THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG _ Tuesday, July 13, 1926. Ry E------------r i unded 184] -------- GENERAL AGENTS IN' KING. STON FOR JAEGER FINE WOOL. WEAR Discount 20% On Your Summer Suit DON'T DELAY! OUR SALE IS DRAWING TO A CLOSE The utmost in style, fabric. and work- manship is offered you at 20% discount. LIVINGSTON'S sxogrwearn 19-19 BROCK ST. "SHIRTS SHIRTS If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk : Strawberry Sundae Social St. John's Church, Pittsburg, Wed. July 14, at 7 o'clock, standard time, Admission, Adults 35¢; Children 10c. | Lad Passes Music "Examination, = | Desmond Reid, nine-year-old son of Mrs. Mary Reid, 261 Rideau | treet, was successful in passing with | honors the introductory piano exam- { ination of the Toronto Conservatory | of Music. Sat Near President. Miss Alice Dixon, Brockville, who is at Saranac Lake, N. Y., had the | pleasure of sitting quite close tb | President and Mrs, Coolidge on Sun- | day during the morning service at { the Saranac Lake First Presbyterian { church. | | | | | { | | nn | Six Years Ago? { Six years ago today, July 13th, { 1920, the Meighen cabinet Was re- | organized to go to the country. It is interesting to know he has, today, announced his new cabinet for the same purpose.. Will the date, "13," be again unfortunate for him? Roy Donnelly Doing Well. Roy Donnelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Donnelly, 151 Sydenham street, has been removed from the General Hospital to his father's home, following an operation and his condition is reported to be much im- proved. Fine Fife and Drum Band. : The Fife and Drum Band of the Kingston Orange Lodges made a de- cided impression at the big celebra- tion at Belleville on Monday. It was by far 'the strongest fift and drum band there, and Kingston Orange- men claim that it is one of the very best in the Dominion. Flooring Gave Way. Abram Bigford, an elderly farmer | living near Bishop's Mills, mst with a painful accident. He had gone into a loft over the summer kitchen of his residence when the flooring gave way. As a result he received a severe scalp wound as well as having his head, shoilder and back badly bruis- ed. He is in bed suffering from shock. Must Pay Board Rill. A young man appeared before the Magistrate charged with neglecting to pay his board bill. The young fel- low had been out of work for a couple of weeks and was just going to work. He stated that he had in- tended to pay his hoard bill as soon as he got work. The case was en- larged for a week. Mrs. Rose Called to Chicago. Mrs. Bruce Rose, Albert Street, was suddenly called to Chicago, IL. on account of a serious motor acci- : _The business that merely offers its products for sale will never get anywhere, Everything has to be positively sold. No =" one will buy from you simply becense Jou wish to soll. People : will buy from you only because you have something that will do them good in proportion to the price you ch h : Our aim is to keep ypu interested always in the superiority of the quality of the goods we sell and in the superiority of our service, ; | STRAWBERRI ering from i + but, during the week we: price subject to supply of suitable '6 you all available information ix ¢ should be fairly plentiful fro now fairly satisfactory. The | Te ns, the most useful of Fruit, 6 for 13c. rries, 6 qt-basket . , $1.65 et : 30c. 1 ea ee aw AE we Cherries, Red, Sour-- dent in which her brothér, Dr. W. R. Campbell, a Queen's graduate, had his skull fractered, and his wife, Mrs. Campbell, her leg ad foliar bone broken. A telegram nr ed by Dr. Bruce Rose this morning says there is a good hope of their recovery, To Do Post Graduate Work. Dr. Frank Rowson, Kingston, who has completed his medical course at Queen's University and passed the Dominion Medical Council, has gone to New York with Dr. Donald Carmichael, to take a year's post. graduate work In the Nasseau Hos- pital, at Mineola, Long Island. Dr, Rowson: is a brother of Mrs, R. J, Bolton, Petarboro, Mrs. Sanfecd Davis, On July 2nd, the death occurred at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Stacey, Vancouver, .B.C., of Margaret, widow of Cant ator Davis. She was born in Lahedowne sixty-four years Ago and is survived by one brother, Rev, Nelson Bradley, Saginaw, Mich. ,and one sister, Mrs. H. Oavis, Brampton, as well as by her daughter, Mrs. Stacey, , Picnic Was Cancelled. The annual picnic of Queen Street Sunday School, scheduled yesterday Was cancelled 'due to the rough wea- ther. The Brockville took about two hundred pienickers. to Brophy's Point, but by the time the boat ar- rived at the wharf, everybody was sea-sick, and it was pouring rain, so it was decided by those in charge to return to the city. Everybody was glad to get back again. To Mark Historie Site, : On Friday evening an important event will take place in Maitland. It will be the erection of a flag pole and a marker on Mrs. Jackson's lot in the east end of the village, this being the highest point within the former old French fort and on or ' the French flag flew when it Was re- blaced by the British standard on the capture of the fort by General Am- herst in July 1760. : ---- | | | | | | | | | |} | Talk. | 'tends hearty congratulations to this inscriptions on it can be read quite | | easily. On one side is the head of | | Gears III with his name In Latin | and on the reverse is a figure of | | Britannia with the date 1797. | | Orangemen at Tichborne. | | About 2,000 people congregated at | | Tichborne for the Frontenac County | Orange celebration. There were ora- | tory and musie in abundance, while | other: forms of entertaizment were | {not lacking. Despite the big crowd | {there was the best of order and RO, | serious disturbance or accident mar- {red the day. Lodges were present {from as far south as Harrowshith {and from all northern parts of the | county. The Kingston Pipe Band sup- | plied music, a0 A A Correction. The Whig makes the following cor- | rection in the sermon delivered by | {Rev. Bdwin H. Burgess to the Or- angemen of the eity at Zion Church on Sunday morning. This is what Mr. Burgess said: "The metropolitan bishop had jur- ' isdietion over a whole province and the patriarch over several provinces. | The Bishop of Rome was made Pat- riarch of the West and the Bishop of Constantinople one of the Pat- riarchs of the Bast. But the Bishop of Rome refused the title of 'Patri- arch' so as not to be on an equality with the others and called himself 'Papa' from which we have the word 'Pope.' Matteson Family Reunion. The second annual reunion of the Matteson family was held at Burn-| ham's park, Cape Vincent, N.Y. | July 5th. There were over sixty pres- ent from 'Kingston, Pittsburgh, Wolfe Island, Three Rivers, Que., Black River, Point Peninsula, Brownville, Syracuse Chaumont and Watertown. A chicken ple dinner Was served at noon. The oldest mem- ber -present was George Crozier from Pittsburgh, The youngest was Mil- dred E. Van Ness, aged five months from Point Peninsula. The members coming shortest distance was Edna Fawcett and daughters, Elva ang Audrey, from Wolfe Island. The Members coming the longest dis. CITY AND DISTRICT |ff tance Were Ernest C. Storm and son, Jack, from Three Rivers, Que. Three Injured in Motor Mjshap. A serious accident which neafly became fatal occurred on the roas between Perth and Lanark wien de- legates to the Deanery meeting ware being taken to Lanark in a car dri- ven by John Butler. They got involved in trouble with a stalled car, and when the conflict was over Miss Ella, McEwen had a had gash in the side of her nose whick 'cut a vein and caused blood to fiow pro- tusely. Another small enc was made in her forehead. Boh of these wounds were caused by the breaking of the small mirror above the wind- shield. Her knees were also injured. Mrs. Paul got a hard knock on tha side of the head which rendered hér nearly unconscious. Mrs. McEwan was also badly shaken np. The injur- ed were taken to Perth in another ear and Dr. Blair dressed the wounds, ---------- WEDDED FIFTY-FIVE YEARS Mr, and Mrs. Shewell, Cataraqui, Re. ceive Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Shewell, Cata- raqul, who on Monday observed the fifty-fitth anniversary of their mar- riage, received congratulations from many friends. Mr. Shewell, who is a well known market gardener, is seventy-six years of age, and his wife is the"same age. They lived first in Ernesttown township, near Violet, and afterwards moved to Cataraqul where they have resided for years. They have two children living, five grandchildren and three great éhna- children. Two of the latter, Nina and Austin, live in Portsmouth. Mr. 6th British regiment. The Whig ex- worthy couple. "Mn. Shewell states that he has been reading the Whig for fifty years. a i ---- On Sunday night two stores and the newspaper and job plant of the Mirrer-Reporter at Millbroon 'were destroyed, and several other stores damaged when fine swept a business block in Millbrook, » WOLFE ISLAND § Wax Beans, Cucum- Shewell's father was a captain in the| | Watérmelon, 3! The One Big Sale of the Season WEDNESDAY AT 9.30 A Triumph of Value Giving 1000 Yards Reg. $1.25 and $1.50 Value Laidlaw's SCORE AGAIN in bi g value-giving. We have gone a long way in Sur efforts to give the biggest value at the least money and we think this is the one time we score. The loveliness of the colors, and the striking beauty of the designs in this offering of Rayon Uncrushable Crepes is inspiration enough to make every woman of Ki her own dressmaker. this offers makes it doubly attractive. SOME. OF THE MANY SHADES ARE : White Oak ~ Pencil Grey Almond Tan Sand Lipstick Poppy Powder Flame Indian Skin Navy Peach Cocoa : 50 different pieces to choose from SEE BIG WINDOW DISPLAY TO-NIGHT ! Men's Silk " Lisle Sox But the astonishing low price wh n ich \ Printed and Figured Uncrushable Crepes ey $