THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public F orum and a True Market Place ¢ British Wiig. TED ADVERTASING are restricted to hely and to proper s ro iy "Whis trie is of type: te ne or Sonsecutive po Tagen, Sirtha. Ene re $1. 80; an and Memoriam Gard ot in KE: 10: seen, 41.00 each insertion. Advertising ordered for Jrsegular i insertiong Lak Lhe Tor less 1480 basis of four lines. Count six average words the ade. w be received wn id at The Brit- within 6 days froin of insertion, cash rate ; a J 16th, FPING--On Wednesday, June ™ 1938, at the Royal Victoria Hospi- tal, Montreal, to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Topping, (nee Marjorie Elite), of Tacoma, Wn. a son, WILLIAME--On June 21st, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wildams, Markland Street, a daughter stillborn). IN MEMORIAM. In Yoving remembrance of our dear mother, . Charleg Wesley Stone, mother of Mrs. Willlam HH. Jackson, city, and A. Stone, Toronto, who fell asleep in Yesus, June 22nd, 1918. As we loved het; Bo we ite hay In our memory she is 4 Loved, semembgred, Toned for twas s, nin man a silen eR . ¥rusband and family, "Lost and Found i BABY'S SLIPPER---Found on Earl St Same may be had at Whig Ofties. A so0N TIN TIRE--Lost on on Tichborne to i ston road, or Dessert Lake road Retin to 117 Savion Street, 'phone 27-w and receive reward. BUNCH OF KEYS---Found, on Montrea Street. Owner may have same at th * _Whig Office. BANK OF TORONTO $1000 BILL Lost, on Saturday. Finder please leave at Whi Office. Reward. DIAMOND STAR BROOCH -- Lost at .C. ball. Finder please return to + Gensra) Eimgley, 157 King St. Re- war GOLD SCARF PIN-~Found at Yacht Club. Apply Melody Shoppe, Prin cess Bireet GLOVE~Fawn Silk, found on steps at Wiig Office. Owner may have same at Whig Office. ---- UNDERT AND _EMBALMER Fd atte 'phone 35. P. H. ROBERTS, Undertaker and Embaimer, mi Ont. Phone 20. CUT FLOWERS WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC ATR! DESIGNS TRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE 'Phones 452 and'1218-J. HAND BAG--Containing sum of money and other artigles, Jost on Satunday, a short distance past the Shbway, Finder kindly return same to Whig Office, Re ward LORETTA ABREY corner of Wellington and Barrack Streets Sunday, June 13th. Owner may have same at §§ Wellington St. MUFFLER--For Briscoe car, lost Fri- day Svening between Westbrook and Odes. nder please return to W. . Burnett, Odessa, Ont. PEARL EARRING-- Foupd near St. George's Cathedral Sunday. Owner may have same by 'phoning 717. PURSE~. Found Sunday on Barrie St Owner may have same by calling at § Ellis street. ROSARY ww und. Owner may have same by wailing at G68 Johnson St, or phoning 1188 SUM OF MONEY-$10.00 bifi and $1.00 bill; lost on Princess Street on Satur- day evening. Finder please leave at Whig Office.. Reward. SMALL PURSE--Found on Earl Street on Monday moral Owner may have same at 207 Collingwood Street. STRING OF PEARLS-- Found Monday morning on King Street. Owner may have same by calling 279 King Street West. 4 hs Salon Wan Extend d Over the Remainder of the Ottawa, er or- sagemen from all parts of Canada ! ot to-day for the Grand Lodge m whith will extend the en do. of the week. d Black Chapter of British he Royal Black Knights do yesterday, with em, of Toronto pre- Meetings of the er will he fol- ¢ ® Grand Orange |! WHITE ENAMEL PIN---Found on Prine cess Street. Owner may have same at 89 Wellington Street. Live Stock ia FOX TERRIER~Marked red and wi white, collar tag, low! Ta toHan ho 8 t, st Jed or stolen, ' Bice "Aniwerd me y." ie Bieyote Worke Nadfy Mullers MRS. EMILY GALLOP IS TO BE HANGED Will Be First Ex Execution of a . Woman In Quebec In _ 25 Years. 3 Roberval, Que., June 22 --Emily Sprague was sentenced to be hanged on October 15 after a jury .deliber- ating three hours, had found her guilty of the murder of her husband, Abraham Gallop, at Jle Maligne, Au-4 gust 6, 1925. His uwutn was from strychnine poisoning. = Gallop came from New Brunswick: The principal witness 'for the Crown was Walter Simpson, who boarded with the Gallops. He testi- Tied that man had made ad- vances to him and that sh¥ had told him after her husband's death' that she had poisoned Gallop and had asked Simpson to marry her. It is a quarter of a century smce vince of Quebec. At Ste. Séholas- tique, Mri Cordelia Viau and Sam Parslow were hanged for the murder of Mrs. Viaw's husband. 'The case Sraated a great sensation at the e. h rear tires "blew out" simuls | taneoliqly when the Prince of Wales was motoring to Sandwich to play Eolf. * He completed his journéy in a second car. « George Clofton. Indian. said to have been 107 years old, is reported drowned at Pender Harbor, B.C., and his aged wits ins Jone on a Monee IT strike. | Posthumous: Papers of the Plekwick {Club by Charles Dickens, Was sold | in\New York for $10,000, Patrick Majone, aged seventeen, PIN -- Found, o|8 & woman was executed in the pro-| Help Wanted Male Help Wanted BOY~~Between 15 and 18 vears, wanted to help on small farm. Must have farm perience. Wages $30.00 per month board. Apply to D. J. Hughson, affey's Lovks, Ont. REPORTER-~Wantéd. Youth who de- sires to learn reporting. Apply by let- r in own handwriting to Managing Bdseor, British Whig. FOR SALE -- Tools. stock and equip- ment of auto repadr shop. Terms rea- sonable or would consider first class méchanic who can invest §500 to $1,000, as partner. Apply 331 Broek Street, or phone | 1205-w. Female Help Wanted SAP ADLE HOUSEMAID--Willing vo go to the country for the summer. Ap- ply to Mrs. . F. Nickle, 128 Earl Street. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER -- Wanted. Must have highest refer- ences. Apply Box V- 22, Whig Office. a SE Se SS RII STS SLL SI Male and Female Help Wanted 8b | MEN AND BOYS WANTED To pat- ronize J. W. Curzon's Barber Shop. Men's hair Sus, ne Shaves 10c. Boys Ladies 35c. 201 Wel Tngide a Agents Wanted. 4 RELIABLE SALES AGENTS---Wanted now for every unrepresented distriot; largest and complete stock.six hundred acres. Nursery established forty Qur agency is valuable. Write pow and secure territory. [Pelham Nursery Co., Toronte. SALESMEN--We offer steady employ- ment and pay Waakiy to sell our com- plete and exclusive lines of guaran- ed Suit yadie post, to-order iiluatrated. aa : Tn a co-opera~ tion; &. making opportunity. | Take Brothers Nurseries. Montresi DE-LINE SALBDSMAN -- Wanted for Ythographed labels and stickers. On- jo Label Company, London, Ont. Position Wanted 6 LADY -- Wishes to get work by day, housework preferred, or would do yashing. ply to Box U-22, Whig eo. tar Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats APARTMENT Sydenham Apartments, Brock Street, 4 rooms and bath room, g&s range, refrigerator, hardwood noors. Apply 69 Brock Street. APARTMENTS wo four roomed, in stone house, d one three-roomed Apartment in me house. North Street. t reasonable. glin O., Limited, Bay and 8. Weilingion reets, Kingston, ont. FURNISHED APARTMENT --- Large rooms, centfally located, -also small apartment furnished for summer or -Jrhished for nger term. 'Phone 1138, 7 HEATED APARTMENT--Corner Barrie and Princess Streets, also stor Sates. Princess Street, Ssuttally 1 Tear entrances. SARPlY L Conen eC Con Ontario Street. Phone 33¢. LADY Wishes to inoet with another y or xX couple to share a te na t Anat take > Pe complete Share. Lib~ framing le to 3 by oF in n Apartments. 56 Business 0 QKS--For rent, large and small offices, in the Bibby Building. Terms to suit tenant upon application to R. D. Sloan, Bibby's Limited. Ylaces 8 i Houses 9? ive RESIDENUE~~ West end, heap tora Park; eight rooms, h.w. nace, hardwood noors, 3 p. bath, gem slectrinity, verandah. Possession ist. 'Phone 4516 or Box E-14, Walk Office. HOUSE~-311 Queen Street, near Budi. ness College, ¥ rooms, bath, hot water, sas, i turn Immediate bply 3 18% Union Street w None 304 HOUSES--Colborne Street, $36 00 month: them Strast, 325.00 r Spey to ngston Agencies lea, er ence Street. per Lo OUT OUR WAY. a Real Estate For Rent Rooms THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS Suitable for light housekeeping, elec tric light, gas for cooking, h.w, heat. ing and other conveniences. Renf rea- sonable. Apply 360 Bagot Street, 2 biocks from Princess. 10 For Sale or To Let COTTAGE«4 rooms, furnished, with large verandah and sleeping shack. In &ood condition. Terms reasonable. Php to 448 Johnson Street or phone Real Estate For Sale Farms and Land 2 CHOICE LOTS--In all parts of the sity, Apply Kingston Agencies Ltd, 7 Clarence Street. Business ila Places 13 I PR 'ate ALL MA THEY ANT NO MORE ! WHERE'LL 1 PUT EM, MA Is WHERE'S MM OL CLOES, MA, HUH ? WNOW WHERE MY BASE BALL GLOVE 1S? SEE «IF YA WIN FIND My Bain' SLIT, TOO, MA~ AN VACATIONS ~: BEGINNING AND ENDING. FRR _____Articies For Sale BY WILLIAMS. TRrwillaus, J Articles For Sale. Business Services er ---- ters and Solicitors 21h, DAY AND REWSLLE--Barrist r ocitora, SL larence Street, "K and. ston Day, Adrian IL Rave i» Mortgages Arranged. "Ph Phons 308. . REXNOLDS, J. C--Barrister and Solon el EL Brock Street, origages ars on an arm Phone 2508. PRORSILY. SHEA-Ambrose, B.A, Barri Solicitor. Law Omice. corner ot wing 4nd Brock, over Royal Bask. Money to loan. 'Phone 1999, Ladies' Hualr Parlor ALL FIRST CLASS HAIR MADE T9 ORDER Ladies mations, bobbed eur) Bo ng. singeing, curl Ringhom. oo] am, Teltphone 290%, PERMANENT WAVING For the So latest in Ladies' dressing. LADIES EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE PARLOR. pei 8. KINGSBURY, . Prificess Street. "Phong 2015.3, MARCEL AYA Water avisg B Curling, Hair Bobi Facial and oa, attention five o Hair Dyeing. Switzer, 247 Queen Street. aan: 'phone 20186. Insurance FIRE--Automoblle and Casuait ance, E. Crumley, 420 Karl 'Phone 1783-M. INSURANOE--Only the most raaiatle compan represented. A Strange, established in 1860 ie 9 Clarence Streel, tppusite Post Office, 4. B, COOK ife," Fire, Aecident and! Sickness, in reliable S9mpanise , dig trict manager Imperial Li 'Phofies: Office §03-w. Res 1731-m. ERNIE D, SLITER--Insurance Braker, all en of insurance In old Tompanies A highest nancial di . ing. i Foy ne an reet East. 'Phones es, 25'78~w, Decorators 20a Er Wo! p od Switohes, sha rk Ladies' sna Ii "Sie Kingston, for aps Insute Street, Miscellaneous 15 BARGAINS--In clothing, new and sece ond-hand, Mén's Sulls, Canvas Shoes, good Working Boots, méchanics' tools, riding breeches, suit cases, ciub bags. Prices cut to pieces. A. Shapiro, 5 Princess Street. » ELECTRIC MOTOR---1-3 horse power, FU 18a modern M. Ci Turnrture TURE-- Antique and i. sold and bought ram- er, 507 Frincess Streel, successors to Leases Antique Shoo. Auto Tops and Cushions 16a. | Also high speed drill; both in good condition. Apply 62 Mack Street. ENGINES--3% h.p. De Laval, 1% hp. De Laval, 3 n. p. also 134 bh. p. Massey Harris, milk aR single a and light set of driving harness. see our galvanized tanks 2'x2'x¢' Frost & Wood Agency, J. F. 31 rock Street. "Bhione 6585-J, or 1217- EDISON GRAMAPHONE--No. 15, with paired, dan upholstering and deckin shield and body g' Wait linoleum an: lings and awnings _ Princess Street, G. PAUL--Specialist for new or re- Side Cortaing, Slip Covers, Se- wind. put in w hile you ing for" rune boards, waterproof truck tarpaus made to gr Sr 392 'Phone 1640 TT e---------- Fuel ana weed 18 about sixty records. Almost new. Owner leaving city. 494 Di. vision Street in evenings. FISH AND CHIFS--The oldest fish and chip cafe in city. W. I. Redden, 340 Montreal Sireet. Hours 9 a.m. to 1.00 ~~ On Provincial Tp ty. Dwell ah ey . Keyes, Joyce- MITH 8 highway, "13 Ain {og house, Jeanie. 5% Sores of buses pass aver i Sood Quik sale. pply J. ville post offlus Houses 14 DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE--On Chatha Street, 5 roums each, tollet, el Ugnt. garage, good yard. Rent 30s per house. Price §3.180. Apply M. B. Trumpour, 370 Princess Street Tele- phone 704 or 1295-J. EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE-.H.w. floors, |: Victoria Street; sasy te 4 80, $190 a lot; Rideau School. Ap) Ferguson, 496 Victoria BW. SULLAN Real Estate and Insurance Broker Johuson and Division Serests Phone .§39-w. t. Page 3 SOLID BRICK HOUSE---T Far Street, overlooking the City Park; all modern equipment. Apply to Rev. W. B, Kidd. YStreet. FURNISHED SUMMER BUNGALOWS. 5 7 rooms, with Seaplaces and screened verandahs; on terms; Eastview Park, 6 miles from King- ; ood accommodations; splendid 5, iatke grounds and excellent Apply J. D. Boyd. "Phon six ROOMED HOUSE -- Ce 1 looa- Yoni all all oat hYsniences; no furnace. en ar month. - Apply to 3738 Jo! w= To let ¥ rman, 69 Pat- house Ply to $3,000. Frame, $ rooms, modern, cen- Store. near sity, ving business. Two farms iy would exchange. Houses and Flaty Let, I nee, Money to n. lo | Snsurance, CONNOR. 351 Princess Street. Phone 11887. Wauted . To Buy 14a SMALL FARM..From 15 o Je. near hr: wanted, Must ly, statin artiogiars Ei Why Office pe ig Office. SOLID BRICK HOUSE -- roe 3 BE all | modern rally Jo rere. rat ers Hardwire, STONE HOU Brock trie Jisht En Sas, ES arawaos ee acl Possession May A ; ames Reid, 264 Princess bop rl Wa to H Parker,| 98 "Copy of the tirat edition of "The | PU yas drowned In & pond on Norwood Peterboro. of | Road, near Pe Miscellaneous 135 me Ano $ ER SUITS mS Sun 00 FRA EER =f AT to -- 3 hea; ana wi ph fs ht cheap Ring St West. hou She o Rustse, Hie. and &" ork if vogSuin'sl ra FGUARANTEED Rat vi TOASTER at Gc. each; a screen wire, lawn boarder, paifts, etc. at Trotters Up- ne am. We deliver. "Phofie 2635-m. town Rafdware. y LOOK~-AL r Mattress and have It ovated y Frontenao Mattress Co, wr King Street East, All grades of new Mutitresses. 'Phones 19861-J. for prices. We call and deliver, MEN'S SUITS--Bring your own gloth. Will out, make an for $20.00, Guaranteed fi Deliver within seven ar 'Phone 1308-w. J. G. Patterson, Johnet reet. al MOTOROYCLE~ Harley-Davidson, and sidecar, in gool chanical - order. CW, elite onl at $15.75. 'Phone 2363-m, DRY, BODY HARDWOOD $3.75 under cover, $i. Ta89=3 Mra. Parker, GOOD HARDW --mixed wood cord--hard sla um Sus; 3 Streets. EVILLE-WIll deliver anthri- Carrying extra. Kinaifng "Phone corner $3.00. Dry mix : per 1 and MeDoneid Streets, 3.80 q 35 h od a assed ad dr always in soak © Clean saw- cents bag. J Sous 2763-J. WwW, H. Talbot, Concession Street, BERR h and dreased, also shingles and th tin finish hard« ing ang plan ; hn a. Hr & Becaw . corn NG nn d Toronto Phone 889, 3.75 quarter Bo. Wanted To Buy Wine Complete with fi shectrio lights; horn, speedometer, pillow seat, windshield, spare tire carrier, spare tire and disc wheel op sidecar. Apply 44 Union St. NOW --Is the time to decorate your jawng an and Shnster lots with our flow- nde se choose' from. nESton Cement oducts, Patrick Streei, 'Phones 730- Lo PIANO BOX--Also washing machine. Apply 159 Queen Street. RUBBISH BURNERS oo8rden ences, HORSE-M or 10 years old, Jyanteq for ¢ ery work, A ence Street u 8% FRESSMAKING ----- ing w war i Box Wea, Wnig Office. ust be guiet, sound, about 8 ity deliv- Dr. Bell, 110 Clar. Flingeay Street. Remodelling and Children's 2 tes, tor Ve of ho + e $30. Parti Wire Works. lat ting ag Wire Sanne Copper. ete. LUC Professions: x F, raciors, Flesistered Norse Sos Hurs:| Hooms. 'Phone § iow ours 9-13, reet. 1-5, 6-71.30. Coansultation PURE ee via BARRED Rocks, RJ. Red oe White Ph Anteed ston hucchag 10" dn , 104 a UG ;| Hasse ments, slgetric Serine ina" Bud: fh ha 2 "a S PRACTITION corner of Barr eels, bir Eo I 'phone 957-J, EES ay a 25 ats £ Br -- to® "Canadh Hadis" Tadic evenings. small pay for & good tores. Lpen an a ae ng, a: Sa Has 3 by 14, TaN So tour foot wail, | TENT--12 Sieg tiy for ob 1 = Nose, Flt glass, Nips ik Street. Phono 301w, ye, Throat, po | ¢ Mcalems. - HOW. FOLGER t res Praecice Timit, 00Dw§ vr eord | yo 3.00 and 0s 33 Wr So labs A. ANDERSON---Painter and Dasoratar Shop and residence 'phone 1966 fice", 283 King Btreet. GET YOUR PAINTING-=And paper done now, Prices reasonabie. baper for "sale, Horton, 145 Collinge Wood Street. 'Phone 2 2084-J. uoN PAINTING]. Robinson, rear 415 bagot Street a my 0 ns -- FRUNTENAC LOAN AND INV MENT GUIBTY lncorporaced 1861, President, A. vice-president a ue. loan on city and farm vestment. Bon Jomts solved minimum mo 2 Cartwright, aheger. 87 noe Bt oF | STORAGK--For furniture, clean, at airy rooms a and spaces; os ow $05 Queen St. 'hohe 536. or 1983-J. ue. PR ABHESCleaned out ot cellars yards, ciean job do A, 34 Russell Street. Phone 2265. HES Removed from yard and 'cals Aa 5 Sgneral cartio, 4 class ards 3 for sale. AE freed and Buckiey Truster, Phone 291 and 2516-M. CAVERLY TRANSFER CO Princess Street, ploughin, and discing gardens; also team-work ons, Eatimates * 'Phone 1507+J. CARPENT) WORK--AIl a of enter work, contract ard o0ry & 8 moderate. GG. Santer Street, "Phone 945-w. "Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Plans Adjusting. Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED SALES ALES SERYION -- Mutray. s Auction ef $ Savers Ww iio a dass a Sod 0 10 dell-orome iy for Whit Bg,