THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Saturday, July 10, 1926; = 1 ary AND DSIRICT [p= 3 aT | Fruit Sale To-night. cars of tourists took 'advantage of Laidlaw's J aily Store N, ews F or | Prices reduced every py nid 1 camp's facilities 'during the. Saturday Night, July 10th {on baskets Cherries, ete., at Carnov- [night sky's. | | E Miss Blanche Harrison, Ganano- [that Col. W. P. Elkins, who is at {que, was successful in passing her [present in command of the R.C.H.A., music examination at Kingston in !will be promoted to Staff Artillery -t elementary theory. Officer at Ottawa, with command of the R.C.A. Col. Georges Roy, who Possible Military Moves, Passed Ex nation, It is possible, according to rumor, Among the Islands. formerly held this command, was Str. Brockville every Saturday and [promoted recently to the command Sunday from Ferry Dock at 2 p.m. of the Quebec military district, but| | N fast time. One hour at Alexandria [died on Tuesday night last. Bay. Adults, 76c.; children, 50¢c. % Boys Given Jail Sentence. Real Summer Heat. Two young lads about eighteen The thermometer reached 80 de- | years of age appeared before the ks » y grees in the shade on Friday, the |Magistrate in Police Court on Satur om encing Sha rp at 7.30 highest of the summer. While it |day morning charged with theft. . was warm in Kingston, it was much | They pleaded guilty to entering al hotter in other places. home on Princess street and steal- -------- Ing three coats. They were rounded @ To Go to Medicine Hat, up by the police and admitted thelr alrs Miss: Campbell, Smith's Falls, { guilt. They were sentenced to thre# g ; OFF Al | has resigned her position on the | weeks in Jail having been on sus- : ! Collegiate. staff to accept a position | pended sentence before. GL : . as mathematics teacher on the staff - 50 Quali 0 ENS d BOYS of the Alexandria High School in| Club Bag Presented. $1 : $1.75, and $2.00 ty. d an Medicine Hat, Sask. On Wednesday evening members : . : free of the Moraviantown Indian reserve v . Y Good News For Motorists. and several of the near neighbors met ; Y \ READY 10 WEAR b Mayor Wilson of Gananoque has |in the Council House in honor of KA SER Rev. E. A. Knechtel, $ftatford, who, 1 : . seen the contractor doing work on the provincial highway west of that |for the past two years, has bean town, and announcement is made [teacher and missionary at Moravian- . 3 that there will be little rough stone [town and is leaving to take up a : a for autolsts to contend with there |higher course of study at Queen's after to-day (Saturday). ' University. They had a pleasant . time together. As a remembrance y Enjoy Yourself. Mr. Knechtel was given a club bag. Come and enjoy a sail to Cape 5 Vincent, N.Y., Saturday and Sunday, ummer School . EVERY MAN'S AND BOY'S SUIT IN [|[[issving Kingston 7 som sats vs| The smtmarshoot Reception. : Pam. standard time. The Sunday |Grant Hall on Friday night by the STOCK IN THIS SALE LIE pm bost makes» tour of the | Queens Summer Scion Amociatio TO-NIGHT ONLY Islands and to Cape Vincent. Fare | was a brilliant and altogether suec- round trip to Cape Vincent, returning | cessful event. It was well organized ' same day, 76c.- Phong 2195, and every student, whether old or Don't overlook the fact that Ag Fo Bl i I . : Drive Was Enjoyed, have a good time. Formalities were these Suits are the newest of this A number of members of the Ro- | to some extent dispensed with and . . . tary Club loaned their automobiles | the students gave their whole atten- season's styles -- not Suits picked on Friday night to take the inmates [tion to getting acquainted. Dancing of the Homie for the Aged for a drive. | Was the most popular form of en. out for sale, but our regular, new, The outing was much appreciated by | tertainment provided. . ~ the old people, many of whom have -- ; but seldom ridden in the "new- Shannonville Store Robbed. up-to-date stock. fangled horseless carriages." Thieves, apparently amateurs, en- tered the store of ¥. J. McFarlane, Lost Trace for Twenty Years. Shannonville, and cleaned up about , William Salisbury died at Liber- |every thing that wasn't nailed down. . unl . COME IN TO-NIGHT ! tyville, TIL, and his remains have |They entered through a wisgues | Come for them early. All are first quality. A saving Ho ed Belleville for interment. [pried open after an unsuccessful at- from 55c. to $1. on every pair, means that the 165 pairs He was born at Rednersville fifty- [tempt to make an entrance through four years ago. His brother, Henry, the door. When the proprietor are sure to be sold out long before 9.30, Belleville, had lost trace of him [came down in the morning he found : . 9 for the past twenty years. A sister, [the till rifled, candy, buns, cakes and They ar ein the popular | 2 and 16 button style of finest .|]|{Mrs. George Tampsett, lives at Wel- [tarts as well as tobacco, and cou- quality Silk, double tipped fingers. Not a complete size SUMMER Way lington. pons for Salada tea gone. The po- . . lice were notified. The robbery was - range in each color. e shades and sizes are: ST OUTING ~ y -- UNDERWEAR 75-79 BROCK . TROUSERS i Investigate the Cause. the fourth at the McFarlane store in ; The Smith's Falls council has been [the past few years. If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk notified that the charge for street bern PONGEE 6 to 73. Jans and 64. waste sun. | NAVY Flotl BIEGE 7 only. BLACK 6to 73. lighting would be $6,600 a year by Kingston's the' Hydro-Blectric ~~ Commission.| As will be noted from an' adver- -- The increased amount of this charge [tisement in this issue, the Kingston was considered unreasonable and |Historical Society has opened the the property committee will inves- |Murney Redoubt in Macdonald Park . EE ---------------- m-- tigate the cause, for the season, and visitors will be -t admitted 'to inspect it and the nu- PHONES: A ted Prin L merous interesting relics it contains ppoin cipal | : | Wholesale 1767 Office 365 Arnprior Board of Education has [Very week-dsy from 2 to 5.30 p.m. : | Retail 2600 w appointed Mr. T. C. Mulvihill, son of {and on band concert evenings. A : ¥ | ANDERS N' p Mr. and Mrs. T. Mulvihill, Arnprior, | Bag-staff is being erected in front of : as commercial instructor at a salary |the moat, from which the Union Jack 1 5 D OZEN | QUALITY - LARGER MARKET . SERVICE VV VA of $1,800, to the staff of the High [Will bé suspended, and it is probable School. Mr. A. R. Scott,' formerly [tha the bottom of the moat will be of Bowmanville, Ont., was selected as |cOvered with mould, and shrubs and s principal of the High School at a [flowers planted on it. It is well . ' salary of $3,000. worthy a visit, Let Us Know. : Kiwanis Activities. i, At this time of the year especial-| The speaker at the meeting of the ' ly, there are many visitors in the |Kiwanis Club on Monday at noon ® city and The British Whig wants to [Will be Prof. H. F. Woodsworth, publish them ali; but it is impossi- |M.A., Dean of the College of Litera- ble for reporters to "get" every one, |ture, Western Usifon College, Kobe, REGULAR $1.25 QUAI ITY So if you, "dear reader, have at any fap Prof, Woadswarth wi speak h . on "The Social an onomic Con- cooking all the time? time any visitors in your home or are going away, drop a postal card or Shans > Japa re Best T ° t : Don' e \ 'phone No 2613. 6 booster at Monday's meeting . hh "tyoulongfor something "<. [I stone will be Dr. Bert Winnett, A special o-nig " 4 C £0 only . to help you prepare a quick | feat i . A Lady Passes in Medicine. eature of Monday's meeting will be and easy meal? Mien Conta MeNoaly. orsuamn ofthe Singing of Mies Hoy, aie One that is both pleasing to }{Mr. and Mrs. James McNeely, has |8an of Daw Yaik, oF : «A her final examination in| Al mmittees are working . the taste and nourishing to - [fivassed her. an Bard on the coming circus an LoS Pocket away a substantial saving on medicine in the Torontd University }/and 1s now entitled to be styled as|2uspices of the Kiwanis Club. Three * . . JiDr. :McNeoly, "Miss McNeely outoys splendid prizes have been one cy Pure Irish Linen Towels to-night. Then try | fon of being the first [for the girls selling the most tickets. \ : BAUME RT | lady student Rom. Chmmion Pace 1s Fit J prise 1s. a $113 Srthophanie, The selling range is made up of fine g seco a mon " . . CREAMCHEESE [f{austtr as a physician. third prise a §35 wrist watch, _ quality "seconds," but in no way is the | Very Fine Berries. * » Raith Arthur Hall, living on the north beauty impaired. The patterns are | Bl eee Te 5 \ : © + . MEN fd ¢ ' Wear the Underwear that