Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jul 1926, p. 11

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fonday, July 19,1926. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 11 5 The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place _- i 4 A iss : DEATHS. Lost and Found 1] ) The British Whig | ving ner home, §§7 son. | {OU 1 WAY. Be 1 1 Street, on Sunday, uly o | CHW ish design, set) KINGSTON, ONT. 158, Nancy. beloved wile of Rev. a0rn Rn v SB aaey atternoon | TR 2 > ar 'CLASSIFIED ADVERT:SING Jémes Cumberiand, in her seVeRtY- | peur Macdonald park, Valued as keep- | 4 THERS TNO ERRORS MES ,SCOTR/ Mavs \ : | ¥IRE--Automobile and Casual » utomobile ua Insuts ; py " thelr | fourtn year. Sake. Finder please leave at the Waig . All ads. are restricted to 8 i ne t at Aylmer, Quebec. A » : ance. BE a A aication: and to the Interment at Ayim Office. THERE! SCOTTY A | TIME AM HE KEEPS | Fates Tragar er 89 Bacl Sires p { fond {ingestion y ly / Nan Togas Dally Whig Style of type. | prLLON Re nEaton, Ont. on sulX LICENSE PLATE 283-639, lost. Finder | 5 V . . oe ---- ata por Time or owmmseutive. | Sade YA Om, a TE Ie ok satan 7] SuaHT ERROR BLACKSMITH AN' MIM | FT! WHEN AN ARTIST INS URANGE--Goiy The eR Pay (888 ations: Pungesl ec ni son's residence, james | irest Sr phone 1120:3 1 Ww voor A TueeePER . | PANTS A Pictome | | |'SREIMESGEL NS SIT A ib 111_Yor reet, on - - 7 ' °, ¢8 ro : iy rater bof ne Charge Cash| day uly time} tb Bnd Hill come: | IRIAN Lop TMIST WATCH With IF THAT ANT A SLAP | OF A BLACKSMITH | Clarence Street. opposite Post Office. v aaa 3 Finder please phone 577. Ty a y AT ATURE ¢ ™ E. J. B. COOKE--Life, Fire, Accident and B8Y8. .oviensiis $ 6 Prisnas and acquaintances respectfully > : % i As > ev H ga GET Sickness, in reliable com tha, Births, Engagements, Mar- | invited to attend. ree Hm Yo DANS Rgravad oF AED SAME. G. OFFICE Guy Rea. 1731 . A py d i] Fisges, one insertion sharged, $1.50; |: JAMES $over, found near cricket Fleia Own. | \ AT SCHOOL SCOTTY fer _ A MODEL... ERNIE b. SLIT ER aaa Er | cord u Thenks, and Memoriam The Old Firm of Ur--sriakers Clergy Street. corner Brock. © | \ 4 = was A FOOT BALLSTAR IN ANS ail branches of lusurance in oid line! Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash. $1.00 | 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET = AN TARZAN" WAS A nk as Ghent dy nelal stand: 'each (nsertivn. 1a "Phone 147 for Ambulance ricKer BOOK--Containing a key, a 2th Reals Street Bast 'Phones ; {dvertisin Srdeted top Jeteguiar - Ps Rook And smail change, found. ) : CHEERLEADER, /| oY . a inser ons e one -Li X D Wolo . ' ) Fate; no 8d. taken for less Laan ROBERT J. REi - ; ETHIE corte 10 30 | pn Ti Leng Underiaher | FARCE Conte ry von Tis De | a er Te ge Phone 537. 230 Princess Work Store, 154 Johnson Street. Own- . 2 / A ANDERSON Painter and Decoraton | op received by v And residence 'phone 1966. Of 38 ae The Bric: M. P. KEYES a ed ads. will or may have same at store. > Y i Pion hig Office w thin 6 days from FUNERAL HOME: ' SMALL LOUK ET~Found in Macdopala| z 7 i } Sl 2 King Street. : J 4 . rk on Sunday. Owner please tele-| 3 i a (4) OUR PAINTIN a : {i 3he orat date.of insertion, cash rate 49 COLBORNE STREET phone 1845-m. P oR ! . A 2 Sons. BOW. Irices reasonabin Sunk Cha ordered for more than one day Amn | SMALL BLACK PURSE Containing ' y . A : i 0 AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1889, Ior Sale. Horton, 145 Collings stopped before expiration will ; small sum of money and tickets f | Al : Y be charged for Jae Rimber ot JOHN CONNELIUS on tBarrie Street on Friday Sovening: J 3 ; A X | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGIN Gwe €. Wood Street 'Phone 3984-J. 68 the ad. sapped Owner please phone 2014-m. \ 4 : Woiskling and. all kinds of repalf § made at che rate. \ Parlors: #74 Princess Street nt en : . ' ' ; 7 i) York done promptly. 'Kelly Brose $if ® per line for white space Is Ambulané® Phone 559 SMALL, BROWN, LEATHER PURSE \ ¢ Earl Street, near Barrie St. same as & line of toe, u Containing small sum of money, found J A f \ ) jal rate for yearly advertising in Buperior Ice Cream Parlor on Fri ¢ \y A \ "3 / SIGN p Ged a request. HN. J. KN) day afternoon. Owner may have same RN Ls A 11 . WAR fia MATIN * B Robluson, rear hers reserve the right to edit UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER | &t 109 York Street J v : EN. aR ani DAKUL Street or réjiot all classified advertising | por LUN Se Sydenham. Yorbor v . : j g \ ; Rt y &nd Battersea. Ambulance 'phone 35. | UMBRELLA--Found in a store on Wed- \ \ wi WE N 3 Financial 26 Telephone 243; ask for a want ad. nesday. Owmer may have same by \ \ 4 RN \ i ker. ; P. H. ROBERTS, phoning 3410-w and proving property ' Ae 1 3 \ FAONTENAU LOAN AND INVEST! A \ : Richy SOUIETY --~ lncorperaced $ Undertaker and Embaimer, e Stock | da \ J : 4 : oad {1a vice resident Farrell Roig, Sydenham 'Ont. LA NOR Phone 20. | COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES--Black J rE ! AN A Th Ioan Sa city" wis arm properties" as, » and Black and White; one Spitz puppy; A } 1 / 4 iin Dosis Pavelionls BouKhL aud id: ube Ja) Ved and interost paid o Tie ' good ding kennels for dogs. Tele. ¢ . phone Muller, 1961-w or 1416-w. BN 3 mentally balance. a' & . CUT FLOWERS Help W. tea F ¢ ariwright, malager, $7 Clarence St » ay \\ Co WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS Male Help Wanted 3 Storage 20a Many Valuable Prizes Have KIRKPATRICK'S "|| MAKE MONEY AT HOME--You oan an 2 : : STORAGE~VFor furniture. clean, dr x * Been Offored--To be Played || ART AND PLOWER STORE sara 4100 to gio an Nour' vob! ) Zo Aid kay Pra Cen YOUE Swi lock TE | oJ. oweards. n- : A 0 ~~ Over Montreal Course. | Phones 453 and 1 Yassing ar 8 teit ng; we Instruct you 345 Quesn SL. "Phone 538. Kes. viy-w. And supply.you with work. . Write tes : { 3 x ------------ day. The Henhentte Company, Limit. or " { Montreal, July 19.--With Ross Classified Display ed, 21 Dominion Building, Torante THE LO i ir. ". BOYD'S STORAG WAREMOUSE_¥or Somerville safély esconced atop the : WELL BDUCATED BOYS--Wanted at , LION ANDTHE ANT: = a ; : S23 Wilding, Hons 1900 or 1171, iv on E Er ee ale Canadian amateur golf world, the Diamond Taxi. 259 King Street, : ; Btlention of leading golfers, both W. KENT MACNEE Female Help Wanted 3 - Miscelmncots a" amateur and professional, is thrn- . INSURANCE KER ---- a o«: Niidug Fire, Lite, Authuigobile, Ac.'| | DINING ROOM GINL-- Wanted or oars. Real Estate For Rent Articles For Sale Business Services Alike Cistud aul of ATLAS sane to the Canadian Open Golf Cham- cident, Sickness, Plate Uiase' A : ship which will be decided over [| Gher lines of Insurance. "4 || Apply to Belmont Dining Room. Houses ° Miscellancons 16 et a | LA Touasell Sires. '¥hone dbs. 8 new course of the Royal Mont- lJ 53 prOoCK 81. 'PHONE 535.w, || EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERVANT ASHES-<Removed from yard and cels oo! s If Club on Thursday. Friday 180s sree, T+ DR Hemming.| ping RESIDENCE-- West ¢ad, nesr| BABY ARRIAGE Cream Wicker, 81. J ee 7. And Joie a Obl lars; General carting pyar Sand 0 a . 47 George Street. Victoria Pack, eight rooms, h.¥. fur-| most new; been Used only short (ime. Factors, Registered Nurse, 108 Bagoe| Wood Tor sale matimare, 2% drs and Saturday, Aug, 5th, th and 7th. |] - hace, nardwood noors, 3 p. bath, gas! Will sell for half price. Apply fo 348 treet. 'Phone $51-w ours 9-13, | Huckley Transfer, 148 York Street Tl pa ees -------- im MELP--Wanted. Apply to Seortolty, verandah. Possession at! War] Street or 'phone 2149-J. 145, 6-7.30. Coastiation rea"! 'Phone 2b: and J518-M. © The title, and possession of the refrigerators. QL I010 OF Box Eels Whit - 4 BABY CHICKS--Prices reduced. Pure! pnuaress PRACTITIONER -- Ww. A. | CAVERLY TRANSFER 00, on LT rug ol onge, P| Rivermead Cup, will be determined erfection oil cookers Sitios. p MAID---Wanteéd for general housework. . bred to lay Barred Rocks, R. I. Reds Princess Street, mowing and ra By 72 holes of medal play, one round 80 cheap congoleum APPly to Mrs. Torrance, 61 Kensington | FURNISHED SUMMER BUNGALOWS---| and White Wyandottes; guaranteed oiatcells, corner Sarre | and djuene| Duy; Riso general team: Work dons 8 Of 18 holes on each of the first two Ss. : "Ave. 5.and 7 rooms, with Brepiaces &nd| 100 per Sent. Uys, Seilvared. Bhione| ments, electric treatments And. rat:| timates given. Phone 107. days, and two 18-hole rounds on Sat- ut ATTRESS--Wanted 8 once. Aooio os at once. Apply to screened verandahs; on easy tne; -W, ngston 3 massage. X-ray service. Consulta - . urday for all those who are within [| TUrk's Store ||%rmria ac] gttnerie ath $ pieg fiom iingc) Stree: Evenings by Appointment "Oates Si | Bin. Fone Tl hh reiony 20 strokes of the leader at the end . 'PHONE 706 "Male and Femaie Wolp Wanted 85 2784-r-3 at Kastview.- ~ | CROSSLEY DE FORREST--§ tube ra- phone §22-J. Residence 'phone 987.J, | Batteries recharged. Cuneda Haale dio set; full equipped with aerial and Stores. of the first 36 holes. or nx boos BD MOUSE ao Jo on| e&r phones. Tite only {adoc. aux SKIN BLEMISHES -- Har Moles, = . ~ -- - 'haries Street; eléotrie Hght As. | erms. S . n Ys ' i 4 The usual large siifry of Duited Lost and Found 1 Tonite a ANTED To a 7 roomed house, all improvemen: x «| Princess Street. gears Pits, Sia. Femoves beraicers Expeft Plane Tuning, States DIAYSH 10 battle 38 Caled an BANK BOOK--For Bank of Montreal rrr aa 16 i Lait, up ag Pr war "Pek street 16H, F, Sosuti. Of jars DECIDEDLY SPECIAL VALUE Two 0 Satistactory Glasses fitted and Player-Plano Adjusting, iy ' ---- . r cuts, C. es . 0 el - Stars, ig again expected. g rege found at Cushendall on Thursday. _lington Street. . only, new, five tube m Golire cured without" ommrto oiled 6 wn Phone Abed. 8D 'United States professional who has Owner may have same by applying to EET Sr SEVEN ROCMED HOUSE--Newly deco-| plete in every deta, 80. ears' eXperiéfice: "Won the title for two years last year | 4 Stanley Terrace, Quebes Street. Agents Wanted | tated, barn and Taree fot, Noth Al-| Radio 8 Be Ear Nase PR hl lake kc Bd to deteat Willie Macfarlane, | Soar LoSTWin tic Perein who re. E% Avely J. D. Hoya. "Phone $18 AND CHIFS--The cidger Bun sat] HAEOt Bircet. Phone Soins sol: o 308 YE HOLE TRIN Gms na Sungei repairs AGENTS--Geat In a profitable, all-yéar chip cafe in city. W..F. en, 21) : W. Haro, 104 Clergy nited States open champion, and | moved man's fawn gabardine coat aoa in a a Ar a ] ing. in another car ieag of your oWii{gg BRICK HOUSE -- Cen ontreal Street. 9 Am. to 1.00 » 1600-J, n customer i TOA sasipeen holy am We deliver. Phong Simi Medica, 2000 100-4, from or f same 'alter Hagen. he i Is 2pen to on Marker Sauare: Guancaus uly [+ Every property owner is A custo IoFh, equip amateurs who have handicaps of i hase Solty reg, of hardy Tag Nursery products. X Ag BE 5 DR. HOWARD PRICE FOLGER-- x for less, and professionals, The | OMe and receive reward. Casi avery week. Complete' uip- i = ain arnim(In good condition). Bagot Sereet, Kingston. Practice limit. Auzomoniles: 1 oa GOLD RIDING OROP SOARF PIN ent and instructions free. e NIE HOUSK---338 Brock Str élec- 1 ly k t ©. SAF, nose and , NE yearly coming A maps 9o lost. Finder Jit. return to Whig| Dominion Nurseries, Montreal TLS Tne ang Fis hardwo. oie ho a b he it ee Faone 0 Eveding EE be AM Auto A dl M8 honor, and the prize money is | Siice "Roward To heating. tinedige s hl. a te nm. Evenings 1-5 Appoint. coossories 4 derably. larger this year than GOLD COMPACT--Found at law 0c. Re S0LE SALES AGENTS presi Ab te dats Raid, 154 yl i HES {1 A d. an BLE A en 0 n soe- 3 Se % iy of the previous champion | 31%, Steno) Owner may have| largest and complete stock, six hundred re BEAN oS First Bret condi Barristern ana Solicitors 2{p KINGroN A TIL xn oy oo ships. same at 21 Unfon St. West. Scres. Nursery established forty| Rooms 10 - ) + 8. Our age le. J and - Cushions. Commercial, YOAri Agency is valuable. Write MAOKINAW SAIL BOAT For imme.| W. H. MmaRINGTON Sarrister; Soliol- Coupe Dodie CAITOTRIM . Prizes this year Will fotal*$1,320. | Goin WRIST WATOH--Lost, between | DOW and secure : territory, Ceiba] == :| "tor and Nota bile. . ops and (a 5 fheluding a donation "of $520 from Division and ; Barrie Streets; Fibbon Nursery Co., Toronto. gr Pens: on a 3, Ta. ne . Sonn; ton Street. ob one 3548-w. ng Mlnaring, Awhings Sad Hulle : nd an nitia M.B. nder +. Apply 316 Charl * - fhe Royal Montreal Club, and the | 1/5 *)d initialed C. Park Dairy Diy 10 80 Colborne Street. Belleville or "phone 823 Belleville, be: p.m. - Hat is as follows: Champlonship, gold | snd receive reward. Teachers Wanted 3! G0OD, FURNISHED ROOM-- And bodrd,| tween 6-8 } - All 'conveniences; central, = Apply Sngsion, AB. Cunnningham, KCl - Auto Wrecking Co. g (medal and $400 to the winner; the . E Reon ONCE A CUB. QUALIFIED PROTISTANT TEACHER | 'phone $088 wr NOW --I§ the time to decorwis your ? rmead Cup to be held by the -- 4 i Fea lawns and cemetery lots with we 1) Pp ¥ For No. 18, Township of Bed Three Kinds so chyour flow.) 5 AND REVELLu--Barristery aud]] She ahi Wad Truck, 8 Ee ford. Sasa; 600.40. Apply t r vases. ree y 3 ab from which the winner is en- | Butterill. ei oy P. O. Oot. JorRe Real Estate For Saie Kingston Cement Products, "Peis Solicitors, '§s Saareacs jan Reong: (| Automobile Farts Tor al maken of 201 téred; second, $850; third. $200; : am Street. 'Phone 780-w. Bo aes Be Day, Aa ears. or 3 - igages arcanged. 'Phone 308. Second Mand all glnes rth, $150; Ath, $100: sixth, $75: TEACHER -- Normal trained teacher Houses 1" . - : gd fou 3 . wanted for 8. 8. No. 1 B RADIO--3$14.50, oné tube WD12, mahog . Los. J. CorBATTiNter and Sonich. || PCiee. $400 to 1, Barrie. Salary &ny case, vernier Sondgnscr, vario- § 06k Street. MOrtghges wr: ROSEN & POLLITT _ Seventh, $50; eighth, $40; ninth, $700 per atinum. Duties commence . ' y 3 4 HOUSE--S8tucéo finish, 2 years old, 5 UPI COMPAL a ce. H. M $80, and tenth, $35. Tf any of the os Bibtember 1st. Apply. to Mrs. Geo. rooms, toilet, electricity, good eeliar, | Anifeon: Mowe: ar, . '| ea on city and farm prope : : ' Bishop, s i| Anderson, Mowat San. "Phone 1803, PESEHY: | Phone Tw, 10 RIDEAU ST. ten places are won by amateiirs SoC. ress, Cloyne, Ont. bE Th! te lot, on Albert Btreet. L CUNNINGHAM & SMITH Barristers and Solleitors, 79 Clarence Street, AE MD. Trumpour, 210 Prinesss. QUITTING BUBINESS--8elling out. ALL rea tho sauvaen of Bas da ha pg See, ae BET A Se Sa) he prize money in plate and the : Sept. 'Ith. Apply stating . 50%. A. Shapiro. 46 Princess Street. and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money Automobiles yor Sale 4 BE. W. SULLIN "leading amateur will receive a zold : experience to W. A. Steele, \ poet ous ama Tisuranoe Broker | qUBBISH BURN Garden Fences, | fo loan. "Phone 198s. : 'medal from the Royal Canadian Golf . gz Tichborne, Ont. ; Johauon and Divisisa vs a} ae A uns rae Wr? Those. =| BABY GRAND CHEVROLET In good . . Phone RW, L hohe 350. Partridge Wire & iron Ladies' Hair Parior 24 condition; newly varnished; four y wi Jor ociation. In addition there are : Page. | 0 *_gpecial prises for professionals hold- { . 5 rooms, modern. Copper. ete 10K ln Sliver, eile Ures and new top. Will sell cheap 88 vouiions with clus beiongins | Sie and Vinca ¥| atta Rents 158 ib bay. mom "| Sx on we SERINE AE a a | er torr eer § And 40 the R.C.G.A., the Royal Montreal | W 3 $1.100eFramme, § rooms, improvements, | "PHessns my SPRL ontenss| Mations, bobbed cura Witanen anam CHEVROLET CAN. aso 1016, tn £00k Gla. ho "Casntion Colter" pre Re AAR, Bye APS SE gene ines to RE oir of Baril va post | SARs BRL alfa GAIT cand| nl oT, 0g Fl, Sch SAE senting prizes of $35 an? $15 each $ : Baath Stree SiSoms and ath 0 I ace Mody to dean in bed. "Invest in EA y ingham. $ Bey Bircer. "Kingston | coe street. the first and second Canadian | Do0re _Abply 89 Brock Street. 361 Princess Street, "none 1189-3. Turners 1% [FR HOR a pana on Se 3 aif e Patri ; me pian TRENT i Bou WILL BECHANGE ROTI = no ROEL WA BRA" ms ass [ianiag crise Ws Entries for the championship ¢lose | r apartment, 3 p. bath, Rud nivel location on BURN IT UR Be AD (oes a a St. Aug, 23d with B, L. Anderson, | Soupse conakired. AppiyC LL} edn for mall hen or. Earden *propbrty.| hi org Sid rg 3 Cri cris, reutment | Boat MebAUGHLINu81x Sviinder.. i nod nto, secrétary of the R.C.G.A. ! Stree: or phone 1122. pply Box A-1%, ice. > Frio rest, successors to . sel Lood gad Bs ona 4 y ee s Antique Shoo. itze 3 ot ap. Kingston Service Star) 8 : . The annual 36-hole championship UNFURNISHED FATConiing Ho : h ed on Service Station br 'pl . Kitch th % A » A -- et -------- i. w ui of the Canadian Professional Golf Frinctus Sure, 'Hoots hrom. a1 ths . : : Auto Tops and Cushioss 16a. W AVING We have a number of ors' Asodiation i be held at the 1 384 Princess st El rlea Club, Montreal, on Aug. a J : o L new or re x b ya Percy Barrett, of the Lake Business aces 8 : fa Gi Sekt I For the very latest in Ladies' * Used Cars and Trucks} ohités tin hatr b lub, Toronto, is the present e y fine | ® you dressing. hy on. Sa ; on a Soe gant. Ef fd 0; 00 h : boda: a hh RE LADIES BXOLUSIVE PRIVATE For Sale. i ] rea - LE : i : 8 409 | Prima INGSBURY, 2016-3. Prices right. trally located on Princess st : - ; 18 3 fey ih sm = {oo a _ Auctions 34a TEE a 3 ted ap . % - - Apply 1. Cohen & ; ; : ; ; Pr H AUCTIONEERS--Expert service. mod . ; y ; nse 1 32.3 , " 1] fate charges. We can sell an Austen Rooms, Ma makes or readers. io aa g Joa clas AOnS Tnabor at ing you Sree ve time EASSHTED ADS bring quick res > i

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