<Y "For Sale Ms 500-Brick, 10 rooms, #8 tion. M Bateman's Real Estate gay, July 15, 1926. Beauty Shop Containing Boncilla Clasmic Pack, Boneflla Vanishing Cream, Boncilla Cold Cream, Boncilla Face Powder-- ALL FOR $1.00 L. T. BEST PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST 'Phone 59. We deliver 0 as Mr. ATTEMPTED HOLD-UP OF ATHENS RESIDENT | |8t. Dennis Church Church 8oclal And Picnic --8ummer Services. r--_-- July 14.--A. Palmer, Athens, amount of cash, and have been It is sald that St, Dennis church was entered recently and robbed of a small amount. Herbert Warrefi, Church street, on Monday last, began work in the local branch of the Bank of Montreal as junior clerk. David 'Thompson, Wellington street, has been improving the ap- pearance of his cozy kome by adding a fine new verandah. Two new flags have been present-- ed to Christ church by the Ladies' Guild. : Christ Church Picnic. The members and friends of Christ church Sunday school enjoyed their annual Charleston Lake, on Wednesday last. Weather conditions were favorable, outing at Warren's Bay, electric light, 3 piece bath, h.w. floors, hot water heating, garage .and garden. . Nice loca-| 1114 Brock Street THE " nt TE a" Sanitary Steam Three Piece Silver Tea Setts Tea Pot, Sugar and Cream We can show you a very Our values and designs are worth investigating. Memorials Before placing your order for Monuments call and Inspect oyr Cemetery Lettering a specialty, J. E. MULLEN Corner of Princess and Alfred Streets. " ! TELEPHONE 3417. For Hot Weather Foot: Troubles Corn Salves Is 20¢ and 8S. Son Jianits doe' suo ' and a pleasant time was spent in games, races, boasting, swimming, | te., the greatest event, perhaps, be- {ing the picnic dinner. | Several Athenians attended the so- {cial held at the United church. ankville, and by the Anglican church, Addison, recently. Owing to unfavorable weather, the i Smith's Falls band did not play for | the social held by the United church | here, on the 9th, inst, the supper Elgin street blacksmith, received 2 | being served in the basement of the bad scare a few evenings ago, When, church, and Mrs. Tisdale, Toronto, a few yards from his door, he was |g goloist of rare struck on the head by a man who | contributing had been concealed behind a tree, at | stead. the side of the street. The blow did | delighted all, not. stun the victim, and, in the tus- sle that ensued his coat and shirt were torn, but otherwise he made a successful escape from what seemed to be a hold-up, with intent to rob, | of Thursday, the 15th inst. as Mr. Palmer had on his person a considerable was just returning from a grocery where this fact might observed through the glass windows. | School Association, accomplishments, several selections In- Her repertoire is varied, and Several resident and visiting clergymen contributed short addresses on that occasion. The annual social of the Anglican church is announced for the evening Summer Bervices. Miss Adda Hunt, Victoria street, president of the Township Sunday has again suc- {ceeded in establishing a Sunday school at Charleston Lake, at least for the summer months, W. W. Eyre, Oak Leaf, is superintendent, and Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Crozier have kindly opened their home for holding the sessions. For three summers now, Rev: G. G. Upham, B.Th., pastor of the Bap- tist church of this place, has held a service at (he Plum Hollow ceme- tery, where so many of the former members of his Plum Hollow econ- gregation are buried. For years. this was a neglected spot, but, through his initiative, the grounds have been | made attractive, . so that now, each season, a service is conducted there, a collection being taken to maintain the cemetery in proper condition. This service was held at the place {on the 4th inst., and was attended {by many whose friends lie buried near at hand. , Local boys, who have been enjoy- ing the Tuxis Boys' and Trail Rang- ers' camp at Hudson's Point, Bt. Lawrence river, have returned, much pleased with their experience. Some sixty boys participated in the out- ing. A number of local Orangemen went to Gananoque for "The Glor- fous Twelfth," and took part in the celebration. Others. too, were in at- tendance to meet old friends and enjoy the diversion, which such events provide. The Misses Nellie and Ethel Brown, teachers at Fort William, have arrived for holidays with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lester Brown, Wiltse street. Miss Vena Vande- burgh, teacher at Plevna, and bro- ther, Gerald, teacher at Cole Lake, are guests of their cousin, Miss Lily Wiltse, Elgin street, home from her school at Short Point. near Lynd- hurstf, - Some Personals. ' Miss Geraldine Kelly, and brother, Beaumont, are home from their schools, guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lett Kelly, | Elgin street, Mrs. Ga and son, New York, have been spending a holiday here, guests of the former's father, Mat- thew Ritter, whose son, Fred Rit- ter, Los Angeles. Cal., and Mrs. Rit- ter, have been here for the family re-union, spending a part of time at Charleston Lake. Mrs. Alice Johuston, Almonte, a former Athenian, has been renewing acquaintances here, a guest of her sister, Mrs. James Seymour. Mrs. (Dr,) B. 8. Cornell and little san, Payl, Brockville, also Mrs. Tis- dale, Toronto, have been here guests of Mrs, H. B, Cornell. and Miss Mar- fan. O. B. Robinson and family, Wol- laston, Mass.,, are spending a fort- night or so here, guests of the form- er's sister, Mrs. Clara Chant, Henry street. t Dr. Kenneth Blancher and family, Morrisburg, were here for a few days last week, guests at the home of Mrs. Jessie Blancher, Isaac street. Rankin Hastead, who is employed near Mott's Mills, has been remew- , ing acquaintances in the home town. Arthur Lee and family, Ottawa. have been enjoying a holiday here, among old friends, guests at the rhome of George Lee. ' Mrs, Avis Daniels has gone on an |! extended visit to friends, at Lachute, ! Que, , Leonard Johnston has gone to New York where he expects to remain during the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. James Ackland have been enjoying camp life near the St. Lawrence for a few days, visiting the Mrs. §. Gifford has gone to Michi. former's cousin, Miss Randolph brother Siph and) THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG FLAPPER FANNY SAYS Many a girl marries a man on her mother's cooking. a charming tea last week in honor of Mrs. Kinmack of Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Guy Johnson was also. hostess of as small tea at Castle Inn | with Mrs. Kinmack as guest of honor. Mrs. Grange of Toronto, who came down for the funeral of little Stuart Wright and has been spend- | ing a few days with Dr. and Mrs. | Charles Wright, has gone on dowa to Napanee and Kingston to visit friends before returning to her, home, Percy Wannamaker underwent an operation for acute appendicitis at the K. K W. Hospital, Kitchener. He is making a good recovery. | Henry and Percy McConnell of Picton and George McConnell of Royal street are on a. two weeks' | motor trip through Michigan visit- | ing at Sandusky and other towns. | Captain W. H. Payton of the Sal- vation Army had charge of the ser- vices at the Baptist Church on Sun- day evening, Rev. J. K. Holland be- ing at Consecon Boys' Camp. Miss Margaret Harper of Toronio, is a guest at the home of her aunt, Mrs. H. B. Tully, Mary street east. Little Miss Marion Tully of Black River Bridge is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tully, Elizabeth street. After a visit with Mrs. L. B. Cal- nan at the Lair Cottage, Miss Kath- erine Tinsman of Denison, Texas, has gone to Huntington, Long Is. land, where she will spend the re- mainder of the summer with her uncle, Robert Tinsman. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Sneyd are get- ting settled this week in their home, North Centre street. spending holidays with friends in Toronto and also with Dr. i Mrs. Jack Bartholomew, Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Goodwin and two sons of Maynooth are visiting friends and relatives in Prince Ed- ward County. "Miss Marion Lyons obtained the Martha McGown Scholarship of twenty-five dollars in gold for the highest standing of the Public School pupils at the entrance ex- aminations. Miss Irene = Goodwin won the Redmond prize of tem dol- lars in gold for obtaining the high- est marks of the pupils of St. John Separate School. . PROBS:--Friday, mostly fair and warm. Leadership in Value Giving Belongs to Steacy's Limited Special Notice! Early in January we announced that for 'the six months following that Double Discount Stainps would be the limit in extra stamp-giving. And now that the six months have elapsed we wish to announce that the same policy will be pursued for the balance of this year--with the exception of one day--AND THAT DAY IS TO- MORROW -- AY / PASSED ENTRANOE Denbigh Vera Fritsch (hon.) Thompson, Emma Hughes, Rodgers. Clayton Eileen Flinton Earl Benny, Mae Lyons, Helen | Spencer, Jack Wickware, Rerpice Gray, Thomas Neal, Doris Springer, Pearl Champagne, Madeline Hughas, Reta Sedore, Agatha Wickware. ' Tamworth Iolens Adair, Florence Brown (hon.), Hugh Dillon, Mary Howes, Herbert Kring (hon.), Leonard Mar- tin, Marion Redden, Mildred Ster- ring. Charles Tucker, Jean Bell, Mary Williams, Dorothy Bell, Annie Clark (hon.), Geraldine Donahue (hon.), Helen Kennedy, Gerald Loucks, El- i 1 3 A Sensational Store-Wide One Day Sale Event riday!! Your last opportunity in 1926 of sharing in this super- bargain event--the most stupendous sale of the Summer season. : Treble Discount Stamps - You Save 15% On all regular cash purchases, in all departments of the store. Nd Opportunity is yours, and we invite your active parti- cipation in this special sale occasion. ire By concentrating your shopping here you'll save 15¢ on every $1.00 you spend! "Sale Hours 9 to 5.30 o'clock. Stamps given on all C.O.D. orders, Sr attend personally oe our