TITHE REV. H.W. CLIFF | INDUCTED AT COOKE'S ll Rov. @. 4. Brown, President of Bay of Quinte Conference, | Presided. Rev. H.W. Cliff, of Araptrior, was inducted Into the pastorate of Cooke's United church of this city on Friday evening. Rev. G. A. Brown, president of the Bay of Quinte Conference and pastor of Chalmers church, Kingston, presid- ed at the ceremony and he was as- sisted by Rev. J. K. Curtis, of Prin- cess street church, Prof. 8. W. Dyde, | , William Morgan and Prof. W. G. Jordan, D.D., all of Queen's Theological College, Rev. Malcolm MacGillivray, D.D., Rev. C. D. Baldwin, D.D., and Messrs. F. Montgomery, N. H. Clarkeston of the session of Cooke's church. There was a good representation from the con- gregation present and quite a num- ber of visitors from other congrega- tions also attended. Rev. J. K. Curtis preached the Sermon of the eYening and he based his remarks on the text "We pray you in Christ's stead be ye recon- celled to God." The speaker himself supplied a title for his remarks, MIAO SAAN INI D.D., Prof. GLEFOOT FLY SPRAY! Seneral, household Insecticide, safe and dependable. Equally IN 50c. AND 75c. TINS A - Special Prices on Summer Furniture | ow BRIT LTT tH ) REV. H. W. CLIFF. "The Mission and Purpose of the Christian Church." , Mr. Curtis brought forward the . view that the church as a. whole, and each individual member of the church, must seek at all times to take the place on earth which Christ filled when he lived among men. In early times the Greeks had risen to {| great heights without any supplica- li| tion for Divine aid and even in ii] everyday life great and heroic deeds {ij were being: mecomplished a onle who. thought very little of . At some time 'or other howsver the ancient Greeks had felt a higher {| call but had found no means of ane- wering it. Rev. Mr. Curtis compar. li] ed thei to people on the summit of {! a great mountain with an argé to fiy but having no wings. If the same way the people of to-day who did not know God were living a lonely 1ife and their hearts and beings were erying out for something which they did not have. The knowledge and . bells? ia Christ would make these iit lives complete, he said. Another phase spoken of by the {| Preacher was that of the man broken il! and wounded down in the valley; he, ii] tar more than the man on the moun- ij tain top with the urge to fly but it! without means, needed ald and it could be had from the same source. Christ had come into the world to assist these people. He had assist. ed them while he was on earth but now He had ascended to heaven and had left the work of pointing these people to Him to his chureh. actual ceremony of induction wad conducted 'by Rev. G. A. Brown and at the conclusion, the clergy- men and elders assisting, officially welcomed the new pastor. Rév. Dr. M. MacGillivray in ad- dressing the minister congratulated Bim on becoming associated with the Suites, walnut finish, Spring seat,' Bpholstered in Tapestry. orth RE EIR . | three-piece suite, large size, good qual- ity of Chintz, auto seats, upholstered bosks, worth $50.00, for Kosai vs van 5. $42.00 | three-piece Fibre Suite, fumed finish, ito seats, worth $70.00, for . . . . -$57.00 Odd Chairs and Rockers, worth $12.00 anh a ih a $9.00 Porch and Verandah Chairs and Rock- from $2.00, $3.50, $4.50 up. Camp Cots, Mattresses and Pillows. 8 Ib. glass .. 8%. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | Hospital, | Edward County, | aunts, the Mieses rnb ae PICTON | ' SHAW'S DA } a ---- \ILY STORE NEWS Picton, July 2.--The funeral of Mrs. Samuel Yarwood was held ab the' home of her nephew, W. G. Dun- bar, Waring's Corners on Thursday afternoon, July 1st. Mrs. Yarwood's Cheap Verandah Cushions } { { | 'Verandah Mats maiden name was Elizabeth Dunbar. She was in her ninety-first year and had been confined to her home for many months. Interment was made | at Cherry Valey. The Loyal Orange Lodge will parade to St. Andréw's Church on Sunday afternoom at 2.30 o'clock, when Rev. W. M, Fee will preach. There will be no evening service at St. Andrew's. a Walter R. Emsley of Toronto and Miss Anna G. Morrison of Oshawa were married on Tuesday, June 29th. The groom is well known in Picton, his father, Rev. W. H. Emy- | ley having been pastor of the Metho- dist Church here for thre: years. Mrs. Charles Dyer and son of Oshawa are 'the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Bowers, Spring street. Albert Dunkley has come down Seasonable Underwear For the Warm Weather 20 Dozen Women's Vests White Ribbed Cotton, short sleeves, sleev good, full sizes. A special buy for to-night at . . eless or with straps; .+. .25¢. per garment from Toronto to spénd holidays with his sister, Miss Mary Dunkley, a: the old home. John Devine, Cobden, Is visiting his son, M. A. Devine. Miss Bernice Thompson leaves to- morrow for Toronto to take a sum- mer course at the Art College. ! Dr. T. 8. Philp and Mrs. Philp Extra special, in O. S. siz Short sleeves or sleeveless. A FOR LARGE WOMEN . e Vests--nice quality Cotton Ribbed. big value at a popular price. Tonight ........... ."50c each have gone to their summer cottage at Hadden's Point. Miss Gladys Evéleigh has return- ed to her duties at the Henry Ford Detroit, after™a three weeks holiday with friends in Prince Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Davis of Geraldine, Montana, motored to Picton and are the guests of their Dohertys, Main 4 for $1.00. \ 1 WINDOW SHADES FOR CAMP "Non-Tear" Paper Shades--Green, White, expensive for Camp. Complete with Roller 49%. or. Cream; very in- » or without Roller street east" | Master Jack LeHeup is visiting his aunt, Mrs. M. F. Coglan, Kingston. Mrs. H. W. Kerfoot of Ottawa has gone on to Barrie to visit friends after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Walmsley and Mr. Walmsley, Mies Isobel Lyons of the Rectory has gone to Detroit where she will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Walker. Mr. Cannon, principal of the pub- lie school, was presiding examiner at the entrance examinations held in Bloomfield this week. Miss Dorothy Cahoon who has been in poor health for some time past, has gone to Bancroft to see if the northern cilmate may be bene- ficial. N NO MEDICINE LIKE BABY'S OWN TABLETS For Either the Newbows Babe or the Clearing Sale OF SUMNER HILLINERY Parisian Shop 822 FROCK STREET DESERONTO --- Deseronto, July 2.--A pretty wed- ding took place yesterday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Fairbairn, when their age There is no other medicine Evelyn, was united in matrimony to Baby's Own Tablets for little 10 8qual "Mr. William H. Lister of Toronto. Whether it be for the newborn babe | Rev. Mr. Cresgan officiated. Miss B. or the growing child the Tablets | Laughlin was bridesmaid, and Mr. always do good. They are absolutely | C- W. Malley was best man. The free from opiates or other barmtyl | bridal party Jleft on the 'afternoon drugs and the mother can always train, out of Napanee, for Toronto feet safe in using them. where they will make their future oncerning th '| home. Armour, RR. 1 Nett irs. Joh H. M. Moore left this morning for Ont., says: --'""We have three fine, Madawaska fora few holidays. healthy children, to whom, when al Mrs. C. Weiss the hostess on medicine is needed we have given | Wednesday evening at a delightful only Baby's Ow "| linen shower in honor of Miss Helen lets are the best Taio The Tab Cronk, a popular young bride-to-be, keép in any home ia aR | who was the receipient of many fine young children." © 8Te| presents and congratulations from Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but her many friends. Winnipeg is the thorough laxative, which regulat Gordon Hall of stomach and bowels: egulate the | yyogt of his mother, Mrs. J. M pation and indigestion: Hall, Thomas street east, for a few colds and sim Miss Daisy Goodman is spending 81 Sold by | ing week-end in Orillia, the guest of Toet by mail at Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith, (Hazel The Df. Wii Perry), formerly a Deseronto girl, rockville, Ont. | Mrs, James Dryden, Mrs. J. Allum, Miss A. Thompson, Miss Megahy, and Miss J. Dryden spent Thursday wdkiey in Lonsdale. Many people from town attended peng Through the celebration in Napanee. Adolpi -- Mr. and Mrs. R. Carrier, Mr. P. cue if Teuntows, Jung dScoriiverye |, Mr. 2nd, Min. R_Carrier, Mr. E. b ene dolighitul waath. | yoo. " wir, ant Mew OF wore i vary lk the strawberries are ripening | ur C. Hayelock of Pleton and Mr or owt. The summer camps are and Mrs. D. R. Purdy of Trenton og Bey Rany tourists fre PASSING | ore callers in town yesterday, . mers have begun | py Leveque, Jr., and Mr. Davidson Suting. hay. The congregation of of Oshawa are the guests of Miss the United Church held a pleasant Grace Gaitland for a few days. evening at the home of Mr. TO THE PACIFIC COAST. WILTON The Wilton branch of the Wome ens Institute has had a very busy month in June. From June 7 to-18, inclusive, a course in food values and cookery was held under the able management of Miss Grey, To- ronto. There were thirty-two mem- bers in this class and the average attendance was twenty-six. Anyon attending any of these classes. amply paid for their time. On June D. A. SHAW. Limited THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE J 17th, Mrs. Lowe, Toronto, an Instl- tute teacher and speaker addressed about twenty-five ladies on "'Insti- tute work" and '"The Value of Self- Control." She stated how theré are 7,000 branches in Canada and the Old Country, all working for the bet- terment of our home and native land. On hearing what other Institutes are doing to ald schools, hospitals, olf- nies and child welfare, and numer- ous other helps, we feel that there is no end of work for the Institute. Mrs. Lowes talk on "Self-Control" was splendid. Anyone after listening to, and meeting her afterward, rea- lized that she had fully learned the value, and was a living examplé ia her charming personality. All pro- gress Is through control. Bach mo- ment we are kings or slaves, and the choice rests with us. Mrs. Lows, urg- ed, that each of us make persever- ance, our bosom friend, experience, a wise controller; caution, an elder brother, and hope, tX$ guardian an- gel. On Wednesday afternoon, June 30th, the District Annual Comven- tion was held at Wilton. Bvery about 125 ladies present, every available seat in the hall wis occups fed. The meeting opened with "The Institute Carol," followed by Lord's Prayer. Mrs. James Miller, Napanes, Saturddy, July 3, 1926."