Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jun 1926, p. 15

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"» Sree y, June 5, 1926. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG "The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place Phe British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. All ads. are restr proper classification, and Rar Dally Whig style of type LASSIFIED RATES: Dally rate ber line vr consecutive nsertions: Minto RAE, 25 oen mater per line charge Can ns, Births, 4 i rapa Mar~ Tiages, one insertion charged, $1.50; Sen 3 it and Memoriam Noticau-Charged. $1. 50; cash, $1.00 irregular time kes the one~ inser- : sort Bons ad. taken for less tasn n ath; no is four lines. ' Count six average words to the x Charged ads. will be received by Joly and if paid at The Heit- big Office within 6 days from - first En of lusertion, cash rate Ads hes ad. more than one as or fore expiration w ne gr line ta foc yearly adv Sredal Fate for De vertis'ng Pablishers reserve the right to edit or Telsft all all classified advertising Te epbons 243; ask for a want ad. taker. Tost and Found mann 1 WN LEA ining it money, en Kingston nanoque, on nln) noriing. Return to or no- 'ify 'Wi fice. OK ONYX RING -- Set with small tor license card, customs Jost on road be- BLA diamond, lost either at Yacht Club or at $tol Theatre, Wednesday even- A der Dishse leave at the Whig CHILI'S RE COAT--Found, at rR Park, on Saturday. Own- or aa "phone 2040. lost, at BLAND BICYCLI during Kingston-Belleville ball Eas entified. Finder please lum John Re- ue w FAWN SWEATER~Found. in Cricket| .y Owner mi Ave same at Albert Street. ' 9 Cl--Black Lynx, lost on -¥ri- on Prince bo ss Street, be- tween Bagot Sha. University Avenue. Kinder Mer plese return to 23 Mack Street, gar, penitentiary. gra ved, found In 'on May 28th, Own SES oat STaved n Bagot Street eid Parks. Finder or 135 he hk 2 oH "From mtainin eward. E.Slothey, and other ar- Cataraqui and June 2nd. Finder ; Ofics or 66 Main Reward ity Wily hie ingston. RC On 0 of ¢ Loe Station. Owner may Ain of guiting ag Saamias 35% or CAND on Raglan "st Patrick Street. Owner may same at 169 Raglan R WATCH ~-- Found, Nelson (Oner can have same' y- phon. Thursann | vo 2 wellington or Princess return ti treet of "phone S107. Re: Automobile, Glasy ana PHONE 535.w, POCKETBOOK Sta- | Esa Eom 1 ues im per Help Wanted Male Help Wanted A GOOD BARBER--Wanted. PP 2s Princess Street. FH. Bazea SURANCE SALBSMAN ant - Man capable of handling this work, good contract offered. Ex- perienced salesman preferred. Apply 10 Box U- "4 Whig Office. YOUNG MENS: leamgnip positions = Europe, Orient, g° pay, exper UNNOCOESArY. Sim self-addressed en- velope for list Mount Vernon, N. YOUNG MEN «-- Our district manager will be in Kingston soon to interview a limited number of young men be- tween 2} and 35, who are ambitious to become expert accountants, but feel they have always lacked the opportun- stating age, if now employed, and 'phone number. Bex M-31, Whig Office. Female Help Wanted BROOME A NURSE--Earn Jaoe, Dor week. State accredited school. Nits for hardiculara, Washington Hospital, 437 60th, St, Chicago, pork EXPERIENCED DINING ROOM GIRL --wanted. Apply to British Whig. EXPERIENC] = HOUSEMAID -- 727 references. ply to Mrs. w Richardson, ab King Street West. HOUSBMAID--With references, wanted. Apply to Wildam Carson, 72 Barrie reet MAID----Wanted One who can cook and jenetal housewor Good wages. oH y to Box F-25, ig Office. WIDOW OR SPINSTER--With no en« cumbrances; must over thirty, to do plain cooking and keep downstairs clean; for {ly of three. No laur« gry. 'Wages $16.00 per month. Apply Box W-3, Whig oni ce. ee Male and Female Help Wanted 8b MEN AND BOYS WANTED -Teo ronize J. W., Curson's Barber Shop. Men's hair cuts, 236c. Shaves 10c. Boys' hair cuts, 15c. Ladies 25c. 201 Wel- lington Street, Agents Wanted. ENERGETIC RELIABLE WOMAN--To train as corsetiere for position with shore i Corset Co. Outdoor work: 8 on, hours. Good pay. Apply to Box , Whig Office. MAN OR WOMAN--To travel and a point Agents. Yearly guarantee 31002 (being $21 ¥sakdy. average), and ex- penses. unnecessary. For particulars write ¢ Winston Co., Torouto, MAN. OR WOMAN T0 DISTRIBUTE ell /known line household necessi- ties; tremendous demand; telttory ar; ranged; even ; work plogsant; Jay saptial or Spare 3 fence or Unnecessary. ley Com- pany, Brantford, Onta SELls Guaraiiead jaca for overs pair r for eve Tr et Sasi oF Dos ue erlin os Mis: Dept. 8. Toro . ory TRAVELIANG SALESMAN -- Leading beef and Fuvision house, covering 3siritory ofa vicinity, not over thirty XY Yanrs ¢ of age, at least two years' = married preferred. ust rter Hon, Re K stating business experi Sue Sommence duties. Box. os, Whig 4 schoo Lan SALES ae AGENTS. Yeauisd or every largest and complete sock a g a years. OUF Sener a ve and wecure territory, Norsery Co., Toronto. YARDS OF PROFIT Pelham Re- commisston rir sure les ( rite at ange for full details and territory. Dominion Home Fabri > ny Room 501, 1436 Bleuty St. Mentrea = 6 --pe: Position Wanted EXPERIENCED HoUsEK sires Ppoaition, 7 RINGLAND APARTMENTS -- 184 yf een Str 2 four Rudd Beaters and Spast, Sent: a rete AF Otions. Box 123,} * enham, 8 rooms, all improvements. en | SMALL HOUSE --- Flat or Real Estate For Rent TW AT ARK « Furnished OE it ra before June 15th, ten per cent, ount. Furnished uttafe with garage sor June, $35.00. Apply $32 University Avene' "Phone 1083-m or at Eastview BRICK HOUSE--7 rooms, all improve- ments. House, 28 Concession Street. with garage, both newly decorated. Possession at once. Apply W. Jenkins, 16 Quebec Street or 'phone 1708-w, FINE RESIDENCE-- Wests efid, near Victoria Park, eight rooms, hw. far- nace, hardwood fioors, 3 p. bath, 5 electrinity, verandah. Possession ist. 'Phone 2815 or Box E-14, Wate Office. TWO FURNISHED COTTAGES -- For rent, with boats. Brule Lake, Miller township. H. Elkington, Plevna, Ont. HOUSE~-311 Queen Street, near Busi- ness College, § rooms, bath, hot water, Bas, ectricity, | furnace, Immediate U Si Pomesaiin 3 Paw. 33? Union. Street HOUSES--Colborne Street, $35.00 per month. Durham Street, $25.00 per month, Apply to Kingston Agencies 1ad., 67 Clarence Street. HOUSE--~3 Colborne Street, corner Byd- Pe ply 185 Queen Street. 'Phone 988-w. LARGE HOUSE -- Good stable, shed, lawn and garden; close to car line $16.00 per month. 'Phone 940-F. SIX ROOMED HOUSE ---- To let Charles Street; electric light and 7 roomed house, all improvements, fur- nace. Apply to H. ¥. Norman, 69 Pat- rick Street. SOLID BRICK HOUSE --- Centrally 10- cated; a"l modern equipment. Apply to H. B. Trotter, Trotter's Hardware, 345 Princess Street. STONE HOUSKE--233 Brock Street, elec. tric 1Jght and gas, hardwood floors, hot water heating. Possession May 1st. Apply to James Reid, 254 Prificess St. Rooms 10 FURNISHED ROOMS-.Hot water heat- ing, running water in each room; $904 locality. Terms moderate. Apply 49 Johnson streét, gorner Frontenac St. 'Phone 997-J. NIOB, FURNISHED ROOM--- To rent, with private family, with every con. venience; centrally located. For fur- ery pardeulars 2 pply Box 0-12, Whig on Wanted To Rent 11 "-- OUT OUR WAY. BY WILLIAMS. O00 MAH! TAKE THAT AWAN F HIM! 1 WORSE. THAN A WET DOG SHAKING HIMSELF! CEE Biv RECN ' Real Estate For.8ale WELL, GT YOURSELF A UMBRELLER § FER GOSH SAKES, KIN 1 HELP TT) CUZ THEM DONT HAVE FENDERS ON GRAPE FRUITS * WISE CRACK MA! 'Articles For Sale OD\FFERENT WIND OF A CRACK \F NOL ARENT CAREFULLY Jew ©1928 BY NEA SERVICE, INC. Business Services Wanted To Buy 14a CABIN OR HUT -- Toronto barrister wishes to rent a lonely cabin or hut for July; region north-west Frontenéc county, } by or near good fishing waters, accessible by automobile, Grant, 53% St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto, 10. FURNISHED APARTMENT--Or house- Keeping rooms, convenient to Univer ar wanted ted fo rent for July and Agua. ite olmes, Bpencer- ville, Ont. FURNISHED APARTMENTS WANTED or light housekeeping. for ! wi e and two sme! dis. Must be specially warm. Cone venient to Universiy alu tur lhiae @ consideration. Occupation seven sos half months from Sept. 20. Reply sling accommodation and terms <0 J. entice, 309 Frontenac Street. apartm No ehtidren; ueen's University. 5, Whig Office, For Sale or To Let near Box ils HOUSE AND LOT--Want to buy house lot. Price must be - reasonable. State price and terms. Write Mrs. A. yan) Dewater, West Bloomfield, N, ¥., ALOW--For sale or Miscellaneous NOW Is the time to decorate your lawns and Semeter lots with our flow. or vases. Three kinds to choose from. Kingston Cement Products, Patrick Street. 'Phone 730-w. NEW BOAT---18 foot, square stern, in first class condition, erms; reason Apply J. Knapp & Son, Barrie- BUNGA! h beautiful Japsstry lek Bungalow, § bath, hardwood floors, ; i restricted dis'ri Great opportunity moving to Toronto. Bex Office. Articles For Sale. ree 00 made sel n_ of nteed to fit. 'Phone SH tiermy . Patterson, 160 nbhene 23 GENERAL STORE In Naned forty Har! th; stand; the i e of present ten Count' or death in Phe family; "Penty of Sho ve for dwelling. IIs red. Dk; I ioEton ans, Fe 6. . y n IL 33, R 3-1, Harrowsmith, Ont. - [suMXER. coTL. o COTTAGE "Sunny Knoll" at Bay. Immediate Jooupa: Hoa Bl ful Hind toulars ARRly, to N rence Etre - on Ontario. ha: fox ROOM BRICK HOUSE --- Newly furnace, electric light, gas, non June 1st. Apply ased SUBS sul le] To be had heavy Clinkers. for rawing. to A Foundry, rove's Queen Streets. ORGAN-ID god condition; very cheap. "Phone 1466 tn ie I LE earst ie emp gnats BURNERSm. Garden Fences, kets for vor Purpose. Partridge ire Iron lating in Sliver, Sickie, a BRED-TO-LAY BARRED I. Reds, White Wyandottea, njesd Te dal 400 per cent. guar- vated, Give us your duis Basshag 18 dee "| REFRIGERATORS--F our Bureka Re- shih Tore only used short tine, ts or butcher. rocer or APP BB athen: 137 Nelson Stree A phone 1381-J. THREE RUGS--Two o large and 1 small For are 'phone $64-m. » et Queen Btreet. LAWNINGS«Verandah Curtains. A Frank W. Cooke. "Phone 436. BARBY ©. AGE-Cream reed. Apply 'Phone 1312-w. Apply BRICK--St sed, Ru, ustie, wire cup, Puliatng tile and {eal tile. A. Neal, 634 Johnson St. "Phone 3040. «Apply to Box Toh Wale Dittoe. Kingat TT Apartments and Plas 7 £85 Business Places 18 GARAGE~With house attached. Yalu: bie Outar 0I0E LOTS~--In all CH ory et bg An is fifimnt AX Earl street or phone FURNISHED APARTMENT Hd Sentrally Jocated, he od for monger term. size mal RAT AF NER Ceres BE : FREE § pleces, DINING ROOM «Of Suartel out valk, colonial 4 en. Ap- ply evenings at 361 Barrie Te ae Hd Eh SR he Fis) AND » an nr wr Redden, am. We deliver. "Phone Si TR EE Mabioaon and have It] aE jo3 WE WILL REN h Pike for six dollars per m and a the expira- ono six ah will allow all mon a to apply on pu rice of| B erms arranged on the ited, iano. plate. Bae' te Lindsay 131 Pri Street. 98e. BUYS--A © yours to-night. lete Sashlight. Get Radio Stores. rurniture modern fu ure 80Id ahd BOWEhL M. Cram- er, 507 Princess Strset, successors to Lesseg Antique Shop. oy acon 16a. Sn ---- 15 cess Streets. he ree. Hours 9-13 venings phone Soa: Professiunal DRUGLEJS PRACTITIONER -- W. Marcells, corner of Barrie and Prin. Chiropractic adjust nents, electric treatments and hand- a X-ray service. Consulta Po. a1 A. a.m. 1-6 nt, Office tele~ oy appolitma esidence 'phone 957-J. FEIN BLEMISHES -- } Farts, Birthmarks, by Bats after Goitre cured without ears' experience. Dr. ye, Kar, Nose, Bag Medical Throa ot Street. Phone Boi. House 1135J Hair, Moi Skin vg Cancers, ts, etc, removed permanent Hatistactory Glasses fitted amd others have failed, operation. Elmer J. Lak Skini 26 __ Business Services Insurance ERNIE D. SLITER--Insurance Bro, all branches of insurance in old companies of highest financial ing. - 381 King reet Bast, 3578-w, Res. 11 A ANDERSON. Pain and Decoraton And Fesljonce en 1966. oop 283 ing § GET YouvR PAINTING=-ADd done Yow, Prices reasonabl r o.- Horton. 146 Colling~ 'Phone 3984¢+J. paper wood Street SGN PAINTING). & Roblason, rear 5 Bagot se Financial FRONTENAC LOAN AND IN MENT SOCIETY -- lagor Atod President, A. D. vice-president J. M. Farrell fH to loan on city and farm properties; in vestinent. Bondg bought and so! posits received and interost p minimum monthly balance. RG Cartwright, matisger, §7 Clarence oh EE SR SI ISI Storage "0a. STORAGR«For furniture, clean, ars: alry rooms and Spates; yout own 1 and key. Frost's Cl 1 Btorage, 398- 3505 Queen St. 'Phone 538. Res. 380-w. or 1932-J. RBUTD'S 3T0RA0n WAREHOUS furniture or an FI proof building. ¥ phone bo. or 1A7 ee Miscellancous ASHES--Cleaned out of callars and yards, clean job done. A. MacGragor, 24 Russell Street. 'Phone 2365 ASHES---Removed from yard ahd cele rtd lass dry- Buckley Transfer, 343 rh Br 'Phone 291 and 3516-M. CAVERLY TRANSFER CO. Princess Street, ploughing, TN and discing garde team-work done. 'Phone 1607-J. CARPENTER WORK~--AIl kinds of Sar enter i contracting or 4a ardwood floors a specialty. moderate. G. Hunter, 73 Pombro Street. 'Phone 948-w. Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Plang adjusting. Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED. SALES SERV) we MUrray's Rooms, Market Square. prays, Adeion Ra cneral Eiimates T ven. iy sales, A RUTadns and satu 10.30 a.m. Send anythls yod to seli--ocome for what you nesd. Tele phone §91-J. . UPHOLSTERING--And general rapalrs lug. Leave orderg'at or drop 2 vad " W. Harold, 104 Clergy onone 1600-J. Automobiles mm DR. H OWARD Bagot Street, Kingston. this oF L. ra: 10 10 3.30 p.m. vena s ments 'phone 3051. FOLGER-~ 238 Fraetice Umit o 1a 7-8. Appoint- a ents, Barristers and Solicitors = 31b WwW. H. dot r, Solfete abd Nota TR J Eubie 10) a8? Welling. d Solicitors; "79 a & SMITH -. Barristers Xin As B. an ham, a Cunannin, KC; VIL DM, ith & : Street, KINGSTON AUTO a AND ~--Makers of Auto C Ri 1) sine bodies, California ol ering. Awnings and A Ey oy solicitors. 69 A. E. Day, Ady A os arranged. 'Phons 20 D REV BLOE--Barristers Clarencs Street, icing: ile. jin 1 Save REYNG LDS, J. C--~Ba ns Brock Street. on eity and Phone 2609. SHEA~A mbroas, BA, Sotlelton Law Of a Jos, n aver 0, to 1 'Phone. 2329, Personai ter and Soltel. ortgages ars farm property. ea cafe ep [ xing or Dew or re- rains, vers, Se- dy FL iin wl Tog u rd e u : for Jou ook arpa E = Re voRrin Fa jus and nd a co Fuel ang Feed 18 A oe ea BR ouT FOR § Siren wa rt A and 10c. tor Jk enure life. rand Ceatral UCKe Send wonderful of. fon, Ladies' Halr rarior PERMANENT For the very latest hair 209 Princess Street. WAVING in Ladies' an ROLL SIVE PRIVATE A. B. KINGSBURY "Phona 2018-7. FORD TRUCK With mm 1 290.00, A good car nl a ada By TRE ann ANG ot tire rer om offer refused, ed, Apply ------ King: THR usd smaller car. 1 Rian 2 Ford Tourings, 1918 model 11 Ford Touring, 1920 Model

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