Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jun 1926, p. 8

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~ LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Page Editor Phone 2618. Dunbar, Napanee, is ding & week with friends in ® Mrs. W. R. Morris, Peterboro, re- this week for a trip to Eng- - ww» Mrs. Archibald Maclvor, Kingston, 'been visiting her daughter, Mrs. 1 Harris, Woodstock. 3 sw Mrs. Thomas Harris, Woodstock, 8 arrived to spend a few weeks at former home in Kingston. ee ' - . * Me. J. Courtland Johnston end son, Stanley, Toronto, are visit- | Me. W. Baille, Barrie street. - » . Miss Tillle Waller, Xings'on (jen- Hospital, is visiting her parents, 'and Mrs. W. T. Waller, Napanee. i <a ee Miss Janet Preston, Pueblo, Col. 8 arrived in Napanee to spend the with ber father, Mr. D. H. * . * . Mie. St. Pierre Hughes arrived in from Ottawa to-day, and is Mrs. Hugh Ryan, "Somersby " 5 Rev. C.' W. Demille, Oshawa, in 8 to preach in Trinl:y United ureh, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. BE. Robinson. _ "Te ® © Me. and Mrs. W. M. Moore and , and Mrs. George Bawden are ptoring to Montreal for the Ki- convention. . - . " Dr. and Mrs. Chauncey Daryaw d from Detroit, Mich, to jpend their vacation with Mrs. FE. inton, Wellington street. . - a Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Macnee will ptor to Montreal on Sunday for Kiwanis Convention. . » * ¢ Mr. and Mme. Columbus Hanley, 'sllington street, will leave for ontreat on Sundey by motor 40 d the Kiwanis convention. - . . Mrs. Weese, Picton, came to King- 3 to join Rev. W. W. Weese, and * jliam, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. Kinch, | -- -------------------- EA -- AN place early in June. y . together spend a while friends in Eastern Ontario. » * * Mrs. 8. J. Sutherland, arrived from St. Louis, Hi, on Friday and has gone to her summer home at Stella to join Mr. Sutherland. . . . among Mr. and Mrs H W. Vandervoort, Colborne, left on Friday on a three months' trip to the Old Country, for the benefit of Mr. Vandervoort's health. . » - Miss Tess Forrester, Seeley's Bay. has left for Brockville to attend the graduation of her sister," Miss Violet Forrester, St. Vincent de Paul Hos- pital. * . > Mr. and Mrs. Richard James and Miss Nora James, Albert street, let} yesterday for Rochester, N.Y., where they will spend the summer at 151 Kenwood avenue. . . . Mrs. T. 8. Scott, Niagara Falls, formerly of Kingston sailed to-day from Montreal to visit her son Mr. Harry Scott, and Mrs. Scott, in Liverpool, Eng. . 3 -. . This evening Mrs. R. B. Sparks will give a family dinner in honor of Dr. R. E. Sparks' birthday and latér many friends will call to offer congratulations. * -. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Lindsay, who were at the Chateau Belvidere while in town. for the Tomkins- Hutchins wedding have left for their home in Worcester, Mass. . - Ld Mrs. Brewer, .. Syracuse, N.Y., visited her father, Mr. W. Sutton for a short time, returned home ac- companied by her sister, Miss Helen; who will visit her for a while. . - - Miss F. GalMvan, who accom- panied Dr. J. V. Gallivan, Peterbora, to Mount Clemens, Mich. has re- turned. Mrs. Gallivan eft to join her husband in Mount Clement. . . . Invitations have been received in town for a piano recital to be given on Saturday eveming, June 12th in Convocatibn Hall by Miss Virginia Fair, one of Kingston's brilliant young planists. - * - Mrs. W. G. Cherry, Barrie street, announces the engagement of her daughter, Beulah Elisabeth, to Wil- Rideau street. The wedding to take . Mrs. Hugh McLaughlin, Ottawa' Miss Helene Fraser, Toronto, and Judge Wells, Ottawa, motoréd to Kingstea to-day and are the week- end guests of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibson, Beverly street, * - . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Watéon, Sche- nectady, N.Y., visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Yeomans and family. Newburgh. Mr. Watson attended Newburgh Public School for (wo years in the days when Mr. P. Shorey was principal, and has many pleas 'ant memories of those days. - . - Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Amo, Gana- inoque, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Mary Vio- let, to Albert, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Watts, Kingston. The marriage to take place at the end of June. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Wemp of Millhaven announce the engage- ment of thelr daughter, Kathleen HR min | Muriel, to Charles Edward, the son {of Mr. and Mrs, William Gibson of {Seeley's Bay. The marriage will take iplace the latter part of June. » . » ( Mrs. Everett Birdsall, who was in {Napanee for the Ross-Benjamin wedding, spent a few days In town with her father, Mr. R. B. Kent Somersby House, returning to Birds- all on Friday. * - * Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cassells, 126 Raglan Road, announce the engage- ment of their only daughter, Vyetta Pearl, to Samuel: W. Small, B.Sc, Detroit, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Small, Wallacetown, Ont.- The marriage to take place June 19th in St. Luke Church. The Whig will be glad to have the names of visitors in town and ac- counts of varioms social events for publication in the social column. Such communications should be signed and the address of the sender given. Write or telephone to the Bditor of the Woman's Page, Tele- phone No. 2613. ® . LJ - Dean Woodsworth, Kobe, Japan, gave an address to the WMS. of Sydenham Street United Church on Friday afternoon upon the modern woman of Japan. It was heard with much Interest by the audience, which included ladies from the W.M.S. of all the United Churches in Kingston. Mrs. R. O. Joliffe spoke of the meeting she has re- cently attended in Montreal, the last branch meeting of the W.M.8. of the Methodist Church. Mrs. C. E. Walker; president of Sydenham Street W.M.S. presided at the meet- ing. * . - The Odd Fellows' Temple was the scene of a most enjoyable évent on Friday evening when the various city lodges of the 1.O.O.F. united in holding a social evening, which took the form of a euchre and dance. The members and their mafilies turned out in large numbers for the. first so cial eveyt to be held in the new hall since the opening. During the early part of the evening twelve games of euchre were played, the prizes be- ing awarded as follows: Ladies' first, Miss F. Knapp; ladles' con- solation, Mrs. J McGall; gentlemen's first, Mr. A. E. Hunt; gentlemen's consolation, Mr. W. Conners. After card playing the tables were removed and Salsbury's orchestra supplied music for a few hours' dancing, which was much enjoyed by the older as well as the younger mem- bers present. - . . The out of town guests at the marriage of Miss Doris McKay to Mr. George Bryant Woods on June 12th will be: Mr. and Mrs. George Adams Woods, New Haven, Cona.;: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chandler, Cleveland, Ohio.; Mr. John Woods, New Haven; Miss Josephine Woods, New Haven: Mr. Harris Baker, Springfield; Mr. Robert Powell, New York; Mr. Chester Bassett, New York: Mr, and Mrs. Rdward MacDougal, Néw York; Mr. R. McAllister Lloyd, New York; Mr. HH. White, Boston, Mass; Mr. Richard Whitney, Boston: Miss Julia Hebbard, Philadelphia, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hyde, Mont- real; Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Smith, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Baker, Buffalo. N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Burn- ham Lewis, Boston. . 9 The graduation dance of the Ho- tel Dieu Hospital nurses was held on Friday evening at the Catholic Assembly Hall, the nurses and their friénds, a gathering of about sixty- five couples, enjoying dancing from eight till twelve o'clock to delight- ful music rendered by the Melody Kings. Refreshments were served during the evening by caterers Ar neil Hambrook. The hall was artistically deccrated with light blue and white streamers in web fashion, and crests of the Hotel Diu Hospital adorned the walls, giving jthe hall a beautiful appearance. The dance was one of the most successful held by the Hotel Dieu Hospital and very much enjoyed. The patronesses were Mrs. W. Gibson, Mrs. F. J. ~-- Andrews, Marie Vanluven, Phillis Coates, Mary Rowland, Evelyn Ed- wards, Alice Treadgold, Helen Saunders, Lily Saunders, Marion An- glin, Marion Bruton. The ladies of the W.M.8. poured tea, the convener of the committee being Miss Lola Saundercook, assisted dy the hon. president, Mes. B. I. England. Those taking part in the programme were Misses Lottie Sanders, Mildred Lee, Bessie Ettinger, Violet Posselwhite, Miss Merion Bruton, Miss Halen Gordon, Miss Verna Saunders, Miss Grace Horsfall. Mrs. R. O. Jolliffe, the president of Kingston Presby- terial of the W.M.8. of the United Church, told the girls of the meet- ing at Trenton. The chairman of the evening was the president, Miss Lily Saunders. Rev. W. T. G. Brown pro- nounced the benediction. Hear Miss McCorkindale, brilliant Australian lecturer, in Sydenham Street Sunday School Hall, Friday, June 11th, at 8 pm. WEDDINGS. Butlin-Lemmon. , St. Paul's Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding et 2.30 o'clock on Saturday afternoon when Laura Mae, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Lemmon, Barrie street, was umited in marriage to W. Albert Butlin, only son of Mp William and the late Mrs. Butlin, of Kingston. Rev. Canon FitzGerald of- ficlated. The bride who was given in marriage by her father wore a frock of pear! georgette trimmed with Fremch flowers with hat to match and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses showered with lily-of-the- valley, Miss Betty McConnell, nei¢e of the bride, was a dainty flower girl wearing a frock of rose and sil- ver taffeta with rose tulle hat and carrying a bouquet of sweet peas and IWy-of<the-valley. Mr. Bert Couper presided at the organ and during the signing of the register played ['O Promise Me." Immediate- dy after the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served at the home of the bride's parents and afterwards the bride and groom left for Chicago and Edgerton, Wis. The bride travelled in a blue silk bengaline tallored dress and coat, blonde hat and shoes-and stone martin fur. Mr. and Mrs. Butlin will residq in Kiyg- ston. Barber-Coon. The home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Mustard, 1809 Danforth avenue, Toronto, was the scené of a pretty wedding on Wednesday, June 2nd, |" at 2 o'clock, when Mra. Mustard's sister, Lucey Bleanor, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Coon, Bigin, became the bride of Robert BE. Barber, Guelph. The bride was becomingly attired in rose geor- geite trimmed in French medallions. Following the ceremony & buffet lunch was served after which the happy couple left by motor on a tour through the Eastern States, return- ing by Way of Elgin, where they will visit the bride's parents. The bride travelled in a dress of figured maro- cain crepe with fur-trimmed rose wood poiret twill coat and blonde hat and shoes. On their return they will reside at 179 Palmer street. Guelph. The Editor Hears | That steps are being taken to pro- cure a suitable gift from the women of Canada for Lady Byng of Vimy. All the ladies who have occupied the position of the wife of the Governor- General of Canada have been pre- sented with a remembrance of Lheir stay in Canada. dy Byng bas taken a deep interest in Canadian affairs and it is thought the gift which the wives of Canada's Privy Councillors are arranging to present her with, will be an expression of the appreciation of the women of the Dominion. That the annual meeting of the National chapter of the LO.D.E. opens in St. John, N.B., on June 6th, with a service of intercession for the Order in Trinity church, St. John, A Remarkably Low Price made possible door Ble by ion Price is no barrier to your owning a Marshall Spring Mattress. This superb, new comfort mattress has chang- of generations. Yet it costs less per i stuffed mattress. ghly resilient springs in the Marshall Spring Mattress give even, gentle support to the entire contour of the body. Natural even port ensures complete muscular relaxation, an essential cd the sleeping habits year to own than the o The many hundreds of na hi requisite to true healthful sleep. ~ Feel full of renewed Yigor and vitality by sleeping on a Marshall attress which gssures complete muscu- lar relaxation, the one essential to perfect body-building sleep. Spring Mattress. The The cost is within reach of all. FEATURE hundreds >My : of these high re ive" bgt To d~Each cotton movement making a noise, 3+=The springs in sation pockets Wik pring re use of more springs eliminati springs Simingting onger of } $r-Jantery Bow Knote=Dust- SoVentilator, always Jrush, cloan and sar. The Marshall * ri tress is with high g cotton felt, and ig cored durable licking with on such side and end. body sup- tue Send for our free booklet, "Perfect Sleep" MARSHALL VENTILATED MATTRESS QO. LIMITED, TORONTO, ONTARIO hall altiress RS wo 4 1. | SOLE AGENTS FOR MARSHALL MATTRESSES Standard equipment in the largest and best hotels of Canada and England. Compare values and you'll buy MARSHALL, New low prices. Joseph Abramsky & Sons Ltd. Telephone 1446. bags, emptied cans of meat or fish, paper ple plates, ete., when you are enjoying a walk in the woods? No one likes to see these things so no one should leave , them to annoy others. Many of the picnic places are in private grounds that picnick- ers have entered without asking leave. Most people do not mind such visitors it all signs of the ple- nic is cleared away, it fires are put out and fruit trees are left with all their blossoms. But it is a long suffering person who will harbor un- bidden guests who destroy both beauty and property. I KNOW A FIELD, I know a field where daisies grow And shimmering, grey-leaved pop- lars blow. And boys and girls come there to And ay and dance the livelong But ei they've all gone home to ah hy shuts its piak-tipped head. . And then the fairies, one by one, Come dancing from the setting sun. They paint the grass a fresher green And wash the daisies nice and And make things tidy for next day, | When all the children come to play. Flattery consists in having your secret opinion of yourself! express-| ness in their makeup epoll ed in the language of others. | 259-265 Princess St. Lots of men with traces of great- overy- thing by kicking over the traces. Saturday Night | All the new colors for . ¢-$1.19 each. stitched, all pure linen, for 10c. each. Women's ¢

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