y OUR | Mid-Summer SUIT [SALE 120% wer #! The response has been fine and the appreciation keen in this sale. Since our first advertisement our Sales have been wonderful, much above our expectations. The backward season has left the assort- ¢ larger than usual, but we would sug- : that you call soon. i Here From East Orange. | William Angrove, a brother of iMayor Angrove, who resides at East {Orange, New Jersey, is visiting in {the city, | i Appointed Principal. | C. W. Barclay, principal of No. 3 school, Oxford township, for the past year, has been appointed prin- | cipal of the Kemptville public school. | Unmuzzled Dogs. | In Athens five residents of the village and district were fined $50 and costs by Magistrate J. Albert Page, Brockville, after they had pleaded guilty to allowing their dogs to run at large unmuszzled. & Pay Cheques Have Arrived. Major McManus has received the pay cheques for the men of the P. W.O.R. "B" and "C" Company will be paid to-night and Friday; "A" and "C" on Wednesday and Thurs- day. Headquarters and pipers will be paid at Major McManus' home at any time, Bicycle Thieves at Work. If you own a bicycle, keep an eys on it. Bicycle thieves .are at work in the city, and ever ready to pick up [the odd "bike" that happens to be minus a guardian. A prominent resident of Union street is mourning the loss of his bicycle and the polica are endeavoring to locate it. Funeral on Thursday. The funeral of the late E. O. Clark, who died at his home in Odessa on Monday, will take place on Thursday morning from the United church to Cataraqul cemetery. It is expected that the funeral wlil be very large- ly attended as deceased is ofie of the best known residents of thé district. Indueted on July 6. The Presbytery of Lindsay had a dur reputation, and our on business upon the policy y such merchandise as we d and our aim is to have it call presented from Kirkfield and Bolsover to Mr. A. J. McMullen, late of Admaston and a call from Fene- jon Falls and Rosedale to the same jcapdidate. Mr. McMullen ~ accepted the call from Kirkfield, and his in- duction will take place at Bolsover July 6th. Held Lawn Social. The lawn social which was held by the Presbyterian congregation of St. JoHin's Church, Pittsburgh town- ship, on Monday evening, on the church grounds, was well patron- ized. In addition to the refresh- -- a TWO SUNDAY SCHOOLS. HOLD UNION PICNIC Cooke's and Princess Street ~ Combine at Brophy's Point on Monday Afternoon. The union picnic of Cooke's and Princess street Sunday Schools was held on Monday at Brophy's Point. A fine, sunny day greeted the ple- nickers, and nearly four hundred persons turned up to enjoy the trip and races arranged for them. A mixed game of softball by the girls was started after all the other ev- ents bad "been finished, but it had to be called off. The result of the men's softball game was by innings: Princess 8t.-0 1401023112 Cooke's--0 3 100015 0-10 Cooke's:~--J. Newman, W. Laird, T. Moore, H. Lemmon, P. Reeves, A. Lemmon, D. Harrls, B. Whyts, K. Lindsay. Princess ' Street: -- G. Hill, B. Pound, R. Warling, J. McKes, B. Kerruish, B. Timmerman, M. Lem- mon, C. Darling, W. Baker. The prize winners of Cooke's Sun- day 'School were: Ja Infant Class--Lucinda Todd, Tom Harris, Vera Smith, Primary, girls--Madeline MeNevin Betty Corbett, ; Primary, boys--Tom Edwin Moore. _ Girls, 8 years--Yeula Williamson, Madeline McNevin, : Boys 8 years--Donald Lewers. Angus Ryce. a years---Eula Williamson, Eléanor Moore. Boys 10 years----Jack Laird, King Whitney. i _ Girly 12 years--Matguarite Lem re 1h ean red Whitney. Ferguson, Laird. done a week ago last Sunday at the | ments served, a good programme Was presented, and from a financial standpoint also the event was very successful. -- Camp at Brown's Bay. Ten cadets from the local Sea | Cadet Corps visited their camp site fat Brown's Bay, near Brophy's Point, Saturday. They made the trip Lo cne of their own boats and the | {time for the full four miles was oné | hour and forty minutes. This is very good time for a crew of boys, as the | water was none too pleasant for rowing. i i --~---- a Welcomed to Council. Ald. Reid, who bas been on the sick list for some. time, and who has {been forced to give up civic work, Iwas given a warm welcome by Mayor [ARsrove and members of the coun- {ell when he took his seat around the {horseshoe at Monday night's special meeting of the City Council. Ald. Reld is much improved in health. jand his many friends are boping that he will soon be restored to good | health. ---- Verdict for Plaintiff. ; The case of Watts vs. Amodeo, which was heard before Judge Mad- den in County Court on Monday, | was decided in favor of the plaintiff | The judge gave judgment to the ex- {tent of $173.25, with costs on the scale of the County Court. Rigney, & Hickey for plaintiff, Day & Revelle for defendant. The case of Joseph Murphy vs. James Myers and D. E. McClement, to recover cattie-under a chattsl mortgage, is proceeding to-day. [Rigney &: Hickey for the plaintift {and Hutcheson, Drever & McLaren of Brockville 'for defendants. f Here's A Real One! Here is one of the questions put up to the Kingston entrance class at the examinitions' in arith- metic: "A house costs $6,000, The 'pre- mium for ome year's Insurance is 3-6 per cent on 3-4 of the cost A year's taxes are 30 mills on the dol- lar on 2-5 of the cost, and a year's repairs amount tp $53. At what rate per month must the owner rent the house so that the rent for one year may yield § per cent. of the year's total outlay including the cost of the house?" What do our readers /think of this? And by the way the marks al- lowed for the answer are thirteen! Pearl Neilson, 4 Girls 11-12! Dorothy Rutherford, Audrey Stewart. Boys 9-10: Jim Rutherford, Willie Gardiner. > Boys three legged: G. Darling and J. Kerrush, Jim Rutherford and Jack | Timmerman. =~ = Girls three legged: Winona Har- Dell and Goldie Neilson, Ruth Gra ham and Dorothy Rutherford. Sack race: G. Darling, Jim Ruther ford. 'Candle race: Ruth Graham and Dorothy Rutherford, &. Darling and Jim Kerruish. x Ladies sack race: Miss E. Peters, Mrs, B. Vanorter, Mrs. Helms. Coatwpace: Mrs. Rutherford, Mrs. Beck. A. There were also scrambles for molasses kisses and peanuts, which the kiddies were not the only ones to enjoy. 5 Bi TWO FIRES TO-DAY. Grass Fires Occupied the Attention of At 12.47 this afternoon, a rubbish fire occupied the attention of the fire. men on a vacant lot.on the rear of Albert street close to Alice street, A line of hose, was run from Albert and 'Alice streets. Another fire: dt the other s'de of the stadium broke out and a line of hose was run from a hydrant in front of the residence of J.°0. Hutton, on Albert street to the blaze. : There was no damage done in either case. a 5 The firemen are smoking cigars and eating chocolates thess days; the gift of Grimm's, in appreciation for work fire which broke out'there. eedless to say the firemen appr itt very much, : CITY AND DISTRICT. |@= : Tuesday, June 29, 926 KINGSTON'S GREATEST SHOPPING CENTRE | Laidlaw's Store News for Wednesday, June 30th SMARTEST OF HOLIDAY APPAREL IS BEIN oN At Prices that invite your eager Interest - Whether you are planning on spend- ing your holiday at home, or at the big picnic, or whether you are intending on a holiday on the water, one of these de- lightful Frocks will be a distinct to your smart appearance. asset FROCKS OF Normandy and Figured Voile *%.50 to $20.00 Soft, sheer, Summer Voiles ~--cleverly developed in winsome models, in an as- sortment of styles that will instantly please, [FROCKS OF - (Canton and Flat Crepe *8.75 and up There are so many of them, 'and they are all so lovely, youll find choosing a de- lightful task, Every color beloved of summer is here. FROCKS OF Fuji Silk