THE DAILY BRITISH WEIG NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE : Woman's Page Editor Phone 2613. Private Phone 857w. re . . . The Monday Mah Jongg Club met the Golf Club this afternoon. 4 » -. » Lila Macdougall, Ottawa, is b for the session of Queen's ner School. - - * , Charles Smith, Bagot street, 'returned from a visit with in Toronto. - L J 'Mrs. Harry Balden, Portsmouth, spent two weeks at Lake ito, has returned home. - » » pt. and Mrs. Collingwood Jones 'have taken an apartment at 27 'Wellington street. .. *® * Mr. J. B. Lappen, Montreal, spent the week-end with Mrs. Lappen and his family, Mack street. br . 'Miss Hora will entertain at lunch- 'son at the Cataragul Golf and Coun- try Club on Tuesday. -. . Mrs. George Webster, Montreal, is "#t "Densmere" and will later wisit Mahood, University Mrs. H. C. Nickle, Earl street, Ir] i entertaining at the tea hour on Tuesday for her guests, Miss Mar: garet Geer, New York. . . - Mr. Mel Stone, Mrs. T. Stone, Mrs. D. 8. Cgllier and Miss Betty Stone were in Picton for the week- end. . . » : Mrs. David McGill, Montreal, will come to Kingston this week, to visit her sister, Miss Alice King, Alice Miss Lily Saunders, Princess street, is attending "the Teacher hn! ng Camp at Lake Couchiching, » . . Dr. Bdward J. Williamson of Ho- [ College, Geneva, N.Y., is visit- his sister, Mrs. BE. H. Young, street. . * » Mrs. Robert F. Graham, Kingston, d with her mother, Mrs. C. H. New York, stopping at Gan- ue Inn. ; . 0 William MeNsil of Chicago mt the past few 'days revisiting ton and calling on friends of boyhood days. é . * 9 Dr. and Mrs. J. PF. MeFayden, Dr. Janet Miller and Miss Annie Brown, otland, have gone to Mackenzie Island to spend several weeks. ¥ * - Mrs. Charles Douglas and 'her children will come ffom Ottawa this 'week 40 visit Mr. and Mrs; W. J. B. ! University Avenue. \ - . . . "and Mrs. Geoffrey O'Hara, Who have been in Rochester, N. Y., 2 spend the week-end in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Craig. h . La 3 Mr. and Mrs. E. R, O. Dobbs, To- ; to, are coming to-morrow to be 'with Mr, and Mrs. F. Dobbs, Barrie ireet, for a few weeks holidays, . . 7 "Rs, Mrs. Jack Saunders and Miss - Verna Saunders, have returned to _ town from Camp Oconto, Eagle Lake, whers they spent two weeks, 3 - . - Mrs. A. BE. Stevenson and Miss Ste- New Liskeard, are spending weeks at the YW.C.A. Miss on is attending Queen's sum- school. 5 < ; . 3 Miss Bessie Wilton and Miss Mar- Bn Drew will go to U-Auto Camp to- assist Miss Ettinger with the age girls who are spending the ZH - . H. Hall and Gordon Rath- | on Friday from a de- : the Rideau 4den's Residence, Portsmouth. ! and' will occupy Mrs, Hemming's| house on George street. | - . . Dr. and Mrs. A. BE. Mahood are| leaving Ottawa for ten days. Dr. Ma- | hood is going to the Abitibi on al fishing trip and Mrs. Mahood wil} | visit relatives in Northern Ontario. » . . i Mrs. McGhee, Greenock, Séotland, arrived in the city on Monday to| spend the summer months with her | daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and | Mrs. A. McBride, Raglan Road. i * » . Mrs. Joseph Keyes and her little | son Maurice of Kennebec, New On- tario, has returned home after hav- ing spent thhe past two weeks with Mrs. Edward Venoss, Montreal street, * Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Reid children and Mr. Thomas® Bowie, Leamington, visited in Kingston, where they formerly resided. They were guests of Mrs. W. R. Sills Mack street. gad their » @ Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Shea, Union street, have returned from a motor trip to New York and Atlantic City. They were accompanied by Miss Gertrude Horan, who has returned to Ottawa. * A pleasant surprise bridge was arranged on Saturday at the War- Mrs. J. C. Ponstord received the visitors with her well-known hospitality, and the party was much enjoyed by her guests. * . * Mrs. G. W. Cook and Miss Audrey Cook, Montreal, are at present in Paris after visiting the Earl and Countess of Haddington, who have been occupying a house in London during the season. . Miss Edith Rees, Gananoque, will be married in August to Mr. Fred Palmer, New York. Miss Rees and her mother have been visiting Mrs. ra A. Kip, jr, of Mountain' View avenue, Orange, N.J., the daughter of Mrs. Rees. » Mrs. George MacKinnon and her children motored from JLachute, Que., and spent the week-end with Mrs. G. A. Bateman. They returned to-day, taking Mrs. MacKinnon's mo- ther, Mrs. John Gardiner, with them for a visit. "During their visit to Honolulu, Lady Thornton and Miss Anne Thornton will be the guests of the Hon. H. H. Rushton, Colonial Trea- Surer of Fiji, and Mrs. Rushton. They sailed from Victoria on June 30th by the Aorangi. > 3 . . . The Whig will be glad to have the names of visitors in town and ac- gounts of various social évents for publication in the social column. Such communications should be signed and the address of the sender given. Write or telephone to the Bditor of the Woman's Page, Tele- phone No. 2613. , Mrs. Britton Schyyler, New York, who has been 'In China for some months, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Donald MacPhail, King street west. She left for To- ronto to-day to visit her sister, Mrs. Philip Gilbert. Mrs. Schuyler will remain in Canada until September and will then sail for England. EL - Ld Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Bedore, Syracuse, N.Y., returned to: their 'home after spending a few days the guests of Mr. James and Miss M. Mullen, Joyceville, Mr, and Mrs. John McKanna, Barrie street, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bedore, Nel- son street. Misa Beatrice Bedors, Nelson street, returned to Syracuse with them. ' . » * Mrs. Reginald Hawkins, 560 Al bert street, gave a party and miscel: |' laneotis shower on Thusday evening for Mrs. Harry Birdsell, a last week's bride. The guest of honor re- b ® BE = "a = millinery. affects, ous to style. PA rm nth cludes In its itinerary every place of | beauty and interest in the west. " » » v Very pleasant in spite of the ! at the Kingston Tennis Club. Mrs. | Cecii B. Wright and Mrs. Ambrose | Shea presided at the tea table and! were assisted by Mrs. W. H. Smith, | and Mrs. J. C. Raynolds. The courts | were filled with players, and the at- | ternoon spent at this popular place Wis most enjoyable. Rev. W. E."Kida and Mrs. Kidd, who have been at Kern Bank, Brock- ville, for several weeks, will return to Kingston shortly and will spend the remainder of the month of July in town. Their friends are preparing many entertainments in their honor, for it was with the deepest regret that the people of St. George's Ca- thedral learned that they were to lose two kindly, sympathetic friends to whom the traditions of the cathedral were as dear as to the oldest mem- ber, ---- The annual garden party and strawberry festival will be held on the grounds of St. George's Cathe- dral on Tuesday; July 13th, from 3 to 8 pm. Band in attendance in the evening, Admission free. school. and, '| lights of QUEEN MARY'S HEADGEAR Te ts x rd Interest in horses and riders ran second at the recent English races to the interest in Queen's Mary's Apparently there is a' decided change of policy. small, but heavily-laden cloche in favor of the large picture hat which allows a great expanse for the dis- play of p lumes, aigrettes, ribbons, rosettes and the fauna and flora which the beloved First Lady of England Instead of the misty blue gray, color of London's well-knows fogs, which is her majesty's favorite color, she has been choosing mauve, the deeper purples and pure white with wide. ostrich boas to matéh. Photo- graphed above are some of the Queen's hats in which she exercised the divine right of a queen to be Impervi« Since her snowy hair, worn high in regal fashion, is one of her greatest claims to beauty, she i§ never so pleasing as .when she is unhatted, or wears acoronet of jewels. Kathleen Jenkins, Toronto, and in- and contained many helpful sugges- tions, which would be most beneficial if put int practise, The president, Mrs. C. F. Myers, welcomed the la- dies of Crosby, to which Mrs. Proud, storm clouds, was the Saturday tea | president of Crosby W.I. replied fit- tingly and sald it was always a pleasure to come to Portland. Re- freshments were served .by the Portland ladies and a social hour conducted by Miss Mary Preston and spent, during which a pin contest was Mrs. Preston, Mrs, Heath being the winner of the prize. This brought a happy/and prosperous meeting to a close. | The Editor Hears | That the summer school students of Queen's University are with us once more in' greater strength than ever and were muchyin evidence in the churches on Sunday. Sydenham street church, where the united con- gregations of Chalmers and Syden- ham are worshipping during the month of July, had a great number of the students who are members of the United Church. 8t. Andrew's welcomed the Presbbyterians and most of the Anglicans go to St. George's Cathedral where they find the beautiful choral service of which they have so often spoken in years past. We are all glad to have. the students whe are in Kingston for work and for the pleasure a change of air and scenery combined with a forward step taken in their career gives. That the Anglican churches are looking forward to the arrival next Saturday of the members of the Church Army who are touring Can- ada. These Englishmen and women will give two open air services and the men will preach in the several Anglican churches That we hear the Girl Guides are studying the birds and all the wild things at their camp at Eagle Lake near Tichborne. This is a good idea. How much more pleasure we would all get out of life if we new more of the wild life around us. This is the season for city folk to study the birds and beasts, to learn the names -{ of plants, trees and flowers. Take 28 book along with you when you £0 to camp to tell you the names of the flowers and another with good plates to tell you about the birds {| The geographical department at Ot- tawa will give you a good bird book for a small cost, and if you ask help you. Already some boys and girls have learned nature study In pastime, it will add much to the de- a holiday in the country. She has dropped her compact toque and her -- i Monday, July 12, 1926. Crisp. Tasty, Nourishi | ; TRISCUIT . Its Shredded Wheat in wafer form- Delicious with butter.or Cheese.or marmalade « The Robertson China Shop China -- Crockery -- Glassware *ermmer. Emma I. Gwatkin, Prop. "PHONE 694, A AUNT HET COLLIN'S BAY DANCING PAVILION EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Dancing from 8 to 12 (standard time) SID FOX Orchestra in attendance. TAXI vuors SERVICE 960 25¢ 'wom DAY OR NIGHT ahout a guide to the plant life of il Canada the officials will be sure to if "I could bandage my ankles an' make 'em smaller, but I'd feel kind o' foolish doin' it unless I was uo] widow." -------- The British and Foreign Bible Society circulated 10,472,733 Bi bles, New Testaments and smaller portions of the Scriptures during the last year. It takes two or three fewer shovel- fuls of coal to run a freight train a mile than it did two years ago, as a result of the railroads' programme of conservation. / Tennis: Love 18; Lewe CAMPARA'S 5 : 3 THE VOGUE OF WHITE FOR SUMMER WEAR 'White Knitted Suits In Silk and Wool and All Wool--very dainty at $13.50, $15.00 to $25.00. - White Knitted Coats--very stylish at $25.00 each. White Pleated Skirts in Silk and Wool at $7.00 each. ; - White Sweater Coats in Cardigan and Pullover styles at $2.95 and $5.00 each. Ww. N. Linton & Co. THE IRISH LINEN STORE ITALIAN BALM It relioves all sovemess it taken up as a i LINDSAY k ~~ PIANOS > . a " ; or Sor rors STYLE "A"