i . w The Lough thor Gites te Glo Secrets of the Mirth Caused by Jiggs and Maggie'as Revealed by Their rv ! > Creator, and How. They Have | | | RL Invaded Foreign Lands mma dE SRST... him, and that conception has not been vo ed in any important detail. He was born in Felany, you know, and appear, came to this country, Sxpisiing to find : are completed and master en. the streets paved with gold. But they avings have been made for the English- were aved with bricks and cobblestones ' . Anguage press, they are turned over to eee) So he became a hod-carrier. Up Father" that Mr. the foreign-language men. A Spanish- Romance came into his life when he met McManus gained his chief speaking journalist translates the Me- Maggie slinging dishes in a beanery, and fame and virtually all of his fortune, Manus ~ "balloons" into Spanish and they were married. Jiggs saved his That was in 1912; and, contrary to a gen- Spanish engravings are made. Then they money. He threw away the hod and be- eral impression, Jiggs did not have a are translated for the Chinese papers; and counterpart in real life. Rather he was a go on. . composite of several Irish types, with the When. the foreign-lan age men have strongest elements in his personality be- finished, "Brin ing Up Father" is ready ing contributed by Billy Barry, an Irish for more than 600 newspapers in all parts actor of three decades ago, whom Me. of the world and for several million read- Manus had seen fre uently at the Grand Opera House in St. uis, then managed by his father. Mr. McManus is a short, sturdy person with eyes and a nose that are unmistak- ably Irish. Moreover, he has a charming way of laughing at the other man's joke. He lives in New York and spends' most of his time in the city, making an ocea- sional trip to Europe or across Americs by way of vacation. Most of his work he does in a studio in New York. It is not un- Drawing Copy right, Interna tiona] Featur: Service, Inc ' MUSICAL As Well as a Master of Line Is Mr, Mc. Manus, Shown Here Performing on a Baby Saxophone in a Relaxed Moment, gan to sell bricks on a . commission. Then he went into the brickmaking usiness and munufac. tured a' brick. es i "HOLD STILL™ 4 Mood, Maasuring George McManus's Mous- A ; NW . Bet at "Pickfair," Her Hollywood Home, While (© (\ a) ) * Sullding brick ¢ Smiles in Mock Contemptuous Jealousy, k Ne \ NT =A Qu 5) A "Then Maggie Became The following story about George first went to Japan, it was neces- 7 [ } Z 3 v SN ) 105 a social climber. Wealth Fecher' io poss oe ringing Up tary Tor thai fectaiie ah 3s fy & gee ated : = AL Sotcias dukes, cienpoint lv 4 = ery, 8, counts an Father," is published through permis. e ged to : Ml ym : < » coll > rofessors' came sion of World Traveler, in which Jiggs J. \ Foxit Bo ! into : or ite, She forgot and Maggie were just recent! en among the American uffs J 3 s : : the old crowd. But Jiggs the official designatio "globe ven was Corned beef. Now Ji f 5 f ; has stuck to his ay » sneaks down to Dinty Moore's i / | | pipe and his corned beef os 5 £0 Sorned hoot and $abbage in ; ; J : + + and cabbage. He is still ih 0Xyo just as he does in Chicago. - TRAVEL ss bros ne, 0200 To Cnt wi RAVEL is a broadening influence. Father, ravels of "Bringing Up 'ather" received their most strik- Every one knows that. But it still Te eived 4 Among the presents which came to Mr. Me. anus was a silk rug, in which had een woven by Abdul Ham id eshany, the Toathat of rugmak- ers, the various ch from the McManus comic stri The rug had a Anmad Ro, of ) 8 Persi art % 54d sie - 3 : A ge fi ie