Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jul 1926, p. 5

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H B 11 3 : We can supply your Bill of Lumber and Wood. work from Cellar fo Ridge Boards. 4 Everything from a toothpick to a Timber stick. Quality good, service prompt and cheerful. . Marcalla. The woman'll only want reminds me," sald' Marcella slowly. smiled kindly, re-|to borrow!" "Rather an odd thing happened on if S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED assuringly. "You're not quite friena- Marcella, tdo, had flushed. 8he boardship, She was in my cabin, | - s ® was a girl of spirit. and picked up a photograph of you, |i LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, 1 less, you know, because You have a . P Comfort at last after Years of COINS |triend in me "1 don't like your tone at all. You | and stared at it for a quite a while, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO y 3 She couldn't have explained her men are all so hard, snd---ang ar. aul, they said she thought she knew J Private Branch Exchange Phone 1571. You knew porsisten f | salt dissolves in the Water like ordi- | Impulsive interest in Deirdre--un- | rogant. It I choose to help this poor | yo ; an old corn, al Rant Jin of 1 Sli) a so it Sle less it was that they were botH suf. womag, it isn't anybody else's busi. "Tush" excaimed the man, as |} it, and for a few days or a week | true to say thet Radox Bath Salts fering from an unhappy love! ness, is jt1" though irritated. "That's an old there is relief. Then the pain comes actually dissolve your corn. db the vestibule was Warwick They were walking along the | trick, Proves the sort she is. You Shooting back . Cutting and The Radox Bath Sait does not at- | Tréman. He assumed an air of pat- | street, with 'Treman's hand under oughta't to know her, Let the mala , re urs Mog ¢ Sain: they | ook the living skin; 1t softens and | fent matrydom wheh he perceived | Marcella's elbow, piloting her along. | say you're out to-morrow, when she : 'the oop rg 90 8 buisance as refreshes this; (it cannot dissolve it Marcella approaching. : The man was shaken by the ghost calls" ; ) ~~it is only the deed skin--the corn "Your odd-looking friend has de-{ he'd just seen, risen from a past he But," persisted Marcells, "You 3 cofn But that ado Buy I teaonans which it dissolves, tained you," he 'said quizzically, | hoped was long since buried. And | do travel about the world so mach odily with thy Amar i 2 The corn is gone! It can't sehe | raising his brows. : what irony of fate that it was Mar. | that it's perfectly - possible you've : : . : because jt yt thers. Your shoes "Oh, T am sorry! Poor, soul, she | cella--of all girls--who had met; met Deirdre. She sald something ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS How Radox Bath Salts Remove Coins | are comfortal) © agaln, You can was in such trouble! Her husband | this woman! about Winnipeg--years and years -- A to Sian you dip your foot intg a | Walk cheerfully, actively once pore. has deserted her. The whale thing must be quash. | --ago-- Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices. 0ing Radox Bath| Get rid of that corn of Over Warwick Treman's face ed at once, or untold trouble might 5 -- Rover Basa a Lar hnipey. ! "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" # ome, don' oolish. Let's talk of : the corn) combines with the Radox | Radox from any drug- | "" 8 more interestin topic--n 1 ; Bat t sion, and Marcélla saw it. I have the right to ask you to 8 Ple--namely, B Salts to form a Prin salt of | gist on Your way home "Who Is she? Where did you say | consider my wishes," he said, slow. . { HALLIDAY C CO. . 'Phone 94. the actual corp itself. This prot in | to-night. Prot ne Pak and you picked her up?" Iy' impressively. "This--ocreature--. e &Te yok going Corner King and Princess Streets . . Marcella stiffened. The Phrase | can be nothing to you, Indeed, to be tenterhooks? yop y , Pink pashoge sounded as though he were putting | even seen with her would be damag- | Xow the vay I'feel you, : ; the two of them on the same level ing. She looks as though she dop- | 9arling. I'm not a man to Bush, and | cnn : ---- : : "She's a poor woman T was kind | ed." 180 Dretty spesches, but I'm ia dead ! baritone; pianist: musical comedy ; - .10, on the boat. I.don't know her "Oh, surely not?" Bat a memory | #ATBOSt--and you know ip hits, WEAF troupe. ' : SOLE IMPORTERS: CHAS. GYDE & SON, MONTREAL last name--the Christian name's | came to her of the strange 'inter.[" Yes, Indeed she dig. There was 8.30---Goldman bang concert, seal . something Quearly comforting fn 10.18--Roosevelt orchestra. Deirdre," view on boardship, ' the cigarette Warwick's devotion, st in "Ep ' ' ® present "13--P, ¥ H'm. As theatrical ag she looks, | episode, and the woman's sudden juncture. For Miles had hums int 11-13--Palais D'or orchestra. s Is Y Child : herself, 1 didn't quite care for your | change from sadness to ga queer Hd 1 ---- 4 our [ Sater Acquaintance with her in | gafety, sired' ot well as her heart. To be de- WLW (432.3) Otncinnats. "- « sired and loved--even when she 7.00 p.m.--Organ, Johanna Grose 0. . 9? & public place like that!" "Be sensible, Marcella." He saw coulda' i Thin and Weak' | The girl resented his possessive [his advantage, and grasped fs. Soothe in um wend ng wag ® ---- ; 7.30--8eckitary Hawkins Radio skin (which forms | yours: buy a package of | there flitted a ery strange expres: |eventuate, Oc. air. Why, he spoke as though they re as jsuerant of that class as Maybe she could grow to Yow ob were already married! the babe unborn. She'll prey on you, . Club. Cod Liver Extract In Sugar Coated "Humanity comes before appear. | Shen get you into trouble. Drop Warwick) How eligible he was! Ang 8.00--Johannk Grosse, popular Tablets Ds oh and Builds ance. As a matter of fact, I've ask-| her." : 2 noadarty} to be able to help music. v a ed her to come and see me to-mor. | "I ean't do that. T wanted you to paar, any give him all . the 8.30--Castle Farmers. In just a few days--quicker than | Tow morning. I want to find a] help me. - You know some of the Dear 2 . Secdag! #.00--Instrumenta) Quartet, JOU ever dreamed ofthese wonderful | job for her" theatrical folk, don't you? Yeu could | yous Dear Lo o8h uD - in. the -- health building, flesh creating tab-| A flush--perhaps of annoyance, | give her introductions to the man. He w 3 s WRO (409) W. D.C, lets called McCoy's Cod Liver Extract perhaps of some more complex emo- | agers." A 45 longing to get 13 (Noon)----Organ recita], . Tablets will start to Belp any thin, tion--mantled {n Treman's cheeks. "Oh, I couldn't do that sort of |, 5 Pt on 1 p.m --Maytlower Orchestra, underweight little one, "Let her go to an employment | thing with a woman I've. never 7--To be announced. sickness and where rickets bureau. T won't have you imposed | met" . 7.30--New York Philharmonie pr Ipeted they are especially val. upon, by every passing adventuress.| "Then meet her first. Bhe's com. : : Orghastre;. le know t from the) You're a credulous little fool, | Ing round to-morrow moralng. That + EE '" e ar of Musie. Most peop hat m t § LEA 11 to midn ght--Organ recital, Catarequi Cemetery aN a vers of the lowly codfish vitamines xcept Mon. and Sat. at 2 PIL, 5 the frst class are Sxtracted--the| "™--~~r~nnn Ate ; Tak < 5 [ein Bes, onmen agi guader- 2) [DNB ES h : Yo ; 1030 Eh Servaaders, Godkins Livery Try these wonderful tablets for 30 ©3 : J 8.15--Gleveland Orchester 0d® Phone 816 Queen Street. dayy snd it your frail, puny child Rico & 7.30--S§tudio Programme. fon't orig benefit -- get your Y by : Olive Roberts Barto, \ » i ST 8----Hollenden Orohestrs. oney back ; Eh #--Studio vaudeville programme. © -- ! : . A very sickly child, age 9, gained " . | "BT ME Quote You Rates ||13 Jeunds in 7 month, sao] TT PINK TICKETS GO HOME , he Rr es 8 o Dream Maker | TRS offer had warmes Marcellas : 5 : ON AN Ask Jas. B. McLeod, Mahood's "g . heart towards tp : KYW (386) . ' Jou Want me to help to tind | clapped his ha, ds three tim » the man. He was gen. : Drug Store, Branigan's Drug Store. p Hin ally Fob oJ thoughttul, 'she § p.m.--The bedtime stary. . . or any druggists for MeCoy's Cod your china elephant and top clown!" very queer servant appeared, 3 All Risk Motor Policy Liver Extract Tablets--as easy to Said the Dream-Maker Man to the This person had a bill Iike a bird. olb comparing his thought. §-30~Congress Hotel concert. ws 4take as candy and 60 tablets, 60 Twins, "Are you sure they came fears like a Fabbit. 2 button Juin den's casual Evening American, BEST AND CHEAPEST FORM cents, from the moon?" one foot, a laced shoe on the other : . programma, Congress. "Yes, sir," sald Nancy "They | foot, and he ke . Leon ) 8---Classical concert, i EY rena nay p , 3 . pt his hands ina muff, 93 0; § came on & moonbeam. The Fairy | "Ab wist grouch & for check," sajd this money, | 30--Congress carn val, Queen saw them and told us." the Dream-Maker Man, 3 Nid . Com! radi programmes solg (Hs ed 1871) "How did you find my houss on "Nip sut rant a boo choo," sald the Naan who Was Siting PPpostie her : or mage Brom i) : Establish Misty Hill?" ag ked the Dream-Ma- | queer servant, making a bow and dis fers jan m Peicular 2 a ' : ker Man thoughtfully. i appearing, ' . S teams h 1p passages "Someone in Shut-Eye Town gave "That's moon language," explained Son't mind ; S---- » : : | booked to all parts of us two pink tickets." sald Nick. "And | the Dream-Maker Man, "And that's |p to NEW WORLD RECORD, I Ae -- they have bden awfully nice about Blink, one of the moon people. He's Complaint of Violet Anderson, [+ J C W BROOM the world, Pass. taking us places." & very good cook and makes fudga to twenty-year-0ld New York actress, (For Milk ad ur ons . h "How" asked the Dream-Maker | suit the queen's taste. He kesps hig 5] that tWo men stripped and flogged ; NE ports arranged, Man curiously, hands in a mutr so they or doa outle 2 Jetuns fo ina. of her resulted fn the indictment of New Yprk, vid om A Dental Surgeon ang ogh tekets issued over | "They made Nimselves foto | clean. * He's gone now sp be puit| Delrdre caught one white pend Sotip Biliott. and a Tydrue 0 by founyoscniy' Jorvey souitiat Ww. Street. 'Phone 670, Trans-Atlantic, Trans-Pacific, Alaska, | tracks," answered Nick. Then we something to eat. You must be hua- [and raised it to her trembling lips, har SUren And their arrest claimed to-day for \ Pretoria. Ox appointment. ' Evenings Bermuda, West Indies, Mediterran. | rode along in a cute little cay." 8Ty after 50 long a journey: and as! "You're an angel. I--I'll neve anet FJ » ean, Round the World Steamship At this the two pink tickets ' we have another long journey ahead, forget It--what you've done for ho SE ---- 3 Swhned A v r Whitaker, : Lines. stretched themselves out of thélr thought it would be better to have [It's been like--like a cup of cold high Shot Haat 3 Prepaid Passages arrangea for 1t| Twins' pockets and looked around Some sandwiches and cakes and water to Someone in hell! It'y given R A DI 0 supervised test prod 2 " ' 14,935.2 518 you desire to bring relatives or | with their pink eyes. "It says on us lemonade." me fresh courage, . ,ie friends from abroad. : that we have to return," said the| 'I'm Bungry, thank you," sata Marcella ned encouragingly, a ands of milk and For full porelbulars SPply to op | tickets, "If yo, don't need us any Nick pofltely. batting the woman's shoulder. . Joyads ol uiter ,which is « Tecord iy J. Office Je: O.P. * Ta. 6X rs you be going now. Th, date feb I" sald Naney. --e, there! on SATURDAY, JULY 17. - had. > ations) | stam On us says we are no good "At the door opened and in |Splendidly, I'm sure, Ana if your get . . THE PACE THA KILLS ours. Station, corner Johnson and | after tomorrow.' 8 Ame - with the ty low in spirits again, Just oh phi KDEA | (809.1) Pit Pa. It > Setting wd, and more diye dey and night,' "Phones Bp ot nr su may £0 then," Said | the | (Copyright, 1926, NEA Service. Inc.) [and see Wo, Won't . you? Talking 6.15 ~Morn} cult for many wom to keep pace fay a nn, | Dream-Maker Mas, pig 100K S107 | commana things over often "makes ther HT Bar Erie Hatin. the domangs 1° Keep pace' ~~ [thess two young people nos | taser." hy lt Tas and 2ems. vith the demands made wpon "Good-bye," said the tickets. "Ang : The woman rose to £0. Her am. 13M ther Bakes d time and energy in family ang so Jumping out of their Pockets the bercoloured eyes were fun of rr eather, 4024 lute without paying the penalty of 11} Pink tickets rolled themselves inte tears, oO 3.30 Bastian scores every | No8Ith--that dreadtul backache, pais hoops and started down the hill. Ba "I won't forget. And whe I'm half hous : in side, headache, ne: or the That was the fast the Twins saw of making Something, I'll pay Tou back| Te ooo. Westinghouse employees [torture of ff displacement. Before them, this money, , , band. "| BRY more serious ailment gq If you think that the surgeon's Si "Never mind, i knife is the only remedy of escape) "NOW then" said' tne Dream. : keep your heart up." Marcells show.| *-15--Baseball scores. of piles, it's because | Maker Map, "toll me what your od the front door, bidding her 8.30 ~ Westinghouse employees | ham heard of the new treat-| china elephant was like, Did he come ? 2 §00dD, hand, i 8 Dr. Leonhardt's HEM. | from Ching Or was he made of ching, | | Neither of tne tall}, 2:86--Time, weatlior and baseball A or what?" man This Doctor's ent Is internal, "He was made of china" © a -- . b na," samy sag Jurimenting r joan} pe discov, Nancy quickly, "He s door-siap felt. lod & WIZ (455) way (405) New York ang orcs & a rem. {10 our room and he had pink roses " 2 to 10.30-News service, his remove the cause. - The ather toys : } -§0--Reports, Wants every sufferer ; all exnept tne S like 4 fe Roof orchestra. Tan off the ind matter ] 8.35--8tadjum Philbarmonie con. cert. ered went to y that there no don clown went with bim. I guess ne EE ro wi y 4 -- Jonesome, "That's why he ran h rts. On dnd the pain : ; 10.30--Astor Root orchestra. "An elephant y oes. Almost unbelievable, WGY (870.5) Schenectady, over Nm ok oy Shes the corn shrivels upand | B Sct Orehestrn Makar Mas, 8 goes. A scientific way that ; Syracuse, |. » Dr. i dancers, walkers, actors; doc- ; of imitators. Get the real "Gets-It" at drug stores, Butter . . Hams sanaiide

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