Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jun 1926, p. 9

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- > : : A 2 . a : # T= : Zi | Foy : 3 Thursday, June 17, 1926. : iy HE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC make a blbomier. Probably it was his] fault, probably it was not. Somecne AMUSEMENTS T. - 8 two, ely or | ul : . oi Fo sg ay i || © 0% MARKETS I SPORT _ | Brathan ah Guts ce Ek. N E, ~ A---- i -- i --------" ----" {Reputed bm Jonnston & Ward, be perfectly welcome to Belleville to | |i THE CAPTTO .| corner King an arence y ampire a o o for it is the | ar 0 1x members of the Montreal and Toronto LOCAL LADY GOLFERS ph of Sa aT time ay el { "The Bandit's Baby" a Laugh and {Stock Exchavges). call them as they see them, but | Theil Show. - L DEFEATED NAPANEE they certainly were not looKing 2 ' Swinging along in his rollicking New York. . straight on the two plays in question. | Suse Tie 19 pm veg 1 | Time repens that were aot lA. NEW AND BETTER SHEATHING comedy-melodrama, with another A L 105% crackerjack story to back up the |Amer. Loco. . Score Was 6 1-2 10 1 1+2 in| ® Pitcher in this league can field a LO Wh cee BBY ' slow roll hit to the box look at " | 4 i reat larity of rider and horse, | Amer. Can rolling a Fred Pdi lle Stiver King elimb | Baldwia Loco. ... ... .... 112 Twelve-Hole Game Played | second base and 'make a motion to BUILD FOR WARMTH to mew heights of merriment, speed |B: & O. ... ... ... .... 94% on Wednesday. | throw and then get Wicky Ross go- : 4 California Pete. ... .. .... 233 ing from the plate to first base. It and suspense in "The Bandit's ] ° \ u : Baby," which comes to the Capitol Ehrrelar Motors gre SN A team of eight ladies motored simply can't be done. - theatre to-day, where it enjoys its Hudson Motors... 588 |4oWn from Napanee on Wednesday, : . ALLAN LUMBER CO. opening engagement in this ecom- Inter: Comb Bug. ana 55% June 16th and played a twelve hole | . vd e mer: ERA match with the ladies of the Cata- LANSDOW NE Phone 1042. Victoria Street 2 ' munity, It will continue for a three 3 Inter. Nickel ... ... ... .. «314% the usual amon of intense etions|MACk Truck 1... ."[ 113 wil Golf and Country Club. The _-- jammed from first fo last with |\ yo" .irit eer sss 1318 |SH-1%. The individual scores were| panedowns, June 16.--The annual hearty Jaughs, furnishes ThomSON|Nornorn Pacific ... ... .. 733% | follows: LL + meeting of the St. Paul's Church and his mount with a great oppor- Pan, Amer. Pete. ... .. ... 174 Kingston-- Miss Ritchie, 0; «Mrs. Guild was held at the home of Mrs. tunity, of which they - avail them- Pan, Amer. Pets. "B" .. .. 743 | Miller, 1; Mrs. MacCallum, 1; Mrs. Richard Horton, scott, on Wednes- . The : g , Selves to the full. Plerce Arrow .. te 27% Kidd, 1; Miss C. Rutherford, %: Miss day evening. The financial state- 2 INTENSE ACTON : - * |Anmter. Tel. & Tel. ... .... 142% |A. Rutherford, 1; Mrs Dalton, 1;|ment showed a balance on the right : ROLLICKING COMEDY A RECITAL GIVEN. Inter. Pete. ... ... ... .i. 34 |Miss N. Macnee, 1. Total 63. side. 'The Rev. Cecil Winter was ROWN AFE : Sou. Pac. .. 102% Napanee--Mrs. Carr, 1; Miss D. made president and Mrs. W. R. L ~ By the Pupils of Mrs. Harvey lguiciair Of... dhs Tenn 38 Milter, 0; Mrs. Hall, 0; Miss Robin- Kaiser secretary-treasurer. Refresh- Tenders Wanted Chown. ol Standard Oil of N.J. .... .. 44% soa, 9 Miss w agar, hi Mis. Robin. ments were served and a social hour f . : The pupils of Mrs. Harvey Chown Igiudebaker ... ... ... .. 52% » 0: Mrs. Dafoe, 0; Mrs, al-! was spent which all enjoyed. N en a or dena, nth July Jott o Save an. interesting Yocital In Syamn Texas Oil ... ... .,r ... Bas |braith, 0. Total 1%, Mr. Arthur Burns dislocated his ow Ope or | tWo new furnaces to be installed in| HAM street church hall on Wednesday |ynion Pacific ... ... ... 150 : shoulder on Saturday and is Incapa- Yocal thd long Slsthace. Sydeubam High: Sehoot afternoon when the. followllig Pro: [ys Rubber ... ... ... .. 63% |SUPREMES DEFEAT GARNOOCKS.| eiiatr on Sat days, Mr.S. Cope- Business All Suter Trucks With Afr Tires. ; gramme was given to the very great yg. 'Steel ... ... ... .. 139% | The Supremes handed out a real | land is home from the Kingston Gen- \ ] H. L. BRYANT enjoyment of the audience of the|westinghouse A. B, ... .. 121 drubbing to the Ganandyue Gar. eral Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, William We invite you to our Restau $54 Division Stroot. Phone 1, the undersigned, will not be re-|Parents and friends of the pupils. White Motors ... ... '..., 38% [nocks in Gananggue. Wednesday! MeConell have gone to.their sum- sponsible for any debts contracted by|Duet, "Triumphal March" ...Verdi Woolwogth ... ... ... .. 182% |evening, winning the game 'by a|mer cottage at the river. Mrs. John rant and promise you the : 8 wife, Harriett gate. of the City M. Sawyer, M. McFarlane ------ score of 27-4. The locals played | W. Bradley, Eden Grove, is a patient | § best Meals with excellent Ser- J BUS FOR OATARAQUI tngston, on and a ® °%" | April Showers .. Stella Morse Livsey Montreal. air-tight ball and had a wonderful [in the Kingston General Hospital. vice. Y Kingstor, Sant) Ronald A. Metcaite. Audrey Asselstine June 17.--1.30 p.m. [night at bat, every player collecting | The highway contractors are now Will commence Sunday, April ~~ Mazourk : H. Lichner| Abitib! Power.. .. .. .. . 174 hits with ease. The Garnocks had engaged from Ivy Lea turn to Kai , a 4 rl Radiant ; Asbestos Com.. .. .. .. . 21 [no chance whatever in the face of ar Pacing a six-inch top. We have installed a Re-pro- _ 28th, leaving at 2 p.m, k; Asbestos Pfd.. .. ,. .. .. 74% |such playing and they had a hard Trials of speed are to be held here | ¢ Qucing Automatic Plano with Godkin's Live . Duet, "In the Morning" 0 | Bell Telephone.. 'v. ., ,. 138% |time running up four' counters. The on June 28rd. . orchestra accompaniment, : 810 Bsn: ry io A. Asselstine, B. Clark Brasil... ..:.. .. Ji. Phone " : Queen i 97 teams were: Charles Shortt, who was quite ill, bg oi Andante Sostenuto .... Mendelssohn | Brompton.. .. .. ,. .. .. 31% | Supremes-- Powell. ©.L.; Davies. |i: much improved. Mr. and Mrs. B. . Of Valuable City at Murrey's| 4 Curious Story B. 10. Plal.. ov ov une <7 SEAN Sinlain LL: MOSHSY: 0a; Dl nm. JoRnstey vioited Drs. aan op. PHILIP TOY, Manager i DENTIST Auction Runs on Square, Henry Lingham Can. Cement Com... .., .. . 103% Allen, p.; Truesdell, 2b.; Pappas, | son. on Sunday last. Mrs. Judson is A June 18th, Duet, Rekocky Maren Dom. Bridge. su. .io,s Md joi Been. rf; Cuningham, 1b; lo patient tn the Kington Generally 203 Princess Street A. . A . » Kingston by Frida . z : J. Waddell, M. Sawyer {Dom. Bridge.. .. «. .. .. 99% Garnocks--Edgley, ¢:; Richard- Hospital. Mrs. 8. C. B. Dixon re- : hp 12 Pelosi Reading, The Legend of the Organ | Dom. Textile.. ., .. .. .. 3 ardson, ri; Malon, LL; Vallier, turned on Saturday from the King- a 258 Tele how. 853- That desirable residential property Builder ....:.. Miss Mildred Lee| Hollinger.. .. .. .. ... .19.95 8.8. Connor, p.; Marandi, 2b.; Gil- ston General Hospital. Mr. William | > X-Ray Evenings We the late, Very Rev. Dean Starr,| Pas des Echarpes Chaminade | Ind. Alcohol .... .. ~. 18% (bert, 1b.; Sinclair, 3b; Allen, c.f. McDonald is recovering from an : own as 78 Wellington Street, Jane Waddell Laurentide.... .. ven 883 operation in the Hotel Dieu Hospital, og prising solid brick, semi-detached, " pa y : stor ling, 10 d| Spinning Son Mendelssohn | Mackay... .. .. .. .... , 138 ; pas dni aber installation), » . Marion Sawyer Montreal Power .. 329 Belleville Detea Peterbore, a ating of the National Lay- THE CAS TLE INN A New Beanty Parlor § Soonomy * © National Breweries Com, ».. 60 " - = Gran . » trang. Tomine a yard aad Tea; Duo, Romaiice Sq Sulte 15 Arensky (National Browonies Com. = -- 108 © | Trunks broke the streak of bad tuck | men's Committee of the Church of Picton, Ont. HAS BEEN OPENED BY of sale, Li Reading Soler op Miss Tee OBMVIe. . .. «i. i... «4. 184 wich has been dogging them in the Bugiana In anna, anno fo ba Now open for permanent MISS LOUISE A Pow past few games and won from Peter- | he n noque on ' otor p Adagio Cantabile . Beethoven, Op. 13 Ona ent rok te ah n boro here Wednesday by a score of { been postponed until the fall. Jasidance. Nok ha 2 (Formerly of Ritz Beauty Parlor) Rondo. Onis ans weiss 180 | 610 4 in the Central Ontario I sague. ( Mrs. Edward Comatock. of Water-| }- dpe Ugaleng® Lo 8 us, AT ELLIOTT'S BARBER SHOP Betty Sparks ' Vin Boi hat 118% The home team outhit the visitors, | town, N.Y,, arrived on Tuesday to Beautiful grounds. Ex- 856 Princess St. Phone 881.w. Quebec Power .... .. ,. . tl Schumann | Spanish River Com ,. x... 1003 |the hits being well scattered. Mea- | visit her aunt, Mrs, Jane Bowen. sellent table. sw Bed...) 118 gher for Belleville made the longest S------ 2 Dm Esther Mahood Spanish River : % 1 he of the game, a threg-bagger. Weir ' : Phone Blo 371 g BLACK¢& oe Oy xX . : Bea. 1 oer an ex irene iS H AIRFIE T BUDGEY. + Etade Op. 740 ++. :Caerny es 2 alt turned In & fine EAM ox Mo] F LD EAST B 13 ot | Impromptu Op. 24 ....... Sibelius Steel of Canada... .. .. 102% forthe Trunks. Bell Pend WHITE Barbara Ettinger. Twin CHY:. .. .. .... .. 72 | The feature play of the day was . Winnipeg. . ..' 47° | 8 omeshanded stab by Rose, Peter-| mairgeld ~ Bast, iim boro's second baseman, who had to Charles Johns, Algonquin) is visiting REX TAXI Phone 400-2 in the Clty $ ] jump for a. swift one which turn-|ye. prother and sister-in-law, Mi BERTHS AT MISSISSIPPL hi und, but wh ; 1 . : ed him aro AF ich he held and Mrs. Jesse Manhard. Many BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY Levi Maracle, a resident of from here attended the funeral last 20c¢c nonville, suffered a fractured jaw a i R. H. B. The Stork Visited Two Homes This Belleville. .. . +22101000x8 8 4 EE ay Month. Peterboro' . /101010810--t. 8. 4 28 1 EEL TF Chives Johns ANY PLACE In| | thé result of u horse hitting hf, | Mississippl, June 16.--Born to Mr.| Goyer and MMs; Hari and | oriaing were buried in Manhard John Street, Napanes, is to and Mrs. R. Steele on Thursday, | Swanston. $0 58 cemetery. , paved, i , June 3rd, a son. Bog to Mr. and Umpires--Colliig afd Woodley. Roy and Mrs. Earle, Mr. and Mrs. ||z2 Mra. Charles Benedict on Sunday, Sm} A. Herbison and Willism Herbison || THE CITY A sa Se SA SSS cog une 6th, & daughter. | ] : ary mam 5 Tr sad ree | | What 0.D. Tico Says, {srt Sexier viv i kv || KINGSTON ICE CO. Lid. "Willowdale Tce Cream," Gibsons, | Shildren, Flower Station, visited with| Walting in the Belleville Ontario, Mrs, Manhard were Sunday visitors [ll ; gaged 2 Mr. and Mrs. J. St. Pierre last week. | C. D. Tice, Sportin Leed il wh P * : ; 3. St. .| ©. D. Tice, & 'Bditor of The dl a He in ta hn Bunting the Mrs. J. Glenn, Clarendon, was the | Ontario says: | 9 iis Ba a. Ls pou ial | UR E I C FE the far end of the bridge. Suest-of Mrs. R. Gibson on Friday of | "The Kingston Whig portly admits a man to help erect it. Congratula-ilf ' just week. Mrs. J. Ferguson and [that the home umpire system is ail tions <en due the local school trus-| [i Tho only Joo in the city cut with gasoline power saw. This does wirface horses, "Buy Dusting Powders," Gibson's, ] two children; of Snow Road, visited | wrong but what can be suggested gagi 1 with 4 ny. Viper, Earl Strect. WhO| with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Geddes last Jetier with only dhres 100m nae teach . forthe onaing your All Ee mee ct mune og a es ow your food bills. One roast week. inance they say y ; I iled would provide for a month. i outing Tap MS R. Gibson and gang of men haye| be considered. In this respect Belle- a ia Man hard, Rayuond aud isis 0 9p Prompt and courteous service, Mr. Fraser Armstrong superinten-| MOved to Sharbot Lake. J. Riddell] ville is no better off than the other ito Dvered trom an attack i | "PHONE 1307. NIGHT 1160, dent of the General Hospital, left. to. | M88 Jurebased 4 Opay Dort car. A Jo ng, Dui Tap the goad of she Suihe Phe Toms Women's Institute have | [i P. H. SMALL, SUPERINTENDENT, day to join his family, who are holi- uf ler ot en Friggin profits and give each teain a | good | e0Eaged Mr. A. Spicer, of Algonquin, |! ; ; 4 MATE at A¥imer, Que, hall on Friday of last week. Tun for their money. It must also | '0 Complete the cleaning up, levelling |e ee eee SSeS -- a "Buy Powder Puffs," Gibson's. Mr. and. Mrs. R. § be understood that the iw gland seeding of the Manhard ceme- |i : . + > : g . R. Sergeant a riter of this : Mr, hos ThOmRa, Welsh evangelist family of Biphin spent Sunday with column is hot throwing mud on ther, Which work was begun last the Gos 1 Tahoma Brviation 8 the 'latter's parents, Mr. ang Mp. | Bonesty nor the. sqnaronces of the) YOST : | : ment Roll of , oo odneedar | william Steele. Mervin Creighton, | MnPires ia question. That is farthest| Harry Eristram has purchased af : nt ; evening, The address was very in- Jack Park, Willjam Storie, Bdwar 4 | from the thought. Both are personal| NeW truck and has sommenced draw- ' - . mouth for the teresting. Fr 0 friends of the writer and in his opin-| 108 milk twice daily to Laing's con- | One 7 Passenger Hudson Touring Car '™ Te ; Bolton and Ernie Bo ' Buy Face © Gibson's, Cornotn vital onder doe ion neither of the officials would in-| dénsery, Brockville. Mrs. Robert on the day of boys" camp com- tentionally &ill & mispiay, What| Goodison and Mrs. H. Tristram were || eh : Le the hour of 7.30 pm. : GA, Will be held ada at Sle peades. Ot | was said that both lr wrong, | Téeent visitors In Brockville, Be. i Balioan Tires, Disc Wheels, Spare Tire, 1008 License, Paint, Up- Dated at F on Friday evemting for the purpose Mr. ahd Mrs, W. A. Gedics parents | one on Ross and the other on Brit-| cause of the warm weather and rains holstery and Motor in first class condition. © SL : g or of discussing the plans for this sea- rt h ' | tom ahd had they been called as they | the general crop outlook throughout | [i ' Anyone requiring a large, open car should be interested in this, . should have been the play might|the country is more encouraging, ta SER Ee TY Tomas WOMAN DIES OF INJURIES, | have been altogether different. The i ten yo . ; Wotider Y's Won Game. Ce amp-- xo Belleville team seldom make a kick| "Buy Bath Salts," Gibson's. | i . In a game of softball played at the on decisions of thé umpire for their] ~The male butterfly, and not the cricket paid on Wednenday evening, | Collision. lot is ard at the best of tines but] female, according to National Mu- the Wi Y's the Inde- ' | June 17.-- Mrs. | they do like to get a fair break at|seum scientists, emits the sweet pendents of Gananoque by a score of ry Chessel, a middle-aged woman, | home as well as away. We are not odors §nd Wears the pretty colors. 26 to 13. Following is the line-up | aie of Injuries received this mora-| saying either that Gibson did ml "lee Cream Bricks," Gibson's. of the teams: : : ing when an aiitomobile, driven by : : BAAS { Wonder Y's--A. Rawley, ¢; V. La-{ hor husbind, was struck by & Cana- § tour, 3b; E. Smithies, If: M. Bird 2b: | dian Pacific Raflway train, the Mont. E Sampbatt E Futtason, 3: L.| real-Toronto express, at Wexford, ten Hau , 88; M. Asselstine, he miles east of Tor i _Independents--C. Amo, 1b; I. Mills a Ermita He was taken Fuss. go, ti B. Mile 5.1 3 Nil 0: | Sonorth TOrOHo on the train. and : ox * 3 : i h i Mills, £1; N. Phillips, 2b. 10 ihe Wonder Y's ........88294040x--36 Independents ......020132014--1% * 2 i ---------- 5 bridge, 11; Douglas, 'midnight; hane, 8.30 'a.m. Thursday; Bruma- 2{j08 430; Oakton, 6; Pillsbury, I a oon

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