THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place # oon fires Cash a Sharp ou 5 8 Bictia, Bhgdgiimenta. Ma: and riam $i 5h; ceen, $1.06 will be received by it 4 at The Brit within § days from insertion, cash chsh rate {or move than one da expirath will Shared for the number of a and adjust. at the rate earned. space is I rtisiny reserve the right to edit sll classified advertising 249; ask for a want ad. ind igis, Je Jenfie 16 A, oldest daugh- Amodeo, aged 19 her late residence, 340 Street, on Monday at 85.45 jon, Ont., on June te Mary's Cathedral, where n k4quiem mass will be sung iy repose of her sou is 5 ao aeaily ia at ninaville N. Y, on rena. 'Dawson, wis ae ie Inte Sédney Guess. "at 8 tne a Cemetery on Mon- i June; 7th, at 12.00 o'clock S:an- iin Sark J Tibrgh, ik dey, June , Hanne Su~ Blizabeth Kellar, in her 78th 'trom her late resid , June Sth, at 1.00 dard time. rment at Glenwood cemetery. ly, in Kin on, 1938, Suan, ohn- eo late harles ol takes place rom her late idence, 11 Cowdy Street, on Sat- lternoon at Tol ook Satur- o'clock June 8 Lost and Found BROWN LEATHER POCKETROOK Ri Containing motor license card, customs | pertait and money, lost on road Dbe- tween Xingston and Gengnogue, on Tuesaday morning. Return to or Ro< tty Wiig Office. BLACK ONYX RING -- Set with small diamond, lost either at Yacht Club or at Capitol Thea're, Wednesday sven- bs Finder pisuse leave at the Whig ce. Reward CHILD'S REEFER lake Ontario Park. om Satu er please 'phone 2040. FAWN SWEATER--Found, in Cricket Fleld. Owner may have same at 450 Albert Street. FOUNTAIN PEN---Engraved, found in front of Hotél Dieu on May 28th, Own- er may have same by communicating with re. Fletcher Shannen, Glen- burns, Ont, or at YW.CA. AROELS -- On Thursday, May May 27th, arcels, containing grains, ingston Mills ro other side of Outer Station, Owner may have same by culling at Samuel Mo- = COAT--Found, at rday. Own- Real Estate For Rent | Apartments and Flats AT RINGLAND APARTMENTS -- 184 Queen Strasy four-roomed apart- ments: 3 p. "hain, Rudd heaters and She each. Possession imme- tely, only 186 Queen Street. Tele- phone 1123. APARTMENT --In the Winston, 6 Toainh heated: hot water all year round; stove in kitehen. Apply Dr. Anglin, rt 1 street or phone 178. FURNISHED APARTMENT -- Large rooms, centrally located, also smail epartment furnished for summer OF unfurnished for unger term. 'Phone 1123-J. HEATED APARTMENT--Corner Barris and Princess Streets, xiso sores on Princess Street, centrally located with rear sutrances. Apply IL Cohen & Co, Ontario Street. Phone 83¢. SSIs Business 1"laces 8 GOOD SIZED STONE WORKSHOP «i Queen Street entrances. Apply Aber nethy"s Shoe Store. Kane's. Isle of Man, Tae, or telephone 2771 r 6. SUM OF MONEY-<Found. Owner may have same from Miley Lake, Inverary. 0 OlS---For rent, large and small offices, in the Bibby Buliding. Terma bo suit tenant upon application to R. D. Sloan, Pioby's 8 Limited. TIRE AND TUBE--Found, on Raglan Road at Patrick Street. Owner may have same at 169 Raglan Road. WRIST WATCH -- Found, on Nelson Street. Owner can have sane by phon- ing 1658-J WRIST WATCH ~~ Lady's Gold, with leather strap, lost oun Thursday, in vicind.y of Wellington or Princess Streets. J'inder please return to 401 Johnson street or 'phone 874-J. Re- ward. = Help Wantea Male Help Wanted A GOOD BARBER-Wanted. Apply 535 Princess Street. I H. Baseau. LIFE INSURANCE SALBSMAN -- Wanted Man capable of handling this work, good contract offered. Ex- perienced salesman preferred. Apply to Box Ib 4, Whig Office. PATTERNMAKERS -- Wanted. Must be first class workmen State experi. ence to Canadian General Electric Co, Ltd, Peterboro. YOUNG MEN « Our district manager will be in Kingston soon to interview a limited number of young men be- iron 21 and as, who are ambitious me expert accountants, but feel Rn have always lacked the opportun~ ity. Public 1 Education suffi- clent, but must be & worker. statin age, if now employed, and ' number. Box M-31, Whig Office. . ataraqui Cemetery. tfully mE CRSS "Phone 147 147 for Ambulance ane RT J. REID Female Help Wanted 8 EXPERIENCED DINING ROOM GIRL ~~wanted. Apply to British Whig. JPR; | SEX AT EASTVIEW PARK ~ Furnished bungalows, if taken before June 15th, ten per cent. discount. Furnished cottage with garage for Jupe, $25.00. 4 DB 332 University Phone 1083-m or at Eastview Houses BRICK HOUSE--T rooms, all improve- 28 Concession Street. e, both newly decorated. Possession at once. Apply W. Jenkins, 15 Quebec Street or 'phone 1708-w. FINE RESIDENCE.~ West end, near Victona Park, cight rooms, h.w. fur. nace, hardwood floors, 3 p. bath, electrinity, verandah. Possession &% 'Phone 4518 or Box E-14, Whig ice. HOUSE--311 Queen Street, near Busi- ness College, ¢ rooms, bath, hot water, £88, electricity, furnace. Immediate possession. Apply 139 Union Strest 'Phone 3045-w. HOUSES--Colborne Street, $3500 per motith. Durham Street, $25.00 per month. Apply to Kingston Agencies Ltd. 87 Clarence Street. HOUSE--2 Colborne Street, corner Syd- enham, § rooms, all improvements. Ap ply 185 Queen Street. 'Phone 988-w. LARGE HOUSE -- Good stable, shed, lawn and garden; close to car line $16.00 per month. 'Phone 940-F. ROOMED HOUSE ~~ To let Charles Sireet; electric ght and 7 roomed house, all improvements, 7 Apply to H. F. Norman, §9 rick Street. on STONE HOUSE --233 Brock Street, elec. tric light and gas, hardwood floors, hot water heating. Possession May Ist. Apply to James Reid, 254 Princess Bt. Bt. EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID -- hid references. Appl Mrs. Ww. Richardson, 450 King Street west. MAID---Wanted. One who can ¢ook and do general housework. Good . wages. App y to Box F-25, Whig O Undertaker WM. P, Princess Street KEY FUNERAL REYES COLBORNE 'PHONE 18890. Rooms 10 FURNISHED ROOMS--Hot water heat- ing, running water in each room; sou erate. Apply 49 locality. erms m Johneon street, corner Frontenac St 'Phone $97-J. WiDow OR SPINSTER-WIith no en- cumbrances; must be over thirty, to do plain cooking and keep qoNnatalrs Sean for 7 Jit0p three. a No. Jun. ry. ages mont A Box W-3, Whig O wtlee. Pp FURNISHED ROOMS..Eveéry conveni- hos for Baht hougekeaping: married couple preferred o Bagot Street In oven evening. PP 3 Nialo sm Fought Ticks Woatsd 5 NIUE, FURNISHED ROOM--- To rent, with private Santily with ib, every cons MEN AND BOYS WANTED =To t= n's Barbet Shop. ted. For fur. ther p pardculars apply Box 0-13, Whig AR a TRL 's r Qe. Ir cuts, ibe' Ladies Boe or Wak lington SMACK IDEAL SOFT DRINK FLAVOR «=0o0l, refreshing, healthful, delight- fay tasty; y: made in a Jifty; enormous jemand ; ten cents, get selling an ple; make big jnoney this summer; ey-Garrotson, Brantford, Omt. Agents Wanted, chosen Mt the Bay of oy « of the United Church (Rev.) J. Mrs. W. T. 4 RELIABLE SALES AGENTS---Wanted now for every unrepresented distriot; largest and complete stock.six hundred established forty Wanted To Tent 1 barrister CABIN OR - Toronto wishes to rent a "lonely cabin or hut for July; region north-west Frontenac county, by or near good fishing waters, le by automobile. Grant, 53%a St. Clair Ave. W Toronto, 10. F APARTMENT--Or house kee conven ent to Shiver, aeping rooms, alty, wanted to rent July Wirite 8. J. Srobnen, Sp nn e, Ont. For Sale or To Let 11a ursery years. Our agency is valuable. Write now and secure territory. Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. MAN -- Lead TRAVELING SALES. fg covering Dest emg Riu¥iston house, territory ton vicinity, not over thirty years of age, ai least two years" high school, married preferred. headquarter Kingston, Reply, stating business experience, when Sou commence duties. Box 8-3, Whig Position Wanted EXPERIENCED HOY SSI EGE. Da. sires position. References if n sary. Apply to Box T-4, Whig Office. Olassified Display ERAL RD In ihe village oy TowSm stock mi ®leo, thriving Business; an old. relia' je i: » count of death abo _louT OUR WAY. IN HOUR Go00 SUNDAS CLOTHES 7 SAM, HAVE OL FOR: y AND GOTTEN WHAT DAN TIS 152 GOOD GRACIOUS! SIT Down AND BE QUIET FOR ONE DAM INTHE WEEK? GET YOUR SUNDAY SCHOOL PAPER Ou READ! wi WHEN SUNDA WAS SUNDAY. Business Services Decorators A. ANDERSON-~Palnter and Shop and residence 'phone 1966, fice 283 King Street. GET Youk PAINTING=mAD Be done now. Prices reason paper for sale. Horton, Nes Sonne: wood Street. 'Phone 2984-J. Of gn PAINTIN = 5 Dana Ged 8 Robinson, rear onthly balance. 4 , manager, $7 Clarence St. Storage 208. STORAGE-For furniture, clean, dry, alry reoms and spaces; your own |} a ay. Frosi's City Storage, 99- 303 Qusen SL 'Phone 536. les. 935-w. or - BOYD'S STORAGE NAREHOUSE-oFOE furnjture or any andise. Fires proof building. % Phone 1000 or 1177. "n cellars and MacGragor, MisceDancous ASHES-Cleaned out of yards, ciean job done. . 34 Russell Street. 'Phone 2355. ASHES--Removed from yard and cel. lars; general carting; first class dry~ wood for sale 8 ive. Buckley Transfer, 143 Yor reet. 'Phone 251 and 2516-M. CAVERLY TRANSFER CO. «= Upper Princess Street, ploughing, harrow and discing gardens; also gene team-work done. Kstimates given 'Phone 1507-J. CARPENTER WORK~AIl kinds of cars guter Srork, Sontracting or day work. a sod iden a apecialt Char, a a Hunter, 14" pombroka Street. 'Phone $48.w. Expert Plano Tun, Player<Plane adjusting. Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED . Real Estate For Sale 14 RIGHT ROOMED HOUSE -- Victoria Str. Re Lots 36' frontage; cheap. Ap- ly ov. LT. J. 8. Ferguson, 496 \otoria ree tek, § rooms, modern, John son Street. Central Three Farms close to city, Would ex- change. Heute Stores, Flats, to let. Bee Hist at office. Insurance. Mens to loan. T NNOR, 351 Princess Street, 'Phone 1189-J, SUMMER COTTAGE-- That charming, nine-roomed summer Setuase Sn the St. wrence in than two miles Sots the. the ef hy. Heels a JoIsge a a boa and out 100 by 300 feet. summer sprin water, Articles For Sale Miscellaneous MEN'S SUITS---Bring your own cloth. Will cut, make a trim for $20.00, Guaranteed fit. Delivery within seven days. 'Phone 3306-w. G. Patterson, Johnston Street. 15 our ro NOW ---Is the time to decorate lawns and cemetery lots with our er vases. Three kinds to ch Kingston Lament Products, Patrick Street. 'Phone 730-w. NEW BOAT--16 foot, square stern, In first" class condition. erms; reasons able. Apply J. Knapp & Son, Barrie- Garden Fences, syaly re TL 0S: Sickie, RUBBISH BURN G r Bushes ' riridge V Plating in Sirver: sum ete. © garden. Tota Ses or breezes very few fies. F. R. Anglin, Wanted To Buy 14a moush AN OT Want 10 buy house be reasonable. Phe rice nd -- Write M an Dewater ater, West Bioomifle nN 1 For Sale or Exchange 14b RUNGALOW-=Bar sale or exchange -- beautiful Tapestry Brick Bungalow, § room | and bath, hardwood floors, om; in restricted dis riot mi frtuntt Sete of To» dps unity for ne Box Q-1, ig wich Ta to i ronto. Grea movin Office. Articles For Sale. WNINGS-Verandah Curtall App. Aank Ww , Céoke. 'Phone ris wy G.| prICK--8toc: oy ry R , Harrowamit th, he oe BRICK HOUSE a decorated, furnace, ulscirle, lent, gas, £5 "Son Strest. Jubs. lat. LS Real Estate For Sale Farms and Land R015 In all parts of pr Ee rE Agencies Business Places in La" a rs. R. 'w. KENT MACNEE INSURANCE BROKER Nines sire. La ow Lg go fe. other lines of Ins 33 BROCK BT. "PHONE 585.w. py house ak, PEs ue Rustia, wire oup, building tile a rain tile. A. Neal, 624 Johnson St. "Phone 3040. G AND SUMMER SUITS $30.00 new, fit. 'Phone 12 A EERE 180 Johnston Street. THin new TL ins inn nasiees in. Ri A iro, 48 Princess DINING NOON Sune -- kim ap at 261 frp ele bas ht ie RHEE SER Our ck of '8 and 8h & al, PRL PLAIN AND SIMPLE { Kingston Yacht Club guests of Commodose Henry ¥F. Richardson at a smoker in the club evening. The Mel- Ratoned it Gesirea. it Fag } ston Hatchery, 10 clingenall x oR Bureks Re. frigerators; cnly uesd Short time. Suit able for grocer or butch: 5 Wathen, 127 Nc'son "Breda PR | B. phone 1381-J. RADIO SERVICE "PHONE 1307 An time. Canada Radio Stores. 269 Princess Street. WE WILL RENT--You a Plano for six dollars per month and fat the expira- tion of six months will allow all mon+ rchase price fee paid to » Pp ot arranged on the Dus. C. iadsay Limited, 131 Princess Street. Trarafture 10a FURNITURE-- Antigua nd modern furniture sold and bought. M. Cram- or, Princess Street, successcrs to Lesseg Antique Shop. Auto Tops and Cushions 10a. L a» do Kring for new Allee urtain; Si» ores, rs, Bac Baared upholstering and deckin, shield and body g put in Ww. hire you wait, linoleum &ad edging for run- | fi o wRInEs, made to oi Arpeus and swings or. Princess Street. 'Phone as Fuel ang Feed * 18 CW. gr deliver anthra- cite "ood 4h 15.13. Carry "Phone 3362-m. ig Ying "an, Cn nard wee | th agi ro ee wy handle jong best. Swain. Di oi 2 cue 1439-J. and DRUGLEIS PRACTITIONER .. W. Marcells, corner of Barrie and Prin: cess § Chiropractic adjust. ments, electric treatments and hand. massage. X-ray service. Consulta ton free, Hours #-1% am, 1-6 p.m. venings by appointment. Office tele phone 333 esidence 'phone §57-J. BKIN BLEMISHES --- Halr, Moles, Warts, pi Amarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, ete, removed permanent ly. Batis. story = Glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed Goltre cured without Sheration, 38 four s Sxperichics. Rr marl dal Base Ear, 301% Hou Bagot Strot, Fhone 301 House 11364 Medical WARD PRICE FOLGER. 138 Street, Kingaton. Prac Net) Throat, Le HH. 158 A i - ments "pholie 0 pp nt PR. 20 Mio ana Solicitors 21b wow "4nd Notary Public 18 ih ona: SALES SERVIUE ~+ Murray's Auction KHooms, market Square Reguisr week- ly sales, 'Ynursdays and Saturdays at 10.30 a.m. Send anythlog you to sell--ocome for what you need. Tele- phone §9i-J. UPHOLSTERING--ANd general repairs ing. leave orders at or drop a cand F. W. Harold, 104 Clergy Street. Pune 1600+], Automobiles Auto Accessories KINGSTON AUTO a AND BODY ~Makers o Lute, 1) , Boat T }| Finite ued ad e of ® & traot. Eons 304. Auto W Wrecking Co. JS sspons, Meng Hand all aizes «= i Phone 2475.w, 140 RIDEAU 87. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers Solicitors, 78 Clarence Digest, ato B. Cunaningham, DAY AND REVELLE--Barrister doliclions Da Saarelits rset, 8 a L Revel Morigages arcanged. hous 308. - REYNO J. CmBarrister and Solici- ick Btrect, Mortgages ar b+ iad on city and farm proper Phone 2008. broperty. SHEA---Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and licitor, Law Oftice, corner of King and Brock, over Ro al Bank, Money to loan. 'Phone 9. ' Halr Trarior PERMANENT WAVING For the Tats iatest in Ladies' LADIES' EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE PARLOR. 108 pri Be ru 3016-3. HIRLe Laren Auto Wreckers Have moved their place of busi ness to-- "" CLERGY STREET Between Princess and Queen Sts. Palmer's Auto Salvage | Asm or 8 24 'womn TUDIR wd of cas 192¢ Noange, ; : ce o arm ality. noingham, C lareigs Sireot FORD TOURING CAR I run« a 4 sHorreuntd Anyly at Frontenas THREE PASSENGER COU UPB Ful taulpped, ot fuoning o order; sell ra. smaller car. FOR YOUR INSPECTION - Evora 4% Jobn