3, June 22, 1926. ¥ i Mr. Laole, Mr. L. Moffatt, Miss reuerite Moffatt and Capt. Todd, o 'were in town for the ball were "Mozart Place." 2 z . * rd > M. and (Mrs. Allen Taylor. To- Tonto, were fn town for 'the ball and "avere with Capt. and Mrs. R. H. Davidson, Clergy street. » » . Major and Mrs. Hugh Walkem ana i sop, Master Walkem, of Mont- , are spending the summer at The Grove," Beaconfield. . Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. Mackay and eir children, Smith's Falls, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. F. "A. Hitsman, John street. . . . Miss Jessie Dyde has left Camp Oconto, near Tichborne, for to As & better CAMPANAS ITALIAN for the dressing hore is nething spend two months with Miss Ferna Halliday, who is in charge of the camp. . . » » Mrs. Leroy Grant, Bagot street, was a dinner hostess 'on Monday evening, her guests going on to the ball. Mrs. Philip Du Moulin, Sydenham Street, entertained at dinner on Mon- day evening before the ball fér her house guests. . : $ ® * . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Windeyer and Mr. R. F. Bruce Taylor, Toronto, were in town for the ball and were at the Principal's ' residence, Queen's University. . . » Mrs. W. A. Rogers, Johnson street, gave a small tea on Monday aftes- noon for her sisters, Miss Berta aad Miss Birdie Sheridan, Boston, Mass, who were with her for the ball. » * - @ . Mrs. H. W. Guess, Sydenham, Worthy Matron of Loughboro' Chap- ter of O. E. 8,, leaves on Monday to attend Grand Chapter to be held in Chatham, June 22nd, 23rd and 24th. NM . » Mrs. Fraser and. Miss K. Fraser, Victoria, B.C, who were in town for the graduation of Cadet Fraser, are with Mrs. Thomas Ritchie, " Elmhurst.' They leave for HEng- land shortly to spend a year. * . . Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, of Collin's Bay, announce the engage- + ment of their second daughter, Julia Ethel, to Mr. Raymond C, Bastard, of Cleveland, Ohio. The marriage to take place quietly early-in July. . » > Miss Muriel MacLeod, who has for two years been the soprano soloist in St. Andrew's church, left to-day for her home in Maxville, where she will remain with her parents, Rev. P. A. and Mrs. MacLeod, until her mar- riage to Mr. Ernest Hess, in July. » . . Rev. Dr, P, A. and Mrs. MacLeod, of Maxville, Ont., announce the en- gagement of their younger daughter, Muriel, to Mr. Ernest Hess, M.A. Halifax, N.S., son of Professor R. land Mrs. Hess, of Zurich, A Switzer- land, the marriage to take place the latter part of July. . - Miss Dorothea Sands entertained at dinner at the Frontenac Club be: fore the ball. Her guests were Mise Douglas Rogers, Miss Flo Cunning- ham, Miss Katherine Cromby, Miss Virginia Fair, Miss Evelyn Ford, Mr: Duke Belcher, Mr. Travers Rooney, Cadets Campbell, Langmuir, Fair, Ni- -eol and Cunningham. i . os -Dr. H. W.' Gillespie, of Duluth, Minn., who is visiting his sister, Mrs. EW. A. Sawyer, University avenue, ar. Re erty 2 ot Sunday from spent the past He will remain a few t Kingston England, whers he two months. {| devs and then proceed to Duluth. tt Mrs. Gillespie is spending another {| month at her old home in England and will visit Kingston on her re- turn. $a - * . Miss Flo Cunningham entertained if] at a luncheon on Monday, at the Golf if] Club, in: honor of her guest, Miss ii | Katherine Cromby. Those present il Innes, Miss Cronyn, were Miss Graham, Miss Ashton, Miss Miss Howard, i Miss Sdnds, Miss Anna Mahood, Miss Optical - Supplies Virginia Fair, Miss Ruth Gildersleeve, Miss Elinor Mundell, Miss Margaret Davis; Miss Hilda Langwith, , Miss Katherine Cromby, Miss Douglas Rogers. i : 3 * . * Mrs. George Cherry, Barrie street, 'was the hostess of a very delightful children's party on Monday in honor of her daughter Flora who had at- tained her 12th anniversary. The table looked pretty with its pink and yellow decorations, the lighted birth- day cake taking the place of honor. The Httle guests were Enid Willison," Beverly Hughes, Vivien Cherry, Nan Richardson, Patty Dowdell, Beth Forster, Hilda Newman, Irene Wil- son, Dorothy Dick, Edith Sharpe and the daughter and son of the house, Flora and Billy. Mrs. Cherry was ds- sisted by Miss Nettie Cherry. . » * On Monday evening Mrs. J. L. Wilson (nee Beatrice McRory) and Miss Keitha Smith arranged a pleas- ant kitchen shower for Mr. amd Mrs. Percy Otten at their home 36 Division street. A number of young people gathered to extend their good wishes, and the bride was the re- cipient of many Juseful articles. The basket containing the gifts was aQee- orated with pink and white stream- ers and voses, and placed under a large wedding bell. Later refresh- ments were served in the dining- room which was pretty with flowers and pink and white streamers. Mrs. Otten, Sr., presided at the tea table. ¥ th "RAPIDS KING" WILL RUN INTO KINGSTON Steamer Will Operate Between Rochester and Alexandria Bay. An announcement of great im- portance to Kingston and this dis- trict, has just been made in the schedule of the steamer 'Rapids King" on the Rochester, Bay of Quinte, Thousand Island division of the Canada Steamship Lines Ltd. The "Rapids King" will operate between Rochester and Alexandria Bay from July 3rd till September 4th, and will afford a splendid op- portunity for the people of King- ston and this district to visit' Ro- chester, Alexandria Bay or inter- mediate points. The schedule shows that the steamer will leav® Rochester and going via Belleville, will come to Kingston and go on to Alexandria Bay. These trips will be made from Rochester on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week. The company has issued pamphlet giving all the particulars regarding these trips, also the rates for berths, meals and automobiles. Mr. J. R. Beck district passenger agent for the Canada Steamship Lines, was in the city to-day, in con- nection with the operations t0 be made on this line, EE COMPLAINT OF MOTORISTS. an LL ---- ! About Condition of Road on This Side of Motorists complained to The Whig to-day of the condition of the road. way on this side of Gananoque. A plece of the highway for the ais- tance of about a mile is being rebuilt and there is no propér detour. Auto- mobiles have a difficult time get- ting through as they have to pass over large stones, and there are not sufficient turnout places for ve: hicles to wait until others from the opposite direction pass: Motorists claim that the contractor has not sufficient plant engaged .to handle such a long piece of repair at one time, as only three teams were en gaged on' Monday afternoon. They think that better arrangements should be made for the convenience of the travelling public. Si le------ , A NEW STEEL BRIDGE, Is Being Laid Across the Creek at > Haven, Parrott's Bay, June 21. The county crushing outfit is busily en- gaged in improving our road. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wemp amd family spent Sunday at Fred Wemp's. Mrs. Joha Olif| , Kingston, is visiting at D. ie Paul Heffernam spent Sun at his home near Athens. The Ladies' Aid held its monthly Mrs. 8. Fraser's on ST. MARY'S SCHOOL CADETS INSPECTED | By Capt. Heron, District Offi= cer, on Their Grounds . Tuesda ing. The cadets of St. Mary's. Separate school, in command of Lieut. Coffin, were inspected on the school grounds Tuesday morning by Capt. V. W. 8. Heron, district. cadet officer. The small boys made a very good show- ing and. carried out the military manoeuvres with marked neatness, which drew forth many favorable comments. : Following the inspection, Capt. Heron spoke a few words to the ca- dets, complimenting.them on their in- spection and mentioning the wonder- ful improvement since last year. He stated that cadet training in the schools was not to make soldiers out of the boys, but to make them loyal citizens of the Dominion of Cenada, so that their country, their church, |? and their school would be proud of them. Principal J. J. Carty, Lieut. Coffin, Dr. J.T. Davis and Capt. W, G. Bailey, members of the school board, also spoke a few words, adding praises of the' inspection, a marking on the bright ou The platoon commanders Ackley, E. Briceland, V. and W. Donoghue. Following the inspection, three hearty cheers were given for The King, Principal J. J. Carty, Capt, Heron, Lieut. Coffin.and Capt. Bailey. The latter assisted greatly in the training. The school was then dismissed for the morning Ji on the request of the inspecting of| ficer. | » CELEBRATED HER 93RD ANNIVERSARY | Mrs. Middleton of Verona Was | Showered With Qifts | From Friends. | tis Verona, June 223---Mrs. Middleton | celebrated her 93rd birthday on'l Wednesday. Her many friends gave! her a shower of presents and post | cards. A wee boy, weighing only four poundss has come to live at the | home of Zara Ball. Several parties of tourists have arrived but on account of the cold |jH rainy weather the fishing has been ! poor. Quite a number attended the | Sunday School convention at Hart- | ington on Friday. : | Ross Bertrim is bullding a new | garage on Main street. Jameés Dea- con is movihg in the Watson house. Mrs. D. C. Snider is visiting at! Parham. B. Wagar, Winnipeg, and Mrs. Clarke, Watertown, are visit- ing at H. J. Wagar's. Mrs. Knight and daughter, Leta, Kingston, also |i Mrs. E. Davy, rprise, are at BE Curls. 3 Dr. and Mrs, Oldham and Miss Wagar, Yarker, are at Mrs. Jones'. Bessie Amey, Rochester, was a visi- tor at E. Percy's. Mrs. 'BE. L. Amey has returned to her home in Roches- ter. Herbert Blair, Maberly, is vis- iting his sister, Mrs. AB. Freeman. {ji Norman Reynolds has returned from | | attending Normal School at Peter-| boro. G. W. Reynolds 6f the Bank of Mon , Peterboro, spent his Noliladys 4¢ his home. . Inverary Briefs. Inverary, Jume 22.--Miss Myrl Barr, R.N., of, Youngstown, Ohio, is spending her holidays with her par- ents here. Plans are completed for H the lawn social to be held on tha | |} | 23rd. An orchestra will be in at- tendance, and a splendid programme | | 1} ! { | | | } ! has been-prepared. There will be a canteen on the grounds. Mrs. Tina Chrisley is spending a few days at Richard Arthur's during Mr, and Mrs. Arthur's trip to Ottawa. The pupils who have been attending K. C. I. and 8. H. S. have finished their year's course and are home for the holidays. number of owners of cottages.on the lake shore are*arriv- ing and taking possession for the fli summer months. Miss Edna Kish entertained a number of friends to a birthday party on the 16th. ---------------- -- At Division Court. There were ten cases on the Divi- on Court docket Tuesday morning, but most of them had to be adjourn- ed for a later hearing. Judge La- vell presided. 0 | WHIG -- dd THE Dany SRITISH _LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE { PROBS: Fair on Wednesday, not much change in | temperature. ; THE NEW SWEATERS Simple in line, are Funcy and - Plain in weave The Sweater always a favo- rite for Sports wear is shown here in gredt variety of style and colorings. Sleeves are long and tight --sometimes thére is an opening down the front. Pullovers are specially fea- tured in Fair Isle patterns, Cardigan Sweaters " Priced $4.50t0 $15.00 Pullover Sweaters Priced $3.50t0 $10.00 Misses' Sweaters Priced . $1.98 to $5.00 Jaeger Wear We are special selling agents for this famous « line of Sweaters, Dressing Gowns, Boys' Sweat- ers, Jaeger Camel-hair Coats, Scarfs, Tams, Pullovers, Golf Sox, Golf Sets, etc. » ° \ J ~~ Buy your Summer supply of Silk Lingerie at Steacy's We are featuring in bur new, exclusive Silk Lirigerie Department, many novelties as well as staple lines of Silk Underwear, at prices that will appeal to thrifty shoppers, ~~. Bloomers Rayon Silk Bloomers made by Harvey, 'Lennards, Oxford, Goldette, Watsons, in a beautiful ful range of colorings. , 5 wond ; bargain x in al si