Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 May 1926, p. 7

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i TONS OF DYNAMITE EXPLODED Out Near Northbrook, Break- ing = Many Windows-- Tourists Already Arrive. Northbrook, May 10.--Wright was general May 3rd, when many tons of damaged dynamite were put in four heaps and exploded during the after- noon at tht Cobalt-Frontenac Mining Company plant without warning. The earth rocked and many windows were broken in the village, also dishes and produce on the store shelves. It was thought to be an earthquake until particulars were heard. At Arden, a distance of twenty miles, windows were shat- tered. The Glasinboro school has been { opened for service and each Tuesday | evening Rev. N. Bosko will officiate. Mrs. Henry. Ellis is home from Webbwood where she spent a few weeks visiting relatives, Harlowe fishermen are keeping this locality well supplied with { choice fish. J. Vogan purchased a {Ford car from Edward Way of | Tweed. Miss Annie Delyea, of Har- This delightful Wristlet adds lowe, is visiting at Mrs. D. Spicer's. to the reputation of, Wrist Rev. E. Cafley and son, Jack, dined iat J. Vogan's Sunday. Watch dependability. | Spring has arrived in all its splen- @® o w { Frigidaire Beautifully encased in white {dor and the neighborhood. s, taking reinforced gold. Priced from jon a fresh aspect since H. Shul has Automatic, Permanent Re- frigeration, -- Road where he lead mines. Miss Arvilla Curtis is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Heary Lloyd. Mr. ahd Mrs. C, C. Thomp- son returned last week from King- ston where they were visiting Mrs, George Pyke. Mr. Thompson pur- chased a new six cylinder Pontiac car while in Kingston... .. Loud is the praise given Charles Ruttan, who is fast improving the : road from Kaladar to Cloyne. D, T.| Miss Rosa Davis, Hamilton, was J. C. Tindle purchased a Ford coupe | is gi B, 8. -end. from Gordon Wood. At the annual meeting of the Can- Hilller Thompson had a slight | 3: : operation at the Hotel Dieu a adian Canoe Association held at Ot- ' tawa on Saturday last it was de- GENERAL HOSPITAL cided to hold the races at Gan-| called "age." * Look out Grandpa, mind the ceiling -- Ease up on' that Kraschen feslirg.' * "When the Heart is Young?" Youth is a wonderful thing. And 'the most wonderful thing about it is that it has nothing whatever to do with your so- is employed in "the GANANOQUE ] AUTOMOBILE BLUE BOOK, 1926 If you want to enjoy your touring to the utmost get your copy at once. You will find it invaluable--a guide with which you will never part. Price $3.50. R. UGLOW & CO. Gananoque, May 11.--Dr. J. C. Pudney, Montclair, N.J., as in town Saturday last to meet Mr. and Mrs. | Daniel Calkins, Rochester, N.Y, to whom he concluded the sale of his beautiful summer home, Hart Is- and, 2 "Hard Wood Choice Body Hardwood. Soft Mixed Wood. Kindling and Slabs. Chas. Bedore & Son 840 NELSON STREET 'Phone 1746J. exactly what the "little daily dime- ful" does for it; but, because of your artificial mode of life, inside shirks its duty, you don' get Four Supply of the six vital ts for whi every day your sys- tem cries out, and you suffer in consequence. Is the little daily dimeful that does it Kruschen comes in to help where AWRISTWATCH An Ideal Graduation Gift salts, each of which has a different | A duty to do. pinches, nearly a six months' of that "Kruschen" feeling. anoque again this year. Last year : proved the best in the history of the ho Is a Be | Association. E. G. Tressider of the old at all. Indeed, jt fre- | Rideau Canoe Club was appointed commodore to succeed A. F. Mar longer a man lives the younger ° nell. This year's Regatta will in- his heart grows. And so at To Visit the Institution on sixty you will find him game Wednesday -- Nurses' thus completing the programme rea- y sonably early. Gananoque was re- |" learned the secret of abiding presented at the meeting by Fora| Youth. : ; 1 t t is to be found in the National Hospital Day Will be ob-1 * a?' niia' Hood was the sob) piu ecto - gurved at the Soutral Hospital on oist_at the morning Mother's Day body. Keep your blood pure and ednesday, May 12th, for the first service in Grace Church Sunday virile, and you'll keep the spirit and . ; the boundless energy of the heyday lic are invited to visit the hospital The funeral of the late Michael and get an idea of the facilities pro- | O'Connor, which took place yester-| the simple way of the "little daily vided there for the care of the sick. | day morning, was very largely at-| dimeful" - Wednesday afternoon to show visi- | being present. Not one Salt but Six tors over the hospital, and in this | Anniversary services were held in : connection the hospital authorities | g ew's ¢ h Sunday last, | St. Andrew's church on Sunday "I've already tried out Epsom. and ter by the main door. preacher of the day and gave two! Glauber, and never yet collected | Nature fails. Not only does it rid $32 50 | given his "Tourist Hotel" a pleasing| The graduation exercises are also eloquent sermons morning and eve-| enough of that 'Kruschen feeling' |your body of all clogging poisonous i tone of paint, and others are fast|to be held on Wednesday evening |ning. The musical part of the pro- I Sei Postcard Tor . following his example. grod of, talking to me bout on your blood, purifying and in MEN S WATCHES class. will receive their diplomas and | Staebler, Mrs. Spencer, Roy Bell and po - shi e Sa of arguing orating it and filling eve Nlustrated Booklet {C. Thompson lying between J. L.|the prizes won by the under gradus| W. D. Cotton were the soloists. Next 5 Iashion lies in assuming |in your system with From $37.50 { Lloyd's and the Wood's garage and | ates will be distributed. On this | year will mark the hundredth an- like the others, and that thecefur Hi i t a house. Peter | occasion Miss Jean Browne, of To- | niversary, the congregation HY R W . CCannon Step in and make your gra-', | Lioya has established 3 Louse, oy | ronto, president of the Coir diny Na. a, in 1827. Kor Mr. Smart ie Jus ah ene, like a a aea~ibh She oe ally TELEPHONE 139-w, duation gift selection now from Mi. ering all the neighboring villages | tional Society of Nurses, and dete- | was first in charge followed by the]: Is n Is not a single your mind to buy a bottle to-day, BIBBY BLOCK, FRINCESS 5T. our wide choice of Watches. once each week. Bate last year to the International | Rev. Dr. Gordon, whose connection | 3 . y to gladden the hearts of Mr. and |ford, will address the gradrates. | is lovingly connected with its his- Kingear & d ere | Mrs. 8. G. Both at tht Ore Chimney | This is the first time in many years | tory. Ca JEWELLERS | mines. During the same day the | that a woman has' delivered the ad- On May 1st in St. John's Church 168 PRINCESS STREET The Regular Thing. Btranger--When is the next train due? Village. Station Master--Mister, we ain't particular around here. We take "em as they come, csi ! quently happens that the clude some events in the morning, for anything, because he has Graduation Exercises. Gillespie. blood that streams through the time. On this day the general pub- morning. of life. And the way to do that is Two ushers will be in readiness on | tended, several out of town friends "Little daily dose," you may say! Specially request that all visitors en- | Rev. Mr. Odrun, Brockville, was the to cover a dime. So what's the |waste matter, bul it acts when the members of the graduation gramme was specially fine. Mr, Roy Reid purchased a lot from C. that Kruschen is just a single salt, vitality, | being i salt, but a blend of six different a bott] of ry A s v y e costs and contains Bn A fine baby boy arrived April 30th | Convention of Nurses at Helsing- | with St. Andrew's, like Dr, Gracey's | stork visited the home of Mr. and {dress to the graduates. Rev. A. J. Hanley united in mar- € | Mrs. Peter Vanness leaving another National Hospital Day which is | riage Michael Donohue, a prosperous | wee boy. observed in a great many hospitals | farmer of Leeds, and Miss Alice Mr. and Mrs. in Canada and the United States ful- | Milford, Montreal. Black Donald mines fils the dual purpose of a tribute to Mrs. Hudspeth, Montreal, who if moved to the Ore Chimney mines | Florence Nightingale, the real found- | has been the guest of Mrs. W. F. If you lived under ideal condition, {the first pinch and begin wing your system would do far itself, younger to-morrow, Py * ° eo { where Mr. Wolchuck will be employ- | er of the nursing profession for wo- | Stevens for the past week, returned [ea in future. John Both is in Den- | men, and an observance calculated | home at the week-end. Tasteless in Coffee 1 pairmg bigh for a few days from where he will go to his new spacious garage . - 1 All Kinds of Electric Apparatus " A Nn to draw attention to the great medi-| Chris Knight, the popular care- or Tea S in Winchester Iptely purchased by Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices, cal, institutions of the country. May | taker of Grace Church, is seriously Pot as much In your ' S , Dewaksas: otp » ui his brother, S."G) Both, and himself. friends much uneasiness. the "little duis Timers "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" 12th, the birthday of Florence Night- | il, his condition causing his many As these men have spent some years Mrs. John Webster, who recently that does it. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Princess Streeta. . > Stephen Wolchuck have . Good Health for Half a Cent a Day SOLE IMPORTING AGENTS:-CHARLES GYDE & SON. MONTREAL Fn "y Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers is now recognized as probably the one profession to which women by nature are best suited and even S50 young a man as Attorney-General W. F. Nickle is able to remember the sharp difference of opinion which was raised here in Kingston when it was proposed to change the nurs- ing staff from men to women. Na- tional Hospital Day is a time when those not acquainted with the work done by nurses get an opportunity to see them at work. : ston General Hospital, returned home a few days ago, and is rapid- ly regaining her health. The Dramatic Club of St. John's Church, Gananoque, are putting on "Oak Farm" in Lansdowne next Friday evening under the auspices of St. John's Anglican Church, Miss Mildred Norris, Howe Is- land, who has been supplying for the past few weeks on the staff of St. John's School, owing to the ill- ness of one of the Sisters, returned home on Monday. Nursing as a profession for women blue they will be greatly missed but all join in wishing them .success in their new promising undertaking. The auction sale of James Thomp- son's stock, implements and house ! furnishings held Wednesday by Auc- == tioneer C. C. Thompson was a de- d| cided success. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson and family leave this week for Manitoulin island where they will reside in future. A large congregation enjoyed a fine discourse Sunday morning in the . Hospitals have - made wonderful ingale, is always the day set aside. in our midst and have provem true underwent an operation in King- Corner King and = 'Phone 04. Coal Keeps Sowards il Mother's Day. United church when Rev. E. Cafley | strides during the last quarter of a spoke on "Honor Thy Father and|century and have come to be re- Thy Mother," fittingly applied to [garded as places where the sick can most efficiently be cared for rather than as pest houses, which was the Mr. and Mrs. Fox, Toronto, are taking up residence here in the Wil- liam Toner house on Market street. Mr. Fox is manager of the Burns | Amos Lloyd is home from Perth Road lead mines suffering with blood poison In the hand. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vanness are moving on the farm lately vacated by James Y Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles @ Thompson attended the funeral Fri- day at Dead Creek, of Mrs. Rans- ford Vealey. - Among thoee-spending Saturday li | evéhing in Tweed were Mr. and Mrs. ili M. Wolchuck, Mr. H. H. Watson, il | Miss G. Venner, Mrs. R. Moon, Miss 1 shoe store. O. Running has moved into J. Mallory's house on James street. All the Auditorium will hold will be on hand to-night to see the first presentation of "Fleurette," and the prospects look good for crowded houses for cach of the three per- formances. SOWARDS COAL CO. TELEPHONE 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. case not many years ago. Superin- tendent Fraser Armstrong of the General Hospital believed that the hospital has not yet come to its full growth dnd he predicts the time when the hospital will follow the pa- tient to his home and there will ac- complish perhaps a greater work in preventing disease than it is not do- Ing in helping to cure disease. KINGSTON REBEKAHS PAY NAPANEE VISIT The Cadet Corps of Napanee Collegiate Inspected Mon- day Afternoon. Napanee, May = 11.4-On Monday evening about fAfty ladies from the Kingston Rebekah Lodge motored to Napanee, where they were entertain- ed to a banquet by the Queen of Sheba Rebekah Lodge of Napanee. The trial of Frank Kinkley, who was arrested last week after a car accident on the Newburgh Road, was held Monday before Magistrate GQ. 'Phone 811. LET YOUR HOME REFLECT COMFORT. And now you will be turning your thoughts towards the rejuvenation of your home. The searching light of the Spring sun no 1onger permits old, dingy farniture to pass muster, and you and your fridnds will wish to see new. dependable Furniture in its place, It is easy to keep the honie well furnished by purchasing at-- JAMES REID THE LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. 'Phoue 147 for Service. 4 VISITING AT CONSECON, George Bush Purchased a Residence in Village. Consecon, May 6.~--Friends of R. Blakely, a former resident, were glad to see him in the village this week. Mr. Blakely, who now resides in Kingston, was visiting a short time in Trenton as well as his home village, Consecon, and at Salem. George Bush, South Lakeside, has purchased the brick dwelling form- erly occupied by L. Goodmurphy. H. Murphy will soon have hig gas sta- tion in operation, which will be easily in evidence to all incoming cars into the county, Rev. Mr. Wolfraim made a trip to Trenton on Friday. Visitors in the village on Friday were Mr. and Mrs. R. Walt, North Lakeside, 1. another voncert in near future. The Parks is again plowing gardens and | paper printed it, "Mr. Dass." Mrs. {anything F. Ruttan. The decision was re- served until Tuesday morning, is quite busy. Mrs. Gould and little Dass was the chief musician and ap- | figures, The annual inspection of the Cadet 7" Corps of the Napanee Collegiate In- Stitute took place on Monday after- noon at two o'clock. The following were the officers: Captain, Albert HL; platoon commanders, Jack Jud- son, Claude Fraser and George Rob- son. Three Highlanders from "B" Company played the bagpipes during the inspection, Evans Robson, De- verde Powell and Bob Hanna. Capt. Trudeau, of Kingston, inspected the cadets, who numbered about seventy, and was greatly pleased with their {'1. Lessard, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Wol- chuck, Mrs. C. C. Thompson and others. Rev. N. Bosko spent the week-end with Fernleigh patishion- ers. Tourists have already arrived and excellent fishing is experighced. Much maple syrup is for sale rang- , il ing from $1.50 to $1.75 per gallon, 4 fl! Mont Wood spent the week-end at i home, returning on Monday to Perth / W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 BROCK STREET | | -r recent visitors at Mrs. | peared about twelve times that evens . ing, and gave elocution work as well, Dass who gave the [She is a clever singer, beautiful prano and Las had much experience. Satitistics enable a man to prove except the truth of the son were Chase's, It was Mrs. concert at Roblin's Mills on April 21st, and who was asked to put on 3 The King of Clubs now smiles with glee For quickly saving 43, And 9 more "poker hands" says be Will bring a pack of cards to me.

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