Miss Jane Addams, addressing a social workers' conference, pleads with péople not to label zi settle ment work as "red." This label, in- discriminately applied, harms the tause' of social progress, she says. She's right. Too often we unthink- ingly conclude that any person who tries to improve condition of those less foftunate than ourselves must be a wild and desperate radical. I! A LE --------. THE HIGH COST OF ELECTION- EERING. ) The opportunity to get nomination for a senatorship {un the United tes costs much money. To carry the Re- publican primary in Pennsylvania cost $306,000. Senator Pepper was G| called before the Senate Cam ign ire S¢jence Pays its Way is the ti- of an article by Edwin BE. Slos- | in Nation's Business published by United States' Chamber of Com- B, Washington, The United les has done 4 great deal for re- ch work; there are very rich en- ents, private and public, and, Investigating Committee and asked about expenditures. He had a very vigorous company of workers but they could not carry Pepper, he went down to defeat before Representative Vare. The senator gave a list of con- tributors to his campaign fund and the total was $84,000. 'There was a deficit of betwseén $20,000 and $25, 000. In other words his friends spent something like $112,000 to $114, '| 000, and it was more than 1ikely that Vare and his helpers spent a greater sum than Pepper. No statement was made as to where the money went. The Pepper list showed that many women had helped with /funds, and with a touch of sarcasm. Senator Reed, the chairman of the investigat- ing committee, asked if the women had stack to him. throughout the campaign. Senator Pepper with en- thusiasm answered "They did; God bless them." It costs real money across the border to get anywhere politically. GIVES ONE A HEADACHE. The editor of the Chesley Eater- d 'with the situation in this try, American assistance for re- men is of a most generous re. But we find Mr. Slosson de- ing the standing of the United in this respect in comparison the countries of Europe, especi- Germany and Great Britain. The the National Academy of Sei- in setting up a special 'board of "to collect and administer onal fund for the support of eh-in pure science" is gratefui- mmended, as supplying a seri- 8 test of the standing of 'the countries in the matter of research, the record of the Nobel foundation 1900, it is pointed 8 have been' Of these gdom 11, France ten, Hol the United States four, Swe- mark three, Switzer- Austria, canada, Italy two each; Belgium and OF 21 prizes, the size of our population, this record to be ashamed of; but Nobel prize winners did much to the financial on-| l. the money spent on re- In this country being re- : Mr. Herbert Hoaver t spent annually on ce' re hin the (At, $200,000:900; on h he estimates available for invest- not excéed $10,000, sum he characterizes An researched could on not 'placed in ft. prise has been a sufferer all his days from-headache; it is chronic and he longed for relief. ' The other day Mr. McDonald, found out'the cause of hig affliction, through an address given by a Philadelphia expert be- fore the Ontario Medic: ssocfation. The expert explained cause of headache in these specific, accurate and illuminating terms: '"The disturbance of cerebral pres. sure is doubtless affected by fluctua- tions Mm either the power of the arachnoid villa to absorb cerebro- spinal fluid or In the power to pro- duce it, or it may be produced by the flow of cerebrospinal fluid through the tear in the theca caused by the operation of lumbar punc- ture." While this gives us a headache fn seeking to comprehend we are #0 glad, the gifted-¢ditor of our north- ern contemporary has obtphned some relief, even in the knowledge of what his aliment is. He is now seeking a Philadelphia' lawyer to Interpret the clauses in the charge--and a hot one It fs. It is a rarety and is as clear as mud to the sufferer. Mr. Me- Donald is thus far safe for he knows that when he has .a disturbance in' the silvered dome he has a fluctua- tion in the arachnoid villa, or a tear in his theca. We are in full agree- ment with the Toronto Star when it says: "There may now and thea be a rip in Bro. McDonald's thees but his thinker always functions as perfectly as the carburetor in a Rolls-Royce. We cannot agree with the diagnosis of the Philadelphia expert in this cage. We have in mind a who, owning a Hght Ah tor Base fsbing: bought a gasoline engine e The engi: a Thad be- longed to an automobile and was much too powerful for the frail skiff, 'with the result that 'when the engine 1i-it"1s lous than | started the sk if was shaken from stem-to stern and shuddered its way through and over the water wherever 1it went. The Chesley editor is like that. His think machinery is of h 3 ae aehis his hull, too 3 heen pe hoadeen I ---------- A SINGLE WORLD SYSTEM. } Selmi % H. G. Wells believes that before BY W. L © as in "set," a as in "ask," ¢ as SYNONYMS: attribute, ¢harge. | » WORD STUDY: .- : } come about when the idea of na- tionalism is abolished and this will be brought about by the only poss sible means, namely universal free trade, by a common world currency, world control of all staple produe- tions "8 merger of all sovereignties under one world control to maintain 4 minimum standard of education and welfare of populations; and by & common code of justice with » common Supreme Court of Appeal for the whole world. This vast trans formation cannot be achieved by means of any idea with large cur. rency dn the world to-day. EDITORIAL NOTES, ------ » The hosiery manufacturers are'to standardize legs. Wither that story is padded, or the legs will be. -- The west reports wheat twenty inches high in places. Some parts of the world have had summer weather. --i Seventeen young Canadians who went to Guiana to seek diamonds bave scattered and are returning home broke. Distant diamond tlelds don't differ from other distant fields. DALY LESSONS IN ENGLISH : WORDS OFTEN MISUSED: "He looks badly" means that he makes bad use of his eyes. Say "he looks bad," though "bad" to express "ill" is not perfect English. : OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: sesame. Prémounce sés-a-mé, the OFTEN MISSPELLED: abbreviate. Two b's. ascribe, "Use a word three timids and it is yours." Let us. increase our vocabulary by mastering one word éach day. To-day's word: INSIPIDITY: the quality of being tasteless, dull, lifeless, "Inspidity sometimes attaches to fair beauties." [And don't forget that two of thesé -- It is hoped that Moscow, hearing American jazz by radio for the first time, will not be deceived into think- Ing its political ideas are taking hold. : Rr , A gentleman has been saying that Winnipeg has a great future. And what is more, its future is in the right place--ahead of it, 1s the Win- nipeg Free Press' conviction. At least one woman will admit that snoring is not alwayy useless, | She is the mother of a boy who got lost in a British coal mine, fell asleep and was discovered because he sno. ed. Austrians are Tejoleing because the financial committee of ths Lea~ gue of Nations has decided to re. commend that the League's control of Austria's finances be discontinued at an early date. ---- Bir John A. Macdonald, first of Canada's "Grand O14 Men", is stéad- ily becoming a heroic as well as a8 historic personality. He is 1 longer a party but a national ride er, says the 8t. Thomas Timeé-Jour- nal. ; -- 'Booth Tarkington says that in fifty yoars women's skirts will have van. ished. Booth made the remark re cently so he evidently considers that the elongated watstband 80: popular today, is still entitled to be digni- fied with the name of "skirt." Rules of previous Years that mers chandise not to exceed $100 in ¥&- | land Ine could be taken into the United States from Canada have been aoro- gated and duties must be paid on ail | purchases providing the purchasers remain in Canada less than tive days. Merchants datering to tourists will regret the Bew regulations, SN GORDON in "me," accent first syllable. connect, assign, impute, a > J "ry minutd or approximately 42a sec ond, SE A Among modérn nursery rhymes, here's a good one: "Our hearts are doors that ope with okié | To very, very little keys, thank you, sir' and 'If you please' Grown-ups Sot precluded. A large muskrat farm, said to ba the largest in the world, Is to be es- tablished forty miles west of Ques. nel, in British Columbia. A com pany headed by J. E. McFarland of Vancouver has seqitired 8,159 acres ot sWamp land surrounding Swan Lake where beaver and muSkrat are already present. Twenty-eight miles of wire will be used to enclose the property. 7 -- It cannot be said that Lord Wil lingdon has achieved Digh rank as a statesman or diplomat--perhaps be- i causes he has lacked the opportus- ] ity; but it is certain, the Hamilton Herald insists, that he is a first-rate English gentleman, tactful and dis- creet, kindly snd cheery in manner, activo and energetic, studious and cultured in a high degree, an enthus- lasti¢ sportsman and very popular with 'his acquaintances. Sr ain News and V; WW HEN YOU HAVE A PRINT. ING.JOB, DO YOU THINK OF THE BRITISH WHIG COM- MERCIAL PRINTING DEPT. ? No? i Fine printing «= good service reaspnable prices re The British Whip y Commercial Printing Bepartment Britsh Whig Bldg. = Phone 2614 Kingston," Ontario Seems Rather Odd. Soo Star: Certain parents tie up. théir dog at night and Jet the girls run at large. «4 ---------- The Kincardine Review - Reporter: When a man has a birthday he takes a day off. When a'woman has one she takes a year off. . Boyk 'Will Breeze Home Boni Cities Star: Son' will soon be home from college remaining long enough to make a slight touch and tell dad Bow to run the business. Ottawa Journal: , Golfing expert says a happy disposition is a great aid to good golf. Now Just wateh those lantern-jawed fellows cultivat- The 107 PRINCESS STREET. [mie Vs | kad the most complete line in : TUNE UP THE ELECTRIC FIXTURES before the summer visitors arri Stines. Be that as it erally acknowledged Britain. ought to this penet; ve. 'We have the city. may; it ts gon- that: Grea: not 10 be indifferent ration of United States |i capital 'which if it has no ing a cast-iron grin on the first tee. . A -- The Coming and the Going. London Advertiser: Everybody in Britain speaks well of Lord Willing- don, Canada's new governor-general, He will be doubly tortunats if, when his erin hete euds, Canadians speak &s well of him as they do now. Fete Sd y : ow: of ---- to Law, Acton Pree Press: Indifference to law; datly breaking dewn of our s0- clal structure; license not iberty; indulgence not economy; ea Iness not sqeurity; now confront us in this of ours. Patriotism 1s needed HOW just as much ag during war. time. Real patrio faith tul observance of all our Jaws; sin- cere Service for the good of our country, : the effort to ensure the h » the morals and the Ii 1 Uberty of all . fy ang -- La Patrie thinks that Great Brit. ain cannot afford to be indifferent to the penetration of Canadian in. dustry by American capital. "We have wiready briefly com- mented upon the interview which Mr. B. W. Beatty recently gave to one of the London news in which the president of the Can- adian Pacific Railway pointed out that Canade at the present time | needed British immigrants and Brit- || ish capital. In the work of the de- velopment of our country we have not hitherto lacked capital, but, since the war, that capital which we. have imported has come almost ex- | clusively from the United States, | the capitalists of the republic hav. || ing taken a notable and' dominating || part in the establishment of two of | eo npottuat Suadian Indus. of electric power and the fabrication of -888y Way not to hurt ings. fect certainly does give toa country benctits which might othep of- Well accrue to the Empire i re- Rumerous profitable entery: sulting from the exploitatior Jt our natural wealth." * bof Se bets] . . Keeping your mouth odin an 's feel- 1