___ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG is | CROSS- WORDPUZZLE s------ 3 NB CER UEREST OF PZ P00 Y Olive Roberts Barto-. THE MIXED-UP BALLOON MAN. ' 1 Ki TCHEN CUPBOARDS We have recently built and installed a great many kitchen cupboards in different homes and public buildings. These provide the maximum of service' with the minimum of space. We can make one that will exactly fit your kitchen. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMTED LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO ' Private Branch Exchange *Phone 1571. Ne TL ites | and became so short of hI eould hardly do my Saily | 'housework, and was so. nervous i could not think of staying alove, as | + avery little sound I hoard felt like . to me. i I Saw recommended, so I | © tried » box, and | - © r 2 J : Ss now feeling like a | y different womaan." | This preparation | has bom on the | market for the | past 32 and has achieved a | Fondertul toputation for the relief | of all heart and nerve troubles. Put only by The T. Milburs Coy, Limited, Toronto, Ont. - LET th ON AN Policy| BEST AND CHEAPEST FORM OF COVERAGE GENERAL INSURANCE R. H. Waddell 81 BROCK STREMT . "PHONES 326-890. Made Footwear For All! MORE COMFORT---MORE WEAR---MODERATE PRICES JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 STREET. bunch of balloons, the loveliest of tunes." my job. By the way, has anyone a lead pencil?" "I think I have a little one," said Nick, searching in all his pockets. "Yes, sir, here it is. It's pretty shont but it has a point and a rubber." He ii : : held it out to the Balloon Man, who oo | looked at it in surprise. "Why, I don't want it," he said. "I only asked you if you had one. I'm curious, that way, you know." And the queer fellow started to eall out balloons again: "Balloons! Balloons! balloons! They all go a-popping the loveliest tunes." "I'll buy one," said someone. "I'll "Balloons, balloons, a They all go #-popping The next person the Twins and the Whiffet met was the Ballooy Man. "Balloons, balloons, balloons, They all go a-popping the lovelies: tunes," he sang. "Six times two and four more make seven. I've sold nineteen to-day." "Say," said Nick. "That's not the way 'lo count. You're all mixed. Six times two and four make sixteen." "They: didn't have that in my room," said the Balloon Man. "Ons & penny, two a pemny, hot ° cross buns!" Here he jerked his head and 'PHONE 281.J. a bunch of ME QUOTE YOU RATES | DR. RUPERT P, MILLAN | DENTIST © 64 Princess Street. "Phone 1800 Ghs for Painless oPEN EVENINGS BF -- BUS FOR CATARAQUI CEMETERY Will commence Sunday I 28th, Toaving at 2 pom PY SA . Tree. producing acorns. ' . Gazelle of the Tibe- tan plateau, . Writing fluid. .. Grain, . To disturb. . Group of students engaged in original research under an instructor. . Small European fresh-water fish. . Reckoned chronolo- gically. . Eggs of fishes. . Alleged force pro- ducing hypnotism. « Fastidious. . Like. . Constellation. Horizontal. 1. Pertaining to homes, 10. Correlative to neith- er' To perform. Yellow Hawaiian bird. + Musical instrument used in Scotland. . Upon. Telephone 652-w. X-Ray. Evenings by appointment. HL. 13. A bunch of FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY Jocal and long distance. All Motor Tucks with Alr Tires DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon "PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and "PHONE 184. KINGSTON TRANSFER CO 153 WELLINGTON STREET 4 8 5 cela, Scesl, Bullding Equi 4 = MONEY LOANED ; AGAINST MORTGAGFS Evenings 2281. } snapped his fingers. "I mean, "Bal- loons, balloons, a bunch of balloons.' You see, I worked for the Muffin Man at Easter time and now I'm working for the Circus Man. I get my speeches all mixed up." . "Say," said the' little Rag-bag fairy. "No one seems to notice me at all, and I'm the most important. Mister Balloon Man, did you see my shadow? I lost it crossing the stile." "Let me see," said the Balloon Man, looking at the Whitfet close- ly. "Did your shadow have a neck. { tle, and big pockets, and ears that stuck out?" "Yes, yes, yes!" said the Whiffet. "That's mine. Did you see it, sir?" "No, 'L, didn't," eaid the Balloon Man. "Y was just; asking," end he started to call otit at the top of his lungs: : "Water cresses! Water cresses! Who'll buy cresses to-day?" He snapped his fingers again im- patiently "There I go again!" he said. "1 worked for the Huckster once and I called out cresses every spring. If I don't watch out, the Circus Man will hear me and I'll lose have a purple one lined with pink." But, although the Balloon Man looked and the Twins looked w=mnd the Whiffet looked, no one wasn wight, "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I fooled you that time,' said the voice. "Isn't it thechOVELIEST day! Do you dance the Charleston? I BEG your pardon, ty dear, I never take more than three lumps in 'my tea." Then they spied a green poll-par- rot on top of a post, looking at them, "Where dfd you come from?" sald Nancy. "Out of the everywhere into here," chuckled the parrot. "Did you see my shadow? I lost it crossing the stile," said the little Rag-bag Whiffet, not to be kept down. ° a : "Don't éross stiles. Keep in style," sald the silly parrot. "It's more ex- pensive but not so likely to fade." "That was a foolish remark," said Nancy sternly. . "It's a foolish world, m'dear," said the parrot. "It's a foolish world." And he blinked his cold little eyes very hard at them. " rn the | pliance specialist, Will visit Kingston, . Two fives. . Extended or time. . Boy. » Middays. . Membranous bag. . Pieced out. S . To inquire. * « Hair of a caterpil- lar, . Inlet. . Battering machine. . Alternating change, 1. Cluster of fibers in wool staple. . Tiny tumor or cyst. . Labels. + Existed. . To curse. ly. Persia. / RUPTURE Appliance Expert Coming T. ¥. Egan, 1057 College, Toronto, Ap- British-American Hotel, Friday (hours 8 am, tl 9 pn) 1 day only, June 26.. The "Curatrus," with new sanitary "Airtex" retentive shield acts, feels Vertical. . Half an em. . To weep conculsive- . Another name . Remonstrance. . Knocks lightly. . Frozen water. 8. Preposition of place. . Disturbance. + Weirdness. . Eats, . Satiated. . Venomous snake. . Uncooked. . To total. . Pale. . Dry (said of wine). . Bird similar to an ostrich. . Face of a watch. . Granted facts. . Away used with to. . To permit, S . Measure of area. . Point of compass. "om FORSESHMCANTER] | § RL OTTER 7) MSICIRAPE DHA VE ISIREIABIT TTAB [T] PLAN ~p, TARCIH 0 Db] I] ICIAIDIS] ARNL in space for , rr nmi 781 Dl ILIYIED! * [BF] L.1\ [OMB] DE] IE RIE [T]1 IN} } LIOIA IN| AIDIOIPITIS! and retains rupture better than 'any- The liable flesh- 354 Division Street. We recommend our Eureka brand. Medium weight .. To patch the leaky roof--TRY ELASTIC GUM. An OUR SATURDAY BARGAIN CORN BROO H. L. BRYANT wa) To Our Country "Phone 816, Godkin's Livery Friends! The haying will soon be upon you, and we would like you to think of us when needing HORSE FORK ROPE %"; HORSE FORK TRON HORSE FORK WOOD PULLEYS, SECTION KNIVES, FORKS, SCYTHES. 'RAKES, SNATHS AND NOW IS THE TIME TO ATTEND TO THE! ROOF ! «+ $2.75 roll. (Cover 100 square t ery feet) quantity sold. 45c. Fine quality, 4 string, varnished handle. mmon & Sons 'Phone ) The Orange Tinsmiths--Plumbers--Hard ware 840. 187 Princess Street. Best work at reasonable prices. "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE® 1X The fire had pow got past the point where he was sinking in the black mud. He turned away so that he should not sce it. But he knew that thing yet invented. like touch of this velvety finished shield gives a mild, life-like massage, allow- ing a free circulation Around the open- ing. TFts free action is intended to al- HALLIDAY - ILD GEESE rs hen the muscles in ' By Martha Ostenso. ¥ : Caleb faced the lurid column of flame and smoke on the siorth and beat the horse, pressing down with all his strength on' the plow share. Presently the heat advanced, and with it tiny sharp sparks that stung the face and hands like buck-shot. But Caleb did not feel it. He had only one thought. to confine the fire to the neck of timber. He cursed himself for having permitted" Mar- tin to go to the- jubilee. With Mar- tin here the thing would be simple. He looked up and saw great bright flakes sailing through the air, ac- companied by darker flakes. He coughed and . sputtered from the smoke and once or twice the horse stumbled. But he would not yield, although the heat was becoming terrific. The horse would probably bolt----there was that danger. He must get the most of him before he became unmanageable. To and fro he plowed, across the whole end of the neck of timber. The roar from the north seemed to shake the sky and the earth. When Caleb had fin- ally. plowed the entire stretch be tween the two pieces of timber, the trees on the north were glowing just Dr. Hamilton's Pills Quickly. one a short distance inward from "the edge of the stubble he had turned up.' He whipped the horse and turn- ed him toward home. The exhausted animal used his last bit of strength in a gallop across the field 'toward the sheep pasture. Caleb ran after him to escape the intense heat. In the farm d he looked back. A single tree at the end of the bush south of the strip he had plowed was waving like a plume of five. His work had been all for nothing. He ran toward the house. There was only one thing to do. Plow a division through the flax and burn the part nearest the bush. From old habit, he lit the lantern, ignoring Amelia and Lind who were waiting in terror in the other room. When Caleb started across the fields southward, with a fresh horse, he saw that the fire had got well into the bush and was sweeping everything before it. Me drove the horse like a madman. There was a remote chance of making it. He must have that chance. The flax must be 'saved, the beautiful flax, rich and strong. . .acres and acres of it. . . . He logked back and saw that the fire was gaining on him. It was swelling against the sky in great blown clouds of flame and smoke. Tf it weren't for the wind he could get ahead of it. He saw presently that it was of no use try- ing to plow a fire-gnard. low nature to stren the shortest time Known and at small cost--prepared to order for men, wo- men and children. These new appliances have received the, highest approval wherever shown. and are designed in conformit with the science of anatomy as set forth by the world's text book authorities on this subject, and effecting results with- out harmful ready-made old-fashioned imported trusses. Mr. Egan has testi monials from our own section for in- spection. Free demonstration and ex- amination of samples. Now is the time 0 make yourself safe and comfortible for your daily work, Note dates. Ask at Hotel office for his sampie room. Tear this out. er ---------------------------- rage at the fire seized him. It seemed to be taunting him with hu- man ingenuity. He would beat it with all Its tricks. The earth under him became black and began to 'give beneath his feet like cushions. He ran on blindly, conscious only of the direction in which the flax field lay. The fire was gaining with every mo- ment. The wind kept up its velo- city. Now silky reeds were begin- ning to tangle themselves about Caleb's legs. They impeded his pro- gress. He stepped higher so as to crush them under foot. The earth seemed to billow like water. But Caleb paid no heed. He clung to the lantern and rushed on, his head leaning far forward. his shouldersy high. Then suddenly, his position would look upon it to the end. he closed his eyes. He and pulled frantically at the reeds, but they gave way at the roots and came up in slippery clods. He fell back upon his hands end clutched fistfuls of the wet sod, straining st his legs. His hat fell off and his || pointed locks of hair tossed about | uncouthly with the twisting end 'heaving of his body. pase before him. He closed his eyes ||! bit they continued to come. Thor- valdson, rejoicing when he heard what had happened to him. Fusi Aronson, on whose land he about to dle. Amelia. . .he had fail- eéd there, bitterly. Jordan FI the ax buried in the rotten wood of the bam wall. . , Making over a major league ball club is a difficult task. your-doubts, go into conference with Connie Mack. winner. He decided, for various rea- sons, to break up his team. The fol- For se taflender. make progress. Last season it was a contender all the way, It faltered only in the stretch. This year it is an even better combination. | ball club will prevent the A's from force him to . unless it down Disconnected images began to PURE The only Ice in the city The use of pure Ice will cut down month, spoiled would provide ice for a Prompt and courteous service. PHONE 1807. P. H. SMALL, SUPERINTENDENT. .and Mark + who was not his son. * (To be-continued) ---------- A Difficult Task. If you have In 1914 Mack boasted a pennant year his club finished last. "successive Years it Was a Then the Mackian system began to Only an absolute collapse of the - KINGSTON ICE CO. ICE cut with gasoline power saw. This does away with all surface dirt from horses. ? a your food bills. One roast NIGHT 1100. .. 180 ry