Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 May 1926, p. 15

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 5 he W hiss Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a Tre Market Place Whig | \ "Real Estate For Rent __| oy; ¥ RY WILLIAMS. | ___ Susiness Services Agents Wanted. 3 Houses or he British | KINGSTON. ONT. irs a n-- | ' | CLASSIFIED ADVERT:SING RELIABLE SALES AGENTS--Wanted | HOUSE~--38 Livingston Avenue, T rooms. ---- . ) 1 YOUR PAINTING----And Papering i a | | ! the { arden, ap al Hort Solling~ s ack, six hundred| llght and ges, garden. paper for sale. Horton. 148 Coiling gest A Cy bata 3 WIND OF A BIRD BUNCH ARE wood Street. 'Phone 2334-4. and 28 Living- style of type. Gores. Nursery bstablished forty| Possession June 1st Apply 28 Living * 1 1 { WHO'D BY 10 BELL | Funny \F | SIGN PAINTING--J..S Robinson, rear Nursery Co, Toronto. : .00 per ON A OT | 315 bagor Strest to. __ l" month. Durham: Street. 323 pe NAPOLE TEM RAFFLE | per line Charge Cash | MAN OR WOMAN--To travel and ap-| montn. APP IO Kingston Agencies LBs, BAG or HELENA! OFF A PAIR OF i 28 psx asvrsrs SAN OB NOMA arn guarantee $1092| Lid. 67 Clarence SEZ. AND FOUR BALLS -- | oY 5 4 (being $21 weekly average), and ex OW--14 Markland Street, a AT OM IFN Z 5) RUBBER soos | } . . . > thelr now for every unrepresented district.| newly decorated, furpace, Sage 4 ; 12 1A. THATS TA maT OF FICE done now. I'rices reasonable. v rive! » » 7 er RATES: years, Our agency is valuable. W rive] stons Ave 'Phone CTT Dany rate por line or ponsecutive | now and secure (erritory: Pelham | ee Colborne Street, $35.00 per OFF MY GOLF >? pt ' ~~ as 8 penses. Experience unecessary. For| BUNGAL ; th, fur- Be a0 sensing. . : P ~ rooms, glectric Tight, 3 piece bath. | FRONTENAC ~N N Births, Engagements, Mar particulars write Winston Co. Toroutd} 'CCR coy, decorated. 'Phome 354 of d CENTS A CHANCE gr -- A Gu WITA RONTEN AL ry 1hserporated a . oa. ertoh charged, 3130: | Co Guaranteed Ladder-Proot Sik| call ag 27 Union Street West HOW MANY ] fe ita J A RN Dn ¢ ov or ce-president J. M. sa Memoriam | Stockings. New pair for oyely 3 WILD SUMMER COTTAGE -- perties: of gaanke $1.80; cash, $1.00 that ladders. Pay daily. Family H '8 LEW na Parham, furnished, also CHANCES 00 loan on City ang farm props tina: . boats and ice; admirable location. OF Ou WANT posits received and interest paid rth 4 " minimum monthly 1 Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence J é jery catalogue free. Sterling F ery ¢ Mills, Dept. 8 ronto. 8 i od for frreguisr 4 Cr rer | main shore. For. information apply 2 2 rio fos th one-time Jaen SPECIALTY SALESMEN -- With own Mrs. J. A. Goodfellow, Parham. BONS? p rate; no wd car. One to two hundred per wee in- -- . ' & g , is of four iin to. the ee particulars of your-| LARGE, BRIC RESIDENCE = WIS / - : Storage 20a. Count six ayersge Words come. Give [4 anon, Meech Ave,| Earage No 390 fn improvements! > 2 "ON . fine. be received by | Cleveland. Onis. : PO eic light, hot water heating = | Y - x : STORAGELESY [anilury, oe pws tock and it paid of Z5% From YARDS OF PROFIT Proust," Fag sien at ane 29° : Sd Rey Kross City' Sorams Ofice Ww thin § ols re for M 4 Women. By direct sell Pi 0 re B 1 Ganson { 805 Queen ston hone 526. Res. 989-W. inser lor Men an 0! . By " T J fo dann, 4 P80 | oc BEE i eS BEYER HOD Bootes Pa, va trades ly ° u aterial, Tr er cs, etc, y " 4 a, for more th ion will you an Tastly make ie substantial Hiv-| good cellar and garden gnd lawn, AD: : 3 : BOY'S STORAGE NAREHQUSE_ERE for the numbet of ling right in your own neighborhood and! ply 130 Upper Charles Streel. h J 0 ( | proof buildin Poe. 1000 OF or 117%. & distriot Full or spare time. Liberal] 1042-J. fi | £ » 4 f , ap) : 9 » commission. Only 'amhition to go ahead t A the Fate etrnod. is necessary. No capital nor experience SIX ROOMED HOUSE -- To let on a ay of type. required. Our selling outfit. "A Dry| Charles Street; eleotric light and fou 5 ik ame 88 . 1y advertising Goods Store at Ydur Door' is a sure 1 rcomed house, all improvemen's, ur 3 / 5 7 gp \ ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and rate year "Sales Getter" In itself' Write at once} nace rely to H. ¥. Norman, 63 na > 3 / = A a yards, clean Job done. A MacGregor, J for full details and territory. pply ric reel. ~ i x7 % | 33 Russell Street. "Phone : resstva the righ Lo Dominion Home Fabries, Dept. a 3. A 5 i i all ¢ fa Ropm 501, 1438 Bleury St, Montrea. SIX ROOMED HOUSE--Good verandah, Rik 2 8\ f ; A | AsHES--Removed trom yard snd cele aL a Ses to | good ceHar, 3 piece bath, electricity AA 3 oy N » Je wily | "lars; general carting; first class dry- 249; ask for & want sd. SP aitons Wanted o| 4nd as, 292 Barrie Street, also § room: \ ; nea 8 | Tarai ganere sale. R: inate v ons. Wan ed house, 566 Albert Street, 2 p. bath, i \ \ X } \ | Buckley Transfer, 143 York Streets electricity and gas, newly painted and p \ ¢ p ' | "Phone 291 and 2516-M. 5 GIRL -- Past 15 years, strong, healthy.| papered. Very low rent. Apply | nmr % wants position mother's help of | Zacks, 271 Princess Street. \ | CAVERLY TRANSFER CO. -- U ro in Victoria Park, on | nurse girl for children, In city or SAN \ / . | Princess Street, ploughing, harrow rier please 'phone | country. Moderats wages. Refer-| gpONE HOUSE--233 Brock Street, elec- \ ] ; | and discing gardens; also gehe $s ences. Address Miss V» Mowers, Box| tric light and gas, hardwood fl00TS, hot \ \ ¢ A | team-work done. Estimates Napanee, Ont 'Phone 1507-J. water heating. - Possession May 1st Apply to James Reld, 254 Princess St. NNR { in RE 3 | g " i NA > ¥ ws | CARPENTER WORK---AIl kinds of cars GRAIN -- Found, on Raglan a '¥ oiner _bave same by 8p- : ¢ / i wt 17 Ran Road. Real Estate For Rent. Rooms 10 \ Z . > 0 . | penter work, contracting or day - 4 / ardwood floors a épecialty, © Arges i moderate. GG. Hunter, Pembroke Street. 'Phone 943-w, SWEATER OOAT-- partm Plats = 7 | FURNISHED ROOMS-- Convenient for Found in the 5 Park. Owner may A ents and 7 light housekeeping. "electric and gna 4 niversity have same at con Street. for cooking Apply 208 U \ Q | A? RINGLAND APARTMENTS ~ 184] Avenue. 'Phone 2770. \ i p Expert Plano Tuning, 'and SOAR¥F--Taken in mis-| Queen Street, 2 four-roomed apart- 2 oO "s Bay, on Monday night. {| ments; 3 p. bash, Rudd heaters and | puRNISHED ROOMS--Mot Water -- ff : 7 mxouis Fiano Tuaiae or nay have. Same by calling at s 131 Alfred Stree ranges in each. Possession imme- | ing running water in each room; good NS } Phone 1544 ' iately. Apply 186 Queen Street. Tele-| jocality. Terms moderate, Apply 492 JIN eg C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED OR Found phone 1122. . A Johnson 'street, corner Frontenac St. an . | PERSIAN LAMB NECK a SALES SERVICE -- Murray's Aucties F "Phone 897-1. - f corner of Barrie and Johnson APARTMENT--Very. desirable seven . : | "Kooms, Mark Uare Regular week: PamTon a En Owner may | noomed apartment, unfurnished, from | NyOE, FURNISHED ROOM-- To rent, S926 BY NEA SERVICE, INC. } WHERE A WIN WOULD 8t A LOSS ly sales, aries Sau and Saturdays at = er Stréet. 'Phone 2008-w. venience ;.centrally located. For fur- Street West. | June 16th: Reasonable rent. 132 Earl| with private family, with every con: a 10.50 ain. send anything you Wi " " to sell--come fopy what you nee FIRING OF PHARLS-- Found. Owner 12 I OF me by cailing at G. A |APARTMENT--In the Winston, § rooms, Jor pardculars apply Box 0-13, Whig Real Estate For Sale ns, 111% Brae Street. > a Articles For Sale Business Services phone §91-J. heated; hot water all year round; gas|------- 2 ih aie K Ln in kitchen. Apply, Dr. Anglin, 53 Houses 14 Miscellaneous 15 Medical, EO re ad sangre) Ay card ALL PU . Wound in Uglow's 1. street or phone 118. _ For Sale or T : ReB Sd " 'o Let 11 ta F. W. Harold, 104 Cler "Beas, above pe A have atin by APARTMENT-=Sydenham Apartments, ' SUMMER COTTAGE That charming. REFRIGERATORS--Four Eureka Re-| DRT HOWARD PRICE POLGER-- 338 | 'Phone 1600-J- sy > Brock Street, four rooms a tiled ner, Jottane, on She frifforators: chy Hao er. tune. Suits Bagot Street, Kingston, Practice limit- or Ada ¢ . Lawrence in man's Bay, r - 5 y to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and . : Pn A Paik Tnverary. ra ors. well nuated. Apply 65 FOR SALE OR TO RENT Shan two miles from the city. There ls| BE. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson Street. Teles| throat. Hours: 10 to 12.30 am. 1.30} or Automobiles yA a LA a ys Broo Street : s ply . boat house, 3 Srhact and phone 1391-J. _| to 3.30 Du. Rvantnga 7-8. Appoint- to A CH ¥8--On AB t - 5 garden. a eet. er -------- men "phone 3051. Aw ccessones 2 Say nig nis RL ped Pishse return FURNISHED nT Large Wonderful opportunities for in- food eae 901. summer | RADIO--If you live out of town, write ity phone tos lo 384 Johason street or 25 TF URNISHED AUAUTHENT sac sma) Yettment. Good pring Nv few mosquitoes or| for quotations on anything Radio.-- Barristers and Solicitors 21b | KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY CO. TWO KEYS On small ring, found, apartment furnished for summer or! Estates on the St. Lawrence at les. F. R. Anglin. Canada Radio Stores. --Makers of Auto, B , Boat near ing hou Mo se, Owner may have : ; °as0 TH, HERRINGTON--~Barrister. "| and' Cushions. eve A Doneld Park.| unfurnished for longer term. 'Phonei} a fraction of their value by r n SMALL HEN HOUSE---For sale. Apply W.H. Bl RRINGTON 8 eri or, Salta. and ea California T in ial, { 3 ops am Bame at Whig Of-| 1123-1. ~~ |] of the demise of principal owners. Articles For Sale. to 40 Lower Charles Street. ton Street. "Phone 2848-w. nelstering. Awnings and 'Tenia, o Beautiful main land lots alon v 347 King street. 'Phofs HEATED APARTMENT--Corner Bafrie d lo 8 WE WILL RENT--Y0u a Plano for SiX| yn NINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers TW on King Street| and Princess Streets. also stores on shore for private dwellings. 'Miscellaneous 15 | dollars per month and at the expira- . , n - a : a oh Pa. Owner pn ry yf Aouad oa 100 Islands in selected loca tion of 31x months will allow all mon. Kin ston, AB unnaingnam, Ko: Ww. ki Co. may, ve Same at Whig BE eer. Phone 80. hen & Co. tions, trom $500 up. SPRING AND SUMMER L SUITS 430.00 lua paid to 4 Apply on purchase price of Cyril M. Smith. '\| Auto recring LO. : our eas rms. . 5 2 Live Stock IA | ee ep = Cottages to rent furnished, from your order on 'easy terms | Polance. C. W. Lindsay Limited. 131} pay AND REVELLE---Barisiery Tall One ae ot Second & to rent for th ENT ~~11 $125 for the Summer, up. Guaranteed to fit. 'Phone 2206-w. J. Princess Street. A licitors, 69 Claremcs Street, King-|| Automobile Parts for all makes SPANIEL Red Collie to rent for the el locality, one|| Sidney' Adams, G Real || G Patterson, 160 Johnston Street =| ston. A. E_ Day. Adrian 1 Revels. | ears. S 1 ee edi block from City Park. Apply to Estate and Insurance, or TFarnrture | Morigages arranged. 'Phons 205. Second Mund Tires. ll nines «=| EE Ata Ring street. Dox Jit. Whi Offic , NICKLE "& WARRELL, AWNINGS--Verandah Curtains. Apply FURNITURES Shia Su wodern| REYNOLDS, J. CaBarrigter and Solicl- "ROSEN & ROLLITT . Attorneys, Kingston. [| Frank W. Cooke. 'Phone 436. SNFR07 Princess Street, succesecrs tof ar. 8% Brock Street. . Mortgages ar- J J Business 1'laces 8 . a Lesses Antique Shop. . Zanged sou city and farm property. | Phone 24TE-W, 140 RIDEAU GOOD SIZED STONE WORKSHOP ~2 |' : Especial 4 Auto Tops and Cushions 104. | Sup, Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and oy . a usen Stree cos. ly Aber-| To. be ! rv. Sin Ttor. "Office, Automobiles For Sale og Sad hoa Bore fh Arp ¥ Real Estate For Sale to ve's nuary, 1. G. PAUL--Specialist for new or re<l and EO ves Ly aE Ny -------------- EA NURSE~E S49 per -- . et ees | QUeSR paired, Side Curtains Slip Covers, Se-| to loan. 'Phone 1998. FORD TOURING CAR In A Beek. Hthte scoredited soliool. Write | LARGE STORE. Aud dwelling, No. Farms and Land 12 : --| Gan upbolstering and decking. wind. ow Ios for pareiouiars, A Park | 336 Princess Street, iaely oceupied by COME AND SEE-- Our stock of Meus | onieid and body glass put 'n Vole Fo ' BNE oe eed ADPIY Bt jospital, 431 B. soth, Si, Chicago, Ill.| L Abrameon. Bize 73 x 30 feet. Suit | CROTCE LOTS--In all parts of the city. Clothing, Boots aud _SAOTC, "second | Walt, linojeury and edging for run- Persona: PMR Ld SF am park y.| Suit Ca 1s, boar oe. able for dry goods/ or general store.} A ning ds, waterproof truck. tarpaus CED STEN ply Kingston Agencies Ltd, 67 od. ecial bargains in musical in- -- A Ta Abply RL Suv Clarence Street, : Be ruments. A. Snapiro. 45 Princess Poors ES ene 1640. 392] Goo THIS OUT FOR LUCK~-- Send | HUDSON -- 640. ln perteet oo ce. 06! HER «= July snd August. Apply, - . birth dat d 10e 1 full Will sell cheap for qu e. saperionce to. Box H-26, Wis OFPIOKS---Far ton 5 1a 8 And mall " B Street nl Th} Fuel ana Teed 18 Rorosco oof Jour "entire ry 220 Princess Street or 'phone § os Business laces ES .P- Va. Bl ppn-- hael, 94 Gran Jentral Station, Jo Amit tenant wpen application to R. ENGIN ine 154 Be p. Massey | GW, NEVILLE--WIIl deliver anthra- New Ygrk. other ALOE f y »% CO0IC---Wanted, for 3 De Laval, 8 Bb. P. : es CO Yana Wages Bibby's Limited. , G ARAGE-- With house attached. Valu-| Harris, mil single buggy, and| cite coal at $15.75. Carrying extra. = anted. Sa be ggod so0k; no olf ar STORE, BAKERY AND DWELLING | &Die propetty fn eastern Ontario - taht got 4 ness. See our| 'Phone 2362-m. Ladies' Halr Tarior 24 . \ s ; On e corner of Barrie and Clergy lage. emen u: ng with complete +49. ont.' Teets. i Ww. J. equipment. Apply to Alex. Moo ¥rost & Wood ency, J. F. Cram DRY BODY HARDWOOD--Dry hard i 8 J a sie eats Le ur 01 3. Rice, | saulpment. ABDIY 0 Alon aio, of SC | 31 Brock Street. 'Phone $83-J, And aoft wood Slabs. We handle nons 1 FORD ROADSTER, "22 model mK odo plats cooking, Lawrence Of & Supply Co. Lid. Gan.| 1217-F. . "Phone 1516-w. J. GC With Starter and License. me, fami ree; no - Houses anoque, . 5 'best Wages. Telephone 3340. » s FISH AND OHIPS--The oldest fish snd ee EPWOVB OT For the very latest In Ladies' 2 FORD TOURINGS, "18 me -- 37 BASTVIEW PARK Furnished 2% ACRES-With, house, barn and gar- chip cafe in city. W. ¥. Redden, 360 | DRY, BODY ] 4 Bee $ per halr dressing NI. Meenas, One who can cook and | 1 FE pA befor urnleden | age, hen house, ard snd soft water. Montreal Street. Hours 9 a.m. to 140] load. Dry mixed $3. h Split 25c. exe 3 s rk Good wages. | bungaiows If taken Defore June PD.l 1800 oF vil enews. month tu am. We deliver. 'Phope 3626-m. tra. Dry Kindle Sed. Mrs. $178) LADIES' EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE |4 FORD TOURING, "23 ig Office. . Fry, Gananoque, Ont. ilies F v Boner c k orner Jolinson and Mobonald PARLOR. With Starter and B 32 Univer venue. - 'Phone ed sonal Rouen | 10cm or at Eastview Park FOR BAKER BRICK Milton Frans] Sires A. B. KINGSBURY, FORD COUPE, "9 model Borland, 132 URon | pynm RESIDENCE-- West end, near Houses 14] Tie Call & Neal, Agent, $34 Johnson Coop wanDWOOB-4LE) quarter cord 200 Princess Street. . . 'Phous 2015-3. |1 FORD COUPE, 9 i Vietoria Park, elght rooms. Row. fur- EW LL Sureet, ne . --mixed wood | 3,00 and $ 28 qusrier x . : for general housework, nace. hardwood an Possession £2%| 'eal Eetate and Insurance Broker [ovy Maitre Jad have It sard--hiaed SI} Auch shy armiabs FRENCH MARCEL WAVING 1 FORD FORDOR SEDAN, y Avenue. 4 Te "Phone 3516 or Box B-11, Whig| Johnson &nd Division Streets rated by nat. _ All grades of | lumber always in stoek Cle Set a ser avin, ound ny nine: 26 One with oftice ex- | Office. Phone 528-w. Seo Adve Page 2| 311 af resses. 'Photes 1961-3. for § cents bag. Phone 2753-3. W. | Facial and Soalp bing and Trimming | 5 paiioon Tires, Starter and Hoente. ven to Apply Box L-38, DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE--On Chath prices, We call and deliver. FL Talbot, Concession Street. attention Hair Dyelbg: "Miss |4 STAR FORDOR SPORT Street, 5 rooms each, toilet, -electric| J ing MOTOR BOAT---Len 30 ft. LyMB o! and dressed, alse hn rT a or An SEDAN, 25 model WIth no on ,,B rooms. A Vight, garage, gopd yard. Redt $15.00 ~6 bulk cedar | shingles and th, satin finish -hard- Halloon Tires and Licenst: ver thirty, to do Queen Street. 'Phone 988-w. for house. Price $2,260. Apply M. B.} cing: heavy| W ing all kinds, stovewood. ALL FIRST OLASS HAIR WORK - rumpour, 270 Princess Street Tele- :" i order.| Resawing a laning, J. Peters & ADE T0 ag --Ladies' Transfor- HOUSE--311 Queen Street, near Busi- phone 704 or 1295-J. 1 pr $400.00. .Kay,| Som, corner rock and Toronto] mations, SR curls, switches, sham- ness College, 9 rooms, bath, hot water, ville. Streets. 'Phone 889. ing, singeing, curling, Ladies' an gas, electricity, Jurnace., Immediats PAIR arb STONE HOUSES ry wih w To rd Ehindrin's ir Suiting. rs. Cun- possession. n Btre arden; aterfron une iff 4 'anted uy ningham, § Street, ngsion. "Wanted for General Of- west. 'Phone 304s-w. nin agent, nce Street. MOTOR BOA a a ltt A Telephone Goes. ¥ having experience | ne. 16-17 miles per hour 'W BOAT -- Wanted. State length, a Rox n | HouSE-- Furnished for July and Au-|$4300--Brick, 8 rooms. modern, John Engin: el aning order, ADPIY a and Box No. 1-37, Whig Insurance 2 \& Office ! pply Box No. | "ler Ol Unfurnished for longer, §| son Street. Central. + | Box C-32 Office. _| rooms, 8 piece bath, gas. electricity, | Three Farms close to city. Would ex- - 2 FIRE-Automobile and Casualty Insure . furnece and garage. Good location. | change. Now --Is the time to .decorste your EB. M. Crum} 20 Karl Street. 1 he ge _2882-w an 169 ot art Street. a ' Stores, Fiats, to let. pad fro : ng iinees Borvice Por Ea: * ai e Help Wanted 8b e w. ua Houses, 3 Tic. s, lawns and cemetery 10ts With our fow Phone 1782-0 a Patrick ; oF vases ~ Frofessionar Bring all your troubles to the Clss-| Insurance. Mone sement Products, 21 | [NSURANCE--Only the most relisble WANTED --To_pat- ." It will save yon money _T. O'CONNOR, or 30-w. . ons Barber Shon : I. ave 251 Princess Street. . 1 Steet,' 'Phens 780 W PRACTITIO Bite Suna TRE Tn vien Nice: 98 ; y y : 2 NEW BOAT--16 foot, square stern, in Prine larence Street, opposite Post Of 26e. 201 Wel frst claes oo ion: "Hori; sasson- Sent, slootr - |3. 8. Gookm--Lits, a Fi . f G . " Seid. Apply i P . service. Consulta- Blckness, in Lite, Fire. Accident dia- ist consignment of Lenuine | ses Noi -- frist malinges Imperial Life. 'Phonésl] burners, in frst class condition. Tele- - phone 2019-F. > 3 HEALTH AND ACCIDENT--Pol- : ; i Shings tment. Ie! 503-w. Rea 1731-m. (Anthracite) Welsh Coal [ime ped Rh UE a ation free. - D. insu: ker, once | mga, -- Tae oie | SSAC CL iui 1 1 3 : 3 ! of nelal - ¥ permanen te]: Ea ewe Lh I on: Maccue THe io -- HAS THE. BOMD AGI

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