"NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS . LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE An's Page Pditor Phone 2618. Private. Phone 857w. 7, - J. C. Reynolds and Mrs. A. F. Jett for Watertown, N.Y. to- ss = Jessie Polson, King street, ped the Thursday mah jongs is week, : -. . 9 Jean Roblin, Victoria street, Hota with her sister, Mrs. Rony icy ay: . Hisles Shearer, Toronto, will 'the week-end with Miss Emma 'West street. - Lo A. Heber Lafferty and her child- leave op Baturday for Halifax Join ' Latferty. ; A ._.. . Mr. and Mre. George Bedell, O'- fd, are with the latter's mother, Guy Gamsby, King street. a » - - 'Mrs. C. H. Fassold, who has been Harrowsmith, returned to her in Scranton," Pa., on Friday. 2 * * tr. Bryant Woods, New York, will 'spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John McKay, "Argyle House." . » - Vegetable . FERRE Al ofl dealers L Miss Le Poire, Ottawa, ave the guests of Capt. and Mrs. Parke, King street. . . » Mrs. N. P. Wheeler, Bagot street, motored to Ottawa today to spend the week-end. . . . Mrs. Omar Lafontain, Cobalt, is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. D. Mil- lan, Earl street. . . . A jolly dance was given at Rock- wood Hospital on Thursday evening for the graduating nurses. . . * Mrs. Clive Malloch, Montreal, and her small daughter, are with Mrs. A. J. Abernethy, Albert street. rd » . Rev. A. M. Pope, Coboconk, Ont, is with Prof. and Mrs. W. Morgan, Barrie street, for the conference. . * - Rev, J. H. McVicar, Toronto, for- merly of Honan, China, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. F. McFadyen, Alice street. . » . Mrs. Frederick Etherington, Uni- versity avenue, was the hast of a pleasant mah jongg party on Thurs- day afternoon. * + * The Misses Etta and Anna Mae- pherson, Montreal, spent the week- end in Ottawa the guests of Miss Eleanor Creighton. - - . Mrs. J. A. Wilson, Ottawa, will leave next week for Vancouver, B.{., to attend the meeting of the' Nation- al Council of Women. . . » Mrs. Kenneth Mundell and her baby deughter will come from Niagara Falls on Saturday to visit Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Gardiner. » * - Rev. D. M. Rose, secretary of the National Layman"s Committee, was with Rev. J. O. Crisp, University avenue, during his stay in town. . » LJ Mra. J. 8. Sibbit, "The Greenses," is entertaining at the tea hour this afternoon for Mrs, C. H. Hutchins, whose marriige takes place shortly. * * . Miss Adele Dupuy, Montreal, who has recently returned from an ex- tended visit to Belgium and France, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. BE. L, Garneau, in Quebec. - » » Miss Gandier, Newburgh, is In town for the meeting of the Bay of Quinte Conference and is the guest of the Misses Jack, University ave- nue. " ». ". . Mr, and Mrs. Geoffrey O'Hara, Tuckahoe, N.Y., wiil come to King- ston early in June to visit the form- er's mother, Mrs. Robert O'Hara, William street. - . . Mrs, ¥, C. T. O'Hara and her daughter, Miss Marian O'Hara, who have been spending a couple of weeks in New York, returned to Ot- tawa this week. . . * Messrs. Carl Voss and Perey Chaatler, of the government survey party at Port Robinson, were holi- day guests with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Chantler, St. Thomas. "0 Mrs. A. B. Cogswell, Centre street, entertained at the tea hour on Tues- day and again on Thursday, when her guests had the pleasure of meet- ing Mrs. Norman Zwicker, Lunnen- burg, N.8., who is visiting her. «so» Mrs. Donald MacPhail, King street, Mrs. Britton Schuyler, Lon- don, England; Mrs. L. May, New York; Mrs. W. R. Broek, Vancouver, are in Toronto, the guests of their sister, Mrs. Philip Gilbert. . . . Mrs. H. Driver and Mrs. Stewart, Toronto, were with their sister, Mrs. Alexander Newlands, Victoria street, for the Medical Convocation, when their nephew, Dr. Alexander New- lands, Teeaived Lhe degree of M.D, Ld Mr. and Mrs. C. Grimm and their son. Bernie, have left to fake up their home in Rochester, N.Y., after having visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grimm, 166 Johnston street since their return from Florida. ¥ . - . | gary to visit Lieut General Sir A. C.| and Lady Macdonell. . - . The Whig will be glad to have Lhe | gegen and ac- names of visitors in town *lcounts of varfous social events for' gocial column, be publication in the Such communications signed aud the address of the sende given. Write or telephone to Editor of the Woman's Page, phone No. 2613. . * . should - WOMEN'S INSTITUTE v re ry the | Tele- | In honor of the graduating class | of Rockwood Hospital a dinner and | on dance were given by the statf { Thursday evening. The dining room | was beautifully decorated with blue | and white, the Rockwood colors, acd | the table had carnations in vases for | The assembly hal ever an adornment. was decked with streamers, greens and balloons, and here guests were received bY Mrs. Nel Black, Mrs. George Kidd, Miss Ken the | 1} | "I ain't wmever done nothin' 1! sneakin' except once when nobody -! was here I eget with my feet on the nedy and Mrs. Caldwell. The Melody | table." Kings played an inspiring pro mmm nA gramme of dance musié and {he | John Abrams, with a good number nurses and their friends, numbering ,¢ members as Well as some visitors about one hundred and fifty; spent, .aqent, & delightful evening. -t Tea at the Yacht Club. Mrs. England, the presi- |dent, had charge of the meeting, la after the usual opening exer- #Mses, several items of business wero Those not wishing to play at the(§sixed of and plans made for a num- Navy League bridge and mah Jongg lper of social functions at a later at the Yacht Club on Saturday. can date. join the party at tea for 25 cents. Engagement Announced. { The missionary topic for the | month was "Womanhood." Short readings were given and prayers were {offered that woman might stand firm Mr. and Mrs. Herman Coon, Elgin, land fulfill the duties God intended announce the engagement of their ghe might in this world of speed. youngest daughter, the marriage to take place in ronto, on June 2nd. The Editor Hears Lucy Bleanor,) R.N., to Robert E. Barber, Guelph, To- 'Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by her daughters, Misses Bertha and Hazel Abrams, and a social half hour was spent over the 'tea cups ssn Hilustrated Lecture. That the power of suggestion is, great. you will say, but did you hear o the Ottawa lady who met a friend at a tea, who was wearing a large and beautiful artificial rose and wen home and had an attack fever? friend's rose was responsible. len. come from immagination. That the Prince of Wales and the Queen of Spain are expected to send exhibits to the world's poultry con- gress in Ottawa in August, 1927. That one of the interesting fea- tures of the annual meeting of the of Women to be held in Vancouver, B.C., will be & The Kingston council was 'asked to - cio, National Council Canadian handicrafts exhibit. an exhibit from its affiliated so but as the meeting, which Mrs. Fred- erick Etherington, the president of the Local Council, will attend, opens on June 9th, it was thought the no- It is hoped that if such an exhibition is held later, the Women's Institute, which is one of the affiliated societies, will send of their tice was too short. gome of the handiwork members. That the 1.O.D.E. of Torento are their arrangement for their annual Rose Day, of June 1st, the birthday of the late Quéém Alex- andra, the city will be divided into completing forty-six seclions. That the Navy League of Can- We have heard that oefore| of rose She declared loudly that her | Well | perhaps it was, but not from its pol- Half the troubles in the world On Thursday evening, Rev. D. M. Rose, Kangra, India, who is on fur- {lough in Canada, gave an illustrated ¢ lecture in St. George's Hall, under the auspices of the Women's Aux- {liary. The meeting, which was ar- ¢ | ranged by . Mrs. P. MH. Huyck, the deanery secretary, was well attended and the lecture was most interesting. Mr. Rose, who went out to this Cana- dian mission in the Punjab in "1815, has studied the eastern religions and his slides, beautifully colored ones, showed the wonderful scenery of Northern India, the snow peaks of the Himalayas, the people of tha country and the tamples and village gods. Archdeacon Dobbs was in the chair and introduced the speaker. tn i ppm Ladies' silk hose 35¢ pair, 3 pairs tor $1.00. All the newest shades, at Jos. Abramsky & Sons, Ltd. Never condemn a man's foolish actiofis until you are wise to his game. i Being suspicious of others makes a man boastful of his own loyalty. No man is as big to others as his mirror shows him. SUNBURY. The Sunbury Women's Institute held their annual meeting in the community hall on Tuesday after- noon, May 25th with a large nupg- ber of members present. or The meeting was opened wit singing the Institute Ode and Te- peating the Lord's Erayer. The secretary, Dorothy Dixon, read the minutes of last meeting, which were approved. It was moved by Mrs. C. Smith seconded by Misp Iva George that a cemetery day be held in the third Arrangements were being definitely made for the summer speaker, Miss Ethel Robson, who will speak to the different branches. Inverary Battersea and Glenburnie. in the community hall on Tuesday after- noon, June 1st. . The following were elected: Hon- orary President, Miss Eleanor Kells; president, Mrs. Martin Sands; vice- president, Mrs. Harvey Dixon; sec- -- Women QLD-TIME sanitary methods bring unhappy, fretful days. Now the insecurity of the hazardous #sanitary pads" has been ended. You wear sheerest gowns, meet gery and all social or business ex« actments in peace of mind , . . any timefany day. It is called "KOTEX" . . . five times as absorbent as the ordinary cotton pad! Thoroughly deodorises . . . thus ending ALL fear of offending. Discards as easily as a piece of tissue. No laundry. No embar gassment. You ask for it without hesitancy simply by saying "KOTEX" at any drug or department store. Costs only a few cents. Proves old ways an unnecessary risk. Wotex regular . . Kotek Super ... ada has done a splendid work and will continue to carry it on if well supported by the public. « To care for the dependents of the sailors, to care for the sailors themselves in yarious ways and to train young boys to believe in the traditions of the British Navy and to become worthy citizens of Cagada and the Empire are some of the objects for which the Navy League exists. That the British Columbia pro- vincial 'Council of Women fas de- clared itself strongly opposed to wo-' men and girls appearing on the streets in bathing dresses without a This magnificent Tea Service in the lovely Grosvenor Design, is 8 perfect example of master crafts- manship. Matched in Communi Plate flat silver it is a King gi --the perfect completion of a table service, 1, Gore street, will & at the marriage | A: cloak. ------ ---- HAPPINESS. (Matt. 18: 44.) What real likeness can be given, In the whole domain of earth, To the kingdom known as heaven, . That begins with Spirit birth? It is like the precious Treasure 'a man found in a field 'Price $75.00 | ERYWHERE ethibits ily table services to' every woman longs to own, Community PLATE. silverware thrill you with pride of possession ere a Axp within the price limits you week of June on or about the 16th. | Fragrant and Flavoury 3 IS USED BY MILLIONS DAILY, Brown label 76c 1b. Orange Pekoe Blend 85c Ib, ond vice-president, Mrs, Wm. More- land; secretary, Mrs. William Coop- er; district-director, Mrs. C. Smith; directors: Inverary Road, Mrs. Lorne . Campbell; Brewers Mills Road, Mrs. Thomas Fisher; Milburn Road, Mrs. Alfred Sdnds; Washburn Road, Mrs. Robert Dixon; Princess Street Road, Mrs. Chas, Stoness; press reporter, Miss Dorothy Dixon; pianist, Miss Hazel Sands; sick com- If you are looking mittee, Mrs. Geo. Ratchie, Mrs. Geo, TF Sleeth, Wrs. Geo. Webb and Mrs. Fred Hanley. . Thus the meeting was brought to A Sigs and refreshments ware sery- ed. Ladies' silk hose S5¢ pair, $ oF J tor $1.00. All the newest shades, at | Jos. AbramsRy & Soms, Ltd. for something en- tirely different in the line of Sports Wear then see our display of English Silk Sweaters ¢ The very newest styles for Golf, L_Tennis, etc. | Made in three designs: Roll Neck, Turn Down Collar and Open Neck. The colorings are beautiful. Made to blend with any materials. See window display. \ W. N. Linton & Co. | Phone 191. and hopes to own... lovely now, . Look for these window displays of Communrry The Waldron Store COMMUNITY PLATE WEEK in Kingston ~~ May 20th to June sth of gleaming, gorgeous silver- and beautiful creations, ..