its Ea THE COMMISSIONERS 10 "AMUSEMENTS | GENERAL COUNCIL a hr rerio What the Press Agents Bay About Coming Attractions "THE PRINCE OF WALES TOUR." {These Will Represent the Bay | . of Quinte Conference at ¢ Montreal. LY BRITISH WHIG | II sport "|| Sint. i 3 DAYS ONLY STARTING MONDAY SEAMAN-KENT | HARDWOOD FLOORING | PLUMBERS WON AGAIN, | The hard-slugging Plumbers hit | { into something easy last evening at! | the Cricket Field when they took on the Tanners in a Mercantila . { League baseball game, crossing over offer an especially good pro- | At the Bay of Quinte Conference | with twenty-four runs to the Tam-| {this morning these . commissioners | ners' four. There was a very small | {were approved for the General Coun- | crowd in attendance, once the girls | {ell of the United Church of Canada, | gofthall game got started. The | | meeting fn Montreal on June 10th: | teams: ! Renfrew Presbytery--Revs. A. S. lumbers--R. Gray ¢; Blomley p; | Cleland, Cobden; A. W. McIntosh, | gane 1b; Twigg 2b; Corrigan ss; | Pembroke. Messrs. F. 8. Thom, | grpjel 3b; Reynolds if; Ferguson | Pembroke: N Robertson, Arn-| qf: A Gray rf. i prior; W. R ike, Perth. | Tanners--Lovelace ¢; Wilson p: Kingston Presbytery-- Revs. Rob- | Morrisey 1b; Mercer 2b; Williams ert Laird, Toronto; W, T. G. Brown, | gs: Winters 3b; Cornish 1f; Blake Kingston; T. D. Perry, Gananoque; | of; Barrett rf, George A. Brown, Kingston. Messrs. | Umpires-- Kettle and Stewart. Elmer Davis, Kingston; B. J. Smith, on -- Brockville; Prof. R. 0. Jolliffe, Y.M.C.A. TENNIS CLUB. Kingston; Prof. J. Matheson, Kings-{ A meeting is being held at the A ------ | | i Bebe Daniels and Sid Fox Serénad- ers at the Capitol. It is with a great measure of pride { that |! sramme to the patrons of the Capi- i pro! the first three days of the week. fl}: "The Prince of Wales Tour" is in- ll | deed an attraction in itself, the most ll | interesting feature of this film is of Hl | course the Popular Prince himself, if | the world's greatest traveller; the one man Mving who has seen almost ll! dvery nook and corner of our vast 5 x ll | Empire. The picture opens with the . ince i M.S. A The Idol of | | Pringe boarding H.M.S. Repulse rs ent | is the most beautiful, durable and sanitary Flooring obtainable. Our stock is com-. plete now. Can supply flooring for any pur- pose. i ALLAN LUMBER 'CO. ll Victoria Street, near Union. 'Phone 1042 The intimate story of the wanderings 4 cver the globe of the popular Prince we well have grows to love. iknow so and - -- I -------- here is a hurry of departure, the » SUMMER VISITORS ARRIVING. | | bidding goodbye before setting out i! on his historic 25.000 mil® Journey | by land and sea. You get a touch of Inavel life and fun aboard a British MARRIED AT LOMBARDY Meiklejohn Toronto, Weds Miss Edna House. £ A THE OFFICIAL TOU | - | They are to Enjoy the Summer at AS L. ton Collin's Bay. ATTY 1 CAA ¥. THR Vt ITI A BPEED-BURNING STORY, with ---- 'wo stopping 8 N 5 I» [oS | 0 1 | * SNL) TAA 1 | { series | wildly thrilling adventure. For Mon- | day evening only Sid Fox and his | | 1 Battle-ship, you visit with the prince the strange lands and Islands, you take part in the great riots of wel- ll | come given the future king of Eng- {1and, hundreds of close-ups and in- timate scenes of the Prince's every day life throughout the entire jour- ney. Bebe Daniels is also on our programme, and Bebe is coming right along. Her latest picture "The Palm Beach Girl" suits her aémir-| ably. The story was written especi- ally for her by Byron Morgan who wrote all the auto racing stories for Wally Reid. Briefly the story con- cerns a nalve country girl who comes to Palm Beach to visit her wealthy gunts, and becomes involved in a of screamingly funny and | popular musical serenaders will put Bebe as the bigest theill-hound her--mnor the laughs this one's NINR =~ MUSICAL NO ADVANCE ERENADERS IN PRICES ' id HEARD 0% THE STREED Eomplns Local Briefs Qathered by Re- D- will 'be so " heauntiful, im- , overcoatings, nity of, navy and fixtures mw on nd mir 1a Livery * Queen Street. ACK poriers---What the Merche ants Are Dffering. Green peppers at Carnovsky's. See Tweddell's Suits at $20, $22, $26, $28 and §30. William Swaine, « piano tuner. Urders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone S64w. _B.W.O.R. church parade Sunday morning to St. George's Cathedral. Fall in at armouries at 10.15 am. Rev. H. H. Hillis, of Pakenham, will be the preacher in' Bethel church, Sunday, 11 am. Subject "Prue Vision." See Tw 5, $28 308 : . Capt. Mrudean, Kingston, will in- spect the Belleville High School Ca- det corps, On Tuesday. This is the largest cadet corps the school has ever had. 4 5 Suits at $20, $22, or a -------- Egypt has issued or of King Fuad I. It bears a full length portrait of the king in uniform and is printed in purple on white paper. urt of Revision Township of * Pittsburg NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of Township of Pittsburg, for year 1926, will be held in the Town- ship Hall, Harriefleld, MONDAY, JUNE 7th, 1926, beginning at the hour of 1 p.m. to hear and determine appeals against said Roll. A Dated at Barriefieid, this 20th day ~ | everybody in good | start with a programme of the lat- | est musical numbers. { no advance in prices, and owing to || the advance afew stamp in| humor at the There will be sale of tickets we advise that you being heavy, come JAMES VAIR PASSED AWAY FRIDAY NIGHT i ---- | Was One of Best Known Young Men in This District. { It was with deepest regret that {residents of this distfict heard last | night of the death of James C. Valr, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert' J. Vair of Glenburnie. Decease' had been ill for about two years and of late his health had rapid'y de- clined. The late Mr. Vair was per- haps one of the best known young men in this section of the country and his pleasant and open manner made him a legion of friend: For some time he was connected with the automobile business, being with the Boyd firm for some time and al- so with Cook's. The late Mr. Valr, was a member of Minden Lodge AF. & AM. and also of the Ancient Frontenac and Cataraqui Chapter, RAN. No. 1. He is survived by his parents, Mr: and Mrs. R. J. Vair, Glenburnie, two brothers, George at home and Sher. ft R. J. Vair, city and one sister, Miss Harriet Vair, to whom-the sin- cere sympathy of the community is extended in their sad bereavement |The funeral will take place on Mon- day afternoon at 2.30 o'clock (stan- dard time), to Cataragui cemetery. THICK WITH FISHERMEN. Bridge at Kilmarnock Island Mecca of Anglers on 24th, Kilmarnock Island, May 26.--The bridge was lined with fishermen all day the 24th and the road was kept under a cloud of dust with the many cars that passed with holiday seek- ers, y The farmers have not completed seéding yet. F. H. Warren was con- fined to his bed for two days. Wilk bert Hawley is under the doctor's care. Frank Tallman is buying hay from Hubert Maitland. Mrs. F. H. Warren made a business trip to Kingston last week. Howard Warren's three small Belleville Presbytery--Revs. C. W. Barrett, Stirling; A. J. Wilson, Na- panee; H. B. Kenny, Belleville; D. C. Ramsay, Belleville." Messrs. H. C. Martin, 8 H. J. Denyos, Hol- loway; H. erman, Belleville; W. C. Gordon, Tweed. Cobourg Presbytery Best, Bowmanville; Port Hope; A. Brown, , Down, one; J, Bowmanville. Messrs, W. per, Cobourg; Thomas Davidson, Co- bourg; E. E. Snider, Port Hope; H. Fulford, Port Hope. _1 . Lindsay Presbytery--Revs, F..H. McIntosh, Lindsay; A. K. Edmison, Little Britain; E. Martson, Wood- ville; T. E. Holling, Lindsay. Messrs. A. McFarland, Fenelon Falls; R, E. Downey, Peterboro; A. C. Denike, Havelock: George Evans, Peterboro. The conference again debated the question of choosing delegates to the General Council by rotation and election, and it was finally decided to send on the Lindsay Presbytery petition to the council, without re- commendation. Ordination Service, The following will be ordained at the ordination service to be held in Sydenham Street Church on Sunday morning: . Herbert Finlay Maléolm, Lavant Station: Andrew Gladstone, Finnie, a student, and John Walter Wilkin- son, Carnarvon, The conference has elected Dr. F. BE. Malott and H. B, Kenney of Belle- ville, as its representatives on the board of management of Albert Col- lege, Belleville. »FIRE AT LAVANT STATION. Ben Scales Lost His Dwelling House Barns. 5 Lavant Station; May 26.--Mr. and Mrs. T. Barrie and baby, Margaret, Miss R. Vine-and Rankin Barrie were Sunday visitors at James Bar- rie"s, Watson's Coriiers. Benjamin| Scales "lost his. house and barns by fire last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James Barr and family and Mr. William Barr, of Lanark, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunn and Mrs. J. M. Browning, of Lower Lavant, were visitors at Robert Barr's on the 24th, William Browning, John Thomas and Job Moreau atfended the shoot at the rifie ranges, Poland, on Mon- day. { ;, Mrs. William Sproule is under- going treatment in the Perth hospi- tal. N. 8. Lee, of Almonte, visited with his mother, Mrs. T. Lee, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sproule and family have gome to Vankleek Hill where Mr. Sproule has secured a position. Mr. Herbert Malcolm spent the 24th at his home at Hood's. Mr. and Mrs. J. BE. Lee and family spent the week-end at Mr, George ley's, Watson's Corners. Mr. T. C. Smith, Public School Inspector, paid his semi-annual visit' to the school on Tuesday. | be present at the meeting, | Y.M.C.A. on Monday evening for the | purpose of organizing the Y.M.C.A. {Tennis Club. The courts are in readiness for playing and . as there { has been a great deal of interest | shown in the formation plans of the new club, it is expected that a large number of prospective members will The of- j Boers of the club will be elected and [plans riade for the season. SUPREMES DEFEAT ST, PAUL'S, The Supremes handed Out a real drubbing to St. Paul's in the ladies' softball game played at the Cricket Field Friday evening, taking the game with a score of 41-9 before a very large crowd. ' Supremes--D. Allan, p; H. Pappas, ¢; I. @unningham, 1b; C. Truesdale, {2b; M, Allan, ss; E. Davies 3b: F. Sinclair rf; M. Sinclair ef; M. Fow- ell, rf. St. Paul's--M. Pappas, p: L. Mul- holland c¢; C. Shuffiebottom 1b; F. Dart 2b: O. Pappas ss; D. Doucks, 3b; D. McGill, If; E. McGlll, sf; G. | Fleet, rf. Umpires--Montgomery and nolds. Rey- Miss Catherine Twift, proprietress of the Victoria Inn, Dymchurch (Kent) has held the license of that house for 50 years. Lombardy, May 27--Miss Edna Houze, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Houze, was married recently to A. Laird . Meiklejohn, Toronto. Mrs. Duffield has returned from Westport, Conn., where she spent a tew months with her daughter, Mrs. Phillips and Dr. H, Phillips." Miss Quigley spent the week-end at her home in Ottawa. Miss J. Kenyon teacher in Lombardy, spent ihe week-end at her home in Perth. The township council held its meeting on Monday evening, 17th, inst. McLean Houze has come home trom attending Queen's, Kingston, for the holidays. Mrs. 8. O'Mears, who has been ill is improving rapid- ly. Miss 8. O'Meara is spending the week at her home here. Mrs. T. V, Breen and Mrs. J. Dermady spent & couple of days in Kingston this week. 8 Mrs. Allen, Ottawa, is staying at her home here for a few days. Collin's Bay, May 28.--The open- | ing dance at the Pavillion on Mon- { day night, was well attended and { the improvements were approved by {an present, who enjoyed the extra { comforts. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hare and | son, Jack, Newcastle, spent the | week-end at the home of Mr. and | Mrs. George Clark, remaining for the dance Monday night. : Mr. and Mrs. Riley and family, | Trautan, made a short yisit at the { home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Britt, dur- | ing the week-end. David Rankin and sister, Marlon, have returned to their Nome here, after spending some time in Toronto. The Ladies' Institute held Its meeting, on Tuesday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. G. F, Clark. The Canadian National Railway Cowmpaany is making. repairs on the section houses. The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gregory leaving a | baby girl. The summer visitors | have begun to arrive. Among those { already here are Mrs. (Dr.) Rankin, | Mrs. Reid and Miss Edith Rankin who have taken up residence at tiaeir summer home. The many friends of Mrs. Waller are sorry to hear that | she is still on the sick list. | Algernon Charles Swinburne, who found im the sea his greatest inspira. tion, has been called the 'Laureate of the Sea." Efguty per cent. of the false testh sold in Liverpool, England, are esti mated to be of American origin. Egypt has issued an airmall stamp which pictures a plane flying over the Nile. Try one of our special Simmons' mattresses, $8. James Reid. ca at atts thr hi APA I NNN NANNIES \ Tenders have been let this week in Montreal for the building of th hotel at Regina. It will be a handsome public apartments Canadian- Pacific hotels across the country. 75 rooms to the accommodation, of Montreal are the 'architects. : ther storeys which will add A AAA AAA AA Don't be will be finished in accordance with the "THE NEW OP.R. HOTEL AT REGINA is new $1,500,000 rooms with baths, and its high standard set by Provision is made for the addition of two fur= Messrs. Boss & Maédonald ten-storey structure containing 200 . a Drudge children have a mild attack of chic] kenpox, ~ which appeared on the |] youngest child two weeke after com: | ing im contact with a child, on train | between Sharbot ke and Smith's | Falls, whose face had several scabs. We have a good mall service on this route as all the newspapers of "Toronto, Montreal snd Kingston are received the same day they are '| printed. Although only six miles away very | fe oe ers attended of May, 1926. J Wt. MURRAY, : Clerk, » 'This Monday 99 Wash the New Beatty Terk. RELIABLE gy p= en the celebra-| the twenty-