Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jul 1926, p. 1

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« Baily Beit KINGSTCN, 0! WTARIO: "BISHOPS PROPOSALS MAY LEAD T0 SETTLEMENT OF STRIKE i - Men And a Woman' owned When Freighter ted And Sank Tug The Grain Steir Brolin Brulin Crashed Into Little Boat in Lake St. Louis Enroute to Montreal ~One Man Escaped From Tug Before She Sank--Brulin Was Bound Uj. Montreal, July 16--Fiye men and One woman on the tugboat Emma L. were drowned in Lake St. Louis when their. craft was rammed last night by the grain boat Brulin, it was learned "today, One man escaped from the tug before she sank. The victims were Rose Paulhus, aged 13, Sorel; Captain Joseph Be- beau, widower, Sorel; Henri Gau- dette, engineer, Sorel; Porela Cour: moyer, second engineer, Sorel; Ar- mand Porcler, deck' hand, no ad- "dress; Antonio Pellettier, deck hand, 'Montreal. Sylvie Mongeon, fireman, escaped by jumping at the fime of the acci- dent, and presumably was rescued by the crew of the Brulin. The Emma L was a tug boat of fifty-six tons gross, owned by the Sincennes - McNaughton Company. The steamship Brulin, grain boat, was upward bound in ballast from Montreal. The tragedy occurred off the southeast end of Ile Peer Ault, about twenty mit from Montreal The Brulin is owned by Craw- ford's of Montreal, and the business of the line is managed by the Math- ew's Company, She has been piloted generally by Capt.. Clarke of this eity, but whether he was on her at the time of the accident last night ie not known. The Brulin makes a trip from Port Colborne with grain about every week, and was on her way BANDITS SHOT DEALS WITH THE CUSTOMS CHARGES In Address at Strathroy--Hon. ¥: ©. Elliott Chosen Lib-~ a | + TWENTY INJURED IN 3 |% 16.--Twenty persons were in- [seoseeseseee. 2¢ 0. A RAILWAY WRECK East Liverpool, Ohio, July % jured when the engine and % three coaches of the Chicago % Fort Wayne and New York # train on the Pennsylvania % Lines overturned at Summit- % ville, near here," to-day. An % early check revealed no dead. CHLOE ER ere bes CPF 009500005009 0 RADIO REVEALS ACCENT : MUDDLE IN ENGLAND A Committee Appointed to De- clde Correct Accent to be Used. London, July 16.--A serlo-¢omie war is waging over the accent used by official broadcasters operating the British radio stations, and it is indicated that a standardized accent will have to be used In future. North countrymen in particular com- plain against the southern accent on the radio and a meeting, headed by Dr. Bridges, the poet laureate; Sir Johnston Forbes Robertson, the famous actor, and Professor Daniel Jones of London University, have been appointed 'to decide the correct accent to be used. It is predicted that the effect of this controversy will be to eliminate the distinction in accent throughout the country in the course of time. EXTEND THE SEARCH FOR RADIO OPERATOR Who Appeared With Woman Answering Description of Mrs. MoPherson. Los Angeles, Calif, July 16.-- Reports that Kenneth G. Ormiston, Angelus Temple radio operator, had been in Taylorville, N.C., has caus- od the authorities investigat ' McPherson ' y h fo Ormiston to the eastern part of the FRIDAY, JULY WILL ACCEPT PROPOSAL OF THE BISHOPS For a Settlement of the British Coal Miners Strike. BELIEF OF PREMIER That Coal Crisis May Be 'Solved on Basis of Mutual Interest and Goodwill. London, July 16.--The Press Association says that a meniber of the executive committee of the British Miners' Federation stated this afternoon that peace proposals suggested by a group of Anglican bishops has been ac- cepted by the committee. The miners' executive was quoted as saying that the proposal to return to work for four months under present conditions had been ac- cepted with but a few minor al- terations. He expressed the be- lief that there would be new negotiations undertaken next week. May Be Solved. London, July 18.--"It is my sincere hope and belief that the erisis in the coal industry may be solved before much more time has elapsed, on the basis of mu- tual interest and goodwill" writes Premier Baldwin, in a let- ter endorsing the candidacy of Sam Howard, Conservative in the ' Walsend bye-election, 18, To Teach French "In Welland Pablic 'Schools Welland, July 16.--Permis- 'sion having been granted by the Ontario Department of Educa- tion the public school board will add to the public school curriculum instruction in the French language for those of the scholars who desire it, but more particularly for the bene- fit of 150 French speaking children now in the eity. This step was decided upon by the board at its July meeting Tues- day night. Three teachers will be secured and these are to be advertised for immediately. Toronto Livestock Market Toronto, July 16~-The few cattle offered sold steady on the Toronto Livestock Exchange yesterday. A few choice butcher steers brought $7.75 a hundred, with butcher cows selling steady at $5.00 to $5.75. BEx- port shipment for the week totalled 1,100 cattle. Calves were steady at $12.00 for tops. Hogs remained un- changed at $14.75 off car for thick smooths and at $16.18 for selects. Good lambs sold steady at $16.00; sheep remained steady at $5.50 to $6.50 a hundred. _ "BASEBALL POOLS" OPERATE IN ALBANY Governor Smith Orders Them Stopped--Heavy Gambling on League Games. Albany, N.Y., July 16-The "'base- ball pools™ operating out of Albany are again under the fire of Gover- nor Smith. it was authoritatively learned today. The pools, which are sald .to collect an average of $100,- 000 weekly, were ordered stopped by the governor a year ago in a letter to Sheriff Tibbitts of Albany County, and later Society of this city said the pools jatter 19 the saris in advice I leave to my younger and * gi : ; : : mn Marion Davies in ) XY an WITHIN T "Quebec Ministers---Premier Ottawa, July 16--This week-end will see all the preliminaries cleared away and the stage set tor the open- ing of the political campaign next week. Premier Meighen speaks here at a big rally at which Conservat- ives will select Ottawa candidates. There is still much interest in the Quebec men to join the Cabinet and there are rumors that Pierre Audet, well-known Quebec lawyer, and J. L. St. Jacques, M.L.A. for Argenteuil, will be sworn in on - Saturday as | members of the administration. Of | this no confirmation can be secured here. Hon. Hugh Guthrie asd Hon. James Chaplin, have gone home for short visits and only half a dozen ministers are in the city. « After yesterday Cabinet council, Premier Meighen said that he had no statement to make and could not yet state the date for the election. It is expected that the writs will be issued within the néy few days: It they are not out before Mr. Meighen's meeting here on Tuesday night, the vote cannot be taken be- fore the week commencing Septem- ber 20. Gouin Not a Candidate. Quebec, July 16--Asked whether or not he would be a candidate in the coming federal elections, Sir Lomer Gouin made the following re- ply in an interview here: "Three years ago on the advice of my physician I abandoned the do} main of political activity and I have no intention of going back to it, I yealize every day the wisdom of his LAST EDITION. ELECTION WRITS 70 BE ISSUED IE NEXT FEW DAYS The Week fad Will See- the Premin Preliminaries Cleared Away--New Meighen Says He Cannot ot State the Date for the General Elections. eral party to which I am grateful for the honor they have done by giv. ing me twenty years of their confi- dence." \ Low Not Certain Yet. Renfrew, July 16---Addressing a picnic at Burnstown last evening, Hon. Thomas A. Low, former mints ter of trade and commerce, said "as to the possibility of my again com- testing this riding, if you were to ask me today I would say no, but what the future will bring forth I do not know." He emphatically den- ied that he had an interest in a brewery. He claimed that the accu- sation that he had such an Invest. ment "had been used against him when he ran last October. Meigheén Going to N.B, 8t. John, N.B., July 16--Right Hon. Arthur Meighen will be in St. John om Friday, July 23, according to word received today by Dr. Mur ray MacLaren, and at a meeting of the local Conservative executive. held at noon today, a committee was appointed to make arrangements for. a welcome and a public meeting. The Prime Minister will be at Moncton on Thursday and here the following day. Election Issues Choser. Toronto, July 16 The situation at Ottawa has necessitated an alter: ation of the date which Liberals of Toronto and distrist had set for the/' party picnic at which Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King was to open his campaign in this part of Ontasl July 24 was the date decided np but the picnic will take place a week of that ed TILER Fo k country. Ormiston was identified Lower Than ver: yesterday at the grand jury hearing w A as the man who appeared at Sali- ¥ 'nas, May 29th, with a woman an- Paris, July 16--The French franc swering Mrs. McPherson's descrip- | reached new depths on the official tion. The grand jury recessed until closing of the Bourse to-day at the Tuesday to permit the authorities to | very hour when Finance Minister continue the hunt for Ormiston. Caillaux was due to appear before the BERLENBACHDELANEY [1 5a mesmo Suny July 16.--The largest crowd Which ever attended . the Lyceum = Theatre greeted Hon. George W. Boivin and Hon. J. OC. Elliott, who yesterday opened Lib- eral campaign in Ontario here. Hon. J, C. Elliott was unanimously chosen as the Liberal standard- bearer for West Middlesex amid scenes of enthusigsm. In his ad- dress he dealt fully with the consti- tutional question, the Customs inves- tigation, and the tariff as affected by the Robb Budget, claiming this lat- were again im operation. "The governor forwarded the letter to Tibbitts and called his attention | £9 his letter of last fall.. The pool sells tickets at the rate of $1 each, the purchaser selecting a series of six numbers representing the teams in the major ball lea- gues. Ths ticket scoring the high- est number of runs each week wins a prize averaging $20,000. There are other prizes awarded. "110 CARE FOR CASES iBntpes, July 16--One man was shot and seriously wounded when three bandits, armed with guns, held up the Royal Bank branch at the corner of Portage and Good streets here this morning. Three robbers entered the. bank and ordered "hands up." John Matteson, a paint. or, who was banking some money; leaped forward, and oné of the ban- DEVELOPED IN CITY The General Hospital And Hotel Dieu Would Take In Patients. If the Mowat Sanatorium is attach- ed to Rockwood Hospital as is pro- posed, the General Hospital and The Situation in British OCol= umbla Improved--Rain Also tee to plead for favorable réport on Fallin at Banff. hi bill for the rehabilation of cur- g at rency. A record-breaking quotation at the close of the Bourse was 42.49 francs to the dollar and 206.40 to © dits fired, the bullet lodging in Mat- teson's side. Apparently unnerved by the shooting, the robbers then fled in waiting automobile. 5 SEVEN CANADIANS MAY . ~ SHOOT IN IN FINAL STAGE N the King's Pri Prize at Bisley Camp, Eng., on Sat urday. Bisley Camp. Bog, Bung, July 16---Four | Canadians, and possibly seven, will shoot in the final stage of the King's * Prize tomorrow. The four who quali. Hed with scores of more than 140 ~ out of 150 in the second stage today, "are Major R. M. Blair, of Vancouver, J. Houlden, of Hamilton and >: G. Emile and Sgt] J. Borland of Toronto. Threa others are Q.M.S. Parnell of Verdun, Que.; Captain _ Alex. Martin of Calgary, and Sgt. K. McGregor of Ottawa. 'These three Und scores of 140 and will shoot oft]. night with twenty-seven others for ty-seven places remaining in the ------ limited to the any 102 $ today. I ---------------------- ' Forty Lives Lost. » ¢ Paris, April 16--A to Matin from Belgrade says forty ' have been lost 'at the Jugo- ey oh Rton ens the Bis- rind river wed and swept {but a "collection of i {or to be the outstanding issue in the present campaign. Mr. Boivin dealt with charges made against the Department of Cus- toms in the former King Govern- ment, and asked the Ontario elec- tors to beware of public speakers and of a partisan press when they made charges of corruption against former Liberal Ministers no one item of which had ever been brought be- fore the Investigating Committee or Parliament. "I ask you to beware of the dust of these charges," he said, "made wholesale at Conservative pienics with never an lota of evidence to substantiate them." ¢ This coming election, Mr. Boivin declared, was the most serious one which had faced the electors since Contederation, and his message to Ontario voters was to read carefully and consider the issues, which all came to one issue, the same they had faced in 1917, in 1921, and in 1925, that of between King and Meighen. Mr. Bolvin explained the steps leading to dissolution, and based his that the "shadow Government" was not a Government duly constituted, bl " who tacked a sign on the oon Parliament: "Parliament Dissolved." Te waslapan 14 Sar of three Methodis e ist churches, Wesleyan, Primitive and United Methodist, constitutional argument on the fact) BOUT IS POSTPONED Until Friday Night Owing to Rain--Qood Thing For Berlenbach. New York, July 16--Sate lay a damp but kindly hand upon the broad shoulders of Paul Berlenbach, light-heavy weight boxing champion when rain forced the postpongment until tonight of his titular bout with Jack Delaney, French-Canadian con- tender, last night, as the champion will now have time to make up the weight 'he was forced to lay off to make the class limit at weighing-in time yestefday. Berlemback was too finely drawn when he tipped the scales at 174 1-4, while Delaney was in good shape at 166 1-2. It is esti. mated the champion will weigh 180 pounds when the bout starts tonight, while the challenger will scale 170. DIES OF WOUNDS. the pound sterling. - Amalgamation Effected. » Saskatoon, Sask., July 16.-- The amalgamation of the Saskatchewan Grain Growers' Association and Farmers' Union of Canada became an accomplished fact late last night by the decision of the two bodies in separate convention. The decision was not reached without considerable compromise on both sides... The name of the new organization will be the United Farmers of Canada, Ltd., Sas- SCOTLAND WINNER OF MACKINNON CUP Canada's Five~Point Lead In the First Stage Was Overcome. Bisley Camp, July 16.-- The Canadian team was defeated by 14 katchewan section. etter HELD AS SMUGGLER OF ALIENS INTO U.S. Trenton, Ontario, Man Is Ar rested by Officers at Niagara Falls. ¥ Niagara Falls, Is, July 15--Charged with smuggling aliens into the Unit- ed States, Benjamin A. Upshaw, a ant principal of the Trenton High 30 w and Scotland 556. Upshaw was arrested at|adiaas was La points in the shoot of the MacKin- non Challenge Cup at Bisley yester- day. The team of twelve represent- ing Scotland won the cup, which the Canadians won last year, 3 Scotland's team aggregate was 1,084 out of a possible 1,200; Eng- land came second with 1,076 and Canada third with 1,070, The teams fired ten shots per man at 900 yards and ten shots per man at 1,000 yards. Jualied $10 a the : | time cannot say exactly what acecom- - | patients, but are consulting with Hotel Dieu, it is thought. will be able to care for all the tubercular patients of this district. When the new Douglas wing of the General Hospital was built eleven rooms were provided for the accom- modation of tubercular patients but so far these rooms have never been ushd for their original purpose. The reason of course was finances. If the (General Hospital had accepted tubercular cases and the people themselves had been unable to pay the full cost they would have come under the general grant .from the city which was at that time only about eighty cents per day per pa- tient and would have reduced it still lgwer, The eity at the present time, how- ever, is paying a per diem charge for indigent patients at the Mowat Sanatorium and if this was transfer- red to the Géneral Hospital it would wipe out the big financial objection. With very little alteration the rooms at the General Hospital, above refer- red to could be put in shape. The Hotel Dieu attaches at this modation they could offer tubercular architects on the matter. were serious in many districts, ace cording to officials of the Forestry Department, - Along the Pacific Great Bastern Railway, 75 miles north of Wi couvery a fire covering an area 2,000 acres was burning We night, high upon the mountain af destroying a saw mill and = small homes at Gree iver, On Vancouver Island ihe situa was also reported as improving terday morning. Rain Falling at Banff. Calgary, July 16.--Rain falling at Banff yesterday afterno and rain was reported at Vermil lion Summit, néar the hig fire re gion. "= Y News In Condensed Form Off the Wires Famine may follow in thé path the cyclone at Williams Lake, King Albert has started the of being royal dictator in EB t The ch and Belgians strong measures to conserve

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