CA Sh TISH WHIG _ > THE. DAILY BRI The Whi g's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place | | 1 ro Real Estate Rent ; | he British Whig Help Wanted » For Re -- OUT OUR WAY. : BY WILLIAMS. : , ONT. Male Help W 3 5 RAL 7 -- 24 4 OLA ADVERTMSING or 1 | GOOD SIZED STONE WORKSHOP --2 8 - 3 sd fo thalr | TOTO Biles veh of 'Toruatai| 'Quen Biree: entrances. Apply Aber \NONDERFUL. [\ESsun ur, FRENCH MARCEL WAVING a pe | Tua be gee er ae | oR BOYS. HOW 00 COR I YUM |] oueia GO WILD contest fate BSbbias and Trimming RATES: a irish, Langstatt, Ont LARGE STORE-- And dwelling, No. 1 LOOK iN THIS G 1 F Facial and Scalp Trestment. Spegiai ive : 436 Princess Street, lately occupied by LOOK GREA THET attention given to dialer Dyeing. Miss . Help Wanted S| 1. Abramson. Size 16 x 30 feet. Sult- HEAH HAT ® + LH gliention Riven en Street. For aps Ros sents. Female Help bie for ary goods or genersi store. ir THES IN THET HAT: || RAT! TAT pointment 'phone 2018. : c Cash | CoE RIBNCED STENOGRAPHER -- Apply R. J. Carson. 1 DONT WAN ' FINE! FINE EVERY BODY ALL FIRST CLASS a a § | For June July and AUSLE, App. | Te rs For rent, large and small LAFFIN' AT ME! . MADE TO ORDER Mbsewes Baares sit $ . stating experience to Box H-26, 1g] OR in the Bibby Building. Terms SHE'S TET WIND MY JES! KIN MAKE. MADE 7 heed Sarin Swine Biri, Eoeiatiien MT | Se oe nor ure wd Siok. Bibsy's Limited. : YUH KNOW~ LAFFS A HAT LOOK Bilao' ir sitting Sen "chu: , Xe cara of baby: referstices Io-| Sony BAKERY AND DWELLINCS RIGHT IN {ORE LIKE THEV * agate, Gf 207 What, Kane. oon § 5% quired. Rd fo 134 Ordnance Street | STORE. BOC ot Barrie and Clergy prado, . ori «and Memoriam $1.50; cash, $1.00 Streets. ely occupied by W. J. Rice. FACE J : N Insurance 3 FIRE---Automobile and, Casualty Insut= ance. 1. M. Crumley, 420 Karl Street 'Phone 1783-M. INSURANCE-<Only the most reliable companies represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860 Office: " Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. = ivertis : ne, Apply to R. J. Carson. Advert! ordeced for ular | GOOD COOK--Apply to Mes Elkins, 31 bad tAken ba tari King Street, corner Maitiand 5: BRICK MOUSE--Six rooms. 118 Bephén : ' mprovemse lo 088 +d GOOD, RELIABLE COOK~~Wanted, for Street: ai) on Particuisrs apply to the RE oie ordg to the summer ge. State Age And wages oss BL » Wanted. Must be good cook; no other surprige Store, 352 Princ need apply. Mre. O. K. Brewer, Box 9 ads, wil be 1 by Ri EPRI: Lame Ont. 3 Houses eceived os bo Inseriion. aan rate | LAUNDRESS-- Wanted to do Just wash-| FINE RBESIDENCE--- West end, near 1 ri re vk, eight rooms, h.w. fur- J. B. COOKE--Life, Mire, Accident and in be 2 aps oath, week. Apply to Victor od oors, 3 p. bath, gas, Sickness, \jn reliable companies, . a : for more than one aay : electrinity, verandah. Possession May 3st manager Imperial Life. "Phones: rion will | ee who gah cook and| ist. 'Phone 3615 or Box E-14, Whig Joo 503-wh. Ties. 1731-m. OUR HEALTH AND ACCIDENT--Pol- joy will protect your salary. All lings of Fyre and Automobile Insurance. BK Willams, 2 Couper street. 7 the number of a ral wor od wages.| Office. adjust. 0 gene houss esi tec tem eat and Apply to Box F-15, Whig Oftice. TT BASTVIEW PARK -- Furnished rate earned. Apply re ee or whice space 18 | RE ARLE SERVANT Wanted. Must "bungalows. if taken before June 1st. Hine of t have references; good salary paid. Ap-| ten per cent discount. Apply, 3. Ds : for yearly sdvertising | 31300 Queen Street Boyd 392 University Avenues. Phone ERNIE D. SLITER--Insuran 3 . . ce Broker % west. 1088-m or at Eastview Park. all branches of 1nsurance in old Now ing. 281 King Street Bast. 'Phom 26.3-w. Rea 113. Decorators 28a A. ANDERSON--Painter and a hk Shop and residence 'phone 1966. fice 283 King Street. Abligh. Ieserve right to edit | yipow OR SPINSTER--With no en-} ---- or - or | thos advertising cumbrances; must be over thirty, to do HOUSE-3 Colborne Street, corner Syd. i * plain cooking and keep dGownstairs| enham, $ rooms, all improveme 3 Higaene 249; ask for & want ad. clean: for family of three. No laun- Concession Bt, § rooms pPLY 5 . n dry. Wages 335.00 or month. Apply{ Queen Street. Phone 988-w. . Box W-3, Whig Oftice. TTT TTT MARRIAGES. ee | HOUSE~Centrally loca! : a w nee YOUNG LADY--Wanted for General Of-| venience; good house; reasonable pent a Tiis-| flee work. One having experience in Apel to J. Abrameky & Sons, . card system Bihterted. Apply Box No. | 368 incess Street. ce. companies of highest financial sands ) to Bileanor May, 5 r of nas W. Plumley, of | XK 28, Wiig HOUSE--311 Queen Strest, near Buti; GET YOUR PAINTING--And paperinf 11 , § rooms, bath, ho ' one now, ces reasonable. -- Male and Female Help Wanted 8 gas Clecthert , furnace. Immediate paper for sale. Horton, 145 Colling= " gas, ¥ iv 139 Union Street wood Street. 'Phone 2984-J : DEATHS, Son AND DOYS WANTED --To pat.| bossessicn. ARP w - . BR ingaed 13 Mag 14h. re bai o ag os 10¢ Boy ; SIGN PAINTING=-J. 8. Robi rear MeAlpine, aged §3 years. an's hair cuts, 35¢. Shaves 10c. Boys' | pov ge rurnished for July and Aus i . obinson, : HOLLAND 1 Portsmouth on May hair omy, lie. Ladies 25c. 201 Wel-| FO CORT Unturnished for longer, ' en 216 Bagot Street. 1 Busi, aatogs Homa ages 11 | Jopn Breet | fom} Rroturtey SHdlloction | A 4 urnace and garage. \ his Jats residence Friday, Agents Wanted. 4! 'Pnone 2683-w. 169 Stuart Street. 4 "3 Fluancial ze tery. a 20 Bim. 0 AGENTS--Get In a profitable. all-year | HOUSE--3S Livingston Avenue, 7 rooms, J = FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. and acquaintances respectfully | commission business of your own. newly decorated, furnace, electric LL MENT SOCIETY -- Incorporated in ' invited to attend. Every property, owner is a Customer Lent ahd gas. garden, Ree, sro Hine. JRwnllaus . Le hy righ TH. e or prospect, ine hundred varieties 088 n June 1st. 2 . - 5 ; BTR AL Mou eh, Aged W of Bandy' Red Tag Nursery produeta. stone Ave. 'Phone h-m. 3-28 THE DUDE. { ©1926 BY NEA SERVICE WC.) loan on eity, and farm peer in- Cas k. t - t. + Gov wa riot | i "aad? pteicuinge free, Write | MOUSE -- 203 afer Stet * SES eg 2a os Sorvices poms Secelred, AY Uiincer i, & -- ., . w ecorat is urnace, u on T Margaret Ann Smith, aged §1 years. Dominion Nurseries, Montreal Ng c3 gis, garden and garage. Rant Real Estate For Sale Articles For sale Busin Servi Cartwright, manager, $7 Clarence St. At Adolphustown, on May F-" ; moderate. Possession June 1st. Pp SE ------ a a TITTIES Wy opps. Williams, aged € SALESMAN--Wantad to sell Swumer.| PiY 439 Nelson Street. Fouses 14 Miscellaneous 15 Fuol ana Feed 18 Storage 208 years. Must have neat appearance and OOH | . . FORK--At Roblin. on May 18th, Minnie reonality. This is a good proposition HOUSBS--Colborne ares. $2600 pas J. B. CUNNINGHAM MOTOR BOAT -- Skiff type, 3% rt S| DRY BODY HARDWOOD--Dry hard | STORAGR-~For furniture, clean, dry, 3 York, aged To years. the right party. Apply The James month. Durham Street. 3 Boy 2 + Real Estale beam, 16-20 hp. Clayton or ar n and soft wood Slabs. We handle nous airy rooms and Spaces; your own 1 he ne Horn Knitting Company, Lindsay, On- month. Apply to Kingston Agendie Insurance and Loans Engine. Speed 16-17 miles per hour | hy the best. 'Phone I516-w. TC! and key. Frost's City Storage 398 : REID taro. Ltd, 67 Clarence Street, 79 Clarence Street. In fret class Fanning order. ApplY| Swain. 306 Queen St. 'Phone 536. Res. 950-w. = ¥ 4 a XL =88 . or 2516-m. The Old of Undertakers IDLE WILD SUMMER COTTAGE -- Tortable home, consisting DRY, BODY HARDWOOD-- $3.15 per : ane 256 PRINCESS STREET YARDS OF PROFIT Bagle lake, Parham, furnished, also HOUSB~---Clony plece bath, 3 large veran-| NOW --Is the tims 10 decorate your RY Dry mixed $3.00. Split ibe. ox. | BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHOU 4 : 147 for Ambulance tor Men and Women. By direct sell-| Bosty and ice; admirable location QF} dans, electricity anc BG, SNCOTy ton. | Jawns and cemetery lots with our flow-| tre." Dry kindling under corer BRIS! furmitore oF FRY A Tithe » ing our yard goods of Silks, dress goods,| main shore. For Information &ppIY| irgily located, in first class condition.| er vases. Three kinds to choose from. er load. 'Phone 1439-J. Mrs. Ray | proof bullding. Phone 1000 or 117% g ; Ne-- ROBERT curtatn material, drapery fabrics, ete, Mrs. J. A. Goodfellow; Parham, Possession immediately. Apply at 836] Kingston Cement Products, Patric Por ker, corner Johnson and McDonald | = 5 a. The s & REID he Ag By ake ® Substance) a | LARGE, BRICK RESIDENCE -- With Division Street. 'Phone 1181-W. Street. 'Phone 730-W, Streets. TT Miscellaneous 1 3 v . . ----- & 5 Princess Street district. Full or spare time. Liberal] garage, No. 298 University Avenus, 10 ©. WwW. MULLIN NEW BOAT--16 foot, square stern, in| GOOD HARDWOOD---§3.60 quarter cord and: ar. Commission, Only ambition to go ahead | rooms; all mofern ymprovements, | p.a) Estate and insurance Broker frst class condition. Terms; reason-| _mixed wood $3.00 and §3.35 quartet ASHES--Cleaned - of "Uncarogor, 7 - y. No capital por experience electric light, hot water heating Johnson and Division Strests able. Apply J. Knapp & Son, Barrie-| gord--hard slabs $3.50--s0ft . SlabS yards, clean Job | one, "25. fe WP KEVES noid ould he, On NWR ams TE | ee Teo) Ma vie Ton 3 3 t a il A Ee wm always in ck. ean saw- ; Sales Getter in itself Write at ofc' T HOUSE--1 rooms, electric Nght. 3 p.| OLD TOWN CANO® -- Cedar, eanvas| gust § cents Dag. Aer trol ad 4 ASHES--Hemoved fram Jord | and = ; for full details and territory. ARPY SIX ROOMED HOUSE -- To let on} orn good garage, centrally located. Soverad, wwo doubles and singles, 1a3y | 3 "Talbot, Concession Street. 8; 8% Leal Eo ite vos Doom B01: 1488 DP oary SL. Mo treal. 7 roomed house I rar ovementa, Jur. | Price 33200. ADDL Mine 104 oF rr vag te Pe sth Ent A Beckley Transfer, 148 Yo k direst . eury St. Montreal. y - ' 704 of . - ER] hy : 5 4 od houns. ll Lng an 4% Pat. | "110 Erincess Street Phone Fl CASh. Bone Geary. 509 Frontense 8t.| "Iiinylee =Rough and, dressed. AMO! 'phone 301 nd 3016. wood flooring. all kinds, stovewood | o vpaLy TRANSFER CO. «= Upper Positions Wanted @| rick Street. H B--And ry ONE COOKER SPANIEL----Red Collie SOLID BRICK HOUSE--A garage, Resawing and Lang. J. Peters = Princess Street, ploughing, harrow STONE HOUSK--213 Brock Street, elec. Puppies, 1 Fox Terrier, 11 months old; y i EXPERIENCED GARDENER -- Handy | tric light and gas, hardwood floors, hot Unversity Avenus. 8 Foor are lot, Puppies Lior, © French Poodles.| Streets. Phone 889 and and dlacing §erdens; Riso general ante steady work dys or even-| water heating. Possession May lst. Dos and rose bushes. Apply 383] George Muller, 371-373 King Stree. he team-work done. Estimates given. = tongs. Apply Box G-26, Whig Office. Apply to James Reid, 364 Princess St. | University Avenue. 'Phone 1088-m. ON OTL STOVE Tr Wanted ™ ow 10 10 | 'Phone 1507-0. - - A _-- TT TS TT eT -- . GIRL-- Past 15 years, s:rong, healthy, , That charmi burners, in first class condition. Tele- CARPENTER WORK-All kinds of oar- w position as mother a" hel : ; Rooms : SUMMER COTTAGE Tht © ne LF. ROW BOAT -- Wanted. State length, | penter work, contracting or ha EF i mothers help & pr 10 pine roomed summer man's Bay the phone 2 * x a beam and price. Box No. 1-37, Whig Hardwood Badr. & spectaly. Char count v @ Wages. are . PIAN Tr tT - QCIAY! yor, moderate; So » ET en ems moows-- ciate fr] So 2 A, hm Sobre Tab tionr (0 kal BI = a 559, Napanee, Ont. for cook "Torin 208 3, nd 484 fine garden. Lot abou 100 by N00 fect, | refused. Apply 149 Colborne treet. Professtonal n IR Avenues. 'Phone 3 apr. water, cool summer | Tria ey BURNERS-- Garden Fences,| DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER -- Ww. A Expert o Tuning, Real Estate For Rent. URN MSH 2] fle and x tow mosquitoes of [ Gates, "Baskeis. for. every purpose. Marosiih Efner of Barrie and Prin- Player-Plano Adjusting. FURNISHED ROO ot water heat-| files. ng Gates. B80. Partridge Wire & 1 a A 1 a ing, running water in each room; good ne 38 SA ieiin i Seas trests. Chiropractic adjust: Phone 1544. » Apartments and Flats 7 | locality. BE ma moderate. Apply 492] 94.80e-- Brick, 7 rooms, modern, cen- orks. ote. gn ver, okle,| ments, Ylactric treatments and hand- C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED ° Aghnso Sigel, corner Frontenac Bt. Sh000-50 aot ar ol sod val pper, Passage er ery oe. conus Ee ARYIOE = oy AT RINGLAND APARTMENTS -- 184 one 997-7. waterfront. HR ld 1-| PURE _BRED-TO-LAY _ BARRED| Evenings by appoluiment cs Bie | SALES SERYION Co fo Reguiar Weeks Queen Street, 2 four-roomed ~ apart-| Nyom, FURNISHED ROOM-- To rent, | Houscs and flats to let. Rocks, R.1. Reds, White Wyandottes.| phone 532-J. ence 'phone 967-J. | ly asles, Thursdays and Saturdays ete: § p bawh, Rudd heaters and! \ itn private family, with every con-| Insurance. Money to loan. White Leghorns. 108 per cent. guar 10.80 a.m. Send anythibg You W 5 ranges in each. Possession imme-| venience; centrally located. For fur-| See Het at office, angeed live delivered. Give us your! SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, to seli--come for what you need. Teles tely. Apply 186 Queen Street. Tele-| ther pardculars ref Box 0-12, Whig T. O'CONNOR, order. 'Phone 181-w. Your eggs arts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers,| phone §9i-J. bE phone 1122. Office. : 851 Princess Street' "Phone 1138.7. | hashed if desired. Marshall, King- s, Pits, etc. removed psrmanent- -- » B ER STORE ston Hatchery, 101 Queen Street. ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and UPHOLSTERING--ANd general repairs . Ad 1318-1 Amned soeriment, ulead; "from REFRIGERATORS--Four Eureks Re Surnlshed after aSRDSr® have (alied| ing, daave Srdsia MC drop 4 oat X nt, 3 - oftre out operation, WW. 3 lo June 16th. Reasonable rent. 132 Earl Pasture to Rent 10¢ Articles For Gale. frigerators; cnly used short time. Suit-; years' experience. Dr. Eimer J. Laxe Pb on > Woe roid, 0 Ciengr Supedty % . Street. 'Phone 2068-w. able for grocer or butcher. Apply to ye, Kar, Nose, Throat, Skin. 3 re = G PASTURE--With city water sup. Miscellaneous 36] BE. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson Street. Tele- tt Blroet, Prose 301w. House 11583 Automobiles » 'and Found BAA rer ai) year round: Sas Bo in Apply to RB. Ward, In-| woo MBER SUITS Loe me LUOY--Gee, F. sad Jennie 4. Chl = 2) i water all year round; gas - " - . enn: » ro- 4 Fi PATE on | San sn kobe ANIL nmin 5) solos Hisinave Seclaty, 19 ident 8 a Your order as torins | Yi LL RENE Yr tat he. oxpirhs| Drrost. Resiatered Nurse, 203 Bagot Auto. Sscesiony i } Ce or phone 178. e -J. =| Street. 'Phone 951-w. Hours §-13, Lm . 7. Owner please phone : Large selection, of Jewast , pacisrns. tion © x months will allow ail mon. 3-5, §-7.30. Consultation fara KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY Ta it APARTMENT S700 haims Aparimen Real Estate For Sale G. Patterson, 160 Johnston Street. Paid eo "lore arranged on * ihe Makers ¢ of Aut Bugsy, Boat 1 a ' ¥ == Found. on Ragan! bachroom: gas range, refrigerator EE EA SR SS TR alapce. ©. W. Lindsay Limited, 131 Medical.' 8 USHL0 ro 3 y Sam - . » : » Coupe bodies, California T and - Sr A, e by 8p-| hardwood floors, Well hested. Apply 69 Farms and Land 12 AWNINGS--Verandah Curtains. Apply Princess Street. Bi. HOWARD PRICE FOLGER-- 138 holstering. Awnings S00 Tents ® I Brack Heres CHOICE LOTS--In all parts of the olty Frank W: Cooke, 'Phone 436. ' ARE ae rh Tim, | M1 King street: Phone 3048, SWEATER OOAT=| rans rooms, bathroom, all com- "King v - od to diseases of the eye, ear, nose andy in th : SOIT may | "yeniences, furnished or unfurnished. APB ce ington Agsncies Lid., $1 COME AND SEE~-- Our stock of Men's FOR SALE throat. Hours: 10 to 13.30 am. 1.30 . at lL Possession, Junie 1st. Apply to § Jenkin Clothing, Bogts and Shosl con Brunswick-Batke-Collender wall | | to 3.30, pum. . Kvenings 1-5. Appoint- Auto Wrecking Co. a 8C Faken I mis. | Street or phone 1318.7 : Suit Cases bargains in mustcar in- || Sta% 0F SL SO a Jhente phone BL, cies 1] Ope ton word Trask, aces staln e m re- : y, on Monday night, | HEATER AF atner Barrie Business 1° 18| "SiNiments. A. Shapiro, 46 Princess | geoior, centred with § x 4 British Barriscors and Solicitors 31b || (Ale Sit Kinds of ro makes oP eahund ot | "ATE ct ed NTL, ihe Sore Ch | GARAGE Wah houss AHACROS VAIL | Sor Pints irre Good boy 47 Io S00 || mma ar - . -- " a w . varior, clgar or hotel; make an . H, ~--Barrister. Soliol- Second Hand Tires, all sizes ne ances. ADDY I Cohen & Co,| ble property in oamierr Ontario vil- LAVAL--Booner of later you Will} Ger frne Canadian Freeman, Kin tor and Notary Public. 1 - hg 7 --Found| Ontario Street. Phone 83. sath Seme it Slang with compiaty iy a De Laval Separator und Muker | ston, Ont. © 11 10h Street. 'Phone jes. oF Weillng "ROSEN & POLLITT ¥ t. Gwnor, may | gMALL FURNISHED APARTMENT "Hulloway St. Melleville, Ontario, of St. $176.00 up. Home 800d used engines | ==--------==------mTmTmmmEmmTmmTTn CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers i a 4 Street Weat. | *00 rent for the summer months: ail| Lawrence Of Supply Co. Lid, Gan-| and separators Set of double hana) 4 Solicitors. 79 rene Totrect || 'Pnome 2478-w. 140 RIDEAU ST. Fount Ovog| Conveniences: in central locality. one anoqus, Ont. and democrat: emer, Lion Disc dias : Furniture 38a | Kingston AB. Cunnningham, K.C.} -' 3 at G A. . ToRiLk ABP ORES With house, barn and gar-| Agency, Ji Broek Sireet. 'Phone 585-J yr E 3 hon Saar Box ¥-17, Whig Office. ACRE house. ard an. wf: a3arl ASIF. FORNITURE aa ve snd | modern ony AND WEY TTY Automobiles For Sale y i ADS bring quick re 00 or 80° per th 07 Prin ° Le [1 Street, - ? : BOOK_-Found, in y Fry, Gananoque, Ont. ' FLASHLIGHTA-Botierics bulbs, Open| er, 607 Princess Street, Buccessrs 10 'B. Day, Revolt. | OMALMERS-- 8 cylinder touring ea 7 Ry Snead oh ner Suits. ed nights. Ca Radio Stores. Lesses Antique Shop. on as e an Le He, ip epora model in good eon t - - : " ' : Fin OHIPS--The oldest fiah and| PRIVATE SALE--OConalsting of chest: | agyNo J. C~--Barrister and Soliel- Son nm Bah sano | SEAT : Shs 20 5 ST, a 20 Sy Rani RR Sh Brock Fest Meets S| own voumiNG CAR 1 i ¥ . > s ' y 5 city and farm property. RD n re F g t G nui Am : Ci 3 - gumetous dther arth Apply to 377} 'Prone 3 '{ ning order; « good tires No r 2 st consi n en o c ne Alfred Street. Fh sos able. offer reruns. Apply at Frontenas Garage, Kingston, Ont. S small ring, found, B.A. Barrister and ; » BAKER BRICK Milton Pressed : mean in + OF ( Anthracite) Welsh Coal ad % Nook Seenl $1 ohnson| Auto Tops and Cushions 16a. EER sotnef of King ily in perfact condit for reet or 'phone 640. - - mt momenta eee | Le Gh PAUL---Specialist for new or 2 5 20 - RE Trl Le Ee ann ud lov RET SE Bnei WI 0 RTA ELSES TI] zoe con os pee cobb be LT || SRR er | ais, ee 1 PERMANENT WAVING gi, om ST oy S BL a ® : P of 2 and 1 ; 4 = y I hy ; e- : Summer prices now in effect for immediate cated Mattress have t lins and awnings made g order a0: A vou lak phone 447 Display = Pu 1885, : WOOT OF JOHNSON STREET. a deliver anthre- | AB. than 1938 model yao A «J. for . y " 1%