he u area pS RE RL Pi . NEXT WEEK ,JOHN BARRYMORE § |in "THE SEA BEAST" COMFORTABLE Closed Oar going to Buffalo ar gol June Bth. Oen accommodate ag Passengers for Toronto «Phone 1900 A. E. KNAPP 208 Princess St. - @ BUS FOR OATARAQUI Will commence Sunday, April 'leaving at 2 p.m. odkin's Livery =n Parlor |= AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About i. Coming Attracticas AT THE CAPITOL Syd. Chaplin In "Oh! What A Nurse!" Is Riot. It. is the Syd Chaplin of "Charley's Aunt" and "The Man on the Box:" the Syd Chaplin of the ludicrous fe- male disguises and winks and nods and yproarious gags, who appears in "Oh! What a Nurse!" Syd starts as a newspaper report. or, but it isn't Jong before we find him disguised as a bootleg queen and as a trained nurse. We see him through the most wildly imaginative series of laugh situations that have been evolved by a screen comedian. And the more we see of him the bet- ter we like him. "Oh! What a Nurse!" which opens at the Capitol theatre for a run of three days, today is a gorgeous, gay and rollicking story, with Syd Chap- lin always in the thick of the ridicul- ous mixups with bootleggers, a run- away heiress and a scheming match- maker. SOP PP 200002090000 + + + WOMEN JUMP FROM \* * A BURNING BUILDING .'¢ * + & Hull, Que., June 3.--Trapped # in their burning home early ¢ 4 this morning, Mrs. Yves Fortin, ¢ # aged sinty-two, and ber daugh- ¢ # ter, Irene Fortin, aged twen- ¢ # two, jumped from an upstairs ¢ * window to the pavement. Both ¢ + suffered from burns as well as & + Injuries. » + * PPP 0290000000 ™> remans TENDERS FOR COAL Tendens addressed to the spariment of Pub- awa, 1 be received at his office until 12 o'clock moon Sasritght saving), Tuesday, June 30, 1936, for the supply of coal for the Damion Bufld- ings throw ut the Province of On- & the City of Ottawa. tender with specifications LW. Dawson chasin, Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa: and R. Winter, §9-61 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ont. Tenders will not Farmstay SL Si rma > in a with departmental spec fications a condit The right to demand Som He suc ce or & ing 10 per cent. of the amount of th. tender. Be sacure the proper fulfiiment of the contract, is veserv - a. B O'BRIEN. Daa Sua be kg w. |. Soli 8 Children's Hsix Cut a Specialty. Executor's Sale -- P, H. HUYCK, 111 Wellington St. Kingston, Ont. a -- MARINE Pllot records show steamers passing late Wednesday and on Thursday; Langell, down at 3.30 p.m.; Hanna, down at 4.30 pm.; Maplehill, up at 1.30 am.; Jolly Inex, down at 4.50 a.m.; Baird, down at 7.30 a.m.; City of Kingston, up at 11.15 am. The steamer Patdoris cleared for Charlotte last night to load coal for Kingston. The tug Conquerer cleared with two barges loaded with grain at Richardson's elevator for Montreal yesterday. Another steamer Is expected with grain for Richardson's elevator with- in a few days. The steamer Champion has been shifted from the slip at Brock street to her quarters. The steamer Canadian left the Col- lingwood Shipbuilding Company's dry dock last night after receiving extensive repairs, Vessel Movements 6 pm. 7; Glencassie 10.30; Aube 12.45 am. Thureday; Weed, Glenelia 3.30; Collier No. 1. 6; Glenelg 6.30: Keyvive 9.30: New York News 10.30. In canal, down-bound: Niagera, Vernon L., Foster, Aragon, Clem- eat, Benmaple, McPherson, Hollo- way, India. ARE WEDDED HALF A CENTURY Mir. and Mrs. James E. Abrams Whig Readers All That : Time. Friends and neighbors numbering fifty were guests Friday evening, May 14th, of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Abrams, Rosiere, N.Y., in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary. A delicious supper was served. The favors were gold colored baskets filled with candy, The guests pre- sented the bride and groom of fifty years with several pieces of gold, and other gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Ab- rams proved themselves royal enter- talners and the hearty congratula- tions of the guests were extended to them with best wishes for many more years of\happy wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. Abrams were former residents of Harrowsmith and have been readers of the Whig dur- ing the fifty years of their married life. The paper has been in the Ab- rams family since Dr. Barker, the founder was the editor. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Abrams Were married at Verona on May 14th 1876, by the laté Rev, I. N. D. West, pastor of the Methodist Church of that place. HEARD ON TEE STREET Local Briefs Qathered by Re- porters--What the Merch= ants Are Offering. William Swaine, plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy streot west, 'phone S64w. Mr. J. B. Walkem, K.C., has been elected to the executive committee of the Victorian Ofder of Nurses for Canada. Bishop Bidwell is mentioned in To- ronto as a possible successor of Rev. Dr. Seager as provost of Trinity Col- lege. Dr. Thomas Gibson, Queen's Uni- versity, has been chosen a member of the executive council of the Vie- s, | torian Order of Nurses for Canada. The remains of the late Edgar Jobaston of Belleville, who died here Yesterday, were sent to Belleville for burial to-day. Mrs. Arthur Hall, Latta, is In the :| Kingston General Hospital, where she had a serious operation. She is improving nicely. News In: Condensed Form Off the Wires ~The United States golfing team crane Walker cup at mo British touraament at St. Andre's, Scotland Thursday. ¥ Dntnsio Druggists p on Retafl Associa --onsrms whi dis Lon's {ES Theres uk following | {Business Before the Bay of 1 ngpiring A by Rev. Rammacher, , down at 4.45 pm.;. LY B ITIS OPENING S HELD AT TRENTON Quinte Conference Branch of the W.M.8. The opening session of the first annual meeting of the Bay of Quintq Conference Branch: of the Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church, was - held in King evening, Mrs. J. G. Daby, of Port Hope, presiding. The inaugural service was the same as that used at the first meet- ing of the Dominion Board, and at the various Presbyterial meetings. Three streams of representatives of the Uniting Societies entered the church and procegded to their places singing the processional hymn. "The Chureh's One Foundation." The hal- lowing of the Union followed. Tni- butes of loyalty and devotion were pledged by the three churches. Mrs. Brebner, Cobourg representing the Presbyterians, Mrs. J. T. Daley, : | Port Hope, the Congregational and Mrs, W. H. Ashton, Campbellford, the Methodists, Greetings from the Conference were brought by Rev. G. A Brown, Kingston, the newly-elected presi dent. Mr. Brown congratulated the women on the spirit of fellowship displayed by this united gathering & fellowship which 'held out the brightest hopes for the future. The W.M.S. had been noted for its earn- estness and devotion in the past. The speaker of thé evening was Miss Effie Jamieson, general secre- tary of the Dominion Board. Miss Jamieson Impressed on her hearers the greatness of the work of the W.M.S, At the close of the meeting, the communion service took place. Rev. BH. C. Lake, D.D., pastor of King Street Church, being assisted by Rev. G. A. Brown and Rev. J. M. Fraser, of Ivanhoe. About 160 delegates were In attendance. | STOCK MARKETS (Reported by Johnston & Ward, corner King and Clarence Streets, members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges). New York. June 3rd, 1.30 p.m, Amer. Loco, B.&0. ....... California Pete. C. P. R. Chrysler General Motors ,..... ... Hudson Inter. Comb. Eng. . Inter. Nicklo a NYC ..... . Northern Pacific Pan, Amer. Pete. Pierce Arrow Plerce Pete. . Sou. Pacific Sinclair O11 . .e Standard Ofl of N. J. .. ) Studebaker Texas Oil Car annrne Union Pacific .... conn dT H U. 8. Rubber .... . 58% U. 8. Steel .... Westinghouse A. B. White Motors Woolworth ......... of \ Newboro, June, .1--Mprs, H. Bishop 'had the misfortune to fail and sprain her ankle very badly. Anoth- er one of Newboro's old and respect- ing health for the past few years and passed away on Thursday, May 37th. His funeral was held, on Saturday, Xa 21 _ the United Church, swboro, sermon wis préach by Rev. Dr. Curtis. " Street Church, Trenton on Tuesday | HOTEL DIEU NURSES' | GRADUATION NIGET ather J. G. Koster--The Prizes Presented. The commencement exercises of the St. Joseph's Training School for Nurses, were held in the auditorium of the Hospital Wednesday evening, the inclement weather being re sponsible for the discarding of er- rangements made to have the annual event held on the Jawn of the hos- pital. The hall was filled to ca- pacity and artistically decorated with flowers by the Sisters and nurses. Mayor T. B. Angrove pre- sided and the graduating nurses of 1926, Sister Jordan. Misses Carmel Fowler, Ireme McDonald, Anne Norris, Hilda Boucher, Cecile Mad- rand, Mary Jeroy, Alice Hilton, Irene Dowling and Marey Foley occupied the platform, The speakers were Rev. Fathers Lesage, Koster, Nich- olson, Dr. D. A. Casey, Mayor An- grove, W. M. Nickle and Mayor W. J. Wilson, Gananoque. The taking of the Florence Nightingale pledge was led by Sister Furniss, superintendent of nurses. Mayor Angrove in the opening ad- dress expressed his pleasure at hav- ing the honor to preside on the oc- casion and he heartlly congratulated the graduating nurses on their achievements in nursing. He spoke of the work of the nurse and of how it was necessary to give their ser vices openly to those in need. oreat- ing satisfaction in the duties per- formed. His Worship reminded the nurses of the assignment that was|- before them and of the great re- sponsibdlities connected with it. In closing he menttoned the wonderful achievements of the Hotel Dieu Hos- pital in general and complimented the Sisters and others on the as- sistance rendered to the nurses dur- ing their three years of training. Rev. Father Lesage, chaplain of the Hotel Dieu Hospital, in present- ing the diplomas reminded the audience of the sacrifices a nurse must make in training and remark- od on the wonderful service rend- ered by the graduating nurses of this year. Animated by a true spirit of | Christian charity they had reached their goal, he said, and this - same spirit- should be an inspiration for all nurees in training. * Father Xoster's Address. A very inspiring end interesting address was given by Rev. Father J. G. Koster, C.C.C.R. Father Koster congratulated the nurses on their Success during the past three yéars and stated that they were heroines in their profession. A reward diffi cult to attain was the one most ap- preciated and their training was long and difficuM, making the ob- jective ail the more desirable. The efforts of the nurses graduating end- ed with the presentation of their diplomas and they were receiving a Just reward, as the diplomas were the result of perservering efforts and sacrifice, "A nurse," said the speak- or, "must possess many virtues to attain a high sindiey in her pro- fession and must give service, sym- pathy and inspiretion to those under her care. Nurses should be clean and neat in everything, willing to saeri- fice and give the sympathy, love and attention of a mother to thelr patients and resolve to do better things when opportunity offers. You have received the laurel crown of victory in nursing, Father Koster stated in dlosing, and I wish you the same success in life's graduation." "Nursing is & noble profession knowledge at every opportunity of- fered. He the noble work WILL Saturday, CAFE OPEN June 5th Everything new and modern in every respect, The best meals with excellent service. FROM 7.00 AM. to 2.00 AM. We invite you to our new Restaurant and promise you the very best at reasonable prices. A La Carte Service on shortest notice. 83 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 2829. Geta Hotplate We have them at all _ for the Summer. prices. The Saunders 167 PRINCESS STREET. celvg in the town of which he Mayor. i : Dr. F. J. O'Connor presented the prize which he donated for obstotrics' to Miss Margaret Hamilton of West- port and the prize for the Fire Pre- vention essay, donated by the Omn- tario Fire Prevention League was presented to Miss P. Baillie, King- ston, by Alderman Milne, chairman of the Fire and Light Committee. The prize in Senior Medicine, donat- ed by Dr. W. Gibson, was present. ed by him to Miss lrene Dowling Napanee and Dr. J. Miller, of Queen's University presented his prize for efficiency In Bacteriplogy 10 Sister St. Catherine. Miss Gene- vieve Pelow, Kingston, received the prize for the Intermediate class, domated by the Nurses Alumnae, from Mra. L. BH. Crowley, Sister St. Catherine for surgical technique, donated by Dr. I. G. Bogart and pre- sented by Mayor Angrove, Sister St. Rita for Hygieme and Sanitation, donated by Dr. P. H. Huyck end pre- sented by Mayor Angrove and Fa- ther McCabe presented the prize for eye, ear, nose and throat, do- nated by Dr. C. BE. O'Connor, to Miss Mary Jeroy, Gamanoque. A vocal solo by Miss Lottie Sand- ers, a chorus by the nursing class, violin soo by Mr. Adams, plecolo solo by Mr. McKinnon, a piano duet by Mr. Madrend and Mr. Adams, and selections by the Melody Kings orchestra, constituted a very enjoy able musical programme. The ex- ercises were brought to & close by the singing of the National Anthem. This evening the graduating class is being tendered a dance. ENJOYED A MEETING IN DOXSEES CHURCH Members of the Women's In- stitutes Heard Mrs. Lowe's Address, Bloomfield, June 1---About thirty members of the Bloomfield Women's Inflitute journeyed to Doxee's Chureh, on the invitation of that In- stituie, to hear Mrs. Lowe, who has been sent by the Department into this section of the country. Mrs. Lowe spoke of the various kinds of work taken up in different parts of the country, the importance of a well balanced programme, the junior work, ete, ending with a little ad- dress on self-control. Reports were given of the work accomplished dur ing the year by the Gilbert's Mills Institute, Glenora and Bloomfield. Mrs. Munroe, the district sccretary, gave a little talk urging a good at- tendance; June 13th, at Picton when ee is! Electric Co. TELEPRONE 441. at 17 15-18¢. It is gratifylag to know that every cheese sold Trom the factory so far this season has grad- ed No. 1 by the Government grader, and the buyer of last week's cheese pronounced them a particularly fine = lot. : Miss Dorothy Cahoon entertained some young friends Monday evening. Mr. and * Mrs. Stanley Bowerman motored to Toronto for the weeks end. An unusually large number of our people enjoyed "The Keeper of the Bees," at the Regent, Mon- day evening. The Deautiful day we had Sunday brought & great many visitors to the Sand Banks, our popu~ lar summer resort A NORTHBROOK HOME AND CONTENTS BURNE Addition to Tourist Holel-- Rev. I. O. Wickware, ' the New Pastor. Northbrook, June 2.---The ) and full contents of Mr, and Mi Aubrey Benn was swept by fire abot 3 a.m, June 1st. The eleven oc pants were awakened by smoke barely escaping with lives. Mr. Bean returned last Clare a six-year-old boy and fom him helpless on the flood of his bed room. Much sympathy is expressed in their inestimable Joss as there was no insurance on the contents. H, Saul is building a spacious ads dition to his Tourist Hotel, Mr. 8. G. Both has gone to Winchester and is much missed off the Ore Chimney oftice staff. Ervin Shier and Mr Philpot are in Denbigh on businBss. Many are planning on attending the Free Methodist Convention Cloyne over the week-end. Many express delight that Rev. I. C. Wick ware has been appointed' pastor for this district, though we a part with Rev. B. Cafley. Daniel Wagar is in the business. Many choice fish caught by the tourists in north and the season fug. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas.Ander- son are moving to Napanee, Charles Ruttan and men are fast spreadt gravel and improving the road nort of us. A number atiended revi service in the United Church Cloyne, Sunday, when the Misses A derson and Northrop, of , days with her sister, Mrs. on. Wood. Rev. N. Bosko was presented with a vety fine Bible by