Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jul 1926, p. 4

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-- | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : ods used to get intermation asd She -- -- 3 FE THE BRITISH WHIG : 98RD YEAR. traficking with subordingtes behind the back of the Minister, cast a {shadow over Mr. Stevens' efforts, and caused a lot of people to won- | der whether he would be serioysly | considered for a Cabinet position. [ v WORDS OFTEN MISUSED: Don't 5ay "a man by the name Britons love a fighter, but they love i} of J LL" " named Jones." , above all things a fair fighter. Dr. | ones Say "a man named Jone Tolmie, 'Hugh Guthrie, E. B. Ryck- | OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: Asia. Propousice A-sha; the first man and the Test are mone of them 4 35 In "day," last 3 as In ask," of outstanding ability. Sir George OFTEN MISSPELLED: portmanteau; eay. Parley, Hon. James D. Chaplin and SYNONYMS: #bstain, refrain, -cease, quit, stop, termiifs e, W. A. Black, are sucessful busthess desist, discontinue, end, finish, . men, but they gre the oply claim WORD STUDY: "Use a word three times and it i4: yours," Bha, Cabinet nas to being called 'a Let us increase our vocabulary by mastering ope word each day. » Today's word: ARDENT; het; burning; fiery; passionate, "He 'The new Government has failed be to arouse much enthusiasm through- fixed his bold and ardent look on the girl, out the country, and that is what the [\ Conservative party needs if it is to bold the seats it won in the last elec. tion. That it will fall to win more Is a foregone conclusion. -- IS THE CANADIAN NATIONAL |The Dominion Bureau of Statistics RALLWATY IN DANGER, {estimates It at 348,626,000 bushels, ------ \ considerably below that of last year, Will the new Meighen Cabinet ba ---- sympathetic towards the Canadian Professor Dean. of the Ontario National Rallways or not? 'That is Agricultural College, urges country & question thal is ° agitating the girls to marry city men--which, he "TOWN REPRESENTATIVES: minds of a great many people today. should know, is against al] rules of a: Thompaon, 100 King| Mr. Meighen himself has been very the melo-dramatic school of play. -- Cry J. Crowley, | Critical of Sir Henry Thornten, and writing. of the railway policy of the Macken- » Yo Powers, Ine, ---- 3 ORMlugraham. 150 Madisep Avcans. " tls King Adminisiration. Hop, R. The Toronto Globe is of opinfon fouh La Suite Sewer. "|B. Bemaett is § solieltor for the | that Mr. Meighen is not going to the {CP.R. Hon. BE, L. Patensuds has | country under happy auspices "it he publicly declared that he would sell } to the Editor are blished over the actual name of the "DAILY LESSONS IN ENGLISH BY W. L GORDON =, a ToT HEN YOU HAVE A PRINT. [aout cop. wre sew ven meni || Quebec Viewpoint ||| Wie JOB, DO YOU THINK OF THE BRITISH WHIG COM- MERCIAL PRINTING DEPT. ? At "EDITORIAL NOTES, ' Lapresse is interested in the re. Ported discovery of coal in Ontario, "The absence of coal deposits in Ontario and Quebec has always been a regrettahls factor. and more especially has it been so in the pres. ence of the industrial developments that have taken place in the latter decades. Wp are paying under this head a very important tribute, par- ticularly to the' United States; so that if really it shonld turn out that the discovery that has been reported on the slopes of St. James Bay is coal of satisfactory Quality and reason- ably abundant in quantity we shal] by one stroke have reconquered our independence in the matter of our Fine printing -- good service reasonable prices ' has nothing more substantial to of- the national road to free the public fer thap eriticlsm of his opponents The circulation of The Britis Whig "from the load that is crushing and a discredited general policy." Suthencicated by the Audit Burean od them." It behooves patriotic Cana- pickling coal supply, Coal mines on our mE dans to wateh this matter and as- More than twice as many automo- | territory would as a matter of fact TRE ONTARIO LIBERAL CAM. | pure the continued development and biles are being stolen in Chicago contribute more to our industrial PAIGN, Prosperity of the C.N.R. by electing | 0 in any other year, statistics re. - i a government that is friendly to pub veal. Chicago's specialty seems to in Aouad. therefor, at the in. There is going to be a change in | lic ownership and not ome that *| be to hang up records she can't brag 8 5 that has sen ¢ its Cabinet" selection | out from London, Ontario, will be | i _ ¥tBe political complexion of Ontario Heiand 0 mia Montreal. | about, confirmed. News of such importance | | iB the coming election. This is the . : can hardly be a matter of Indiffer. i ence to the provincial governments | |i Opinion of careful men who have 'Been reviewing the situation, concerned, and, therefore, they will | [f no doubt take steps that will verity | | i a p British Whig Bldg. Phone 2614 pa I - x Kingston, Onierio oo Drosperity' than gold mines. It is that the in- . -- Denver, Colo., police are dealing with the bootleg liquor trade in a uew way, one of the constables hay. ing been assigned to patrol duty in an airplane, . The intention, doubt- less, is to cateh the men higher yp. KEEP THE OLD NAMES BOME- WHERE. The Torento Globe would like the unfounded." The committee in charge of the cam- the information or prove that it is ames of the old Ontario highways : 3 Le Devolr: "It is to be remarked 5 Paign in Qntaric met in Toronto on that Mri Meighén has found only one | | . Wednesday and considered the situa i ology has been ordered by thé courts French-Qanadian in our province to | tion in the Province from every Bbgle. They all agreed that Liber- preserved, Numbers are used. now. | tfolio--Mr. Patenaude. | [i t0. pay damages of $7,650, because | 2°CePt a\ por ] If his dog bit two children. The most According\te what is said, others will . #lism touched rock bottom isi Ontario The famous old roads of past gen- 18st October. Tha Liberals came out | erations. Kingston Road, Dundas ot that campaign with twelve seats. | Btreet, Talbot Street, and others are In the coming fight the Liberals do now designated by numbers. These be appointed within a short time. It i Bot expect to do impossible things, sumbers are printed on embossed | unusual feature of thé case fs that luould be a premature to comment [i Mt they are determined to Put a | etal and set up near intersections, on a list so incomplete, and one which Mr. Meighen may not, as a matter of fact, complete until the the Liberal aim. The purpose of the | last minute before the elections. It Liberal candidate into every riding, and by that means the wayfarer may ? the fight will be fought to a follow his course on the road as he campaign In every riding should be | may at once be noted, however. that to awaken a keener sense of civic {Saskatchewan and Quebec alike sin- ---- A New York professor of psyeh- the professor had that much money, -- Get out the vote! This should be Rh everywhere, follows it on his map. The Liberal party managers in It is not necessary to sacrifice con- tario feel that they have reason be optimistic, From avery. oor ior of the Province letters have to the central office indicating desire of Liberals to get into the venience in order to retain a little of this flavor of the past, On such portions of the numbered highways as formed part of roads of import- ance in the past . there could . be patriotism in the mililons of voters ularly Smbartase Mr, Mighes, sad no dou ecause of the lac oo aiosted thelr duty in the last of candidates of Minar itis in these two provinces that Mr. Mei. ghen has been forced to adjourn pub-| Our new Bond List offers a wide FOR SALE. Em firnt class 3 large sun room; Inrge eet) fruit, at a sacri. foe Sx the, wwasy te levi -- Mr. Melton 1s to give one pore folio to Saskatchewan provided they elect a man. He should offer ope porttolio for each Conservative elect. ed in that province. He might not be risking much. This looks like compassionate compensation, : J ---- Abhay Papers note the courts. ous farewells the party leaders took ? h other, § C J ---- i ot ac od : No Congress xa News and Vi | Wood, Gundy & Company Toronto 86 Street Wess publican 'leader declared thét he wag r Winnipeg ' Will Pass News On London, Ont. particularly 'Indebted to his political opponent "for his cogstant, active Toronto Star: "It's always cool In things. save only strictly party mat. | Kingston" is suggested as a summer ee. ' rns You'll Need eea a P ing Kettle S reserving Kett ure ORANGE SQUASH. co-operation and assistance in aif ters." "How lovely! . | slogan by the Kingston Whiz. To- It has been proven over and over agai Ji = "ME Jick corviaL. ronto magistrates will no doubt ; 85¢. per bottle ata new pot will give much better results - : an old one, and you' can't afford to | Jas. REDDEN & CO. The St. Catharines Standard asky | PASS on this comforting news to the its readers to remember that "every | PrOPer parties. : : PHONES 20 0, spoil your preserves when new utensils can {if HB 20 and 900, be bought at such low prices as we offer. = = real: Canadian who stays away from | An admission hat Toronto folks & 5 3 - ve Everything is here for preserving time, ! A I Virginia leation of & complete Cabinet of his colleagues. And it is likewise to be noted that the Prime Ministers of the Maritime Privineds have considered it prudent not tg drop 'substance' for 8 'shadow.' That will explain why the representation. of the Maritimes is only 'so-so' In the new Cabinet." erected signs every' fow miles ,re- minding the travellers, and even the neighboring. residents, of the earlier name. The road maps, similarly, could include the old Dame in for responsible government and the Robb Budget. One stal- 'Liberal, who on account of eing years has not-takes part campaign for ten years began a ler to Hon. Duncan Marshall, | prackets. eral organizer, as follows: "Am | 'we have all too few influences to 8 to take off my coat and Ee | remind the growing generation .of the fight aggin? Well, you bet | the illustrious past of the country, This is a real issue, and 0 jand here is one way to perpetuate with Liberal blood fn his veins | valued associations. stay out of the battle" This re is widespread. Excellent 0 are volunteering all prer confunsony woxon INSUR- Province and many ridings that SE rarlly went Conservative last 'Will be redeemed in September. « Afty-fitty break with the Con- it! in the Province of On- is: what the Liberals are con y figuring on, and with united t this aim can be realized. The . Wil be responsible govern- 3A good stone selection of Canadian Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds, yielding from 434% to 634%: Copy gladly furnished upon request, . Money to loan on mortgages. Reliable Fire Insurance Compan- es, T. 8. Annandale, mayor of New Westminster, B.C., recently suggest- ed that a higher license fee for auto- mobiles, should be brought into vogue, the Government to take the amount of the license as {ts share and with ghe rest create a fund with : which to e care ol citizens in- the Robb Budget, and Moder- ured in motor car mishaps. Fail- Tariff aud with such an excel- ing this, Mr, Annandale is in favor Bt platform. the Liberals tes! lot a compulsory accident insurance Fed of success. E | for motorists wherewith to protect the public, : S The practical thing would be to have license and insurance £0 hand in hand, remarks the London Fras Pless. Issue both at the same time. Fix it so that the motorist cannot got the one without the other, . Let the insurers be the Govhrnment it- self. Or let them be reputable in- surance companies, acting as agents for the Government in the matter of Issuing policies that shall 'cover the insured. Wither one or the other plan would do, so far as the oute tome for the driving public is cont cerned. On the other hand in itself issuing motor insurance policies the | Government could tury an honest cer- Do we grade them? tainly possesses a plethora of i workers. ¢ S---- gin Because Sir Wilfrid Laurier thirty | pet id Years ago, July 13th last, formed hig |. Tore Mors and nT. A administration which lasted fitted [good miny people will have to re. years,' Mr. Meighen's 'friends think vise their Ideas of the western pro. the formation 'of the Congervatigi+inces; for ie. Canadian Manufas- Cabinet on the 13th, is an omen: {turers * siation reports gs many good luck. While 1t is a pleasure | members west of the Great Lakes'in to read that the Tories see som. |PTOPOPLion as there are fn the east, thing good in Sir Wilfrid, yet 1t 1 - well to remind them -- ® Meighen Cabinet is a keen Ppointment to the country, ' Lib- and Independ are frankly inted and the Copservatives \ great difficulty in registering thugiasm. Even The Mall and was unable to work up any- approaching its ue ii eulogis- and after damning the new With faint praise to the ex- halt soms Ukrainian, Doukhobor, Aug. i: trian, German or Russian in thé west A Plethora of Doe Workers We are sow takitag orders Seranten ang or elsewhere, that much more vali. Two hundred names have just able in determining the affairs of been officially added to the Canadas the country." A strange doctrine, | Medical Register. For a non. Hard. Our Coal ts all weighed on Are mot all voters here Canadiane? [Maritime power, this country he Eo heey the polls just makes the vote of are Interested in the bastian here, Preserving Kettles, ; rol 4 South Bend Tribune? This sea- -- ls : ] | . "," #on's straw hats have a little: too {| : a Hl | much roll, The prevalence. of stop 2 _ signes, . hindering '

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