ritish Daily KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JUNE 21, eth Anniversary Tablet Is Unveiled a the Royal Miltary College | Place Wreaths on Arch |L_==="=="GRINN STORE 1100000 Wonen Pesce Prins Hod PLEADED FOR «In Memory of Comrades WAS DAMAGED) treat eeing in Hyde Park, London [pif DjNG OF , | London, June 21.--Thousands of It is estimated that London never {women Peacemakers who have been |befote has seen such a congregation - J as 2 ¢ making pilgrimages to London |of women wearing flat-heeled shoes, i . \ : bn [fom all parts of the country as part sandals, tennis shoes, pumps and slip- Impressive Ceremonies at the RM.C--Colo-| [J8 -- ms emonies : . f|288embled Saturday afternoon iu The processions on reaching Hyde : ¢ e . al ! } Blaze n Business Section of four sections and marched io the|Park were met by a company of Address by (nebec Premier 4 nel J A Denison Ope of "The s (i S 3 - |final demonstration: in Hyde Park. actors, dancers, and children. who vy ' i§ hy ; ! ity on unday Evening, Nearly 100,000 "soldfers" of peace, / gave a symbolic representation of Eucharistic Congress. 3 . » : FF ------ who claim te represent a total tojthe coming of peace. Speeches were Originals, Unveils Tablet--Presenta- - near 2,000,000 women, took part. !then delivered and a - resolution : v : a Every marcher wore an armlet of adopted urging the Government to > s P - BC 4 NTIRE STOCK RUINED blue with a dove emblazoned in sil-|settle all disputes by arbitration and EXTENDED INVITATION tion mas al T1Zes. . : bo - SA 3 ver. With each procession came altake the lead at the proposed dis- forest of waving blue pennants and,armament coaference under the. aus- The closing evercises of the Roya} lege, at Woolwich, Eng., and it was Big + banners bearing such inscriptions as| pices of the League of Nations. The I Military College of Canada were held | through him that the College was or Fire Started Under Stairway war is Nell" and each was led byl, yoiitions declared speeifically for To French Visitors in to-day and at the same time the|placed on such a firm basis and its | ad (Gained Considerable & woman on a white horse and wear- arbitration, security and dissrma 'fiftieth anniversary of the founding motto of "Truth, Duty, Valor" re. ot Head- |i: long blue mantle and a three-; 7 . Sp : to Pay Visit: to (Quebec the Royal Military College was|sulted in the sound progress which | ; Wi Before Discovered. cornered hat, ment. rved. Throughout the morning | had brought it to its present state. 3 9 : y : \ college 'was a busy place, the |The Commandant also referred e WT ¢ ----n ~ ing 4 - { Fire of unknown origin broke ont CAR STALLS AT GRAVE CHURCHILL SICK OF Chicago, June 21 -- Three don ceremonials of closing exercises [fact that of the first eighteen ca {in Gri 2 fect! being carried by the cadets with [to attend R.M.C., seven were still Jiv- [3 WrlmIL'S confect. ORGY store, Prin- BOLSHEVIK IMPUDENOCE | sand French-speaking pilgrims to {Cess streét, shortly after 6 o'clock the International Eucharistic Con- riding and cs displays and |ing, four of whom were present to- : an. ) They are COL. SEPTIMUS J. A. DENISON, | Sunday evening, completely ruined WEEK BEFORE DEATH H to 8 y Bre k of Rela- Seas, coming trom Canada, Africa, ¥ aytl, France an military tactics while the obser |day for the anniversary. ' vances of the fiftieth anniversary |Col. 8, J. A. Denison, Toronto; Col- _---- gn I Eadustee of che tock and severely damaged the other parts of the consisted of the unvelling of the |onel Duncan Macpherson, Toronto: ada, who unveiled the tablet 10 com | ALI and the building, which is tions With Thieves and world, jammed the 131st Infantry tablet erected to commemorate the |L. H. Irving, Ottawa and Frederick memorate the 50th anniversary of | 0 DY the Burley Estate. Mr. N. Rochester, N.Y., Mayor Was Trouble Makers. Armory here yesterday afternoon in : opening of the College in 1376 by |Davis. Colonel Constantine called the college opening 1 Tare R. Grimm's loss, and the loss of the Stricken on Fishing Tri -- the initial session of the French- * Colonel Sephimus J. A. Deni-|on Major R. R. Carr-Harris, Toron- ---- 1 {Burley Estate, is covered by insur- 9 P London, June 21.--"I hope We|SPeaking group. Hom. I. A. Tas fon. Toronto, one of the seven sur-|to, of the Ex-Cadet Club, which pre- ance. to Bancroft, Ont. may live to see the day when there | Chereau, Prime Minister of Quebec, + Jviving original graduates. sented the tablet, to say a few words. MORE THAN 200 000 he fire, which broke out under a ; sls is a civilized government in Russia | Louis Hraest Cardiaes Dupe boy ~ At noon in Sir Arthur Currie Major Carr-Harris spoke very y [stairway at the back of the store, Rochester, N.Y., June 21.--A sor- or when we end the pretense of| Alexis Cardinal Charost: both of Hall, the presentation of prizes and |priefly, referring to the record that gained considerable headway before rowing group of friends, political ak- | triandiy relations with men who are | France, joined in proclaiming a diplomas took place, the many had been established by the Royal PEOPLE ASSEMBLED it was discovered by a passerby, who sociates, employes, public officials seeking our overthrow," Winston | World-wide unity of those in French Kuests being assembled in the'large | Military College since its organization Sate the alarm. When the firemen and Sitisgmy mat fre Body af "Mayor Churchill, Chancellor of the Hx- bigad. . hall for this event. Ee fifty years ago. He referred to the arrived, dense smoke was issulig|Clarence D. Van Zan , When chequer, told a gathering of Con-| orth Michigan avenue, and ali part In the war that the pia haa [At @hicago Stadium for Pub-~ | trom the windows on - the - second | reached Rochester at one o'clock on ET 0 No DE Ab Satur- | Streets for . blocks around Sis Wreaths Placed on Arch. taken and spoke in the highest terms | lic Session of the Euchar- .. | storey, and a line of hose was car-| Saturday. Several thousand people day. crowded. The Armoury was maze At nine o'clock on Monday mom-!of the work done by the Royal Mili- istic Congress. {ied to the seat of the fire, under the | crowded the waititg room of the sta- Churchill spoke of the 'sending of | Of color, the red, white and blue of 4/08 8 short but impressive ceremony |tary College: 9 stairway. By this time the fire had] tion and were on thé platform. The Russian funds to Britain during the | French and American flags, and the 3 held at the entrance to the| (olonet Denison, who unvetled the oh Py a-- | spead to the second and third|body was taken under police escort general strike. - yellow and white of the papal em- Royal Military College when two tablet, in his address, referred to sev- |, ha ..s _ 21.----UpdRunted | storeys. = to the Jefferies undertaking estab- | «ppe money they have sen: hers | Dlems streaming from balconies and 'Wreaths were placed on the Mem. eral incidents of the early days of by reds ng skiés and a stiff off- | Three additional lines of hose were | lishment and later was removed to Is a mere trifle compared with |®usSpended from the roof. , Arch, One, on the right hand {Royal Military College life, and he , age: Rare than 200,000 | 1aid, but i¢%was over an hour betore | the mayor's suite at the Hotel Ro- what was stolen from us." he said. Dignitaries of the Catholic Chureh, of the Arch, was placed there-| gated ihat many of the cadets before n ne th assembled in = Soldiers' the flames were completely under con- | chester. Mayor Van Zandt's body | churchill emphasized that per-| Seated in state upon a specially eon. Colonel Denison, Colonel Dun- him- as he spoke might be at the ih . goat gi stadiym, | trol. The stairway and the candy kit- | Was accompanied to Rochester by his song lending money to Russia must | Structed platform, furnished a fur. can Macplierson of Toronto and L,| Roya Military College fifty years i prvi ba ke Michigall, to | chen on the second floor, were badly | 00-in-law, Clarence C. Keehn, who [understand that the British Govern. | ther flare of color, in the ved, black Irving, Civil Service Department |pance to celebrate the centennial of | iy. a Tt Eble session of | burned, but most of the damage to| WAS in the fishing party when the ment accepts no responsibility if | 8nd gold of their vestments, cine. 'memory of the Old Eighteen, the |, founding of the College, and he pinaster Hd International | the stock ang to the store, was from | MAYOT was stricken with an attack [they are defrauded. tures and crosses. Among those on griginal sot R. M. C. of whom only | urged the Cadets to keep with them [gan with oo) ongress. Tue day. be-lsmoke and water. "At one time there | Of angina pectoris just as he made a | = «ghoulg the Government; find it|the platform were Mgr. Tho 8 Jiemn Pontifical mass at [wag over 3 foot of water in the base.| Catch in Ee -- Lake near Ban-|necessary at any moment to expel | Helen, president of the congress: ¥ are now alive. Four of them |). spirit inculcated in them during ine stadiu altar, celebrated by Car- ment. The heat of the fire was so] Toft. Ont. Soviet agents, no claims' for losses r their 3 6 : heir cause. dinal Bonsano,pgpal legate, before the intense as to melt the insulation on| The return to Rochester took more would be entertained by the treas- Colonel Denison then unveiled the greatest throng of worshippers ever one wife fifteen' from : - IE 01 AVer | 4 phone: N 5 f than fifteen honrs, the body leaving tury," Churehill said, Yor iabisk sommen I se, tush assembled for: the: rites: Fhe g' a mae rire. Sten a: Som Bancroft, Ont., at 9 o'clock, Friday ------------ mediately the Cadets drawn up in was banked to. the. repre GionE: by Asser, o) the bullding occupied | MOTAING. The greatest courtesy wis Of | tront of Sir Arthur Carrie hall, fired -- and Yorn - ho mest a by ings. 3 Wellingtoi sireet. | Sstended to 2y. Reshito in his sor. GYPSIES RETURNED 8 salute. | Three cheers were lustily (the fields at all sides of the towering side of riTUE store, on the East tonal Railway sutorttisn row given for the members of "The Old |stands, clambering for admission. ph Siam 8, was not damaged The 'Temains 'were "taken. to the THE STOLEN MONEY Eighteen," by the Cadets, and the (So dense were the multitudes about water nor smoke, and colors were trooped to Sir Arthur the fields outside the stadium that Woolworths on the west side, were ale Monday mers. they _ Currie hall. Dismissal for the presel- the , ecclesiastical procession of | *IU8llY fortunate. Some smoke got . Of the Rotel Military tation "of prises in Sir Arthur Currie |priests, bishops and: cardinals "could ato: the Woglworth store, but ow- rite yr ulding of Mu las Brookville Police Magistrate ard | & memory of | 28ll then took place. + not enter thie fleeld until a police lus so the excellent ventilation, nof Stripes at half hast. Allowed Them to Go on Bx-Cadets who made the = su- ram ]. faauad had struggled for half an-hour | JAmAGS, To trong. A second 3lapm on Suspended Sentence. From their com. t's Ro at the clergy gate to cut a lane same fire at 8. 3 ; Commandan port. three feet wide through the crowd. |P-™- 8nd It was found that a spark First To Die in Office. ' Milgary College! The chief feature of the presenta- Pur had bee (Special to The Whig.) 3 ple clad bishops then filed si 1 a hn smouldering between the! - Mayor Van Zandt was the first ' tion of prizes was. the Commandant's (iy, yne fed. The pines Sa roof and the ceiling. This small Rents in Rochester's history to dle | Brockville, June 31.__The gypsy Js a list of the report on the year's activities at the |p. Procession with reverence, all|Dl8%e Was-put out with the ald of {in office. Mayor Edgerton died five |" Omen Placed under arrest in con- Cadets of the college, and an address from Major- who could find room falling to their | Rand pumps. days atte r the passing of George W nection with the robbery at the Bank | schools, nor to refuse 10 pai ge: General J. H. MacBriep; chief of the knees, Capt. Fred Reid received several Aldridge, Republican leader, who of Toronto at /Seeley's Bay, came up| right {0 provide at the birth General Staff. bad cuts from splinters and falling | was his friend and political mentor fortrial In the Police Court hers on telligence in their children vs, T. L. Reed, 8.| "cq, Constantine, the Commandant, | NSSION WiLL debris during the fire, and other |for years, and who was responsible [Sorurday. They paid over the|the formative period, 8, L H. Irving, F. Davis, at the outset of his report, spoke of members of the department suffered | for the selection of Mayor Van Zandt [mount Stolen from the bank, | tion in moral Christ B. B. Rivers, J STUDY CADET TRAINING a amounting to $200, paid the costs of oy Riven % 1 the wlendid work Jane during She minor cuts and bruises. as chief executive of this city. the re a were ts to go on Fairbank, A. : id hh ME -- " : Last week Mayor Van Zandt visit- : p tn Pn, Davis and his immediate subordinates | To Enable General Council to Other Calls Recetved, od tout HO A At to, [suspended sentence. +h H. C. Macdougall and D. D: Gunn. He Make a 'Satisfactory Other calls on thé fire department | family plot, where his wife and five 3 also had a word of praise for the com- P a during the week-end included a fire children are buried, and where he WILL APPEAL ORDER Cadets at 11 Pe Athletic actin during th in a feather maitress, in the bed-| Will be laid to rest, the machine stall. BY JUSTICE MOWAT etic activities during the year room occupied by Dert Skeggs, at 37 ed and had to _be towed away. The Was one of the bad bea Suite > to the standard, wionteeal, le hay. E B Markland street. The alarm came in| mayor said to his driver; "This is a ------ and the college won the interme- v rT » Was appoin at 12.04 p.m. 8 x funn ace to be stalled; at my fu- rms Dispute Jud diate intercollegiate hockey champ- [Chairman of 'the committees on this Blass pe nda. he Sass of ture Ye, : Y *|Mining Fi > ] ionship. Also for the first time, R.. ghureh Praise ping Suited hare, tress and bedding were destroyed, and - ment for $28,000 and In- Bec; where they Sausds, ae to Que- 2 |M. C. had defeated Sandhurst both [iD connection with w t © was slight dam yuild- terest Against Them. " uld find Gommianiine and ofme |". 18 £1 revolver Shootin in con: POI2ied out that there was ho pro-| 1 Lamas ¥4t domo to the build: T0 FIGHT PLAN FOR cd listen to. mothers oid lasknuge Qonstan a petitions during the year, fessional musician on the committee.| , raise alarm "was rung in from Toronto, June 21.--The La Rose | 1anve wine hers crooning parade drew Three, of the members of the stafr,| A resolution that the church year |¢pa box at York and Division st Mines, Limited, has served notice of | yp " " Mick had been carried across apple the guests pres- fy, 1g perg6ins of Capt, J. B. Jaftery. |¢1088 athe end of March with provi- non, streets i : the seas by their ancestors from ¢ front of Arth e pe s of Capt. J. B. Jaffery, at 3.21 Monday morning. ! appeal at Osgoode Hall, against an F ont of (Arthur Currie oni nat Major A. B sion that books of church may be : Tance. 5 y infantry instructor; Major A. B. Tre- Defective stove pipes called = the crder of Mr. Justice Mowat of June 3 h ? o : Mr. T views: display. by thefiiaine, head of the ridt kept open till April 30th, was amend- mi ascherean said that the visit. : ne, head of the riding establish- od by a Newt 4 commissio firemen out at 9.39 d'clock Monday » 7th for judgment against La Rose ors would find ia Quebec Ment, and M. Gustave Ssuvant, (SOF 8 andlan he | morning to No. 1, Raglan Road. Mrs. d= | Mines, Limited, for $25,000 and 19- | goung and '¢ People, French instructor, will terminate |' tion of a provision that the yy Bill to Be Introduced Extend- ; . . nd sane, essentially good and , erm Newfoundland church year be extoda. owlett is the tenant of this proper- terest in favor of - M. J. O'Brien, religions, and détermined to. ne their connection with the college be- od to May 81st. He WaT OE RG ing Working Day to Limited. : : __ | uate through their tamsii ee fore it opens next term. That these |" . Among the grounds of appeal the | or their former mother es the love ventlemen were leaving was general- y -- defendant claims, "That the alleged language, its country, E and Socply regretted, said the Suftiemantt wis confrad by the di- 'ommandant, : : ? : - wi ---- Es 5 rectors and that the treasurer and A 'The , ' going to be one of the most import. Phong Constantine also spoke of the referred ite: : : ant in the life of the present govern. | *°cretary had authority to make the and inspections made to the| . . toe Tduday George Lane-Fox, | t70 payments of $50,000 each, are in 'ollege during the year; some valu- appreciate : fat : ny dispute," . : tble additions to the museum, and afforded 6 He porarily 2 iome cups. presented for athletics ad notified ' . u The information has : .'_ |President Doumergue May in. 80.000 Bushels Less. discover and make clear 1d former Premtler Briand has| ia : The. dura-| Port MeNicoll, June 21.--W. 2 il, ; th 3 'Morden has arrived with 417 - ; 3 ---- : London, June 21--This week