THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TAESRLY 2.000 PEOPLE {AT ST. MARY'S PiCC H od ii Big Event Held at Brophy's {| Point on Wednesday 'Results of the Sports. With fine weather for the pro- gramme of ' baseball games, races, swimming and other contests, the an- | nant Separate schodls' plenic was { held to Brophy's Point, Wednesday. ] Sore St. Mary's--Leguin, ¢; Ahern, .p; Anson, 1b; Jefferey, 2b; Liddell, ss; Lambert, 3b! James, cf: Shortt, rf; McKegney, If. Umpire, T. Walsh. Py The score by innings: College Six Bt. Mary's The prizes for selling the most tickets for the pitnic were won by Tom Grooms, Division street, and Mildred Baker, Clergy street. With an orchestra in attendance, the danc- ers enjoyed themselves to the limit during the evening. With the day over everybody voted the picnic a perfect success in all details. 5013013 . FUR WORK (of all kinds). : Prompt service. Lowest irreduci- able costs. Consult our Fur Ex- | : re to-day and see our beautiful | 5 Ii fl i] i The steamer Brockville was carrying ll | piemickers all day, the total number Hl| of passengers being one thousand, 149-157 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON, ONT. Anniversary Announcement On this the second anniversary of the opening of our business, we wish to thank all those who, by their support, both direct and indirect, have contributed to our success. We shall endeavor by our further efforts to merit your continued patronage and good will. TOILET GOODS FAVORS FOR ALL LADIES CALL- ING AT OUR STORE ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Branigan's {NID Living Phone 18 | bers of the School Board, who are Sullivan, W. G. Bailey (treasurer), The ideal rain Jor busy business men, a ves a ore departure from and Montreal, All trains operate on | Eastern Standard Time JAN NATIONAL "PARIS CAFE-- - FULL COURSE DINNER, 55c¢. CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAYS 75¢ : FIRST CLASS MUBIO SUPPLIED. A LA CARTE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE WALTER LEE, MANAGER Three Doors Above the i Telephone 819. 'WE TREAT YOU RIGHT NH a IR) ST " AL 3 ve ve" a | Mrs. J. Keyes, Mrs. C. J. Peterson. | Shortt, Cyril Tafllon. | Ainslee || James Davis and Morris James. il] Harrison, || Brown. il John's boys, won by St. Mary's. || ins, W. Amodeo, G. Rawley, C. Wat- Excel l ont Black Te Peko Blend, pound if| van. = 1] St" John's girls, won by St. Vincent's. ll quin; Bana Downey, Sophie Buswick, §| garet O'Brien, Grace Cooper, Eva QUEEN'S GRADUATE TELLS OF TROUBLE Dr. W. Harmon Cole Was to Have Been Expelled From Mexico. ------ An interesting letter has been re- ceived by Ottawa friends from Dr. W. Harmon Cole, who during the re- cent political strife, was ordered de- ported from México where he had a hospital at Torreon. Dr. Cole, who formerly lived here, placed his case before the Mexican Government, and the order was cancelled. He will con- tinue his/work there. The letter from Mexico City, in part, says: "You may have heard that I got into a pretty mess in Torreon owing to some low intrigues by some local people, and they brought the matter to the head Government officials in Mexico City, and T was to have been expelled from tjie country as an un- desirable foreigner. But I got to the City of Mexico and place the matter before the ministers of the various Government departments. Before my arrival in Mexico City, the whole country rose in a body, All the var- nine hundred and eighty-one. With such a large crowd it was remark- able that everything was managed so perfectly, especially as the greater part of this large crowd were chil- dren, The credit for this good man- agement is mostly due to the mem- Dr. J. T. Davis (chairman), J. Mell- ville, T. Wilkison, T. Doolan, John J. Lawrence E. Cochrane, James Rig- ney, James Sowards, Dr. W. Gibson, J. Hughes and M. Kennedy. One can-| not say too much of the fine work of either Rev. Father Lacey, who P- ed out with everything, or of"the ladies who worked so unceasingly at the counter, and supplying lunches for the apparently ever-hungry crowd. . These ladies were. Mes. dames A. Carey, E..O'Nelll, J. Dono- ghue, B. Venoss and Miss P. Fay, at the lunch counter, making and dis- pénsing tea, Mesdimes E. Clarke, D. McCormick, A. Sampson; soft drinks, Miss M. Donoghue, Mrs. W. Robert- son, Mrs. W. McParland; candy, Mesdames, J. E. Marcoux, C. Murphy, H. Paus, J, Taugher, W. Liddell; ice- cream, Mesdames, W. GG. Bailey, W. Woods, J. Gow. The care of tickets, an all important charge, was ably handled by James Sowards, J. Hughes and T. Stanford. Without a sports committee, there would be no pienie, therefore a large share of ad- ditional credit should be bestowed upon that committee consisting of Dr. J. T. Davis, T. Wilkison, J. Mellville, T. Doolan. The large crowds were handled splendidly with the ald of Provincial Police Con- stable Clubbe. The baseball game in the morn- ing, between the Senior Fourth and the Junior Fourth of St. Mary's school resulted in a decided victory for the Senfor Fourth by the score of 22-11. The little boys pat up a strong battle but were not strong enough for the older team. The results of the races and contésts was as follows: y Girls 8 years--Anna Lentz, Norah Bramah, Edith Posoco. Boys 8 years--Vincent Allen, Mel- ville Robertson, Michael Rushford. Girls 11 years---Mary Chudech, Alice Jamieson, Lillian MeCabe. Boys 11 years----Fergus Corrigan, Morris James, Billy Robertson. Girls 14 years--Clara Fisher, Mar. garet Lentz, Margaret Mahoney. - Boys 14 years--Edward Shortt, Bill Daurs, A. Sampson. ' Open race, girls--Nora Harrison, Muriel Mahoney, Lillian Ward. Open race, boys--E. Shortt, Cyyj!| SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL Taillon, Fred Addis. , WAS HELD AT ELGIN Batting the ball--R. Corrigan, J. : : Quinn, J. Clarke. : Mothers' race--Mrs. .B...Mapli§; Over 1500 Poles tweangea Big Sum Realized, . A very delighttul ~nd well attend- ed social was held by thé Catholic church parish, at Elgin on Wednes- day, there being over fifteen Rhun- dred people in atténdance from the surrounding countryside during the days. A very pleasant time was en- joyed in the spacious grounds where visitors from the surrounding coun- tryside met and renewed friendships. The chief feature. of the social was the chicken supper served on the grounds. The large ¢rowd was sérv- ed and a considerable sum was made as a result of the supper. The differ- ent tables were well patronized and the affair was voted the most sue- cessful held in that séction of the country in years. Delightful weath« er attended the social. Rev. Father Carey is the parish priest at Elgin. the state of Coichila and Gurango, and others~-I should say all the prominent people merchants, ranchers, and industrials -- 'and even the poor people of the entire district sent telegrams and petitions of all kinds to the President and the different ministers of departments. "When I left Torreon, the whole city turned out to say good-luck, and on arrival in Mexico City, there was a largé crowd there to meet me and assost me in every way. The British vice-consul was on hand and autos were placed at my disposal. All of the papers were full of the news. When I appeared at the various Gov- ernment departments, I was treated by all in the kindest way possible. I did not even have a police escort, which is customary In such cases, Then when I made my defence and proved my innocence, the President revoked the order, and the whole matter was settled at once. All this was done in the kindest way possible, But oh! what a five days I wegt through." ' oo | > -- y ol Dr. Cole graduated at Queen's me- dical College, Kingston. Ball throwing--J, Burke, R. OCor« rigan, L. Muchmore. Shoe race--Hector Sauve, Edward boys--George Gallagher, Threelegged race, and Edward race--Norah Mabel blindfolded Lillian Ward, Girls' Tug-of-war, St. Mary's boys ve. St. Bt. Mary's--B, Thompson, N. Col- son, A. Jeffereys, R. McKenna, J. Walsh, St, John's-~Joe Hanley, J. Me Carey, C. Corder, F. Dorey, C. Tyo, Hugh Milne, P. McKegney, J. Sulii- Tug-of-war St. Vincent's girls vs. 8t. John's--Reta Bates, Mary Po- J. Dorean, Frances Mahoney, Irene Peterson, Mary, Downey. Bt. Vincent"s--Alleen Lents; Mar. THE ANNUAL SOCIAL. Held by the Blessed Sacrament * Church, Lombardy. Lombardy, July 5.-----Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen and Miss Edna Allen, Ottawa, spent a few day here last week. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard Barie O'Brien, Beatrice Chambers, Rosie Murphy, Gertrude Courier, Ackley. Diving . contest--L. Muchmore, A. Sampson, Bdward Scott. x Swimming race--L. Muchmore, J. Trenhaile, Ed. Shortt. fous organiations, the governs» of. From od One of the season's 65c. PRINTED CHIFFON VOILES, 49c. prettiest materials clearing Friday at a big reduction! Five charming designs are presented in combinations of Orchid and White, Sewn 0 Wing eis a | yard Navy and Sand, Navy and White, lade and Sand Green and Sand--while the width is full 36 inches. - : +++s+.....Clearing Friday ....... 49¢. yd. egularly 65c. GINGHAMS! GINGHAMS ! Ever a summer favorite. Ginghams are this year at their best.' For Friday shoppers here's a real 35¢c. GINGHAMS, 4 YARDS FOR $1.00 A group of big values are offered here. Pretty Plaids, 8; in colors of Pumpkin, Black and White; in widths varying from 33 to 38 inches, values 30c., 35¢. and 39¢. . . For One Day Only 4 yards Check bargain ! ( Stripes and Rose, Sky and and regular for ...$1.00 Apple Green, Blue, SEEN AT THEIR BEST HERE! Sport Broadcloths, Voiles, Rayon Crepes and Silks. D. A. SHAW. Limited | ingston's Carpet Warehouse. Clearing Sale OF SUMMER MILLINERY Parisian Shop 822 BROCK STREET or frm PICTON WILL AGAIN HAVE CHAUTAUQUA The Picton air Guides Will Camp on Farm at Black Creek. Picton, July 7--Picton is to have 8 Chautauqua this year as usual. It will be held July 20 to 24th inclusive The L. O. L. and True Blue lodges of Prince Edward O unty paraded to St. Andrew's Presbwyterian 'Church Sunday afternoon at 2.30 v'¢lock where they listened to an impressive sermon delivered by Rev. W. M/ Fee, resident pastor, The church was beautifully decorated and special music had been prepared by the choir, under the skilful leadership of Mrs. H. U. Tobey. Dick Stickney of Buffalo, N.Y., has been a guest of friends in town and was heard in a delightful solo at St. Andrews Church while here. . A. Anderson and Sons have in- stalled a new Delco light and power outfit at their farm just outside the town limits. The_ young people of the Baptist Church are holding a strawberry soc- ial and taffy pull on the church lawn on Friday evening next. Hastings and | Prince Edward Regimental Band will assist with the programme. "A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Hvershed on Sunday, June 27 : Mr. and Mrs. John Dunklsy and children of Toronto are with Mrs. Dunkley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. El mer Eeavitt, Centre street. The Picton Girl Guides will camp this summer on the farm of Mr. Fred Goodman at Black Creek. Miss Grace Weese of Stirling High School is at the family home, Wash- bury street. Ts. Harold Clapp and baby Irene are on a visit to Cornwall. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brisbin of Sarnia are visiting friends and relatives in town. ; . Mr. Robert Wright of Toronto Is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. II. B. ally, Mary street east. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Holmer laf* this week on an extended trip to the west. will visit thelr sons, Rev. H. Holmer at'Edmonton and Yr. Artie Hand | Holmes ot a| Mr. ax The Always Busy Store | "nny ARE FOUND AT PORTLAND. |i | Cottagers Are Swarming In For The ||| Holidays, | Portland, July 6.--~A great many people are coming to their cottages since the warm days have come and |} the schools closed. Mr. Allison and family 'and Mr. Allison's mother, Morristown; Lawyer Kass and Mrs, Kass, Winchester and Russell Rose |l and family, Smith's Falls, spent the week-end visiting Mrs. Preyman: Mr. Palmater and family, Syra- ||| cuse, N.Y., spent the week-end visit- ||| ing Mrs. Palmater's mother, Mrs. R. i Morris. Their daughter, Thelma, is to remain with her grandmother for the holidays. Mrs. Morrison, and | daughter from the west and Mrs. | Wrathal, Newboro, spent Sunday || visiting the Misses Donevan. A great (| many people from here intend tak- |i Ing In the social at Elgin, Wednes- ||il . day evening of this week. Rev. Mr. Lyons and family, Pio- |} ton, spent a couple of days visiting friends in the village last week. L. Bolton and family, Ottawa, were visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bolton last week, for a.couple of days. Charles Morris and family, Smith's" Falls, spent the week-end with his mother. x . Jack Byongton is hired for the summer months with Stanley Heath to help in tha store. Mr. Ogden, who has been quite ill at his cottage, |} here, for some time, ix able to be |i around every day. The rain of to-day |° was welcome as everything was get- ting very dry. RE ------------------ DOCTOR REVISITS DENBIGH, He Tanght School There Forty Years Denbigh, July 7.--The annual ple nic of the United church held on Do- miniop Day was a dec success. The telephone fine being erected be- tween Denbigh and Swamp Road is Somplated as far as residence of F. Rodgers, Dr. Gage'4nd son of Bruce county motored to Denbigh last week, pitch- ed thelr. tent about one mile from! the village and are spending thelr holidays here. Dr. Gage is known by many here, having taught the vil- Ny FOR MEN «Fancy Straws. ==Fancy Bands. Hats for Young Men and those of more mature years. i An endless assortment awaits your inspection, a { Campbell Bros, Straws | ¥