» i ; 287 FRINCESS STREET 1 : 'Phone 2116-w. 3 \a 1V0 Easy to Gain With New Cambisation of Y at with egetable on Quick ay to Build Up Weight This new combi- Ration of yeast vit- Amines with vege- table fron 'Tenews the' on of slug- Eish blood cells, drives out danger- For years yeast been known zs until "ironized 8 ~-- which €omes in concen- trated tablet form, Was it possible to take yeast and fron in the right pro- portions to build up weight. Vegetable "Iron" when combined with yeast is quite easy to digest, therefore Better for the system. And "yeast" when i{ronfzed; becomes just twice as beneficial as ordinary fresh or cake yeast. | -. Ironized Yeast tablets are compos ed of concentrated food | elements, therefore, they are pleasant to take and free from drug-like effects. If you dre under weight, do not enjoy 800d health, lacking in energy and force "Ironized yeast" tablets will plek you right up, and if they fail, you get your money back. Sold by James B. McLeod and ali good druggists at $1.00 for a. large 80-tablet package or sent direct from laboratory on receipt of price. Iron- ized Yeast Co, Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada. THE NATIONAL OLEAN- ERS AND DYERS Sanitary Steam Pressing and Steam Cleaning. Also Fremeh Dry ning. Repairs and alterations, Bagot an, Slim Streets ag. J: F. WALKER, Prop. Beautify Your Ho e | With New Pictures When decorating and re-ar- rangifiz your home, sée us for new pictures. : Choice assortment of the very 4 {ean church THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG REAL BEAUTY SPOT' "IN PRINCE EDWARD a Spot of Enchantment-- Boys Off to Camp. { Wellington, July 6.--~Welllngton {Park is one of the beauty spots of | Prince Edward county. It is upen to be Yeast and Iron weiingion Park Heralded as increasing number come year by year. Mrs. Jennie Peters now has a refreshment booth at the park, where hot water is supplied free to tourists and visitors. Mrs. Lavina Dorland is having her house painted by Howard Arkett. Miss. Marjorie Calpan, Picton, was the guest of her cousin. Miss Wini- fred Pearce on Dominion Day. Pearce and pupils were in Picton, on Monday, for the Toronto Conserva- tory examinations in piano. The Friends missionary meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Lavina Dorland on. Wednesday . aftérnoon. The United Church Ladies' Aid had {a refreshment booth in the park on Dominion Day. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stevens and {wo Sons, David and Stewart motored from Napanee, on | Sunday, and were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. William Wood. Miss Gladys Hospital, Buffalo, N.Y., who is home for a holiday, spent last Sunday visiting Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Violet Huffman. Frank A. Wood and sis- ter, Mrs. A. F. MacDonald, and little son, Keith, Syracuse, N.Y., motored their parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Wood. Returning on Monday they Were accompanied by Mrs. V. Huff- man, who is spending a week in Syracuse, N.Y. Prof. Arthur C. Dorland has re- turned to London, Ont.,, for sum- mer school work. Rev. J. 8. Har- rington, Toronto, sécretary of the Upper Canada Bible Society, . will visit Wellington on Sunday, and speak in the evening. Audra fckman, Victoria, will the soldist in the Friends meeting house on Sunday evening. Miss Herman, and other relatives in Con- secon and neighborhood. Austin Reddick is now able to walk a little with the ald of crutches. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth is assisting in the working of the Boys' Camp this week at Consecon Lake. There are seven boys from Wellington at the camp; 'they are, Tomer Thomas, George Noble, Hubert Wild, Hilton McKinnon, Robert Greer, Henry Huycke and Tom Fillingham. Mrs. Insley and her daughters, Claudia and Helen, have returned from a visit to Rev. Frank and Mrs. Ware, Wolfe Island. Mrs. Bower- man returned from a fine week's visit at Burford with her son, Harry Bowerman, who is manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia there. Her small grandson, Lloyd Bowerman, accompanied her home. Mrs, Wood- man Thomas was called to Oakwood, last week, by the sudden death of her sister, Mrs. G. W. Hardy. Visi- tors at Mrs. David Vandevoort's, on Thursday, were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Brickman and Miss Audra Brickman, from Victoria. They were @c¢com- panied by Mrs. Johnson, a visitor from the United States. Mrs. Hen- derson Picton, also spent the night at Mrs. Vandevoort's, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Phillips have moved from Trenton to Wel- lington. Mr. Philips is at present assisting in evangelistic meetings elsewhere. Mrs. Philips came last week, and Mr. and Mrs. Ayton, Tren- ton, visited her on Thursday. Mrs. Daniel Hutchinson, Palmerston, is visiting relatives in the countdy. She was with her sister Mrs. Howard Arkett, in Wellington on Dominion Day, and they visited Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Hubbs.. | Miss Blanch Polls, Bloomfield, vigited Miss Helen McDonald « on July 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alex- ander, Consecon, visited Mr. and Mrs, Alan -Halght- July Ist. Mrs. {George Smith has returned from'a month's visit at Belleville, Ivanhoe and Trenton. Mrs. Smith with her daughter, Mrs. James Lane, Richard Wilson, Belleville, was in Wellington a couple of days last week and called on old friends. He was the est of Frank = Wanner- maker. | Mrs. Annle Pettingill and son, Arthur, Picton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wannérmaker, on Do- minion Day. Mr. and Mrs. Danford Trumpour lett on Saturday to visit their dangh- ter Mra, Thompson, Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. David Lambert, Picton, were visitors at Mrs. Vandevoort's on Sunday. William Bell and Mrs. Demerall, Frankford, and. Mr. and Mrs. W. Richardson, Glenmore, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Alva Morrison on Dominion Day. Mrs. R. Ament, ieklow, visited her sister, Mrs. El. 'ood Edwards, on July 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith, Wicklow, | visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards, on July 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Edw tourists and picnic parties, and an Miss | over and spent the week-end with | Annie Alyea is visiting her brother, | i iN, ; . Ryan; 'nurse-in-training at the City, orth Bay, is at her home in Wel- | 11th, | whie in the United Church |rear 'of Freeman Shipman's morning service, and in the Angli-|did considerable Miss { morning and only with the assistance | be Claude Moulton' ; legar, East Lake, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Garratt on Dominion Day. On the same evening, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Copeland and daughter, Ethel, and Annie Copeland and Josephine Futrell, of North Carolina, and Mrs. Levi Howell, of Norwich, arrived in Wellington and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Garratt, and next day, accom- panied By Paul Haight, they took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Merrick Foster. ; Mrs. Samuel Saylor has returned to her home in Wellington for the | summer. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Patton, and Miss Rachel Blackall. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrison, who hae been at Trenton, are now at Mr.. Spencers in Gilead. A garden party and domestic sale field on Mrs. Shurfe's lawn on Satur- day afternoon, for St. Andrew's Guild. Master Wallace Beatson, To- ronto, is spending the summer with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wai- lace Wilder. The United Church * Young Peo- ple's League has been withdrawn during the summer. Mr. and Mrs. George Ball, Bobcaygeon, are visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Zufelt, Mrs. George Noble has had her house and shop painted. Mrs. James Fox is also improving his dwelling by a fresh coat of paint. Miss Marjorie Harrington, B.A. lington for the summer. Miss Luella | Broad, B.A., is also Yome for the holiday. Everett Bright presided at | the entrance examinations held in | Wellington last week. Miss Brown- | son was at Ameliasburg on'the same | work. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Minns| have arrived from Vankleek Hill to | spend the summer in their cottage. | Rev. W. G. Lansbury now has a motor car | BUSH FIRE AT IVY LEA. Did Considerable Damage Near Free. | man Shipman's Farm. | Lea, July 7.--A bush fire| started in the woods on the] farm | Monday | Ivy damage of eighteen of the neighboring farm- | ers was it controlled by evening. i A large crowd from this section | attended the celebration held at | Alexandria Bay on Monday. The Island touring boats passing this section have. been loaded to capacity the past few days. Farmers in this vicinity will start their haying this week. Miss Bessie Birt visited her par- ents Sunday. Miss Kathleen Ivey was in Kingston, Saturday, taking her examination in muslie. Miss Marie Boyle, of Gananoque, has been re-engaged as teacher for the Oakville school next season. Miss Alma and Doris Smith and Gordon and Bigeon Smith were visitors at Ramblers Rest, Sunday. DIED VERY SUDDENLY. While in the Yard At An Evening Task. Jones' Falls, July 6.--The whole community is terribly shocked over! the death of Mrs. Clinton Dawson, which occurred on June 28th, about 7 o'clock. Mrs. Dawson was a young woman of thirty-three years, much liked by the whole community.i She had been in apparently good health and accompanied the hired man and children to their other farm for milk- ing. The milking was finished and when they 'went to.look for her to come home they found her dead, the doctor stating later she had died in- stantly from heart failure. Mrs. Dawson was formerly Miss Jennie Simpson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Simpson, and spent her girlhood days neiir Morton, She leaves a hubband, two litle boys, Howard and Hayden, one sis- ter, Mrs. Frank Smith, Elgin; three brothers, Sam, near Brockville; George and (Charles in the Canadian West. iO i 7 gF fF 84Mr and Mrs. | ghirée daughters spent {he week-end with friends at Cardinal, A Sumber from here at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Fred Pat- termore formerly Hazel Holmes, at Athens, on Bunday last. Miss Hol lingsworth, of Athens, spent a day this week with the Misses' Brown. Mr. and Mrs. George Watts and fam- ily, Adams Centre, N.Y., spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Watts. Levi Hewitt was a recent visitor at Toledo. Miss Marjorte Dier, Westport, is visiting with Miss Alma Watts. Addison; Mrs. Henriette Schwenk, Colum- bus, Ind. possesses a Rhode Island Red hen which laid an egg 8% by 7% inches in circumference, Regulate the Bowels and You'll Be Healthy To HE Bank of Canadian ment, over the achi of the new century. Canada's trade has finds itself Toronto, closing its seventieth year of banking service to the compe and progress of the Dominion in the first quarter in this period e are doing business with the world ago. to express satisfaction, even amaze: not by the million but by the history when, despite the war-born burdens we have been compelled to carry, the cutis preatiese of ths Contry lomed 10 igs. Upon ord Frere What of the future ?--the new quarter century of it adjacent to railway facilities is the future' home of millions of selected immigrants. mous coal resources. Canada today im ports more-than $150,000,000 of manufacr| tured metals, our own base metals thus far have been developed only in a small way. Precious metal Seduction Our water power resources have been described as the greatest pawn in deciding the industrial future of dia continent. Our forest resources, not only as great store: houses of timber, but as producers of news print and pulpwood, have shown the way to Canada in the possibilities for the development of new & ; "Onward to-Canada's Greatest Half of a united, sanguine PTA x) RT LX ~- a ; = os .® AX ------ the history of the Dominion; our faith i Canada never has flagged; our development has gone arm-in-arm with the forward- looking spirit that sees the greatest era of progress just ahead. staff, past and present, have been dedicated. Century" may well be the watchword and determined people. LRSM A 7+} re PRY 2 er ov ST [e, CS ~ Bn EN ng Jy AEE > re a gd Ee THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter "Phone 987 See us for all kinds of Carpentry work. Estimates given on mew floors laid. Have your hardwood floors clean. Special Prices on Summer Furniture | BUY ADVERTISED GOODS : New Ideas For Your Comfort nm pi in. f | | | You'll Need a Preserving Kettle Sure a new pot will give much better results backs upho $58.00, for ... | three-piece suite, large size, good qual- { ity of Chintz, auto worth $50.00 for .... . . ..... 3 joce: Suites, walnut finish, Spring seat, hehtaod I» Ta ra EEL ees Svar ees aes seats, upholstered $45.00 backs, I three-piece Fibre Suite, futned finish, auto seats, worth $70.00, for . , .. -$57.00 pi Odd Chairs and Rockers, worth $12.00 BOE oe tannins Camas Porch and Verandah Chairs and Rock- ers from $2.00, $3.50, $4.50