Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jul 1926, p. 10

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ED SERVICE | church parade, to the Unite en and Orange Wo= | The lodges marched from their hall to | * | the i Heard a Very Fine Sermon. "Bishop's Mills, July 5--Miss E Har- R.N., Humberside, addressed the Wore: Institute in the Church Par- | on Monday evening. Her subject Community Builders, and Indi- Responsibility." Her address Y interesting and instructive there Was a good attendance at Heeling. Mr. and Mrs. G. Ack Helen Ackland, Mr. and Mrs. F. hh and Florence Cully, Ottawa, d here on Thursday and were, of Mr. and Mrs, H. E, Wier. rs. W. S. Render, is vis bin Antwerp, N.Y. \. Mec- Bi, Edmonton, Alberta, was visiting lives a few days here while en to Montreal. The community were shocked to hear of the sudden death of Heman Thoop, Maynard, who died suddenly while stricken. with a stroke, when walking on the street in Prescott on Friday. A large number from here attended the funeral on Sun- . A very successful lawn social, was held here, on Thursday evening, July 1st, under the auspices of the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association, and the L. O. L. Lodge. A good program- me was provided by the Beverly Or- ohestra of Delta, with their group of . entertainers. Proceeds of the social amounted to $104.70, 'Mr. and Mrs. Vandywater, Miss Aeleen Vandywater, Mrs. H. Barker, Richland, N.Y. wére guests of Mrs. M. Quinn, this week. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. J. Morrison. moved to Oxford ee ---- A ee thes ill reside sabbath evening the members | L BISHOP'S MILLS, soe, seni vias Church sacred edifice, where seats had been reserved for them. There was a large attendance. Rev, A. Lloyd, BA. conducted the service and took as his { text, "Love the, Brotherhood : fear 1 God, honor the King." Verne Seeley, and Miss Goar, Og- | densburg, N.Y. were visitors at F. Seeiey's on Sunday last. | Misses Lillie Murphy, and Connie | Bowden, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. H. | Crowder, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mur . j Oxlors Mills, were visitors at the home of F, Sherrard, on Sunday last. LARGE AMOUNTS OF MILK g rela- Are Pouring Into the Fallbrook | Cheese Factory, Fallbrook, July 5--The chesce fac- tory is receiving a very large amount | of milk this season. The schools have | closed for the holidays and ths teach. fers have left for their homes. A num- 5 from here will attend the deanery conference in Lanark, on Thursday, of this week. Lindsay Scott and his bride, returned from their hoaeymoon on Monday evening, having spent a very pleasant time with relatives at North Bay Mrs. W. A, Scott and family are vi siting at Archie Scott's. Mrs, Mclarh- lan and family are spending holidays with her sister, Mrs. James Innis. Miss Betty Cameron, Detroit, is spend- ing her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cameron, in the village. A number from herc attended the school picnic at Bennett's Lake, held 'MRS. T. BAIN, BATH, IS SERIOUSLY ILL | 'a Lawn Social Held on June | 30th Was a Splendid | Success. i ---- { Both, July 5--Mrs. E. N Jo are here on account of the serious ill- | ness of their mother, Mr B Mr. and Mrs. Br and som, | | Muncey, Indiana, spent Dominion Day | h Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wemp. Thi | were accomp d by Mrs. Grant, Ver. ona. G Wemp, London, also! _ {made a t visit with his parents, | Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Wemp, this week. | Mr. and Mrs. George Brackenburg | and family, Wingham, have arrived to | spend the summer with Mrs, Charles | Burley, Mrs. Burley who has spent the | { past winter with them, arrived home | with them. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts | and Mn and Mrs, Earl Buck, spent a! few days last week in Montreal. Wm. | { Robinson, Los. Angeles, California, | { has been vi g his brother, D. H.| |'Robinson for a few days. | | 1 i { Mrs. Aylesworth, Newburgh, was a | recent visitor at Rev. W. T. Swayne's Rev. Hope Swayne, Milford, has been | | with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. T.| Swayne. Mrs. Henry Johnson and son, | Robert, Rochester, N.Y., have arrived | to spend the summer. A. Wallace { Brown, Newark, N.J., has arrived to] { spend the summer here. | Leo. Cunningham and friend, Chi- | cago, are also holidaying here. The| lawn social held under the auspices of | the Ladies' Aid of the United Church, | ne 30th, was a decided success. | Miss Fay Huffman, Cressy, spent a| day recently at George Davy's. Miss | Patience Williams, Battersea, has ar- rived to spend the summer here. Miss | by Miss Matheson, teacher of G. Wal-| Ruth Davy who has been quite ill, is | roth S.S. No. 43, Bathurst. | improving. RAISING TEN CHILDREN--WITH A SMILE ! ie, 8; Nana Ruth, 2, 's. Olive Bedwell of Fort Worth, and her en oh erill, 15; Leora, 10; Maurine, 9; James, -- ildren, left to right: Mrs. Bed. 8; Jay and Fay, 6, twins; Ida, 5; Edna, 4; of their Hollywood home with' their Haryy, five, and Joan, seven, IHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Women Everywhere Are Talking About the TOMORRO BE EARLY Wednesday, July 7, 1926. Values at Jackson-Metivier's V IS BE EAR DOLLAR [ CHILDREN'S GOLF HOSE : BLACK ONLY Regular 50c. to 75c. 4 Pairs for $1.00 Sizes 6 to 10. DA - CHILDREN'S LISLE STOCKINGS Brown and White only. Sizes 6 to 10. 5 Pairs for $1.00 AT JACKSON-METIVIER'S "Holeproof"----"Circle Bar" PURE SILK HOSIERY Heavyweight Pure Silk Hose with square | pointed heels. Shades: Pongee, Sand, Satin, White only in Silk and Rose, Taupe 'and Black. Art Silk. All sizes. SILK KNIT BLOOMERS 10 pairs only, Silk Knit Bloomers in Pink and White shades. "Per $ fects." Large, roomy styles: These few pairs will go quickly, so be CAPlY Yi wba ea' a em CREPE AND VOILE GOWNS These are regular $1.50 and $1.95 values, in fine Voile, lace trimmed 1 and Crepe; in shades, Peach, Mauve, Pink and White. All regular large sizes. - « « . tet ees aetna. SPECIAL ! DIMITY CHEMISE Fine Dimity Chemise, lace trim- med; beautiful shades Peach, Or. 1 chid, Pink, Pale Blue, Canary and White. Regular $1.05, DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL . . Corsets--Corsettes | In wide broken lines from our regular stock. Others are special purchases from manufacturer, All styles and sizes in Corsets and Corsettes, Blonde, Silk Lisle Sport Hose 2 Pairs for Ribbed Sport Hose in wide and narrow ay Shades: Camel, Dove, White, Pongee and Black. Regular 75c. ve DOLLAR pAYy SPECIAL ' 100 ESTS 3 for ; All styles, oumfy cut, opera and ] short slecves. Sizes 36 to 44. : ¥ i Dresses DOLLAR DAY THURSDAY > 5 SILK KNIT SCARFS These Dresses at this low price are 2 for marvelous values. Brand new, Spring Made with fringe ends. Good, $ 1 Rayon; in shade \ . der Blue, White: Canney and: Pow. lar 0c. 1 are with long, medium or short DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL - - 5 75 ONLY, HOUSE I , full fice H Dresses : ng Check ang an Chey < and Gingham trimmed. All colors. Reg. values to $10.00. Sizes 34 to 44. Short and half EE ---------- * " Broadcloth Satinette Slips Shades in Broadcloth, Peach,' Pink, Powder Blue, Orchid, White and Sand. Shades in Satinette, $ . Navy, Brown, Rose, Canary, Sand and Blue. Values No Exchanges, No Refunds. SPECIAL CoTTON AND LISLE Regular 50c. models in Figured Volles, Cotton Knit large size, in light shades, Regu- sleeves. - Sizes 84 to 44. * DRESSES sleeve, 1 regular to $1.50. Sizes 86 to 44. - No Delivery. ']

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