THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 4 = CITY AND DISTRICT | qs KINGSTON FOR | Laidlaw's Daily Store News For JAEGER Hay Cutting Begins. two brothers, Lewis Wright, Eldo-} FINE WOOL WEAR | Farmers in the Kingston district rado, and Robert Wright, Thurlow | Thursd Jul 8th have started to cut the bay crop, | township, Mrs. Livingston was a| Y, y { which is reported to be good this {member of St. Andrew's United | year. Church, Thurlow, { Will Sell at 98c. Ipjured in Fall, so X ! We are taking one hundred La- George B. Campton, Devonshire | > dies' Hats from 'our regular stock [apartments Brockville, a well- TH YA ™ iand placing them on sale at 98¢. [known traveller, is about on crutches A I ® leach, ~-Corrigan's. for the first time following an acel- | | dent which befel him at Kingston a | : Founded 1847. { { | No Police Court To-day. week ago. In crossing the station { . There was no session of the Po-|platform he fell in . some manner ioe {lice Court this morning. The speed- |and severely injured the muscles and OUR GREAT J LY {ers have evidently taken warning {ligaments of his right leg and was a 7 - - rg } { {and are not so keen on racing on [confined to bed for some days. ithe city streets. : ' : Settled Legal Action, p | | Returned to Syracuse. The Ogdensburg council voted : ! | The Syracuse Elks, who played $550 to Joseph Fox, Brockville, to . v . : (here on Monday and Tuesda, return- | settle a legal action. arising out of This community likes our |ed to Syracuse to-day. The players [the death of his adopted son, Wes {stated that they enjoyed their trip |ley Fox, who died at Ogdensburg, on p {here very much. April 12th, of injuries sustained when he was thrown from a motor- i. ' { : Several Fans Went Up. truck in Mafn street, when the truck (4) | The Kingston Seniors went to | struck a rut in the icy roadway. The | Belleville at noon to-day and sev- | deceased young man was employed eral local fans accompanied the! by the George Hall Co., and his fos- g players. It was expected that there ' ter father has also been awarded : \ would be a great game at the Quinte ' $1,850 as compensation from that ; ' - ------ company, ; Junior Game To-day. Great interest is being shown in' ' . { the junior contest this evening at Passing of Mrs. M. J. O'Grady. : the Cricket Field between the Cir- Mrs. M. J. O'Grady, Trevelyan, ill 1 . OFF ORIGINAL : cle-8ix and the Victorias. It is ex- | for some weeks, died fortified by the a - pected that there will be a big | !ast rites of the Catholic church. She 0 . crowd in attendance. was thirty-five xears of age and was . 3 2 PRICES born at Trevelon. She was a daugh- » | Mayor in the Country. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Leeder, | ° Mayor T. B. Angrove went to the leading residents of the township of : \ country this morning with a party of | Yonge Front. Besides ber husbend Remnant day here means more than just short lengths : ; visitors on a fishing trip. The |She Is survived by her parents and Ion : v car ul S mayor is a good teaser i? cx- | three sisters. They are Mrs. Leo : of goods, It means ECONOMY 1n its true sense, for it pects to makd some record catches Dundunp Brewer's Mills; Mrs, Frank 18 a time when we gather together all short lengths of / --_-- before the season is ovr. O'Grady, Lansdowne, and Miss Ver- WwW. h G od 1 f f b 2 ' i d / \ onici Leeder, Trevelyan. She was as. 0 8 left from a usy seasons se ing an put For ( Rain Welcomed. married to M. J. O'Grady five years them on sale at a price that is nothing short of sensational. The heavy showers of rain that | #80. Thi . fell over -the district on Tuesday 18 Remnant Sale includes \ » \ . ? afternoon were welcomed by the Men and Bo y S farmers as they were most benetleial Sem AE, Runnells Home, COLORED FRENCH DIMITY, to the crops. The ground was pretty dry and growth was retarded. The Dr nelle; Distr U of ve Roku : VOILES, ENGLISH AND showers saved the crop situation. Westmount, sEtiousty ne ure NORMANDY VOILES, IN THIS SALE came SE pn. a et Tha PLAIN BROADCLOTHS, CANADIAN GINGHAMS A large crowd left this morning Montreal highway on gi Joss STRIPED. BROAD- : LOVELY RAYONS . The response accorded to our sale of on the Brockville, which is running and has been under the care of phy-| CLOTHS r A ' » : 3 3 to Brophy's Point to-day with the 5 "| Men's and Boys' Suits is a demonstration siclans at the Western Hospital since, y Separate School picnic. With a fine has left the hospital. In the accident | | Aad | ranged, the picnic was expected to '" ~ of the fact that our patrons appreciate the warm day and a fine programme afly,, "pou; 0 suttered severe head] i ' ¥ . injuries and several fractured ribs 4 : utmost in values. draw a crowd. on the right side. It was at first » PRY y thought she had suffered a fracture / ; * S To fd Poy Bane ville, of the skull, but later examination 1 95 oven range lodges are to £0 ,ywed that the Mijuries to her head . i from Kingston for the big celebra- were of a less dangerous nature. tion in Belleville, Monday next. The Mrs. Runnells is a daughter of Mrs. . Kingston delegation will take a band A wonderful showing of x 75-79 BROCK STREET of twenty-five pieces in addition to 3B Navety, Nelson street. 1f Off Your Route It Pays To Walk he ators tte Man Aes ut Rev FINE MADERA, i = vrs g RS i Were Soaked TH h I would like space in your valu- CLUNY AND VENETIAN WORK s Sr ' able paper to tell of my herb medi- = I of Although ors TI Smpls Boties cines. The names and the concoct- POINT VENICE, 1 whic , "= |noon, many people got well caught pe and dropusing of iebieh 1 learved HAND MADE INDIAN WORK ssi in the downpour and were soaked Indians. [I began studying and dig-{' PHONES: EN on ln . ne secting animals over fifty-seven years : : 2 5 } . ago. I also studied and learned to . .- . . ~ Retail 2600 Wholesale 1767 Office 365w Yi10 De dent to a presser's, glo all amhnal ABORE walh With each passing day, new shipments are arriv- : . are very similar to diseases in hu- : : : 4 SOA LT CIS iv rg Be Dl ing from European markets of the quaintest and pret- | the Bay of Quinte Contoresce tr | Would like some specialist to teil me tiest of fancy pieces. You will revel in the assort- the difference between "mange in ani: ; Lyn United Church, will be induct- mals; Horse or dog.' or eczema in a ment. QUALITY - LARGER MARKET . SERVICE [flows soc rao vo" sir mak Foe brie sempm | ; : li Mahaftey, Brockville, and Rev. I N. Ba Hye or Sancer in 3 Jerson. : 5 , : Beckstead, Lansdowne, will assist a of S rad ol F hi | Co f . . hi W F 5 A pure 8 - fake: ney Iajmie that in. the service. -| testimonials from people and clergy- on ort unite mn t 1S Sport ear p safe when washed with FLEXO, This ~ | To Train at Petawhwa: men all over the country. If anyone : is an extraordin value. ¥ cares to come to the réss below, F COI IRSE, "i ary good On Sunday next about thirty-five where T live, they will find many { O 5 A }| members of the 34th Battery, Belle- : Large Package 25¢ | ville, will leave for a week's encamp- | 18Ye relieved. | I am advertising my medicine so §| ment at Petawawa. The officers in : ~~ J: charge of the battery are Major R.|that the rich ag Joos pecially he. WEED KNIC ERS F | S H VEGETABLES 13. B. Granam, Capt. P.M. T. Little |POOr--can be Telleved. I ask each] |}} I K Fresh and crisp from local gard- ~~ Jl/3nd Lieuts. T. Y. Wills, Kelso Rob- Thats (310) and $ WHITEFISH--SPECIAL . a" Marin. orts and Steve Sword, guarantee relief. 1 have eased Pain WILL BE NEEDED FOR SUMMER'S SPORT 25¢ paragus, bunch ....... | a ehh and put down the odour from can- . ; Ce . } New Rector at Smith's Falls. = en hn ay, chen 300. Ml] asmouncament in made'of th ape [0% In Lentz font hours mene | ACTIVITES. - 2) } | pointment of Rev. Michael Meagher, . . . (Ls . \ . 22¢. lof Deseronto. to be parish priest of Me Eive them medicine. Anyone For the inevitable hike or leasure jaunt, you will be New Potators ...,. 8 || Smith's Pails. succeeding the late : pleased with the.carefree feeling when dressed in a pair of to get rich I do this, but for the i . Thomas Kelly. Rev. Fa: . . ton Jonas 1 MeDont. Toro 1c 00d 1 can do to my fellows. 1 have| | these Moorland English Tweed Knickers. They come in : ¢ 1 | "A relieved le wh from hos- | vs & RESTIGOUCH New | promoted to the parish of Deseron- ae a oa 'said real swagger tones of Grey or F awn. P riced from 13 po }!to. No appointment to Toledo par- SALMON | ; could not be helped. x ; [{1sn bas-besn made as yet. "| Ihave been a subscriber and read- j Fay Va 5 Caulifiowd, EE 20c. | The Officers Named. er of The Whig for many years and J Vv 0 a | Ray : : C Vinee | always found great satisfaction and New fia Lettuce, 1b. . jase, anh Chanter sf Sommarcs has i good results from advertising in The Cucumbers, Ib. ¢... .. .. abe, with the following officers fn charge: {11&: , Prof. Tra W. Benn, | $1 : 3 L Re mcs Mito grice-Prosl | garrowsmitn, Ont., July Sth. AN OUT.OF-DOOR NECESSITY president, H. Arthur; ; KHAKI DRILL MIDDIES and KNICKERS TO MATCH xT H. Plums ~Burbénks, 6 for 15c¢.