I } sw aie fico rdsonie whiecenasiea || tracted in my name after this date, | the congregation. August 9th, 1926. Rev. Mr. Kidd referred to the two tragic, deaths in the parigh within the last few weeks. Mr. W. H. Smith had recently become identified with $100 REWARD the cathedral congregation, and had Jim Hall, 1b. 6 « : shown great interest in the church. Rowe, 2b. , he TWEET Of the fa J The late Mr. W. J. B. White and his | Asn, ot RE Kingston. Harbour, July 25th, family were among the most active Heckman, p .. 1820. » workers. Mr. White had beén a lay Jack Hall, cf member of the Synod df Ontario .for Harrison, 1b . . an outside parish. The sympathy and Helson, 3b . . . the prayers of the congregation went Collins, ¢ . , . out to the bereaved families in their Holyman, ss . . . Bad loss. During the offertory, Mr. X Lennox . . . . R. R. F. Harvey played "Blest are the 3 @ © -3 - w blessing would rest on the church and | Cairns, ) SN May ... | Sept. .. Oats-- May ... . (11) of the day. A safe in the store of J. M. San- S---- derson wis blown up at Northbrook Ma Smith on Saturday night, by robbers, but as there was no money in the safe If Ti hey Were unrewarded for their itle trouble. r Won the Go Entrance to the store was gained Whdat-- by breaking in a door. The robbery |MaY ... ... Macdonald Smith, of Lekeville, was discovered at 5 o'clock Sunday Oet. ... N.Y., won the Canadian open title at|morning, and the Chief of Police at | PC: Montreal on Saturday. Smith came |Pieton was notified. He visited the| O3ts-- from third place thrée strokés behind [scene of the attempted robbery, but |OCt: « - - the leaders at the fifty-fourth hole 0 |found no traces which would reveal | Dec. . three strokes in front of his nearest the identity of the robbers. Nothin EE aha------------ Be Jay ercontion PAYS WARM TRIBUTE A iP 0, MISS LOUISE Departed" (Sphor), and at the con- clusion of the service the people re- X---Batted ora ny AH Bd rival at the end. The victory was ain the store, with the exception of "|very popular one. Farrell dropped |the safe, was molested. TO LATE MR. Mr. King Says He Placed # Beauty Parlor mained standing, while Beethoven's R i ' leleven strokes to the new champion Life as Sacrifice on Altar g 3 g SPHoSocoHomNT] > w nee On ou ° CROW O MLO ND» oo Coco mo om -- eestor ------------ The Collingwood Shipbuilding Company, Limited. Kingston Yard, Kingston, Ontario. Phone 400 25¢ e's ~~ Busfor Cataraqui Cemetery daily ge except Mon. and Sat. at 2 pm. ¥ Godkins' Livery " © hp 00 be ed 00 pe OD DD Ds funeral march was played on the or- Kin x ER y gston ..010 005 100--7 10 rt} y At Elliott's Barber Shop gan, Peterbora ..800 000 000 +13 aon the final eighteen holes, while AT ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH n {Gene Sarazén, who was setting the ---- Princess Street; "Phone 821. 38 ate pace with Farrell, at the three- Rev." N. Wilkisan, of Kitchener, "Phone 816. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN "rm ENTIST. APPOIN REAL ESTATE PAPER HANGING, PAINT- ING AND GRAINING . Walnut and Gralning a First class work. Prices reasonable, ae naauNG, Chalmers Church Services. Chalmers church had big audi- ences on Sunday to hear Rev. G. A. Bisco, Renfrew, a Queen's graduate, and a speaker of undoubted ability, of keen apprehension and logical in- vestigation. He has a fine addresg, & wide vocabulary and an absorbing Persuasiveness. Kingstonians are al- ways delighted with his modern con- ceptions, his analytical mind and his manner of presenting truths. Miss Catherine Wright was the soloist and her selections and manner of inter- pretation won favor. MARINE The steamer Blaire arrived at Richardson's elevator Sunday, with damaged grain. It was unloaded and the vessel cleared for Port Col- Pa The Sinmac tug Eureka arrived at Richardson's elevator last night, with the barges Berpon L., Jeannon L. and Lapwing in tow. She cleared with the Lapwing for Sodus Roint. 'The stéamer Arlington is expect- od with grain Tuesday or Wednes- was on her regular trips Sunday. The freighter City of Toronto was in Jon and cleared west Sunday. e freighters Maplebranch and City of Hamilton passed west this morning, calling in port on the way. The . steamer Donald Stewart, a privately owned grain boat, is in the dry dock of the Collingwood Ship- building Summary--Two hase hits, Holy- man, Cherry (2); sacrifice hits, Ash, Tetro, Jim® Hall, Rose; stolen base, Tetro; struck out by Cairns, 8; by Heckman, 6; bases on balls off Cairns, 2; hit by pitcher, by Heck- man, 1 (Britton); left on bases, Peterboro, 12; Kingston, 4; umpires, Kay at the plate, Lebarr on bases. PRIZES PRESENTED 10 THE SUPREMES Pleasing Event Was Held at A.O.H. Hall on Sunda Afternoon. A very pleasing event took place in the A.O.H. hall on Sunday after- noon when the prizes, won at the A.OH. plenle on Civie Holday by the Supremes, were presented to the members of the team by Dr. Edward Ryan, who alo gave a short but comprehensive talk on the growth of softball and its popularity among the girls now, bs The meeting was presided over by Mr. John Scanlon and thers was a very large attendance of members of the A.O.H., the members of the Sup- remes and theif friends and repre. sentatives of the Mercantile League. The young ladies who received the prizes were Misses Doris Allen, Helen Pappas, Eva Truesdell, Flor- ance Sinclair, May Powell,~ Peggy Campbell, Maud Sinclair, Dora Pap. pas, May Horne, Marie Pappas, Bdith Davies atid Bétiy Stein, Miss with the prize for the tug of war at ts 40H plende. quarter mark, dropped six. Nichol Thompson, of Hamilton, was thirteenth, with Bob Cunning- ham, of Kingston, in the same place. Weather Man to Blame. The tennis tournament between the Kingston Tennis Club and Queen's Summer School, which was to have been held on Saturday, was postponed bacause of the heavy rain which fell on Saturday morning. Thé tournament will be held next Satur day. Home From Races. There were many visitors at tha Kingston Yacht Club over the wéek- end, mostly boats returning from the races at Henderson Harbor. There were six boats from the Royal CAnsé- dian Yacht Club, Toronto: Cars Mia, Nutmeg and Patricia, three "P" class boats; the Vivian, Lillian E., and Elleanor, "R" class boats. Re- chester Yacht Club was represented by the Allowee. The Blue Moon, a Kingston beat, at the Henderson Harbor races. was tied up at the Locomotive Works dock, where slight changes were be- ing made to her. CORREOTED REGATTA SCORES. C d"scores of the Dominfon championship canoe regatta at Gan- anoque on Saturday are as f 5: Western... .. .. .. ......... 30 Bagtern .. .. .. .. .... 0.0 08 Northern .. .. .. ..'[! . .. 14 Algonquin... 3 LL 0000, Preached at Both Services Sunday Both sérvices at|St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, on Sun were conducted by Rev. N. Willi . of Country. Baskatoon, Aug. 7.--"I have ¢ this to say of Hon. Mr, Bi he died as he lived, placing Litt. D., of Kitchener, Ont, who : preached very forceful sérmons. At as 8 sacrifice on the altar of his ¢ the morning service he took for his|'™Y:" sald Right Hon. W. L. kenzie King here Saturday 1 text, Psalm, 92:12. He illustrated what true Christian life consisted of, the course of his cam Liberal leader dealt that just as the palm tree develops = b , which had been made against ihe from the "heart and wjll not cross Minister Cus du : : with other trees, so Christian Ife is 2 spiritual heart lite that will brook no compromise with evil. At the even serviee, his text session of parliament, re them as "one of the most viel; tacks ever brought against the acter of a public man." Mr. was Romans 8:18. This text assumes quoted ihe Worle of mr. ; the Christian life established 'on the preaching of the Gospel of Christ. If suggests that the Christian will meet with suffering, but for this there is compensation in the promise of fu- bse in the house in June, nded the peoples of Canada of debt to men in public life. The complétion of the Hudson B tute beauty, perfection and bliss. |rallway and construction of Steamer Lost; Five of Crew ual facilities, "in order to road a fair chance," were the Liberal party polley, sald Mr. King. For the good of the tional Rallways, Department of ways and Canals should be ui direction of Hon. Charles Who was as able an : Were Drowned x: "ait 5's of government, he added. -- spoke of the day as being Halifax, Aug. 7.--Various messag- birthday," as it was seven es, lying conflicting details of the disaster rec received here last night, told of the loss of the Norwegian steamer Ringhora,