TH * held bd EL [EK B | SR #4 RR] me [3 i et dt Be, A pn oR ase 2013| the persons published of the Fhe civeulation of The British Whig 18 authenticated by the Audit Bureau of ---- YEARS ADDED TO LIFE. Sir Arthur Newsholme, one of the World's Jeading contemporary auth- _brities on public health administra- tion, confirms recent assurances of American medical men that longer, jealthier and happler lives await the ication by governments of known "Years are already being added to the life of each member of the com- munity," says Bir Arthur News holme. "Every advancé in curative and in preventive medicine implies, an enhancement in the general stand- ard of life." Sir Arthur was entertained in New Xork, befors he sailed for England. Friday, after a tour of inspection demonstrations in public health [nistration In New York Btate elsewhere In the United States. his address he said that Ameri n medical men who recently dedi- d their efforts to increasing the age life span twenty years with- 'mext half-century, are on the & than fifteen years have been to the average duration of life The average tion of life for every infant at fifty-eight to fifty-nine years. part of this Improvement. is due to the increased care mow becoming more gens by personal effort and by of health authorities and promoting the welfare and the mother and her child | §E2 A REAL JOLLY ROW, The Toronto Mail and Empire nas | fallen foul of Mr. T. L, Church, M.P., who fn parliament declared, "Thera | are no two greater enemies of the | Conservative party and the working | classes than the Michigan-controlled | Toronto Star and the Montreal-own- | ed Mall and Empire, the biggest load the Liberal-Conservative partr are | carrying to-day in Ontario." The] Mail denies the accusation and in-| sists that Mr, Church "can plead no excuse, except it may be a deficient sense of moral responsibility. The statements themselves are brazen falsehoods which Mr. Church passes on from the scurrilous newspaper that speaks as familiarly of him as it It were his wife. The Mail and Empire is not, and never was, a load on the Liberal-Conservative party, but it will feel bound to do what it can to disencumber the party of some loads it has been carrying in of certain ungrateful politicians. If The Mail and Empire can be held to owe any apology to the Conservative party, it is only for _countenancing the candidature of Mr. T. L. Church." What a real jolly row is in pro- spect! I -------------------------- CALLING FOR UNITY. Right Rev. D. T, Owen, Bishop of Niagara, at a Synod service In To- ronto, urged the members of the Church of England to get together to face the greatest problem it has ever had in Canada. "I believe," he said, "that this church in face of its spec ial task and its peculiar opportunity, is called upon now to make a choice between allowing its strength to be dissipated in internal conflict or aris- ing in the fulness of its power to meet the situation. We must not allow the old eltibboleths and war- cries of long ago to turn us aside and rob us of that God-given oppor- tunity, We must choose to forget; we must choose to love, to under- stand. We must choose tolerance, charity and often silence in order that our full strength may be with pus for the task ahead, a task which is crying out to be dome. A great price has been paid in years gone by for bitter words and bitter feel- ings In the church. It is the price of an unbelieving world, the price of an opportunity missed." The words of wisdom of Bishop Owen are not alone meant for "the Church of England, as all Canadian churches needs to heed the appeal made. - The St. Thomas "Times-Journal points out that coal is no longer the absolute monarch it once was. Oil and water power are rocking its throne. Science has learned to gen~ erate heat and power with less fuel. The coal market is contracting every day, and these men, their wives, ohil- dren and dependents are in danger of economic extinction. To some ex- tent coal's auto¢ratic reign has been its undoing. ---------- SHORTENED BUT LENGTHENED. When women cut off the bottom of their dresses and started wearing them shortened to their knees they added five years to the length of wo- men's lives. When they cut their lingerie in half and declared it style to go out in the cold with only two layers of clothing, they added an- other five years. In the opinion of Dr. Roger And- rieu, of Paris, it was the most sen- sible thing style dictators have ever thought of and for that reason the style will probably not last long. "Men should take a lesson from women and cut down on their cloth: ing," declared Dr. Andrieuw. "Wo men, within another generation of i fi i H ££ Hy i ; I | BY W. L. WORDS OFTEN MISUSED: better." * Say "somewhat better." OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: "cat," not as & in "let." WORD STUDY: . this danger in mind. It is possible to fmmune onself against this ser- fous disease before stariing on a tour, by an/injection of the vaccine. Those who do not want to take such treatment will do well to carry their own water supply, obtaining'it from sources known to be sale--usually the regular water supply of the cities they pass through, Any watar they take from a private well or spring, unless well vouched for, should be boiled. EDITORIAL NOTES. June has arrived: "Here Comes the Bride." ' ny A lot of us fail because we put off till tomorrow what the ofher fellow does to-day. Mother worries about her figure at home while father worries about his figure at the bank. i -------- Quebec during the last year has made $19,000,000 out of the liquor business under government control. It will soon be time for the girls to begin planning what extra cloth- ing they will put on to go in swim- ming. A stingless bee would be a great discovery, one that wouldn't scare motor drivers when it lights on the end of his nose. A contemporary says autolsis should show the greatest courtesy to railroad trains allowing them the full right-of-way at crossings ! It may be a long time before Brit- ain and Russias will make a treaty as Russia will not recognize its pre-war private debts. Britain insists. The Independent Labor party comes out strongly in favor of gov- ernment control and local option. We know where the party stands. Jack Frost nipped off twenty-five per cent. of Ontario's fall wheat, but that is only an incident in the agri- cultural possibilities. of the prov- ince. Mr. John Easton, President of the Dominion Football Association, Montreal, has resigned from the as- sociation as a protest against the in- troduction of Sunday football, Let autoists dim bright lights for approaching cars and keep to the right of the road on curves and straightaway, and not race when a car starts to pass. Kingston's per capita expenses for 1924 were $31, the lowest in the province. Ottawa and Brantford spent $45 per head. Toronto, Ham- ilton and London, $55; Guelph, $49; | Galt, $43; Kitchener, $42; Oshawa, $40. : There is nfuch truth in a remark made by Rev. A. H. Sovereign, Vie- &~ OFTEN MISSPELLESD: chargeable; ea. SYNONYMS: conversion, talk, intercourse, communion, communication. "Use. a word three time and it is yours." Let us increase our vocabulary by mastering one word each day. To-day's word: ATTRIBUTE (verb); attributes his remarkable success to a clean life." Don't say "the patient is some : catch. Pronounce the a as in chat, conference, discourse, to aseribe; assign. "He A A cette satay toria, B.C., who sald that "supervis- ed playgrounds have always decreas- ed juvenile crime, and in many places made it an unknown thing, for juvenile crime only represents energy expanded in the wrong way. Teach the boy to play the game, how to play them, and how to "play the game" in every sense of the term, and he will not go wrong. News and Views. It Is Generally So. Manitoba Free Press: The trouble with a lot of those fellows who go around shaking hands is that they may have something up their sleeves. Chance For Development. Norfolk Daily News: The Moro outlaws are still far from the civi- lized standard maintained by our own enlightened gunmen. Proud Inferiority. Ohio State Journal: Often when in the presence of the sort of person whom the women consider a real nice man we are reconciled to being regarded as a lost soul. A California Expedient. Niles Register: There's a man over in the next township who hangs a quarantine sign in the front of his house the first of every month and hasn't been fmterviewed by a bill collector in three years. The Vanity of Women. Border Cities Star: So many vain Women are powdering their noses in the reflection from store windows these days it's almost impossible for a fellow to see how he looks in his new straw hat, Why He Saved His Life. Dundalk Herald: Dr. Crossley pulled an aniusing joke in one of his here. A man had attempt intahiE. bY Jumps the act and, jump- ing after him, managed to bring him ashore. On recovering his breath the rescued man blurted, "I wish you'd mind your own business." "I am," was the quick retort, "You've every bit as much right to Hve and taxes as I have." - - ro SALY gaivien HIG DAILY LESSONS IN ENGLISH GORDON OU don't need to wait to have a C+C-M-. A small the rest in Waekiy or immediately. A C-C bills saved, time saved and shoe leather saved. See the new and get details of his easy payment plan. the C-C+'M: dealer's What You Get for the Last $1000 You car. get cheaper bikes than the C-C:M:, but for the last $10 you get C'C'M: quality---a bicycle 909% made in Can- ada, 100% value. It gives the Triplex er, ish Seamless 20-year nickel-plate, extra enamel coats, the Gibson Pedal, the new improved Hercules Brake. Wo these mean extra years rid. ing and a higher nolling Aloe for your "used" C:C:M: payment down and monthly instalments will it in your hands soon for itself in iH plait saved, doctor's for Man's Health Of all methods uf trans. portation, biking is the healthiest. It takes one out in the open air. It calls forth healthy, phys- ical effort without strain. You can get needed daily exercise coming and go- ing frm work with no time lost. Toning up the muscles is real enjoymeng by the C-C:M: method. CCM Bicycles RED BIRD---MASSEY--PERFECT CLEVELAND---COLUMBIA and Joycycles for Children SOLE AGENTS FOR MASSEY C.CM. BICYCLES OLD SPORTING GOODS CO. 88 Princess Street. . Telephone 529. George Muller e 371-373 King Street. t for Cleveland Bicycles Bicycles to rent. 00D MEALS WELL SER Visit our Restaurant and enjoy the good things we serve. Our prices are reasonable. Music supplied by Six Plece Electric Orchestra The CAPITOL 5 DOORS ABOVE CAPITOL CAFE 'PHONE 2047. = ---------- Pry St Ee -------------- So ----------, Sowards Keep Coal | Coal Keeps Sowards At ase