-- y British Whig [32 LAST EDITION. YEAR 93; No. 160. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1926. LIGHTNING BOLT KILLS TWO ORANGEMEN IN A LODGE ROOM * Father and Son Victims Five. TORONTO WILL roeerecv.~2 INSANE TORONTO FATHER KILLS Fr wy Yous HEAR MR. KING: ~ FAMLY AND THEN SUICIDES ) 4 . ON JOLY 2 : Florist Driven Out of His Mid b Tiouble Over Sewer--Had Ob. *) 'Hall at Rednersville hw 15 i jected to the Laying of the Sewer on Accomt A Monster Picnic Ar- Wellington Bowers and Harold Bowers Instant- +e + PEACEFUL COUP D'ETAT # EFFECTED IN PORTUGAL Seward, Alaska, July 10.-- Haircuts for seals is the latest thing in the Pribiloff Islands, in the Behring Sea. Ten thou- sand one-year-old male seals will receive tonsorial attention this season, Capt. A. Ander- son, of the United States Bu- reau of Fisheries vessel Eider, reported on his arrival here yesterday. The object of the shearing, Capt. Alnderson said, was to indicate the increase next year, as the seals are slaughtered only in a certain * -- # Lisbon, Portugal, July 10.-- % Another peaceful coup d'etat + was effected in Portugal's capital 4 yesterday. The movement was # directed by General Carmona, #+ former Foreign Minister, and # other former Cabinet members, # who formed a new Government. *» v 2402009300030 000 0 BODIES OF 18 MEN FOUND IN SUBMARINE LJ + * * * * + * + + + * Toronto, July 10.--Driven insane| In a centre bedroom of the house by trouble with the civic waterworks lay Mrs. Fogarty's body and in the over the planned laying of a sewer front room the body of Clive, aged along Cavell street, where he lived, twelve, was found. the Heavy Tax Burden. ranged by the Liberals. This year "ly Killd--Five Other Men Su tained Ser a 5 Es b Rednersville, five miles from here, when a bolt of lightning ; e; Charles Brickman, Henry Lamb and Clarence Mcliroy, hor Rednersville. & 7 Burke and the other five each "found on them. They were on opposite sides of the room, pér= tered about the room. ous Injuries--Bolt Hit the Hall While the ~ Orange Lodge Was in Session Friday. Belleville, July 10.--Two men, father and son, were killed five men were shocked and more or less seriously injured "struck the chimney of the Orange hall there during the pro-! gress of a meeting of the Orange Lodge late last evening. The names of those killed were: Wellington Bowers, 52, of Rossmore, Ont.; Harold Bowers, 24, Rossmore, his son. Those suffering from shock and minor injuries are: Walter Ostrom, Rednersville, foot cut; Carl Willlamson, Carrying There were upwards of thirty men in the lodge room. A terrific orash was followed by flames which ran along the stove pipe, apparently having come down the chimney. All windows, six in number, had been opened from the top. Both men died Instantly. Not a mark of any kind was to be haps twenty-five feet apart. The others injured were scat- © The Bowers were originally a Rawdon township family and the father of Wellington Bowers, aged eighty-five, still . resides In Rawdon. His wife and two other children survive. Bowers and his son, who had J ust sat down after the initia- tion had been completed, were at the window at opposite ends the room. Walter Ostrom was standing fis 40 Wellington open, one boot being torn off by the bolt and his left leg torn to shreds. The lightning zig-zagged across Foom, so It appeared, and had contact with men not near another. Lieut. Desmond Burke Makes a Full Score Bisley Camp, Bug. July 10. «Lieut. Desmond Burke, of Queen's University, Kingston, tied with five other competitors for leadership in the Donegal . challenge cup,. with service rifles, ten shots at 200 yards, one of the principal events stag- od at Bisley yesterday. Lieut. MANDELL I8 GENEROUS. Gives Sister $20,000 House and Re- . Tires His Father. Chicago, July 10.--Sammy Man- dell, newly crowned lightweight champion, has presented his sister Marion with a $20,000 home in Rock- ford, Ill. Previously he bought a home for his father and retired him from his job in a laundry. It is understood that practical agreement has been reached by the ference upon the principle of the double-stage development. A terrific struggle is now on be- tweer British, American and Ar- gentine meat exporters for the con- trol of the meat trade in Britain. Forest fires situated in the north- ern woods of New Brunswick are doing considerable damage. Bad the full scores of 50. They lil shoot off for the cup on ) 'Thursday the thermometer touch- 91 in Toronto. It was also, high £ 2 'July 10.--The Mail and] ant to that of a Cabinet minister. Succeeding * 55 131 Ontario and New York Hydro con-|. 'Which Has Been at Bottom of the Ocean for Nine ° Months. New York, July 10.--The bodies of eighteen men were brought up yesterday from the battered steel hull of submarine 8-51, which for nine months has been their tomb on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. As the stricken ship lay in drydock in the navy yard, Brooklyn, former comrades of the victims went into her interior through the hatches and brought out the bodies. It seems cer- tain that seven others of her crew were washed from the deck on the night of the disaster. Eight bodies were recovered last fall, and three of the crew of thirty-six were saved. DETROIT POLICEMAN AND BANDIT KILLED In Fight When Bank Robbed --A Farmer Suffers From Wounds. Detroit, Mich., July 10.--Patrol- man Earl Kobinsky of Detroit and a youthful bandit, sald to be Ben Mc- Carthy of Columbus, Ohio, are dead and a farmer, Ell Bolocan, is suffer- ing from bullet wounds in the back as the result of a holdup yesterday in which four youths robbed the People's Bank at Plymouth, . near Datroit, of more than $5,000. As they fled in a car, Kobinsky inter: cepted them and was shot down. An- other officer fired, and McCarthy tumbled out of the car, fatally wounded. The farmer was shot when he started to run as the rob- bers entered the bank. Unusual Mishap to Autoist, Hamilton, July 10.--George Jen- kins, Thorold, was the victim of an unusual accident at Grimsby, when is pipe stem was forced into the roof of his mouth in an automobile accident. He was driving through 'Grimsby when the car struck an electric pole. The pole was broken off and the car damaged. Like Cures Like. 'Washington, July 10.--Take a het bath and a cup of hot tea if you want to cool off, 8. B. Grubbs, act- ing surgeon-general of the U.S. Health Service, advises. A hot bath, Grubbs said, opegs the pores and causes natural "re- frigeration." Cold drinks and cold baths make you hot. Sergeant Dismissed. Welland, Ont., July 10.--William Vassey, sergeant of the Welland po- lice force, was dismissed from the force by the Welland Police Commis- sion following his suspension by the commission. Vassey shot Hough Bouck in the head when the latter refused to stop his car. "7 Canadians 'Well. Bisley Camp, Eng. July 10--Six of the Canadian marksmen scored 49 _| out of a possible 50 in the shoot for the Daily Graphic, one of to-day's features at Bisley. Among them was Lieut. Desmond Burke, of Ottawa, the King's prize winner in 1924. New York, July 10.--Pate Latzo, 'monthly meeting of the Picton cheese |' -ored per cent, each year, 10,000 seals were killed. CEERI PII EP EG PII PO bes prPestee te EX-PREMIER, WANTED Ca By. Liberals of B.C. Lo on Te aC KINGSTON ORANGEMEN B. H. Steveas. GOING TO BELLEVILLE Toronto, July 10.--Liberal organi- zations, in conference here yester-| There Will Be Big Orange day, selected July 21st as the date on Parade and Home Week Opening Monday. AEA XE EEA EEE ERR) which Right Hon." Mackenzie King will make his first platform appeal of the present campaign; to the electors of Toronto and surrounding district. Arrangements are now being made for a monster picnic to be held in honor of thd ex-Premier. About 300 members of the L.O.L., True Blues, L.O.B.A., and the Black Preceptory will go from Kingston on Monday to the district walk which is this year being held in Belleville. There will be no parade of any kind in Kingston on Monday and at least half of the Kingston delegation will go to Belleville by private motor Vancouver Centre Wants King. Vancouver, July '10.-- Rt. Hon. Mackenzie King will be offered unahi- mous nomination for Vancouver Cen- tre at the Liberal executive meeting | TS Or by motor bus. ah next Tuesday night, if prominent lo- | Owing to he fact that Belleville's cal Liberals have their way, the Van-| Old Home Week commences on Mon- couver Sun says. This is the riding in which Hon. H. H. Stevens runs. 10,000 people including Orangemen and others wil] take part in the par- ade. Belleville is very centrally lo- cated gpd delegations will be present from as far north as Bancroft, as far east as Kingston, as far west as Motherwell in Winnipeg. Winnipeg, July 10.--Homs W. R. Motherwell, Regina, former minister of agriculture, stopped off here yester- day, en route home to 'weed the garden," he said. "I know of no better place to run than in my old constituency of Melville' he told in- terviewers. "If they ask me to stand again, you can say my reply will be yes.) ... 4 Mr. MotRerwell was guest of honor at a luncheon given by the Manitoba Liberal Assqciation to-day. HEAVY STORMS FRIDAY NIGHT Two and a Quarter Inches of Rall Fell--Cows Killed + by Lightning. An electric storm or rather a ser- ies of electric storms of a severe na- ture hit this district about midnight and continued for two or three hours Saturday morning, but as far as can be learned the damage was mot great. Two and a quarter inches of rain fell and this moisture will be of great | value to the farming community, al- so it will be welcomed by city ama- teur gardeners who for the past week or so have been forced to resort very { ward county. In addition to the Orange cele- bration, Belleville has planned a big programme of sports and races and there is no doubt that it will be one of the biggest days that Belleville has ever experienced. An Orange celebration is also being held in Gananoque, but the Kingston lodges all voted to go to Belleviile. LUDENDORFF DIVORCED, Wife Granted Decree Against Former German War Leader. Berlin, July 10.--Frau Luden- dorft yesterday was granted a di- vorce from General Ludendorff, ex- soldier, politician, and leader of thé ultra-reactionary Voelkische party. Though the general himself first applied for freedom from marriage bonds his wife's counter suit won the court decision, and the, general is obliged to pay the court costs. Mrs. Lyman P. Duff, wife of Rt. Hon. Lyman P. Duff, P.C., Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, and formerly one of the outstanding late Thursday night at her home, 435 Daly avenue, Ottawa. Chairman C, A. Magrath, of the Hydro-Blectric Commission, will riot make any comment at present on the Eastern Ontario Chamber of Com- freely to city water. merce censure of the Gatineau power The Bell Telephone Company and contract deal. the C.P.R. and C.N.R. Telegraph | J day it is expected that very nearly | Lindsay and south from Prince BEd-| hostesses of the Capital city, died! {and to which he strenuously object- jed, Patrick Fogarty, a well-known {florist in Toronto's Danforth dis- | trict, killed with a gun his wife and four children and then took his own life yesterday morning. i The gruesome tragedy was discov- jered by John Macdonald, Fogarty's |nephew, who worked for him in the | florist business, when he entered {the Fogarty house at 1 p.m., accom- | were | panied by Fogarty's | James Widdifield. Fogarty was found in a back bed- room huddled up on the floor with a 38-calibre revolver beside him. Nearby lay the bodies of three of {his children, Mary, aged ten; Ger- {trude, aged eight, and Geraldine, five. neighbor, All had been shot through the head, with the bullets piercing the left temple. Police, who probed the theory that some unknown had mur- dered the whole family, became cers tain that Fogarty had done the shooting when they were told that he was left-handed. A peculiar feature of the case Is that the children and the mother" all lying in their beds, and there was no sign of a stryggle. All are belfeved to have been killed while they slept, and police are mys- tified that none awakened and tried to' escape. The poHce investigating the case later found in the greenhouse ad- joining the residence a letter signed by Fogarty. : 2 THE MASONRY WORK PROCEEDS RAPIDLY On Addition to Reglopolis Col= lege--To Be Ready for * the Fall. The masonry work on the new ad- dition to Regiopolis College is about three-quarters completed and the other work is keeping pace. The exterior walls are of cut stone and the inside wails are of prick, finished with pressed brick. The pressed brick finish will be carried out in all the corridors but the walls and ceilings of the class-rooms and dormitories will be plastered. Wiring and plumbing has been carried along while the walls were being put up and this work is being pressed just as fast as possible. The stairs are of concrete and every pre- caution is being taken in construe- tion work to make the building as fire-proof 'as possible. A large number of stone cutters and masons are on the job but it will not be many weeks before their work will be completed and they will be supplanted by carpenters, plasterers -and painters. It is ex- ORANGE LODGES T0 MARCH IN GANANOQUE There Will be Several in Ate tendance From Watertown and Dexter; N.Y. Gananoque, July 10.--The follow~ ing lodges are expected here on Mon~ day to take part on the big Orange demonstration: * L.O.L, No. 517, of Watertown, N.Y., with brass band. L.O.L. No. 592, of Dexter, N.Y. L.O.L. No, 1, of Brockville, brass band. ob LO.L. No. 2764, Brockville, fife and drum band. ; L.O.L. No. 289, Toledo with brass band. L.O.L. No. 51, Gananoque, with | Citizen's band. : L.0.I., No. 268, Lansdowne. L.O.L. No. 217, Escott. L.O.L. No, 100, Dulcemaine. L.O.L. No. 14, Addison. L.O.L. No. 233, South Lake. L.O.L. No. 434, Rockspring. L.O.L: No. 358, Napanee. L.O.L. No. 913, Woodburn. L.0.L. No. 1269, Dufferin. L.O.L. No 709, Pine Hill. pected that the building will be ready for occupation at the opening of the fall term. \ - Hon, P. C. Larkin, Canadian High Commissioner, London, will probably {cancel his annual visit to Canada. {which was set for the end of this month, At Lindsay, Rev. A. L. Brown, for six years pastor of Queen Street United Church, passed away at the Ross Hospital on Friday. y The French franc shows, consider- able improvement. It 'opened on Friday at 38.97, or neatly a franc better to the dollar. companies suffered very little dam- age and their service was practically not interfered with at all. Public Utilities had slightly more trouble, as the branches of trees, blown by the wind, caught in the wires in some places, also a number of fuses were blown, which put some sections of the city in darkness, but the break in service was not general. J Three cows belonging to Charles McCullough, of Glenvale, were killed. These animals were in the pasture Belds, when a lightning bolt struck em, ' Picton, July 10.--Af the regular board there were 1,334 boxes of col- cheese boarded; all sold at 17%c. per 1b., whieh price was 1-16e. lower than a week ago and 3 9-16¢. to 33% c. below a year ago, when 1,105 boxes sold at 21 1-16¢. to 21 %e. ~ ¥ i. v L.O.L, No. 70, New Boyhe. L.O.L. No. 144, Portland. L.O.L. No. 660, Burridge, L.O.L. No 90, Lombardy, L.O.L. No. 87; Newblies. L.O.L. No. 183, Rigin. L.O.L. No. 485, Athens. L.O.L. No. 226, Lyndhurst. L.O.L. No, 485, Ellisville. L.O.L. No. 13, Seeley"s Bay. LOL. Smith's Falls. Friendship Lodge No. 18, of Wat. ertown, N.Y. Eastern Star Lodge No. 245, of Napanee. St. Lawrence Lodge, of Brockville, Lily of the Valley Lodge. Loyal True Blues. of Brockvills. Orange Young Briton Lodge, of Brockville. | BOY AND PET DOG San Francisco, Calif., July 10.--A 16-year-old boy and his pet de fought for their lives yesterday when attacked by a shark while swimming in San Francisco Bay. The lad a