Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Jun 1926, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE 's Page Editor Phone 2618. Private Phone 857w. ! 5 . . . {ss Helen Parker, Montreal, is ting Miss Clara Farrell, Barrne 'Miss Marjorie Dollar, Napanee, is fiting her uncle, Mr. E. Douglas, 'Canon Jarvis, Toronto, rector of pan in town for the Mrs. R. 0. Alexander, Royal Mill- tary College, is giving a children's 'party this afternoon. - * . rs. WJ. B. White, University ue, has returned from Ottawa, re she was with her daughter, Charles Douglas. " . - 'Mrs. Harold Singleton and her hter, Rochester, N.Y., are with "parents, Mr. and Mrs. James jwiord, Barrie street. . . > H. ¥. Richardson, the com- of the Kingston Yacht Club, 'glving & smoker in the club this for the men members. * . * Mabes and the Misses Wall- Belleville, were in town on dnesd and were with Mr. and Irs. James Haydon, Johnson street. - - - Rev; J. W. and Mrs. Stephen. St. Manse, are in Montreal meoting of the General As-|. bly of the Presbyterian Church. ona = . Miss Sylvia Ross, Belleville, en- ined the members of Queen's sity ALLAGHER'S p who put on a musical attraction there, at her home, 282 Foster avenue, after the performance. . Ld . Col. and Mrs. Ruseell Brown have arrived in Canada from Hong Kong. Mrs. Brown will visit her mother, Mrs. Thomas Tandy, Toronto, - . . Mrs. J. L, Wilson, Buffalo, N.Y, has arrived home to spend a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John P. McRory, Clergy street west. . - - » Miss Mary Ogilvie and Mr. Edgar Ogilvie, Toronto were in Hamilton on Tuesday fof the McCullough- Champ wedding. Miss Marion Ogtivie has returned to Montreal. - - - Mrs. John Gordon McKenzie and her iittle son, and' Miss Violet Me- Kenzie, Toronto, motored to King- ston, on Wednesday, and are with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Campbell, "Glen Lyon." . - - Mrs. Dealtry Woodcock, who came to town for the meeting of Synod with Canon Woodcock, Trinity Church, Brockville, fs with her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Kidd, Wel- lington street. » » * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weaver, Chi- cago, Ill, who are motoring through Canada, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cays, Wel- lington street, continuing their trip this morning. 3 . . . Mr. Garfield Smith, Rochester, N.Y., accompanied by My. W. Poole, manager of the Locke Company, manufacturers of the Lincoln and Stutz Auto Builders, spent the week- end at the formet's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith, Napanee. . . . Mrs. J. A. Campbell, who has been with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ponsford, the Wardens' Residence, since her return from New York, left on Wed- nesday for Ottawa to join Mr. Camp- bell. They left for their home in Vancouver to-day. . * . Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Hillingsworth, Ottawa, announce thé engagement of their daughter, Marjorie Sarah, to Clarence Ceail Smart, D.D.8., Ot- tawa, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. william Smart, Renfrew. Marriage to take place quietly in June. « =» Dr. Morley Currie, ex-M.P., and Mrs. Currie, "Wexford," Picton, an- pounce the engagement of their elder daughter, Mary Clarke, to Mr, Herbert Alton, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sneyd. The mar- riage to take place quietly late in June. * . . Rev. Dr. A. J. and Mrs. Irwin, Waterdown, announce the engage- ment of their only daughter, Helen Margaret, to Mr" Frank 8. Spence, B.A.Sc., son of Mrs. Ida Norris Spence, 43 Elm avenue, Toronto. The marriage to take place in Vie- toria College Chapel, Toronto, June 19th. ® . * The Whig will be glad to have the names of visitors in town and ac- lcounts of various social events for publication in the social columa. Such communications should be signed and the address of the sender given. 'Write or telephone to the Editor of the Woman's Page, Tele- phone No. 2613, . y . . 'On Monday evening the graduat- {ug nurses of the Hotel Dieu Hospital " to hear Rev. H. Woodsworth, Dean of the College of Literature, United Collage Koke Japan, address the W. M. 8. of Sydenham United Church on Fri- day at 330 p.m. Subject "Japanese Wo- men of Modern Japan." il ADVY. RATES, WOMAN'S PAGE: Coming events, not intended tO raise money, fc. a word; minimum B0c. If heid to raise money, 4c. 8 word; minimum §1. Receptions, engagements, mar riage announcements, personal nos tices, 25 words or less, $1.00 per Insertion. Entertainments, concerts, meets ings, etc, 15c. per line for readers; 10¢. per Mne for display advts. Mini. mum charge $1.00. were the guests of the Nurses' Alumnae at a very enjoyable ban- quet. The nurses were presented the Alumnae, ent for the event, which was very successful. A dance will be held for the nurses at the Catholic Assembly Hall on Friday evening. » . * Miss Mima Mackenzie and Miss Hagel McCune have returned home after a three weeks' visit in Spring- field, Ill., and St. Louis, Mo. While {a St. Louis they attended the gradua- tion exercises of St. Luke's Hospital Training School for Nurses. Miss Margaret Mackenzie was one of the graduating class and the winner of the scholarship, having obtained the highest marks for theoretical and practical work and never missing a day during her three years. The scholarship entitles her to a special course at Columbia University, New York City. . » On Wednesday evening a recep- tion was given at the Baptist Church for Rev. M. C. and Mrs. Johnston. The Sunday School hall was crowd- ed with members of the congregation and their friends. A programme was arranged with Mr. Harry Breath- waite as chairman. Rev. Douglas Laing, a former pastor of the church, said the opening prayer and Mr. Breathwaite made a few bright and appropriate remarks. The pro- gramma cons sted of music by the Sunday School orchestra, vocal solos by Mrs. A. Clarke, Mr. Woodthorpe, Mrs. A. Knight, Mr. 8. Mayer and Mrs. G. Strenton, a whistling solo by Miss Hilda Friendship, a piano duet by Misses Isobel and Lorraine Les- lie and a recitation by Miss Violet Posselwhite. Mr. Harry Hill, B. 0. Mayer and Miss Miriam Osborn were the accompanists. Rev. Douglas Laing read a presentation address in which a hearty welcome was ex- tended to Mrs. M. C. Johnston and two handsome chairs, beautifully upholstered, were given to the bride and groom. A lovely bouquet of roses was presented to Mrs. Johnston by little Helen Mayer. Rev. M. C. Johnston thanked the congregation for their good wishes and handsome gifts, and a selection by the orches- tra brought a pleasant evening to a close. - . . Most successful and entirely en- joyable was the tea at the Kingston Yacht Club on Wednesday after- noon, when, as well as the members, a great many of their friends were present, Lake Ontario was in a tempestuous mood, but within the cosy clubhouse all was bright and cheery. Tables of bridge and mah jongg were arranged both in the ladles' room on the top flat and in the men's room. Here silver tro- phies were filled with mauve stocks and pink snap dragons and. were on 'ihe mantelpiece and on the tea table, where Mrs. H. W. Richardson and Mrs. W. Harty poured tea and cof- fee, assisted by the committee, Mrs. Hansord Hora, Mrs. Charles Kirk- patrick, Mrs, W. F. Casey, Mrs. W. K. Macnee, Mrs. T. G. Bishop, Mrs. Arthur Macnee, Mrs. Holloway Wad- ell, Mrs. Travers Hora and other members. At four o'clock the Melody Kings orchestra arrived on the scene and played for several hours, making (COMING EVENTS Jima minis, "oe A cordial Invitation ts extended to 8lliney youn Carson, Mrs. F. W. Hill, with fountain pens and pencils by | About fifty were pres- | the affair more festive still. Among P. Elkins, Mrs. 8. W. Dyde, Mrs. G. W. Mylks, Mrs. W. Rupert Davies, Mrs. Leroy Grant, Mrs. W. P. Wil- |gar, Mrs. E. J. C. Schmidlen, Mrs. L. T. Best, Mrs. Ford, Mrs. R 8. Waldron, Mrs, H. Ashby, Mrs. W., A. Rogers, Mrs. David McKean, | Miss Gray (Halifax), Mrs. George | McGowan, Mrs. Harold Singleton (Rochester, N.Y.), Mrs. Havelock Price, Mrs. J. C. Ponsford, Mrs. J. |A. Campbell (Vancouver, B.C.), { Mrs, Melfort Boulton (Toronto), Mrs. Cecil Boyd, Mrs. C. E. Taylor, Mrs. Alexander McKenzie, Mrs. W. Linton, Mrs. Charles Jackson, Mrs. A. H. Fair, Mrs. F. E. Dench, Mrs. H. F. H. Hertzberg, Mrs, George Darragh, Mrs. H. J. Dawson, Mrs. F. M. Harvey, Mrs. Herbert Steacy, Mrs. Frederick Cays, Mrs. Sheffield Bacon, Mrs. George Kidd, Mrs. Ravsoau (Sudbury), Mrs. F. R. Phillips, Mrs. D. B. Mundell, Mrs. I. BE. Day, Mrs. C. C. Nash, Mrs. H. W. L. Day, Mrs. J. B. MacLeod, Mrs. Horace Westmorland, Mrs. H. Parke, Mrs. Twentyman (England), Mrs. H. C. Welch," Mrs. W, A. Sawyer, Mré. James Crawford, Mrs. Easton Burns, Mrs. R. N. F. Mactar« lane, Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Mrs. W. P. Bridger, Mrs. J. G. Elliot, Mrs. R. O. Alexander; Mrs. Victor Tremaine, Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, Mrs. James Higgins, Mrs. Thomas Dow- dell, Mrs. A. W. Winnett, Mrs. E. H, Young, Mrs. Arthur Lingham, Mrs. W. J. Gibson, Mrs. Frank Day, Mrs. Thomas Gibson, Mrs. Arthur Dal- ton, Mrs. T. Callendar, Mrs. W. Bart- lett Dalton, Mrs. Frank Symthe, Mrs. John Donnelly, Mrs. J. Sowards, Mrs. Hugh Nickle, Mrs. S. Rough- ton, Mrs. Fraser Armstrong, Mrs, J. H. Sutherland, Mre. R.' H. David- son, Mrs. Arthur B. Gash, Mrs. P. G. C. Campbell, Mrs. A. G." Mordy, Mrs. Jack Hickey, Mrs. Herbert N. Robertson, Mrs, Everett Townsend, Mrs. Manley B. Baker, Mrs. Elmer Davis, Mrs. C. J. Harper, Mrs. Horace Mrs W. J. B. White, Mrs. James Hamilton, Mrs. Harold Davis, Mrs. H. X. Hill, Mrs. Francis Macnee, Mrs. Wendling Anglin, Mrs. Joseph Weaver (Chicago), the Misses Fraser, the Misses Gibson, Miss Hora, Miss E. Sutherland, Miss Louise Kirkpatrick, Miss Going, Miss Marion Redden, Miss Waldron, and Mise Ethel Waldron, Miss Wur- tele, Miss Etta and Miss Kathleen Kirkpatrick, Miss Jessie Smith, Miss Alice King, Miss Janet Porteous, Miss Millie Ferris, Miss Ford, Miss Tweddell and Miss Annie Tweddell, Miss McGill, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Webster, Miss Sibbald Hamilton, Miss Mollie Saunders, Miss Eileen Folger, the Misses Darragh, Miss Conway, Miss Purdy (New York), Miss Sara Willis, Miss Clara Farrell, Miss Helen Parker (Montreal), Miss Nora Bermingham, Miss Cicily Rutherford, Miss Emma Pense, Miss Margery McLelland, Miss Nevada Best, Miss Phyllis Roughton, Miss Cecil Macnee, Miss Mary Hora. The Editor Hears That week-end visitors in the country may have had the luck to see a brilliant flash of scarlet among the tiny opening leaves of the trees and perhaps even to see nearer our annual spring visitor, a scarlet tana- ger. Several lucky people, sitting on the verandah of a summer home not far from Kingston, saw the vivid red spot in the branches of a nearby tree. One sald "It is an oriole," but as the bird came nearer they saw it was a clear deep scarlet. The field glasses being near at hand and the bird being very tame they examined 1t, and found its body was a wonder red and its wings jet black, its bill rather full and strong and its size about the same as an oriole. "One need mot go to the tropics for bril- lant coloring," sald one of the group. "No tropical bird is more vivid In its hué." The tanagers have frequently been seen in this vi- cinity lately and are said to nest in southern Ontario. There is another | spectators Lawson, Madame Le Roy (Ottawa), |= | and easy to manage, | WEDDINGS. McMahon-Burns Wedding. In St. Andrew's Church, Belle- ville, on Tuesday, in the presence of a large number of interested the wedding was solemnized of Helen Jean Byrne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Fred erick Byrne, Belleville, and John Charles McMahon, som of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMahon, King- ston. The lovely bride, on the arm of her father, entered the church which was decorated in ferus and spring blossoms, looking charming in her bridal gown of white geor- gette with the customary wedding vell and orange blossoms, white shoes and carrying a shower bou- Appetizing-Energizing-Every day § . N is delicious with milk and fruit * quet of lillies of the valey. She was attended by the groom's sister, Miss Aneta McMahon, lovely in orchid georgette, large picture hat and carrying e& shower bouquet of sweet peas and lily of the valley tied with a huge orchid chiffon bow. Mr. Gerald Lynch, cousin of the bride, acted as best man and the ushers were Mr. Thomes Byrne, and Mr. Frank Folwell. Mr. and Mrs. Me- Mahon left on a wedding trip to be spent in Montreal and Ottawa, the bride travelling in a chic boyish suit of brown and sand shade with tan hat and blond shoes and stock- ings. They will reside on William street, Kingston. -------------------------- Named as Honorary Member. More Flav Don't limit your enjoyment of Mustard to our « with Cold Meats. 1t gives more flavor to hot meats too-- sharpens the appetite, neutralizes the and makes them easier to digest. richness of fat foods The provincial National Council of Women miet in Toronto on Tues- | day, when Miss Lillian Mowat was nominated as an honorary member to the Council, the annual meeting of which is to open in a few days at Vancouver. vr Be- Careful What You Wash Your Hair With When you wash your hair, be care- ful what you use. Do not use pre- pared shampoos or anything else that contains too much free alkali, for this is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thing to use is Mulsified Cocoanut. O11 Shampoo, for this is pure and entirely = grease less. It is inex- oes pensive and beats anything else all to pleces. Simply moisten your hair with water and rub it in, Two or three teaspoonfuls of Mulsified will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly. 'The lath- er rinses out easily, and. removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excess ofl. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves it fine and silky, bright, fluffy, wavy VIES You can get Mulsified cocoanut ofl shampoo at any drug store, and a few ounces will last everyone in the fam- fly for months. Be sure your drug- gist gives you Mulsified. Beware of imitations. Look for the name Watkins on the package. | ForSaturday . uraay Knitted Silk Princess Slips in as- sorted colors and sizes. Slightly im- perfect, for $2.40 each. Women's Cotton and Crepe Night Dresses, dainty designs for $1.00 each. Colored Bordered Towels with hem- stitched ends, for 50c. each. w v Kiddies' Sox, in Cotton, Lisle and Silk; § and # lengths; all the new col- ors, from 25c¢. a pair up, W. N. Linton & Co. ruize Your Table DURING AUNITY PLATE WEE Look st your knives. Not nearly so handsome ss the other re, sre they? Now see Communrry De Laze 2 Wonder blades ths foe and gles wich fl he brill, Kav b that your sti not complete * %

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