Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jun 1926, p. 11

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CLASSIFIED ADVERT/BING All ads Ace restricted to thaiz proper cation, and to' Ib onoiar Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: Dally rate per line or consecutive inssitions: 35 conte i m charge, y racer per line Charge Chsh 7 $ Hirths, ta Mas es, one insertion charged, $1.50; Card of Thanks, and Memoriam Notices Charged. $1.50; cash, $1.00 rtising ordered for irregular Ftions takes the one-time inser- n rate; no ad iaken for less taan s of four lin at six averagy words to the d by eloghons 'sna 1 be receive: id at The Brit. within 6 days from the rg date of insertion, cash ra will be allowed. per Moe for apace Is Bpacial = aie to for Hearty av ertising Dliehers rea reserve the right to edit bli reject all classified Sveriing Telisnone 249; ask for s want sd. Undertaker and Embalmer, Sydenham, Ont. Phone 20. V cut ING BOUQUETS TISTIC p FLORAL DESIGNS TRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE Phones 452 and 1218-J. Display Fire. Lie, Attomett €, Ac And 4 Sydenham Street . United Church 'on Sunday morning, to he floral decorations | weré very fine, the ving taken advantaged Fre y ot flowers and in the form" of jd. A golden harp ' excreises, 'supsrintondent. : Ww LG, Brown, the bap x vo fants Wes a vory ploss. |! was | Angrove received a -- T | DEATHS. McLAUGHLIN--In Kingston, ;Saturday June 19th 928, at Hotel Dieu Hospital, Alice. Sullivan, wife of Edwarqd McLaughlin, Funeral tobk place from her mother's residence, Chatham Street, at § o'- clock Monday morning, to Bt Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn requiem mess was sung for the happy reposa of her soul. IN MEMORIAM. In laving memary of Capt Scott, who entered into rest June 22nd, 1924. Just two years ago. to-day, dear wi Since God called you to res And in memary I will -- it ever res As he a one of the best. I miss vou every day, dear wn But God is carrying me throu And it's only a few more years And 1 will be at rest with y ~Sadly missed by wife and. Friends. Lost and Found 1 AUTOMOBILE JACK--Found, nedr Ca- nadian Locomotive Co., on Ontario St. on Monday. Owner may have same at 6s Ontario. Street after § p.m. BABY'S SLIPPER--Found on Eak St. Same may be had at Whig Offic ce. BUNCH OF KEYS-.Found, on Montreal Street,, Owner may have same at the Whig Be fice. BANK OF TORONTO $1000 BILL Lost, on Saturday. Findes please leave at Whig Office. Rewai GOLD SCARF PIN-Found at Yacht + Club, Apply Melody Shoppe, Prin- cess Street. GASOLINE TANK COVER~Lost in city oy on Bath Road. Finder please leave at Whig Office or 'phone 543-7. HAND BAG--Cof neaining sum of money and other articles, lost on Saturday, a whort distance past the subway, Finder Kindly return same to Whig Office. Re~ ward. LADY'S PARAMOL-Found in the lobby of the post office. Owner may Have same by applying to Poatmaster Jey Stewart. LORETTA ABBEY PIN «= Found, on corner of Wellington and Barragk Streets Sunday," June 13th. Owner may have same at 89 Wellington St. MUFFLER-For Briscoe car] 16st Fri. day evening between Westbrook and Odessa. Finder please return to W. A. Burnett, Odessa, Ont. PEARL EARRING-- Found near St. George's Cathedral Sunday. Owner may have same by 'phoning 717. PURSE-- Foupd Sunday on Barrie St Owner may hive same by calling at 8 Ellie street. PEARL PIN--Found, in Public Library, on Friday. Owner may have same by $Pplying at office D. A. Shaw, Ltd. noess Street. ROSARY « Found. Owner may have same by calling at 566 Johnson St., or phoning 1139 9-3. dg 00 bill ahd $1.00 bin, Tincess Street on Satur- Sax, evening. Finder please leave at & Office. Reward. SMALL A= ound on Earl Street on Monday morn Owner may have same qt-207 000 Street. STRING OF PEARLS ¢ ound naonday morning on King Street. may have same by calling 27 King 5 Street West. Sim. Tout on Br v 3 Own 2s oy . ho od ou = 1) ve same ¥ applying to Plase WHITE ENAMEL nd on Prin. cess Street. O may have same at Tree per y ve LE 89 Erie treet. Ldve Stock ia ONE BOSTON One Delile, two era] cock 1 poodles and seve els. -ARBIY M "Mailer, 371-373 King. 8st out the main door. . Mr, Hl presided at the organ. The 'entire programme was one of great credit and the commissee = composed of Miss Ida Garbutt, Miss Lily Saund- | six ors, 'with the officers and teachers, are to be warmly complimented on the Splendid programme carried out. "OBITUARY | Mrs. Alico Mel Melightin : Following an illness extending pt three months, the death occur- at the Hotel Dieu on Saturday aged forty-three years. re- sided at the corner of Chatham and Bim streets. She is survived by one son, also her mother, Mrs. Sullivan, who lived with her. The funeral took place on Monday morning to St, Mary's Cathedral where a solemn ther Grady mass was sald by Rev. Fa- Intended Coming Mayor Thomas Angrove wag great 1y shocked to recsive the news" of :} the death of Mayor C. D, an ! of Rochester, N.Y., who passed a very. suddenly - while egg, ear ago. letter from. Bancroft, a few tar or Van Zandt in which post ter asked about the black bass fis] an Here William] MEN AND gory evening of Mrs. Alice McLaughlin, | Eo hohe o) Help Watea OUT O THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG UR WAY. Male Help Wanted, 2 BOY-~Between 15 and 18 years, wanted te help on small farm. Must have farm Spat anes. Fagen $30.00 per month board. Poly 2 D. J. Hughpon, Cnagrey's Locks, REPORTER--Wanted: Youth who de- sires to learn reporting. Apply by let- ter in own handwriting to Mauaging Editor, British Whig. Male and Femaie Help Wanted 8b GOOD COOK---Wanted for the summer nths at cottage, Thousand Isiands. ages $15 per week. Apply 184 Alfred Street. 2 WANTED -To pat. Curzon"s Barber shop. Men's hair cuts, 3c. Shaves 10c. Boye! hair cuts, 15c. Ladies 25c. 201 Wel. lington Street. Agents Wantéq. 4 ARE YOU THE MAN---A"Canadian com« pany doing business from coast to coast desires a representative to sell their products in this vicinity on come mission. A profitable and permanent connection awaits the right man. Write dmmmediately for particulars and In your first letter furnish age and past connections, Box 8-31, Whig Office. AGENTS-----Get in a profitable, all-year commission business of your own. Every per owner is a customer or prospect, ine hundred varieties of' hardy Réd Tag Nursery products. Cash every week. Complete e ulp- ment and instructions free. rite Domipion Nurseries, Montreal RELIABLE SALES AGENTS---Wanted haw for every unrepresented. distriot; gest and complete stock, six hundred Nursery established forty Our agency is valuable. Write and secure territory. Pelham ay Co., Toronto. acres. Fear 8. i @osH! A FELLER CANT NEVER HAVE NOTRIMK FER A SECon'T GIT A BIGGER can An! COME. BACK AN'FING MM FROGS ALL-LET OUT! 1 BLEEVE SOME PEEPLE DONT LIKE T' SEE ME HAVE NOTHIN SAKES! DOG GUNNIT! 1 Go out #, = FER GOSH BY WILLIAMS. SIDE-LINE SALESMAN --- Wanted for Jithosrapisd lai labels and stickers. On- tar London, Ont. Real Estate y For Rent Apartments and Plats 7 APARTMENT Sydenham Apartments,' Brock R Street, 4 rooms and bath room, gas range, refrigerator." hardwood floors, Apply. 69 Brock. Street. FURNISHED APARTMENT -- Lar, rge rooms, centrally located, also small apartmert furnished for summer or furnished for longer term. 'Phone For HEATED APARTMENT---Corner Barrie |« "9 hb ZR WHY MOTHERS GET GRAM Real Estate For Rent Sale or To Let ila and Princess Streets, also stores on COTTAGE ~ Princess Strest, centrally located with ae . rear entrances. Apply 1. Conen & Co. good .conditi ie 836. : Apply to 448 1223-w. Ontario Street. Phon LADY----Wishes to meet with another lady or married couple to share apart- nt and tal . complete charge. Lib- eral terms. pply by letter or in evening to 3 Vis Apartments, §6 Earl Street. Business RETIRES laces . 8] Apply OFFI0KES-~For rent, large and smal) offices, in RA the, Bibby Building. Terms to suit t ¥ Limitea Shplication to R. & Farms and Land CHOICE LOTS--In all parts of the city. Kingston Agencies Clarence Street. Business Places rpoms, - furnished, with large verandah and slesping shack: -In on. Terms = reasonable. Johuson Street or phone Real Estate For Sale 2 Ltd, 67 13 D. Sloan, Bibby Houses ° FINE RESIDENCE-~ West end, near Victoria Dark, eight rooms, a x. fu Sath. Hay ot Box 14 'Wate ; ki pi Hay Dudes pss ul 8 ueen Street, near Busi. BUY: Tous: rooms, bath, hot Water, | ville 88s, electricity, furnace. Immediate ession. Apply 18 Union Street west. 'Phone 304s-w. HOUSES--Colborne Street, ; Honth. en Street. 320.00 per om! y to ngston gencies Lid, 67 ne Btreet. SPRNIsugy SUMMER BUNGALOW Sees 8 and 7 rooms, with fireplaces Th verandahs; astview Park, "ROOM ctaria Stre 20. $190 = Jo Rideau School, ply Ferguson, 498 Vict a Straec ROOMED HOUSE -- Central loss fd all conveniences; no furna $33.00 dor month, Apply to Fir Johnson Stre a 8 ROOMED SOLID Charlee' i Siaatric light and go rovements, fur. Lyi to ge Norman 69 Pat. ou -- LE t LD BRICK, odarn ve se en erally 10. Real Eats 'Phone 539-w. HOUSE - To let sou. $156k, et ONE 333 3 Brock a hard oh Bel, Sle. ars. Hardy arena STONE tric' igh ha ood ssion' a Xosly wd to ay Rens 254 Prine ia i Rooms 10 FURNIS| RgoMs.-Ha water heat- ne "rhea == to und sna" da Q ver reli rms 493 Johnso ' EER, CY ht ho uateeping. t Li ea font city, heat poss. Fan re. 24 BLACKSMITH SHOP highway, 12 miles "trom city, Dwell« 01 hi ick sal door as Quick sale. Apply post office. « Houses, 370 Phone 704 of 1206. od Johnsow and D 8tr et ng modern' equipment. 8400 F tame, 9 rooms, modemn, cen- ply _ dou Sy Ries nese, * gare, rote fed Sout . ING AND SU! eto your rg pa Te Johnston Street. LARGE TWO-STOREY STONE BUILD. ING--50" x 30°, rr Street. hous, auto workshop a No's 237 and 2390 Wel- ultable for i Sal On Provinela) ness, No. 231 ston ry oh rgal ¥ Keyes, Joye mmm 1H s Su ED HOSE... w, floors, et, easy terms, t 44 x t; Nn x 133, 3 30% near v, MUL ad Insurance Broker Ion Streets Adve. Page 3 USE Wellington the City Park; all Apply to Rev. W, rd ; wd 31 Princess Burg En Phone 11891. Wauted To Buy SMALL ARM oh Ne Ft Je a wanted. bul: Kinng. 2% untive "pardesiars a Articles For Sale. Mscellaneona 1% SUITS 430.00] gn Fp] Rost] pha 8, | MOTORCYCLE iin JRwillavs ©1008 BY NEA SERVICE, INC. EC Articles For Sale Miscellaneous BARGAINS--In clothing, new and sec ond-hand, Men's Suits, Canvas Shoes, good Working Boots. mechanics' tools, riding breeches, sult cases, club bags. Prices cut to pieces. A. Shapiro, 46 Princess Street. ELECTRIC | MOTOR~1-3 horse power. Also high speed drill; both in good condition. Apply 62 Mack Street. ENGIN Swed }h. 1 Lp. De Laval, hi De lava, 3b. p. also 1 Asser Harris, milk wagon, sing blag, wad light set of driving harness. galvanized tanks Tai' a iT 76 Cramer, Frost & 3 An Street. Phone 585-J, or 1217-F. 15 EDISON GR: AAT HONG No. a with about eixty records. Ajmo New. Owner leaving city, Ary y ry 19¢ Di- vislon Street in evenin 1 "ony. cate AND Teg oldest fish and Baits hotly my Seta, 58 Ontr re Ou! a.m. ol am. o deliver. "Phone 38 RJ 2 GUARANTEED BLECTRIC TOASTE at ssc. on 2s any ho Jaw fe n Trotter's Up- --. ai. "Bhone 2087 » LOOK~=AL pos Mattress and Rig Bos jsneratieq Frontenac ast 371 Street East, § grades of new Sa tresees. ane 1 tor prices. We call and deliver, MEN'S SUITS--Brin youp ona cloth.} Will cut, make and trim for $20.00. Susranteed ne. Deliver within seven | faye 'Phoné 2206-w. J. G. Patterson, 160 Johnston Street, . na rley Davidaos, ane and oot. Slee tric sidecar, in good Complete with speedometer, pillow seat, tre aashisid. Spare tire carrier, spare t and disc wheel on sidecar, Apply #4 Union 8t. NOW «Is the time lawns and Sematary. Is 1 Vases. Kin to! Ssment Pr Street. 'Phone Thome 3 KNOWN ONE WELL RADIOww"omplets wi a ve. bh $69.60, Hurry, Ci a Radi 1 soporte PIA BOX Aino wash, ae 3 an 168 -- Street. 1g mashing R UBBISH BY BRS Garde; Ua nN for av n vurnos lekle, works UB HY in" Suver ire "ire "EL, (BRST Swag TEE ak meehge [0 Whiead 101 Queen REFRIGERATORS Vour {Re cnly and, EW oh Ne Eh - kirk > J i four toot wall, phone tent and ay voy rw Cooke, 3 Ego Stee: 0 dégorute Ta produc: ele Articles For Sale. Auto Tops and Cushions 16a. dalist for new or res L G. RAY] -tipec Bhired. de Curtains, Slip Covers, Se« upholstering and ~decking, wind- shield and body glass put in while you wait, pingleum and ging for rans ning boards, waterproof truck tarpau~ lins and awnings made to eS ger: 393 Princess 8 Street. 'Phone 16 fe a Fuel ana yeed 2 Ce W. NEVILLE---Wll deliver anthra- gite coal at $15.75. Carrying extra. 'Phone 1362-m. DRY, BODY load. Dry oy? $ os under cover, $3, Hd per To 'Phone Mrs. Parker, 1439-J. corner Johnson and MeDonaid Streets, GOOD Rg Pe= 31, 75 er kindling Bartay oor; 3%, Suariee 8, Roush a td dressed umber always In stoek. Clean saw hat |b cents bag. 'Phone 2i68-J.- W. Talbot. Concession Street. «mixed wbdod 00 cord--hard 3.76 § Quarter ©0 "shingles an and ugh h, ang aT finish Pe ooring, all kinds, stovew aa wing ner Boni S J. Petery sad Toronto Streets. one 889. Business 1064 Wanted To Buy ET | HORSE Must be quiet, sound, about § or 10 years old. wanted for city iv: ary work. Apply Dr. Bell, 110 Clare ance Street ur 450 _Princesg Btreet, Professional a1 ¥. and Jennie A. Shi Sisisied Nurse, '39a A . Lew, Qo . 1-5, 6-1.30. Cor hs 912, ation free. DRUGLHIS PRACTITIONER .. w. Marsalls, corner of Barrie and I as service. Consults. Easy iy finn "alc Zi 0 ce tele Phone oi Fr A aid 'phone 957-7. Rare Mol fhmarks, ski noes t= tigthorory Glasses fitted Fal after others "ied Sted] A Joitre Sured, ithout operation. 38 Xperience. Dr. klmes J. LUCYGeo. Bair Pv Lak Kye, rar, Nose, Throa a [= Bireet. Phone Ju Ww, rr nil] Urn Medicay: got a Fityiin on. Friis or mit: Remini on Beg Rm tnings 7-5. Appoints ] se] BE ERT ~ Baer - ~~Barrister. Solfcl. 151 Welling -W, Barristers a brie CGE Y AND REVELLK-Bsrrister, tan Tr Morigages ar om an Sh = Whigs Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place LR __Business 8 Services Personal | EPILEPTICS -- At. last s treatment which stops seizures from first day. Ni bromides, hhreotics. Guaranteed. In formation fre Hunter LAborataries, $00 \ Little Rock, Ark CUT THIS OUT FOR LU oe Send birth 'date and 1fe. for wonderful ROTOBCD; of your 'entire life. Prot, Raphael, 84 Grand. Central Station, } New v York. Ladies' Halr Paglor 24 HAIR WORK ' CLASS Gliria: switsheg por: switches, sham- da Ingeing. ourliog, Ladies' and Children's air Suing. Mrs. Cune m, r Telephone 2994. ¥; Ethan, Wagan PERMANENT WAVING For the very latest In Ladies' | LADIES EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE | PARLOR. KINGSBURY, A. B, [ 200 pres Street. "Phong 2015-7. attention give | Switzer, 287 pointment ueen Bt t 'phone #01 Insurance FIRB yuiomebiie and Casualt ance. Crumley, 420 Ear 'Phone 1783-M. INSURANCE--Only Sompaniea Btregt, the most wiliable represented. range & established. in 1360 ioe 5 Street, opposite Post Office. | | | Strange, ors COOK E---Life, Fire, Accident and i { | | | Clarence Hag in reliable companies, dis= trict manager Imperial Life. 'Phones' Office §503-w. Res 1781-m. ERNIE D, SLITER--Insurance Broker, all branches of lnsursnce in old Hine companies of highest financial stand. ing. . 181 King Forest Bast. "Phones 35:8-W. Res, Decorators 25a : ANDERSON--Painter and Decorator. Ad Op and residence 'phone 1968. Of fice 283 King Street. : GET YOUR PAINTING--And papecing | done now, Prices reason ble. Pn Paper for sale. Horton, 145 Colling- Wwooll Street. 'Phone 2934-J. SIGN PAINTING. 376 bagor Street Financial 20 FRONTENAU LOAN AND INVEST. MENT SOCIETY -- Incorporated 1861. President, A. D. Car Vice-president J. M. Farrell luda on eit, ud farm propert pon ad Fecaived . re ry fi 3 an Ateros on inlmum monthly balance' Cartwright, manager, §7 Clarence St 8. Robinson, rear Storage STORAGE-For furniture, clean, airy jooms and Spaces; 8 ana key. rost'y City torons 9. 308 usen SL "Phone $25. Kes $39-w. BOYD" a or any proof building. Miacelancous ASHES-Cleaned out of yards, ciean job done. A. MaoGr 24 Russell Sireet. 'Phone 3355, S$ STORAGE WARBHOUS or merchandise. Fire * phone 1000 or 1177. gor, ASHES~Ramoved from yard and cele | cellars and' i Insure ¥ lars; general carting; frst class diy s wood for sale, Uslimates ven, Buckley Transfer, 148 Yor 'Phone 291 and 3516-M. CAVERLY TRANSFER CO. w= op harrow and also Senaret imaies Princess Street, ploughing, 'Phone 1507-J. ' 4 A | CARPENTER WORK--All kinds of rs Jenter wos Bardwood mode be. Street. Sontracting of or an work. alt gors a spec Arges CG. Hunter, 73 Pembro, 'Phone 948-w. Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Plano Adjusting, Phoné 1544. : C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED . Sante, at kee Banas Murray's A istine ular week- 1y saiss, Thursds. abd urday is30 a.m. Send ine a want me t Doone BIT Jo OF what you ny Tela- A LEY rold,, 104 gy Ri iat Sood run. aad Apply at GREE a AL | rs 4 .

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