co your bowels become ecomsti- pated you are in for a lof of trouble, 88 constipation is one of the most ifle sources of disesse that the Bman race is addicted to, therefore & free motion of the bowels every should be the sim of everyone aspires to feet health. ; s. 0. W. wrence, Cloverdale | "East, NB, writes: -- '1 was troubled ~ With chroais constipation, and became "#0 bad I was almost afraid to eat © sa » e- I saw your advertisement | | WY SNL 1 PILLS: #0 T got three vials, and after en 1 have mever been ice with comstipation." 00, Linen Forte ous trouble] | LET ME QUOTE YOU RATES ON' AN AB Risk Motor Policy GENERAL INSURANCE 2. J. CW. BROOM mo wocntal Surgeon, 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone he Evenings by appointment. ------. PIANO TUNING " Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman JL. Butcher, 27 Pine Btroet. "PHONES KINGSTON TRANSFER C0. Moves Freight, Steel, Building Equip hy Planos, ete. ment, Machinery, ffes. Fla Evenings 2231. AGAINST MORTGAGES Phones 377. The Twins took the little Rag-bag Whiffet by the hand and led him away. They could still hear the Bal- loon Man 'crying his wares, and the green poll-parrot chattering away on bis post. "Yes, my dear; I'll have three lumps in my tea, well --if you insist--"" "Don't worry, Whiffet, we'll" find your lost shadow somewhere. It can't have gome so very far," said Nancy. "How many buttons have you let out of your fortune?" The Whiffet reached into his pocket and pulled out all his buttons. "Two pear! one, four bone ones, three shoe-buttons, ome off the old alpaca duster, a collar button and a snapper." he counted. "Well, you're rich yet," said Nick. "What are you asking for?" said the Whiffet, putting his fortune away again. : s "Because there's a sign over there that says 'Side-$how'." sald Nick. "Will you pay ouf way in?" "Sure," said the lMttls rag-bag creature, who was kind-hearted even if his clothes had shrunk and be hadn't such a thing as a shadow about him. So they went to the side-show tent and paid a shoe-button and three pins apiece to get in. 7 The side-show man, who 'wore three sets of spectacles on his nose, four neckties and two suits of clothes, looked at them closely. "You lecok honest," he remarked. Pass in" ; The first thing they saw was a sign. The sing said, "Ask the Ding- bat. He'll tell you." Under the sign sat a queer looking person at a table, The queer looking person who sat at the table was green and he could wiggle his ears. "What are we to ask you, Said Nick." "What are we to .ask you?" said Nick. "As me how old Anne is," said the Dingbat. ¢ "Well, how old is Anne?" sald Nancy. "It's none of your business," said the Dingbat wiggling his ears. "The very ideal!" cried - Naney. "Such manners! I never in all my life heard such a thing." "I'm not paid to have manners," i said the Dingbat. "That costs extra." "How much?" said the little Rag- bag Whiffet hurriedly reaching into his pocket.. All he heard was 'costs extra' so he supposed he'd have to pay. "How much have you?" said the Dingbat. "Two pearl ones, four bone ones, one off the old gray diister, a coflir button, and a snapper," said the Whiffet. He didn't say anything about the shoe buttons because it had taken all his shoe-buttons to get in. "Well, that's what it will cost you exactly if you wish me to be polite," said the Dingbat. "'All but the snap- per. I've gotone. He's a beagle and snaps at all the casts and the post- man. Now then, ask me all over again. How old is Anne?" "Say." said the little Whiffet, *if it's all the same to everybody, and I've paid for everything, I'd like to ask a question myself." "At your service, sir," said the green Dingbat, wiggling his ears most politely. "Where is my shadow?" said the Whiffet. "I lost it coming over the stile." The Green Dingbat turned blue, then red and then to a beautiful dark raspberry. "Ask Mr. Snoopsy," 'ha sald, "The pirate, who lives in a cave between Hidy Go Land and 'the sea." D CPEs " The fire was racing efiead. Only 4 little while now, and It would have the flax. . . .a fine, abundant growth it was. . .only a little while. *, .ah, the over-strong em- brace of the earth. , .Caleb closed | is eyes. He felt tired, too tired to struggle any more. He bad given his soul to the flax. . .well, it would 80 with him. He could see it shim- mering still, gray-siiver, where 'the light of the fire fell upon it. The eanth was closing foe-cold, tight, tight, about his body. . .but the flax would go with him. . .the From the door of thé log house Amelia spoke to Lind. "Look---his lantern is standing still--low down. Teacher, fsn't that where the muskeg ought to be?" " Lind came to the doorway end information morosely, with = secret Young Erik Bjarnasson came to the Gares' one day. ' "There is good fishing now, the ldke," he eaid to Martin: "We wart you should come over any time lL" Martin thanked him and told the others abou' it at supper. "I dou't think you ought," said Ellen. "He didn't invite father to," "Well--" said Martin' slowly. He was thinking of & humiliating day in midsummer, when Erik had seen the fish-pole in the back of the wagon. "Well--I'm not goin' to look like a fool by not. And I'm not goin' to insult Erik by not." On another day, Mrs. Sandbo came. Amelia Gare made hér at home and served her with 'excellent coffee, bought in the city. Mrs. Sandbo noticed that the coffee was not the brand obtainable at Johanneson's, but contained her curiosity. Private- ly, she thought #t almost indecent of Amelia i ¢ frees HEE: : exigesiad r. i 5 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | CROSS-WORDPUZZLE || jy 3 s 1 2 ° 1s Ip a 5s Horizontal. . Yellow matter from |41. a sore. 43. 44, . Kinsmen. 45: 12. Pertaining to a type of narrative poetry. 47. 14. Adjoined. £0 . To bang. : 16. At the present time, 18. Devoured. 20. To perish. 21. To acquiesce. 22. Constellation. 24. Sixth note In scale, 25. Covered with blocks of glazed clay. Maidens. Poems 'suitable hymns. 9. Indicted. 81, Mesh of lace. 37 Valued. $3. Lump, 35. Bestowed. 37. Real. 39. Short letters. Indian tribe. | 52. Age. Lss. | 57 the port, Jon Before. 286. 28. for . Above. 40. To wrench. Preposition of place. Baking dish. Loyal or faithful. 'Resinous substance used in lacquers. of Beverage. 51. Chemical used as an astringent, To remain. « Relying thing else for sup- on Vertical. 1. Writing instrument. + A card which is the only one of its suit held at a deal. . Printer's measure. . Meadow. . Reached. . Exists, - . Ancient. G-%i N ~10. Spike. 11. To daub. 13. Centers of apples. 17. Married, 19. Made a mistake. 21. Helped. 23. Heavy. 25. 2000 pounds. 26. Fence doors. 27. To set apart. 29. Obtained Siouan tion. some- |. ter. . Mathematical term. . To wager. . 'Adverbial particle. . Largest land plants. . Prepared lettuce. . Humor, . Story: . Drinking vessel. . Rock containing me- tal. . Organ of sight. . Myself. » Variant of "a." . Measure of area. | Se. the first wild goose, high overhead. On a night that was cold with moon- Hight she heard it, a full, clear trumpeting in a sky that was vacant of clouds. The wild geese were pass- ing over----passing over the haunts of man in their remote seeking to- ward the swamps of the south. They marked the ®ginning and the end bof the period of growth, Next year they would fill the sky with their cold, lonely clamor at sowing time, and. again when the earth woald have closed in upon itseM after yielding its growth. But next year Caleb Gire would not be hers to note their coming or thelr going. Lind felt humble as she heard the wild geese go over. There was an in. finite cold passion in their Might, |ltke the passion of the univarse, & proud mystery never to be "eolved, She knew din ter heart that Mark Jordan was like them---that de stood inevitably alone. But. because of the human need in him, he had come to her. warmed her to ""ldwell on the thoudht. The day came when Lind locked @ door of the school houses and ed the children she had taught scatter to the three roads that" led east and west and north. - On the following day she end Mark lett Oelafd, promising Amelia that they would return some time. But Amelia knew thet they would never come back again, and in her heart she was glad. to RIE IST IDIEINITI JAIL M 0]O] ILIAID! | a NOIR XINAICIT BIAIGIP]! IPIEINOIN INICIOINISIS IA EDMAIS]H Rl AITIRRIAIM TIRIAINISIMIUITIAIT] A 7] LL] Ni IN The saxophone was invented 1840 INTE [PERL BRWIE |! AICS BWIA SI | DIE BDA TIEIDERRIO[E OFFI! INI LICIAIL BRATS) AIRIASRORNTIEINIRS) [PIRIOIL IOINIGIAR IE ID) in by Adolphe Sax. exclusive ll rights to an inven-| ji - Ta duck in the wa- ||| For The G rate We can supply some nice Hardwood Chunks or Cannel Coal. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Private Branch Exchange Phone 1571. » HOUSE WIRING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Satisfaction' guarantéed. Best work at reasonable pfices. "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC Corner King and Princess Streets away with all surface dirt from "PHONE 1807. PURE ICE The only Ice in the city cut with gasoline power saw, The use of pure Ice will cut down your food bills. spoiled would provide ice for a month, Prompt and courteous service. CO. 'Phone 04. -- CO. Ltd. This does One roast > NIGHT 1160. P. H. SMALL, SUPERINTENDENT, MRS. BA SCALDED ON NECK AND ARMS The Accident Happened at Perth Road on Friday Morning Last. Perth Road, June 17--The weath- er still continues cool, making it agreeable for the farmers' out-of- doors work. The Mission Circle met at Raymond's Corners, on Thursday last. A general bee is too be held at Wilmur cemetery on "Thursday, June 2438, the M. L. M, C. On Friday morning, Mrs. H. Bab- cock was badly scalded about thé neck and arms. On Saturday morning Dr. Freeman was called to dress the burns. She returned home with® her daughter, Mrs. B. Haris. Just recently Rev. J. A. Puttes- ham joined fn wedlock a young cou- ple of formér acquaintance, namely Miss Leffan and Mr, Cross of the vicinity of Lansdowne. The happy couple had motored fifty miles to have Rev. Mr. Puttenham tie the knot. At the Kingston General Hos- ---- pital on Monday morning, Mrs. Geo. Webb underwent a serious operation but on Thursday was reported to de doing well. : W. Raymond is hadfiig sand for the Walsh Brothers. Wm. Shales has the overseeing of the road job on the Draper Lake road, beginning at Harker's School house. Good Work 1s being done. Workmen from Kingston have arrived to erpet cement bridges at Sucker Creek and Draper Creek. These have been much needed for sometime. 1 George Puttenham is convalescent. The Misses B. and W. Raymond Spent Saturday in the city. There i» rumour of the Rock Lake Spar Mines resuming work again. Miss 'Annie Cobbet who spent a few days at Mrs. Bruce Guthries, Eigin, is home again. GOITRE HET Alice Mx vi Ont. x ne 1% Wi cm RIES AND 600D ORCHES- RIGHT OFF © REMARKS YOU COULDNT "BEAT THAT FOR MUSIC AND LISTENS CONTENTEDLY 5 BEGINS TO WONDER WH THEY'RE MISSING ANYTHING PROM THE OTHER STATIONS