Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jul 1926, p. 4

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gi Save Middlemer's FURS Profits By buying our Fnvs Giwoct from 0 CHOKERS. 2 (in all colors). WORK (of all kinds), service. Lowest frreduct- able costs. Consult our Fur Ex. BROCK STREET, KINGSTON, ONT. Nr Se PREPARATIONS SEE OUR DISPLAYS. STORE Branigan's s Drug wn 268 Princess Phone 18 THE DAILY Y BRITISH _WHIG | Happenings in Kingston 78 Years Ago; lt {| "Review of An Old Copy of The Argus} 4 } hv newspaper published for some time by Dr. John Sigwart, has been ll] sent to The British Whig by *Miss | Laura Begg, 6 Indian Road, Edge- i wood, R.I. The paper contains news i and advertisements that will interest = who like to delve into happen- ings in the Limestone City back in the past century. The newspaper 8 roprietor of to-day would rejoice at Ig! the bulk of advertising in this copy of The Argus. One of the first no- tices that struck thé' eye of the re- viewer was aboybithe steainér Beav- er (Capt..M."Bell), which pled be-}:. tween Kifigston and: Bytows (now Ottawa) every Tuesday apd, Friday. on the afrival at Kipgston of the lake mail 'Steamers. : This" boat left Kingston "as 9 am. and arrived) at Bytow#i af 'moon the: following "day, The Rideail canal 'was then in' woper- ation and served as a linker béfweeh fen Lake Ontario pnd what is 'now €an- | ada's capital. At mail trom the west came by way of Kingston, Thén An- othes' notice tells of the steamer & A READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS * They Lighten Work Magtet of the Royal Mat Line, run- ning Between Kingston, Cobourg, To- ronte: asd Hamilton every Tuesday and Friday evening. The propellor Ear] Cathcart ran between Amherst burg and Lachine, touching at inter- mediate British ports on Lake Erle, TUNE UP THE ELECTRIC FIXTURES before the summer visitors arrive. We have the most complete line in the city. Lake Ontario and the River St. Law- rence. Liquor Advertisements. A sight of the Illquor advertise- ments would rejoice the hearts of the opponents of the O.T.A. Many stores were in the liquor trade. Rob- ert Allen announced himself as "wholesale and retail wine and spirit dealer, grocer and baker." J. Mowat H { iH «A copy ef The Kingston Argus, ot | Union street. His firm carried the } date the 10th October, 1848, a week- | best Scotch goods, and was situated | iat the corner of Princess and Wel- lington - streets, where the Bank of Nova Scotia now is. : The editor, Dr. Stewart, announc- ed that he "has gone on an inquest and to see the cattle show on Wolfe Island. This will account for his silence regarding the late assizes." _Editorially he says: "The Cana- dian farmer who can now obtain 4 shillings 5 pence to 5 shillings a buskel for his wheat should sell it as we doubt very much if it will com- mand a higher figure in the win- tex or spring." -- A Female Attire. ¢~In" another: editorial Dr. Stewart 'Says! "We are inelined to think that the female attire @f«the present day C78; years ago min nd) is upon the V i é in as favorable a state as the xt vehement sdvacates for what is id nates apd isimplicity could Retro: It is« costume in 'which they gan' Aress quickly, walk nimbly, eat ijentifully, step easily, loll grace- fully, and in short, perform all the duties of life without let or hind- rance. The head is left to its natural size; the skin to its native purity; the waist at its proper region; the heels at their real level. The dress is one calculated to bring out the natural beauties of the person and each of them, so far as we see, fair play." (If the doctor could only have visioned the girls of to-day.) Tocal News. The local news notes a bazaar ta be held by the ladies of the Free Church (Chalmers) in the new stone building recently erected at the cor- ner.of Wellington and Brock streets. The Argus records that the pros Saturday, July 10, 1926. All Roads Lead to Shaw's Always Busy Store SAVE 35¢c. TO 60c. PER PAIR ON HOSIERY To-night, we place on sale 150 pairs Women's beautiful quality Silk Hose, in best shades of Sand, Grey, French Nude, Harvest, Rug- by Tan, Moresque, White, Black. $1.00 and $1.25 lines, in broken sizes 81 to 10. Gold Dollar and Mercury brands. On the bargain counterat 7 o'clock ............ teviuv1:.+..65c. PER PAIR (Limit of 3 pairs to each buyer). Monday, 59¢ 300 yards of Wash Dress Goods--ready for the warm days -- oA Fine, English Rice Voile--36 inches wide, in all the attractive ghades, including Powder Blue, Orchid, Honey Dew, Rose and Apple Green. Also Silk Check Crepe in Orchid and Silver, Green and Gold--full 36 inches. .Regular price $1.00 and $1.25 a yard. Monday, at 9.30 a.m., they go on the bargain counter at 59¢. yd. y D. A. SHAW, Limited |' The Saunders Electric Co & Son announced the sale of "100 |vincial fair of 1849 will take place ® barrels of whiskey." "Superior |in-Kingston on the second Tuesday : 167 PRINCESS STREET. TELEPHONE 441. whiskey from the distillery of Rit-|of September. chie, Ford & Jones, Simcoe, Long There is a paragraph stating that Point, continually on hand and for| 'on Sunday evening some rascals sale low by H. and 8. Jones of King- | broke numerous panes of glass of ston," read another advertisement. |several of the windows of the new William Holditch announced "for | Catholic cathedral." The mayor of- sale or to let the Sydenham brew-|fered £50 for the discovery of the : S Clearing Sale ery," showing that the Loughboro|offender or offenders. village was not as dry in those far-| The consecration of the new Cath- SUMMER : Milford. are quick to pick out HARVEST TOOLS that are fine. off days v olic éathedral took place on Wednes- OF MILLINERY Eva Brooks, Jack Buchanan, Joy ; Farmers . Ae case the Nid works as now. Thomas Flett, § Iy balanced tempered ght to ea Adolphustown, advertised the sale of [day last (4th October, 1848). Parisian Sho Clapp, Edna Cole, Beatrice Clapp, | 'We guarantee to you fine quality in your needs for HAY FORK a lease of a brewery at Hay Bay, in |"Eighty bishops and priests were : P Willle Caton, Freda Dulmage, Berna- I FUnLms, SECTION KNIVES, GUARDS, RIVETS, FORK the midst of a fine grain-gfwing| present #nd upwards of £250 was 822 BROCK STREET de : : ae avs, FORK ne Emlaw, Floral Hicks, Laura LES, HA AE OWING M4 country, collected to assist in completing the | === Latchford, = Marjorie McCrimmon, SCYTHES, SNATHS, + FILES an i ---- edifice; which, when finished, will be : : Marguerite McNally, Violet Robin- You will soon be thinking of COAL OIL STOVES. We recom- Other Advertisements. an ornament to the ¢ify." son, Gordon Reid, Morva Ostrander, mend the PURITAN and the FLORENCE AUTOMATIC STOVES. There are various advertisements And then there is a notice signed | {PRINCE EDWARD Leah Walker, Emily Workman, Ena ~ Both are exoullent quick cookers. of patent medicines in the copy of{by M. Flanagan, city clerk, father of ENTRANOE RESULTS} | Walker, Dorothy Welbanks. & Phone 840. 187 Princess Street. The Argus. The chief one was Dr. | Messrs. Michael and William anll the 1 mon Sons ht fangs Store Prous THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Peck, Margaret Thompson, Mary Vanmeer, Hilda Whattam. Townsend's compound extract of | Misses Flanagan, Barrie street, | __ ; Picton. sarsaparilla, which was guaranteed | which announced that "all signs ex- 'Is Howard Ackerman, Mabel Alex- to are Sonsunrption, cept tavern signs or at fixtures, hae JMemoial Medais, win, | ander, John Airhart, Harry Beau e of the large drygoods adver-|now projecting more than one foot Marion ugha equal: 2, Mina King; | mont, Margaret Bailie, Beatrice Bett, PICTON Ties Bntats ant Teauranege Cer. Johnson and Division Sta. Phone 530w, 530) and 588. J. B. SAMPSON, Insurance. & Co. Mr. Waddell fas the father | street or over any sidewalk, must be [Brisbin, Annie Carter, Irvine Clapp, You'll Need of Mr. Halloway Waddell, Lower |removed within one month." Scholarships. Olive Carter, Reta Cronk, Leighton ; . ney, Mary Dawe, Helen Evans, Eliza- duct the services in Picton Unit-|0ns. : i fondugt th 2 vices In Picton Redmond Scholarship -- Irene |beth Bisbury, Eugene Frederick, V Fire and A Insurance. pith r and ov Mrs. A. M. Fuller: of Enderlin, | Goodwin. Winnifred Gentile, Irene Goodwin, nto as been proven ove over again mortgages ! . ! M to 1 that a new t will give much better results Picton, July 9.--The funeral of NE. 3nd Mrs. D. Jatebl, Centre Township Leaders. Jessie Gresty, Ralph Heffer, Mar- without expense ender, the late Rev. Dr. 8. J. Shorey was Ameliasburg-- Borden Miller, Con-| garet Hubbs, Hazel Jarvis, Willie i 'than an ol one, and you can't afford to held on Thursday afternoon at Plec- . : : secon. Jones, Mina King, Mary Kates, Cars | * Athol-<Eva Brooks, 8.8. No. 5. maletta Lockwetd, Marion Lyons, largely attended. There were re- $ be bought at such low prices as we offer. : the DESERONTO. fleld. Dorothy Martin, Isabel Moore, Dor- pastorates where he had served dur- } n Tax ar i ing his long and active ministry. Es- & Lu . | No. 7. arence McGrayne, nes ayne, Reseronto, July 3.4 quist wed N. Marysburg--Samuel Storms, 8.| Kathleen Myatt, Mary Noble, Charles eservi Can friends from Napanee who had mot- Pr ng Kett es ni Racks . ored up to pay their last tribute to ed Mrs. Reuben Croup re §. Marysburg--Floral Hicks, S.S.| Edward Powers, Jean Rorke, Ralph Mixing Spoans, Strainers, Measurin Helen, wan | s. Reynolds, Chariss Rutter, William ored in life. In the pulpit with the 11t » resident pastor, Rev. J. J. Mellor | ert" [00 of WnGsor: son of ME and |, "3 5. No. 12. Starr, Agnes Seeley, Percy Starr, need for * 'doing-up days." . Rut Shackleton, Ila Tripp, Hilda Dr. George Brown of Kingston,| pay RJ, Craig, of Demorestville, a First Class Honors, Stevenson & Hunter [5 im tote a oe frm pepe oder pie sie, Pt, B12, 55 00500 Oat Woe: Times Wisma, ar tisements was that of Kerr, Waddell | off and from any building unto the 3. Ruth Shackleton William Beasley, Jean Balfour, Ted Dm Margaret McGowan---Marion Ly- Cronk, Gordon Dainard, Iola Daub- Pr eScrving Kettle Sure | Margaret Fraser, Dorothy French, N.D., is the guest, of her parents Oscar Grimmon, Olive Goodman, Money placed on first ese ew ens ton United Church, and was. very gpoil your pr TVes en n ut ils can Hallowell---Douglas Burr, Bloom-| Donald Leavitt, Dolly Mackintosh, presentatives from nearly all Hillier--Kathleen Alexander, S.8.|othy Millman, = Catharine McLean, Everything is here for preserving time. hi ive. s cially were noticed many pe! Pla} ging was solemnized at the home of 8. No.4. Nutley, Winnitred Pitt, Nell Parks, one whom they had loved and hon- united in marriage to Mr. Alton |' ' --) Th A. Rose, - h Cups, Funnels -- everything else you will Sophiasburg--Margaret omp- ose, - Samuel Storms, Gladys were Rev. Dr. Chown, Toronto; Rev. 2 The ceremony was performed by "| Welsh, Olive Wellman, Helen Welsh, J. Wilson of Napanee, chairman off. tized her. The guests included |and Marion Lyons equal; Mina King, Carl Weese, James Wildeman, Mar- the Presbytery; and Rev. J. W. Bar-by ong Mrs James Hamilton and |Ruth Shackleton, lola Daubney, | 8aret Welbanks, Verna Wright, Fan- rett of Stirling, ex-president of the see Morton, grandmother of the |Frank Brimley, Zada Blisworth, |dle Williams. a Conference. Dr. Chown, who Was| oom of Kingston; Mrs. B. Fannie Williams, Margaret Hubbs, | x a schoolmate and ifs long fiend | Miichail ang Mims J. Drvden of Dorothy Wright, Oilve Carter, Dor-|NUSUAL PROGRAMME FOR i of the deceased, e fun- othy French and Glad; : sDeseronto. The bride ad groom fy y neh an ya 3 THE OTTAWA CENTENARY * eral sermon and spoke most feeling, tne International Limited trom | Dorothy MacDonald, A F riday and ly of his many good works and ex-| Nypapes for a homeymoon in West. |Jean Balfour, Eugene ¥ ek, hn Taplaly ee a. Walden a ar] ern Ontario. Catharine McLean, Mary: Kate Wo 's Best Buc Bucking Horses | utitul rendering of t T| C. Tone, W. W. Carter, Trenton; | Borden Miller equal; Dorothy \ Satur day old hymn "Over There." The ROBOT- | rr 'ang Mrs. V. J. Besancerey, Ton. | tin, Margaret Thompson, Helen ok to Pit Gunning Against Oow- ary pall bearers were Rev. R. J.|ningion, iy John = Plewes, | son sa. Hilda Whattam ; Malcolm, 'boys? Nerve and Brawn. 'and daughter of Brockville; BE. ompson, athleen exander, - ra of Montrea';" E. J. Sex- George Pike, Margaret Anderson,| Ottawa is to celebrate its Centen- Napanee, and Mr. and Mrs. | Floral Hicks. : ary in a right royal manner and eiti- pray of In ore, of London, were / |zens and visitors who are in the callers in tows - Amellasburg Centre. | Capital from August 16th to August to-day A few friends. of Miss Lawghlin (Alphabetical.) and/Mr. C.-W. Malley héld a miscel- | landous shower at Mrs. Gault's camp Inst 11gLL a hosior of their approach. | ing . They were the re- Sivien "ot many 'valuable gifts. Tho | 4 yening Fahos in Jansing Toot SHOP WHERE YOU k SAVE ry MEATAASS ------

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