hms ~ i. = E a OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES: TORONTO--F, W. Thompson, 100 King Went, to, MONT = Willlam J. Crowley, Nie James Street. ORK --Ingraham-Powers, Inc. A450 Madison Avenue. CHICAGO~Ingraham-Fowers, Ise, 1 fouth La Salle Street. So Letters to the Editor are published only over ihe actual mame of. writer. The circulation of The British Whix ia authontiented by the Audit Bureau of tons. * ry WANT CHEAP POWER IN EAS. TERN ONTARIO. Eastern Ontario wants electric Power but not at prohibitive rates. This is what the Hydro Electric Commission is offering. Mayor An- deérson, Smith's Falls, told a gather- ing at Belleville how the Hydro op- erated in that section of Eastern On- tario, It had so advanced the rates for current that consumers had to out off electric power and 80 back to * steam power. Industry was being cur- tailed for the want of cheap power. vate owners could undersell the |. 0 and with power at $15 to $20 H. P., advantage was secured by ) fal concerns over those where Hydro controlléd the output. Why lould such a condition prevail? brn Ontario with unlimited sour- 88 of supply has been held back by Hydro controllers. The manufac- have had none of thé advant- that obtain at western points, for this negligence, the leaders municipal circles charge the gov- ent and its power officials. For years or more Eastefn Ontario been starved for the advantage West - Ontario, and even now People calmly appropriate L000 H. P. of eastern develop- ent to meet the needs of Western 0, And when the east eries out fair treatment it is charged playing politics. When the east great currents 'flashing by it ho advantages therefrom, it fs natural that a ery of fll-tremt- is raised. t, says the Hydro people, we give you power as needed, True may, but at what figures? The at desideratum is cheapness. With in evidence great quantities be used. Take Kingston for an imple. We contracted for power & period of years at $28 per » reduced as the quantity used eased. We are paying $256 per + NOW and later it may touch $24. (But when a request is made for ad- H power it is offered at $36 H.P. This means $45 per I1.P. fen delivered at the factories. Is cheap power? The manufactur- § declare it is decidediy dear when r places in the provinces get it 5, $19, $20 and $22 per H.P. the whole trouble is that the People have failed to. tap the 1 Ontal 3 rs €d has been a decided disadvantage in obtaining the best prices. If the Government can remedy this; if jt can by classification and grading give purchasers choices then there is ev- ! ery prospect that Ontario goods will { grow in favor in the world's mars kets. Money spent in perfecting our | markets is well epent antl as an in- | vestmegt will bring good returns to | the growers and producers of this | province. Go to it, gentlemen! ------------ LET'S GET TOURIST TRADE. -- { "This is miles ahead of Florida," | he enthusiastically declared, as he | viewed the Thousand Islands for the | firet time. "There is nothing like tHis down there," and nowhere else. But there is just as romantic, and more natural scenery in Frontenae, "the land of a thousand lakes." Let the | interests that cater to tourists, our | Councils, Boards of Trade, Tourists Associations, hotel men, ete., all com- | bine to set forth our summer glories. i The six leading resort and tourist | States--California, Florida, Minnes- ota, Michigan, Wisconsin and Color- ado--report a gross volume of §$3,. 500,000,000. Canada in her six months of glorious cool temperatures, in wonderful scenic beauties and | with splendid roads ought to attract two hundred million tourists with a billion of cash for circulation in see- ing things. ---- inst PAYING FULL COSTS, The question of county attendance at the St. Catharines Collegiste has been settled. Five municipalities will pay 100 per cent. of the cost of edu- cation, Quite a few counties have come to terms with- Boards of Bduca- | tion, regarding the education of county pupils. The law provides for eighty" per cent of the cost of main tenance and capita) expenditures, but some Boards cannot agree that that amount is énough. To teach county pupils imposes twenty per cent on the municipality wherein the Insti- tute is, and that is hardly fair. So by mutual arrangements counties agree to pay the full costs of the education imparted. This is the reasonable way. -------- HANDS ARE TURNED BACK N---- In speaking of the dissolution pro- ceedings at Ottawa the Collingwood Bulletin remarks that not for a hun- dred years has such a course been pursued and the danger ahead m- cludes a return to a status of a crown colony where governments are made and unmade at the will of the gover. nor. Howe in Nova Seotia fought against such conditions with the re. sul that two governors were recall- od. Sir John Macdonald with his con. temporaries, Cartier, Dorion, Tup- bet, Brown, Blake, Mowat, Tilley many of a later period Laurier and Whitney looked forward to the day when Canada would be "a daughter in her mother's house and mistress in her own." Steadily has the Domin- lon been moving toward that ideal, but it appears the hands of the clock are in danger of being turned back. -------- A GOOD DIRT ROAD. Several hundred farmers, . at a United States rural gathering, turned out to see a professor'from a state university showing how. to make a good dirt road. The scholarly gentle- man climbed onto a tractor pulling a leaning-wheel scraper, and tolled and sweated and wilted his collar and breathed dust for hours, while he graded and shaped a third of a mile of primitive highway to his satistac- tion. "That dern city professor has tuined our oa insisted one of the irmers. Bat st of them thought lie had done a good Job, He made the roadway twenty feet wide, round- ed and smoothed all aver, but shaped in a curve as nearly flat as possible 8 that the surface water would run oft without washing the dirt away. There were some prety goed dirt Toads in the old days, It's partly in the soil, but mostly in the shapin, Proper care would make most of dirt roads good for ) without much expenses. are going to be there." ordinary, WQRD STUDY: § To-day's rd: REVER and affection, \ THE DAILY BRITIS Ee "DAILY LESSONS IN ENGLISH ro * BY W. L. GORDON WORDS OFTEN MISUSED Don't say "the balance Say "rest of us." OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: sentient. both ¢'s as in "men," { as in "gg OFTEN MISSPELLED: practice; ce. BYNONYMS: natural, usual, normal, typical, common, regular; "Use a word three times and it is yours." Let us iherease our vocabulary by mastering one word each day. E; to regard with fear, mingled with respect "He was revered and admired by his own tribe." a WHIG A Graham Brothers Truck £41105 1-ton chassis, £o.8. Toronto (Tax to be added) A Graham Brothers truck chassis for $1105! A new entry in the one-ton field; the G-BOY, with all the of Graham Brothers experience and mass production. recogaiod every re Broth Famny ability and economy. ' of us Pronounce sen-shi-ent, = accent first syllable. l oF Po adventures of the cartoon as they are with Mother Goose folk. Perhaps, after all, no one need wor- Ty about the sadness of the funnies. They are truer to life than many of their critics will admit, -------------- EDITORIAL NOTES. ---- John D. Rockefeller says he never worries. We wouldn't either. Be a booster for Kingston. Its easy enodgh because this is a city worth exalting. Y -- A British medical health officer says that the health of Great Britain is growing better owing partly to "the week-end habit," * ------ A wine steamer, probably under the influence of the cargo, bumped into a bridge on ta Rhine, sending large numbers of fyll casks into the river. The watch on the Rhine was at last rewarded. -- It has been decreed in Sweden that everyone must learn to swim. In oth- er lands, is'the Brantford Expositor's { conviction, it still requires consider. able effort to get into it. : ---- It is in eastern Ontario that an ad- ditional power supply is most urgent- ly needed, is an admission of the Hamilton Herald, and that section of the province would be the most be- nefited by the development of St. Lawrence power. Next year, on July 1st, Canada will celebrate the diamond jubilee of Con- federation. What's the matter with Kingston starting right now to ar- range for, a celebfation hetitting the occasion™ We're about due to break loose with something big. ---- The old spirit' of neighborliness seems dead sometimes. In the cities people live next to one another for years and never say as much as and f "How do you do?" A next-door neighbor might die and be buried without his fellows knowing any- thing about it. At present King Alphonso osten- sibly is holidaying in England. In all probability the Spanish Council con- sidered England the safost place for his majesty just at the present time, Spain is having her serious home troubles. These troubles for the most part have been stirred up by the an- archist elements. -- We said the other day that the To- ronto Globe had remarked, "Watch our Conservative friends fight shy of the budget." But the quotation was the London Advertiser's which, in poting the mistake, added: "We could not say it because it has fought shy of the budget itself. Not a single word of commendation has it given to a truly Liberal measure." Apart from the Kingston road, the eastern portion of Ontario has net fared. very generously at the hands of the Provincial Gov t, com. ments the Peterboro Examiner, and there is a strong feeling that much more might be done for the hinter- land in the matter of improved roads. We will never get all that is coming RE -- main popular. Children are 84 famils, to us down th far with the names and activities and | better roads until we show the auth. 'characters | orities we ry Compact, powerful, to handle--it is truly a better truck than it seems possible slr} so low a price. ~ 1%Ton Chassis . . $1545 4b Toren, tax to be added wway in the way, of are in earnest in demand- : p Th [ Sri Pen Tock tt de Bad or good news becomes exag- "eet 90% of all haulage requirements. gerated and distorted with peddling. When the news is good it makes no difference how exaggerated it becomes for {t will do no positive harm. But bad news, given wings may bring sorrow and ruin upon people who are certainly not deserving of such a punishment. Just Stop before you are about to let out a bit of "bad news." Stop and think a moment and see if you can't think of something. good to Say. in place of it, The chances are ten to one that You can and that you willl : M. OBERNDORFFER 124 CLARENCE STREET. ' GRAHAM BROTHERS TRUCKS =2z:eess 20.8% 20008 ssornens 4 Full Course Dinn er 55¢ WE INVITE YOU TO visit ov BEEN ENTIRELY RENO , done by Chinese Art "A Player Piano with Full Orchestral Accompaniment." a -- Quebec Viewpoint | L'Action Catholique discusses the basis of nationality, "We have every faith in the Cana- dian nation; but we believe at the same time that its existence will be precarious so long as there are any people' who are not convinced that the proper character of that nation FIRST-CLASS MEALS OPEN 6 A.M. TO 2.30 A.M. rests on the duality of language and traditions. When we all have that THE CROWN CAFE conviction in all the provinces, and s Manager When that conviction has been ma. i Telephone 2886 tured by acts, then each and every a succeeding Dominion Day will be a great occasion for the whole country, and pobody will Spare any efforts that will give the holiday the appear- ance of a great national festival." VISIT OUR RESTAURANT 'Best Food with [Excellent Service REQULAR DINNER 5c. Best Music by New Orthophonic Victor Phonograph wo LIREE CASTLES CAF E Le Droit is pessimistic over the benefits derived from Confederation. "The optimism of the Fathers of Contederation was ilitounded. Events have demonstrated that there is not one of the English provinces that has not violated -the Confederation pact. There is not one of them to-day that accords full and entire justice to the French-speaking Catholic minority, Where are the protests of the #hass of the people" The pers ted min. oritigs have no hope of obtaining Justice, neither before the courts nor in Parliament. There remains only one alternative--to establish within the scope of the law a rule of Justice, They will know that in doing this they are serving the best interests of Confederation, for Confederation cannot last without a veritable union of the two races of this coun- try, 8 union that cannot be rea Whilst one of the races is perseculssy, in its faith and in its language, by" the English-speaking majority. You'll Need Preserving Kettle Sure It has been proven over and over again that a new pot will give much better results than an old one, and you can't afford to spoil your preserves when new utensils can be bought at such low prices as we offer, Everything is here for preserving time. Preserving Kettles, Canni Racks, gi Lob Mixing - Spoons, - Strainers, you wil ¥ News and Views. -- It Runs in Families. Border Cities Star: More things are hereditary than one would sup-~ pose. Probably most of the patients in to-day's accident wards had grand- fathers who were Tun over by ox- éarts, ups, Funnels -- everything else need for "'doing-up days." Stevenson & Hunter 85-87 PRINCESS STREET. » TINSMITHS A -- Fy A London Opinion: pound pumpkin Mistake, t A fifty-three measuring fifty eight inches {n cireumference has been: grown in Kent. An American visitor said It was the largest grape he had ever seen. ple turn ey're read- The only time. some over a new leaf is when ing a book. LEMON SQUASH. OBANGE SQUASH. LIME JUICE CORDIAL, 85¢, per bottle Jas. REDDEN & CO, PHONES 20 and 990, _ They are comparable with the Y plates found lying in thé skin of the crocodile and alligator of the t day. vi HERS -- a ------ Our glasses enable you fo gee clearly and oom fortably without conscious effort. FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY Focal and long distance. All Motor Tucks With Alr Tires. H. L. BRYANT 384 Division Street, 'Phone 1753, i FOR SALE 1=A splendid frame dwelling, in first clase repair; hot water furnace; good coneret at a a8 the owner in town. ] 2---A good stone dwelling, in goed state of drt house and tants; al ut one-halr Ji} Scere of first class garden. Price $1,550. Money to loan on morigages. | Rellable Fire Insurance Compan. [i When decorating and re-ar- ranging your home, see us for new pictures. Choice assortment newest. Artist supplies for sale. GARTLAND ART STORE 287 FRINCESS STREET 'Phone 2116-w, INSTALL" Saves Coai., of the very I can furnish detail dimen- ons and all cluditg prices, motor. Save time and money and do your busmess locauly, James Boyd 1 2504, 308 Ree