a a TR OT PA ER LR TT TING SPORTING NOTES AND COMMENT i Dune Munro, of Toronto, captain and defenses player of the Montreal | Maroons, world's professional hockey champions, was operated on for mas- tolds In Montreal this week. Munro was bothered greatly by these mas- tolds all last season and & successful operation should make a big improve- faent in his cdndition for hockey, THE DAILY BRITISH W ~ SPOR R GAME | CARDED TO-DAY Wletorias and Circle 8ix Enter Second Half of Junior. Schedule. : = To-day at the Cricket Field at ain) ock the Circle Six and Victorias. 0's fast pair of junior teams, i86t in the opening gate of the secs ond half of the junior series. The drcle Six won the first half honors (Bfter a hard uphill battle. It looked | BF times as though the Vietoflas | & Might do the trick\ but when the "Punch was needed the Circle Six Seemed to have it and it brought them to the first half championship. g The Circle Six are determined too that there will be no playoff neces- sary and. they will try their hard- B8t to take the best three out of five games in the second half of the Friday, July 16, 1926. i Pocket Packs ; 'an ldeal Buy TIMELY - 18 COMMENTS Handy Packages of § or 10 insure supply and keep jour cigars better. That there will be: a tf of the schedule goes To-day's junior attraction looks pretty good. large crowd out for the obening of the second hal without saying. 'The Kingston seniors play ia Peterborolj on- Saturday and another win for the local will &ive them the League championship by such a margin that there should be no doubt adout it. Swanston Was speared in the game against Belleville last Saturday at Peterboro and was Injured and "Hap" Harrison was unable to make the trip to Kingston on Wednesday, being in Western Ontario. That is the reason that these players Were not here for the game between Peterboro and Kiagston on Wednesday evening at the Fair nds. i gorien, To-day's opener will give | The Kingston seniors this season look to be #bou\ the best combina- either team an advantage and both | tion that Manager Joe Daley has had in years. Their strength in every ~ teams will be right on edge to pick | Position. The outfield is the best in the Central Ontario League and the it off, positions in the Infield are In some places stronger than the other two ee The Victorias, while they lost the | teams, Britton is a far better short-stop than 'Blakley of Belleville or first half honors, have not lost any | 2 Johnston of Peterboro of their fighting spirit and Purvis can overshadow either Harry Mills of and to-day | Belleville or "Hap" Harrison of Peterboro, 2 they will be right in there to trim i the Circle Six if possible. It should | be a sweet ite oy fans who ban | The sensational work of Britton this season in several games has been 800d junior baseball that has thrills | much commented upon by local fans. "Bubs" in addition to making him- and excitement running through it | zalf one of "the most popular players in the Club, has won his way to a all the time, should see to-day's fix- | high place in the fielding and batting records. He is playing great ball. tare. y : i There promises to be plenty of excitement at the double-header game at Elginburg on Saturday. In the junior section Cataraqui and Elginburg i Juniors meet and in the intermediate section Inverary and Elginburg meet. BAS EBAL It Is expected that a number of fans from lhe city will go out for this EVEN THE SHREWD - * double bill. at OLD CONMIE MACK. SCORES ; ny HAS_HIS OWN PET BASEBALL SUPERSTITIONS GOODRICH: PUTS TIRE PRICES BACK TO, ~ LEVEL OF 1924. ¢ Substantial reductions In Prices. Call and get our prices. » GRO! 85 A CONSTANT THREAT TO THE OPPOSITION Chicago ...000 002 0lx--3 6 1 # er's box. Catcher makes a lay on 3 -- Batteries -- Hearn and Taylor; | ball and muffs it. Does po FA WIGURES MACK, All sizes second hand tires. » } INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Jones and Gonzales, > any difference in the play? : | ~ New York, July 16--The Maple | Phila. ....102 022 001--8 14 0 --- : Most baseball managers are just as Jtion. ~ Leafs thanked the willows of Mil- [Cincinnati .013 100 001g 13 1] No doubt the wording of the rule, | superstitious as the ball players and One is to hurl your best bet at the C { "> Attwood 105 Brock St Ier and Carlyle and the whip of Clar- Batteries -- Dean, Willoughby, | which says an infield fly is a fair fly | suderstition runs riot among the ath- opposition, get 'em 'groggy' and ® % . ence Fisher for their 4 to.3 victory | Pierce, Ulrich and Wilson; Luque, | ball other than a line drive that can | letes. then try your best to keep them in Rs-- rm ------------------ over Baltimore yesterday in the flual | Lucas, Rixey, May and Hargrave. |be handled by an infleld, is what| As one watches CBnnie Mask me. that condition, The other to keep -- "ame of a five-game series. Toronto | Brooklyn ..000 200 300--5 12 3 !raises the question as to whether the fiodioally directive hje ball club na In Jgserva. Ta Sout 7 h its best performance of the en- | St. Louis ..101 052 02x--11 17 0 ) handling of the ball by the catcher | from the bench, he would never gup- anding an early knockou was 5 -» gagement to hari down two games| Batteries -- Petty, Boehler and [affects the play, ? e Dose the tall leader of the 'Athlstics | Mack's original intention in using|§ FROM ATLANTIC TO THE SEA OR : inst three for the visitors. O'Neill; Reinhart and O'Farrell. It does not. "It matters not who | believed there was such a thing as a | Grove to open every series. With the JONES' GREAT 10-YEAR MARCH + Af) Rochester the Skeeters pound- Sedo se wearer makes the play, provided the ym. |Jinx. star southpaw at the top of his game ed olif 'at 12 to 9 vietory over the STANDING OF CLUBS pire is of the opinion that said ball Yet only recently, Connie, by de- [the odds are always in favor of his Tribesmen. Twombley knocked a could be handled by an inflelder. ciding that "Lefty" Grove should turning in a victory. ! homer. Wational League. _ The fact that the catcher droppel | never again be used as the opening Winning the" firsts ball game in Reading made it three oitt of four 4 Won Lost P.C.|the ball near the pitcher's box is evi- | pitcher in a three or Jour-game Ser- {any series is the edge. It puts the Against Syracuse by defeating the| Cincinnati ,. «+ 50 37 .575|dence that anybody om the infield | ies, proved he did. opposition on the defense. Home team § to 4, despite Dyer's| Pittsburgh .. ., .. 44 36 +550 | could have probably played the ball And thereby hangs a very Inter-| That is all very well if form holds smart work. The. local mdunds-|St. Louis .. .. .... 46 39 _§41 better thar he did. i esting tale of how superstitition of- good and your best bet comes fanned nine, : Chicago .. .. ..... 46 40 _529 la ' {ten causes smart baseball men to through. If he fails, it is different. ewark started off well against| Brooklyn .. .. ,. 43 40 .518 suffer an entire change of opinion, You have used your ace and lost. 'Bisons with three runs in ths se- | New York .. .. .. 43 41 512 CANADIAN NATIONALS When a ball club has a big defen- | That removes the big threat and "cond inning and finished wel on the PHiiadelphia seen as 3 3 35 sive menace like Babe Ruth, the ma- (adds to the confidence of the rival 108g end of a 7 to 3 score, Mamaux| Boston .. .. ...... . nager of the club has two lines of aec- | club. { satled smoothly to victory except for --.. ING SOME STARS % ' a homer In the ninth. The Newark American Jeane, Al ---- yourself. But even our instruc- pitcher knocked one himself, nt ROCKWOOD BOWLERS tor is the hest one In the world, you Stee City 321 202 002--12 168 4 New Jork. chau 83 31 .631(8trong Rugby Team May Be are pron s to a diagnosis of Your Rochester 200 110 005-- 3 12 o Ehilade phia .... 4 3 -5g0 Disorganized Somewhat DEFEAT DESERONTO faults and the diagnosis has to ba Thorac, Kar, rm sn | Senet 48 41 This Season. | som 1 Asser' Yous sommes vine. / : Detroit. 3. > 2 43 43 "500 Montreal, July 16.--Possibilities Scored 106 Points Against 89 | It is peculiatly an American trait to Newark ...030 000 004-7 11 0 St. Louls j 35 48 .423|in the Quebec Footban Union for the |- | want to get a reason for a thing. Buffalo ...000 100 0p3--3 5 3 Boston ... .. .. .. 25 59 398 [coming season seem to be in a state By the Deseronto Bowl- It is human nature to copy eccen- _ Batteries -- Mamaux and Schulte; Ay i of uncertainty, It appears that some ing Rinks. tricities before one will copy the pics. SaTerny ud Lake. B11 International League, of the teams which have been regu-;' things hat are id While. Tver: Reading ... fn 7 .C. | 18r competitors in the series may be | w. . 06y 18 looking for a panacea. There Syracuse ..010 002 010--4 11 o Baltimore .. .. Non > pe missing from the list of entries. Itis| 'Three rinks of bowlers trom Rock- (is no such thing in golf, unless it be ' __ Bdtteries -- Chambers and Lynn: Toronto... .. ..... 58 37 .611/even possible that the Canadian Na-| Wood Bowling Club visited the 'Des- | hdrd work. If you can think it {is Dyer and Morrow, Neibergall. Newark .. ..... .. 556 38 .591{tional team, for three years cham-|eronto Bowling Club on Wednesday | not hard work and get some enjoy- Baltimore ..100 000 002--38 8 0{ Buerale "+ «x +a..n 66 39 .585|plons, may be non-starters in the 8nd in addition to having a very |ment out of practicing, then you will Toronto ++ +300 000 10x--4 9 2 Rochester .. .. ..., 45 46 495 |intermediate campaign. Pleasant outing they won the séries|improve that much faster, 1 Batteries -- Henderson and Me- Jersey City .. .. .. 41 51 .446] Much has been said concerning the [bY a score of 108 against 89 points, | Therefore, in practicing your short ~ Kee; Fisher and O'Neill, Syracuse .. .. ..... 33 58 .356 entrance of the Dominion intermedi- |The weath®r. -was perfect and the | game, try to make it as interesting : ini Reading-.. .. ..... 22 65 .242]ate titleholders in the Ontario Foot- 8Teens were in splendid = condition |as possible. If you can practice a AMERICAN LEAGUE . ------e ball Union. . But chances that they | Refreshments were served and also 150-yard approach over a ravine Cleveland ..110 002 000--4 3 0 THE LEADING HITTERS. will enter the Wester group. with | ali excellent supper was provided, so |onto a putting-green, make a game oston ....100 000 001--2 6 the long train Nom necessi- j that nothing was lacking to make a |of seeing how many balls you can Batteries: -- Smith and L. Sewe]l; American League, tated are so small that there is little [500d holiday. make stop on the green. Above all, . Ruffing, Welzer and Gaston. i AB R H- PC|or no Itkelihood that they will make| Fach rink played two games fn | don't get discouraged. Second game-- | Fothergill. Detroit 150 37 65 .433 | the jump, the afternoon and one game in the| It pays to be natural. Recapitu- 'Cleveland (. {010 000 010-3 8 Falk, Chicago .... 326 52123 .374 With many of the C.N.R. players | evening, Rockwood taking five and |late your faults after you have cur- ks Boston ....310 000 03x--8 10 1|Hesimann, Detroit. 266 57 98 .368 | ready to join the Montreal Amateur To four of these. The follow- | od them and see that you have mot » _ Batteries --Shaute. Buckeye, Lehr | Ruth, New York...264 80 90 .367 | Athletic seniors in the Interprovine. | INE are the results, the names of | overcured them. : ; Ber 3h ha J BL Sl ST ae re Prom + Bere Ko sioner of fer 1s on of the mot tri iy IW: York .000 000 020--3 9 3 Washington, .405. 'lto Betta roa squad I the ol Rockwood. «| Pittsburg, Ee atnli hres of the four major golt eham- ily 150 Hod Slaven Fy TN ag. i ties -- Gibson and Manion; -- Union series. Dr BE. Ryan 13 J. Allum ' . 3 his action in asking police protection | PlOnshiDs of the universe In 10:years |, ox tor second at Skokie, ons icker, Hoyt and Collins. 5 National League. * It is known that the football club | Pr. BE. Ryan 7 G. Campbell 1 for members of the New York Na-|is the mervelous record hung up by [stroke behind Gene 'Sarazen. (St. Louis at Philadelphia; post- : ~~ AB R H PCland the Canadian National Recrea-| R. 8. Graham 14 J. Allam 8 tional League baseball team during Robert Tyre Jones of Atlanta. 1924 he was runner-up to Cyrlgh™ ed; rain, es Bressler, Clnelnati 232 45 86 .371 [tion Club held meeting recently in | R. §. Graham 16 R, Miller % [the present series with Pittsburg,| Jones started on his march from | Walker at Oakland Hilip, SLE "Chicago, at Washinglon: postpon-| Grantham Pltts'rg 209 26 76 .364 | regard to where the team will play | C. C. Hidgins 7 G. Campbell § Roger Bresnahan, fn charge ofthe | "Atlanta to the sea and other points" | In national amateur play, Jonge, rain, Herman, Brooklyn. 353 36 90 .356 [this season, but just what resulted | 0. C. Hodgins 10. R. Miller 8 Giants in the absence of Manager| back In 1916. Since then he. has {besides winning the title fn 1924 and | Ts Gp Traynor, Pittsburg 287 42101 .352 [at the gathering has not been made | Dr. Ryan 3 J. Falrbum 18 noGraw: said' he had learned from [been the game's sensation. He has | 1925, came in second in 1919, losing NATIONAL LEAGUE Hornsby, St. Loulw 258 55 90 .344 | known. It is thought, however, that | C C. Hodgins 8 J. Burns 17 | whiat he considered "pretty straight" | won the mations open title, the na- to 8. Davidson Herron at Oakmont, York . 000 000 0000. 4 0! 'Loader a year t50 to-day--Horns- | the football club will piace a team |R. S. Grabam 16 H. 3. Rathbun 9 | sources that the New York players tional amateur (twice) and recently |5 and 4. 4 HSRUTER. 000 002 01x18 7 3|yy "st Louis, 426. . of youngsters on the gridiron to de- |. = $9 | ore In danger of an attack as a re-| walked off with the historic British Jones needs but ene mere con- atteries ---- Greenfield and Fior- tend the title. : 106 $9 |sult of an altercation between Catch. open classic, being the first Ameri-[quest--the British amateur--to com- | Kremer and § y Incidentally officials of the Mont- ---------- er Snyder of the Giants and Coach|can amateur ever to sweep through | plete his string of major champlon- * +=..000 000.001--1 § '1 : "7 |real Amateur Athletic tion +ey | Jack Onslow of the Pirates fn New| the leld successfully. ships. He hopes to put that over | A - BASEBALL PROBLEMS 1 |cCiub are expres 'mo doubt What- i .§ | York, June 20th. : Moreover, Jones has been up with | next year. TE sis | ever as to at least five of HELPFUL GOLF HINTS He said it was 'bonly common |the top-notchers year after year. | ~In the above layout. Jones By Biily Evans. the Canadian National stars. Ru-|! a (Semse™ to guard against possible dis-| When he hasn't bagged the honors, shown at the age of 14, Just start] hil: Ne ey | MOT has it that Cornwall will be re- ' order, ' he's been but a step or two away. to gain home-town rec and - . > +. | Presented in the Quebec Union and By John Duncan Dunn. Last year, in the national open, he fas he looks to-day at 24. Note . . Umpire declares infield fiy on ball that they are negotiating for a Mont- The man looking on can tell you Work by any Sther name would be| carried Willie Macfarlane to 38 | marked resemblance in golfing form | that comes down at about the pitch- real man to coach their players. more. aboyt your form than you can | just as distasteful to a lazy man extra holes before acknowledging de- ~--Dosition of feet, swing and all, ih 4 - Shit " md . ~-- min : -- 1 By Martin | / : YO 0s NWT 00 SHR 902 | | NuTN'/ ; SN i . ; 4 ay oe 3 > : = ~ 3 / ; 300