Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 May 1926, p. 6

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Eh Phe ui ve STR ran ah " TY TIOR ? Li » RT a TO ANGPIR ER me ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS ~---- ge SEAMAN-KENT HARDWOOD FLOORING LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE || COMINGEVENTS | The Editor Hears | + Red "Cross membership drive, May | That the Kingston branch of the 13th, 14tis and 15th. Members of the So-| yar Divigion of the Red Cross ri banks and large . pope) i Woman's Page Editor rnone 2613 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hiscock and SE a2 lu he De mem-|is, as advertised in the "Coming| wp { | Events" column on this page, | Phone 857w. their little son motored from Brock- | bership fees. Mes Job SN . ville to spend the week-end with a me planning to hold the a8 ua es | . . . ut op John Kelunsky, Bancroft, is' Mrs. Edgar Hiscock, Barrie street. || ADYT. MATES. wo miriogs || bership drive. The peace time work | is the most beautiful, durable and sanitary ; $n. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Marvin, Bald- oer Tt herd to A | thing, in its way as wonderful as its | Flooring obtainable Our stock is com- Rev. A. H. Coleman, who has been winsville, N.Y., and Mr. Ronald || "9rd; minimum §1. mar- | | War work. Most of the societies that | ' " Re tions, engagements, Mt "Densmere," has returned to | Skinner, Montreal, spent the week- || riage announcements. personal no- plete now. Can supply flooring for any pur- were fostered by the war ceased Napanee, end at '"Densmere" with Mrs. Wil-| jices, 38 words or less, $1003 PF }| work when the excitement of war So... liam Skinner. |] Entertainments, concerts, meet. || was over but the Red Cross works on | Mrs. A. Willesford Jackson Is vis- s * Y | ings, etc, 15c. per line tor readers; || faithfully not only for returned men ting Prof. and Mrs. W. Morgan,| mis H. F. Richardson and little Be pe due Tor Sinplay advea. Mint Il but for all in need of help and com- Barrie street. Miss Diana, Stuart street, sail for | tort. Outpost hospitals in Northern .. England this week to spend the sum- Ontario where the settlers, many of : . John Wilmot, Ottawa, 18! mer with Mrs, Richardson's mother, them returned men, are miles from Yisiting Mrs. George Mahood, Uni-|pqrg Wyndham Deedes. | medical assistance, have been bumilt| . ersity avenue. - 3 : -- {and furnished, one at Whitby recent-| , . Sadie an' the children was over | ©. od ee. WEDDINGS. | this mornin', but I hadns cleaned up | . J : : ly receiving furniture from the King- , 2 Miss Lorraine Irwin, Colborne Mrs. H. R. Duff, Princess street, | | ston branch, and now the news comes | L1® house, so it didn't matter. bet Street, who has been ill for several| leaves this week for Saskatoon) | that a small hospital is being open- i weeks, Is able to be out again. Sask., where she will atten a| jena | i " i y * as meeting of the Presbyterian chureh., | Priest--Trilley. fed in Bancroft, where patients in Kenney, Mrs. J, C. Pennock, and The marriage was solemnized in need of trained assistance cam bey, ".' pUp "oo TROT. FO St. George's Cathedral at seven | treated. To follow up, to Sy Oh Miss M. H. McGuiggan, represents. o'clock on - Monday evening when when the excitement is over and the tives to District Annual meeting, <8 © Mr. and Mrs. Ben Allen, of the] Later she will go to Calgary to visit Dumbells Company, were at "Dens-| Lieut.-General Sir A. C. and Lady "" " M 1 ; 3 WE mere" during heir stay in town, lacdonell aie tb Rev. W. E. Kidd united in marriage hie Go i ot Wis Re Mrs. J. Sullivan, Mrs. 8. B. Kelsey: 2h \/ , 3 e Red Cross has set its 0 : y hr Ad John-| Brig.-Gen. W. B. M. King and the | Blanch Edna Trijley, and Mr. Tho- scribe, Mrs. M. E. Ferguson; plan- Prof. Matheson and Prof.' John g mas Joseph Priest, son of Mr. and |and is doing nobly. ist, Mrs. W. H. Smith, ~ 80M, spent a few days at the Queen's | Hon. Mrs. Shuttleworth King and | University cottage at Bob's Nake. their family, of Wolseley Barracks, | Mrs. Priest, Niagara Falls. Miss E "law London, Ont., who were to have | Bertha Boulton, cousin of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, while Mr. Jas. x . H. L. ngston | gone to Montreal to reside, have Mr. H. L. Christie, of the Kingston | £ Mitchell Cassidy, assisted the bride- 'branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia, | been delayed, and will probably- re- | spent the week-end in Brockville. main in London part of the sum-|8room. The bride was given away a mer. by her brother-in-law, Mr. Archie i bh c ge' « oo Brown. She looked very charming) darkness of the woods. Soon the i Miss Irene Brayman has returned | Mrs, H. W. Richardson, "Alwing-|in her dress of grey silk with shoes Jelion Jouve or the wily ani Bop t Kingston after visiting her par- " A i and stockings to match. She carried ' to 8 8 p ton," entertained the L. C. Reading gs hart A 0% RE Soran An address was then given by Miss M. McGuiggan, on the Rideau Canal including a biographical sketch of Colonel By, the constructor. This proved to be both instructive and interesting and is the *irst of a ser- ies of papers of historical research. Before the meeting adjourned a delicious treat of home-made candy That a drive into the country will show you that even eight or ten | miles from the lake the maples are covered with red blossoms and there is a decided "thickening of the misty ¥v -up Bran, Nerves, and Body ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Brayman. | club on Monday afternoon. This was|a lovely bouquet of pink roses. A was served by the directors, Mrs. Deli : Ek A Dk the last meeting of the season and | reception was held afterwards at the | 8T¢€0 of the maples will show. Powell, Mrs. 'Campbell and Mrs. R. 1CIOUS - asily wested re. although the members are always | home of the bride's sister, Mrs. A7t- es 0.0... | Taylor. ! Miss Freda MacGachen, Montreal, | loath to part for the summer, it was |chie Brown, 9 Deacon street. That Cataraqui Chapter, 1.0.D.E, ~ At all druggists ! 4s visiting her aunts, Miss Etta and an exceedingly pleasant one. gave a car to the Victorian Order hy -- Miss Kathleen Kirkpatrick, King « eo ® and now have to go to work to make B " 60c - 90c - $1.50 K t. Mrs. W. B. Kidd, Wellington | the money. They wanted the nurse LOODROOT. a A . es street, is a the tea UNIQUE SHAPE. to have the use of the pretty little When April winds arrive One cup 4 Quehige ioe oes ai wl q car during the summer and had op- timism enough to get it at once and make the money afterwards, sure that the sympathy of their fellow- And the soft rains are here, Some morning by the road side These Fairy folk appear. © Mrs. I. G. Bogart, Wellington | hour on Thursday in honor of the © Street, Is ontertaining at the tea{very Rev. W. W. Craig; Dean of hour this afternoon for Mrs. Claude | Ontario, and Mrs. Craig, when her ~ Grimm. guests will be the city clergy and > A i 5 «ie their wives. titizens in their splendid gift would We neve thei i 9 ' . Mrs. Samuel Low, Ottawa, is visit- } « + show itself in the assistance they How hd ee Sir SOmIng., L H would give to any means they would ever sharp our eyes; 1 pair Solid Brick Houses, E- * Ing her daughter, Mrs. Granville] Dr. J. BE. Mabee, Odessa, has re- \ Frost, and Dr. Frost, Sydenham |turned from Toronto afte attend- . apartments. ing the Medical Health Congress : "9 0. held there last week. Mrs. Mabee Mrs. W. B. Lesslie, who spent a| accompanied Dr. Mabee and, was . Week in town has returned to To-| present at the reception given by Dr. © Tonto and is with her daughter, Mrs. | and Mrs. George D. Porter, Cresent . R. W. Brigstocke, ' Road for the ladies at the Congress. 1 - . * > Cartwright, who has ho hard and Dos Francis| The Whig will be glad to have the Macnee, St. Lawrence Cottage, has [hames of visitors in town and ac- returned to Toronto, counts of various social events for ; t publication in the social column. : .:;, vy Such communications should be Mr. and Mrs. Claude Grimm have [signed and the address of the sender ved in town from Miami, Fla, |given. Write or telephone to the are with Dr. and Mrs. LG. |Bditor of the Woman's Page, Tele- street. Each year as if by magic They take us by surprise, lerbeck Avenue; just completed. 7 rooms; Will sell separately. Also three new houses, in good location, on south side of Prim- Q ss Street. room Frame House, garage ¢ take to raise the money. T AXI 'PHONE SERVICE 960 25¢ 'van DAY OR NIGHT -- 7 That on Saturday and shagay hundreds of children went into the woods near Kingston to gather wild flowers. Some of them were met by | motorists on their way home, and it was delightful to see that many of them had heeded the warning of the press, their teachers and their parents, and had gathered only enough flowers to brighten their hames and make their elders, who could not go so far afield, realize that spring had come at last. Along the ragged woodside And by the green spring run, Their small white heads are nodding And twinkling in the sun. 3 and shed; all improvements, 440 Division Street. E.E.WATHEN 127 NELSON STREET ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS 'PHONE 1801.J. COAL! COAL! We have In stock the famous Laggits Oreek Anthra- cite--S8tove, Chestnut and Pea--all high grade Coal. Al= They cfowd across the meadows In innocence and mirth, As if there were no sorrow In all this wondrous earth. . . . So frail, so unregarded, And yet about them clings A sorcery of welcome-- The joy of common things. That the shops show the most wonderful scarfs of plain and print- The charm of this hat lies In its|ed chiffon. Fashion notes tell us vhone No. 2613. . Perhaps their trail of beauty Across the pasture sod unique shape and unusual combina- that these becoming accessoriés will CANADIAN WOMEN AT THE tion of felt and silver paillettes. It|he even longer and that ultra fash.| I? jubilant procession so good stock of Pocahontas. See us before laying In next WORLD GIRL GUIDE CAMP. | is steel blue felt cut in three sec-|jonable women will wind them| I8 Where an angel trod. winter's supply. Our prices are attractive. -- tions with a leaf design in paillettes around their bodies. Veils are said --BLISS CARMAN. : DENNEE & MORRIS Phone 2444, YARDS: 37 BROOK ST. - Th « Not since leaders of the world's | in each adetion to b . e definitely coming back as a GE AT BETHEL CHURCH girlhood met at the wonderful camp smart soceriory to a tas ghrect at "Foxlease," has there been such Interesting Programme a gathering as that now assembling sopume, - ALT: in the United States for the first That those who v i ¥ t o voted against day- liven - Under Auspices of |yoria camp of Girl Scouts and Girl light saving are being heard from Ohristian Endeavor Soclety. |Guides to be held on this continent. They say: My Br wanted to PAINS RELIEVED Pa Among the first of the delegates get out of his place of business early | he Christian Endeavor Soclety of | from thirty-nine countries to be list- 80 that he could fix his lawn and 'Church held a very interest-|ed are: Australia, Countess of Strad- EASY WAY garden and here we are fn clean-up Ww Suffered Neasly a Your, meeting on Monday evening, | brook; Canada, Mrs. H. D, Warren, week and he has been out motoring took the form of a Mothers' | Toronto, and Toronto's Girl Guide every daz." Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable The mothers of the mem- | Commissioner, Mrs. Frank Hodgins, Kellogg's ALL-BRAN Compound Brought Her Health bers and the congregation were in- [is also there. Three Timely Needs YOU WILL LIKE YOUR LAWN if you use our 4-12" Blade EUREKA LAWN MOWER--Smooth cutting, easy running ................ $0.00 ¥ited to attend, and judging by the Y Hele ia i Picture one of New brings quick, permanent CERASIe's Bo substitute for the FROST RIVER ALL STEEL REFRI- number that came out, the meeting | York's special women writers gives : : 3 M en i ERA TOR---sound hand ctemiiio tay 'was bound to be a success. of this week's arrival there: relief from constipation | WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Tt vk Loam ong te tion, air tight seams. Miss Isabel Veale occupied the 'Women in the official Girl Scout | | Constipation leaves its marks 18 ham's Vegetable Compound has done GET AHBAD OF THE FLY SCREEN DOORS-- ir, and conducted the opening ex-, khaki uniforms, women in the Brit- n the face. Its terrible poisons, - for me. 1 suffered very badly with For the back door--plain desigs....... .. LE SEE 3 swith Miss Jennie Wilson [ish and Netherlands dark blue uni-| which lead to over forty serious wae, dragging.down pains and inflamma. For the frout door--varalsh--tancy design ............... cies. 8400 g the scripture lesson. Miss | forms, women in green uniforms, in| diseases, jause pimples, hollow The Elgin Women's Institute held Ho No pain ny Haht side over Gpmpiete, ready to hang. Porter, president of the so-|dark brown and light yellow uni- n, circles under [its annual meeting for receiving of , welcomed the mothers on be- | forms, women with bobbed hair,| the Byes, Jour giveniation, cold [reports and election of officers on my leg. oJ Had jb hearly 4 year when 1 | of the members, and presented | with mannish cuts and long hair-- gl ane t causes unpleas- | Thursday, May 6th, in the commu- would have to have an opers Le 4 & So 187 Princess Street. ; . ie 0 . ity hall. esutiful bookmark to every mo- [all keen-eyed, alert, cager--all talk Rid your of this frighttal > RTS ot in dtialidutive ry LB dy Hardware, Plumbing, Tinsmithing. ing and laughing together--thi : 8 8 Was! disease. Kells s ALL-B with singing of "The Maple Leaf" | saved her life \ The speaker of the evening was | the picture one saw when the lead- bro ]l too ! . # rs. ¥. Sanders, of Calvary United [ers of Girl Scout groups from all| all has failed. 'The reason-- |after which the minutes of the| two bottlesandI found] was betber, , Ke al - a " Jureh, who took as her subject! over the world arrived on the Olym- is ALL BRAN --100% bran! |April meeting were read and approv- Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash. Homes, and How to Make | pic yesterday. That is wh recommend it. | ed. more children since : Happier. "They oa. here to attend the| It takes A! RAN to be wholly The correspondence included an Fao hag two sors childs I used Phere is a vast difference," sald | first world camp of women in the lective, 1 If eat lar! invitation from the Chatfey's. Locks jo have ¥ Tis down tu or ihres DH , "between a house and | United States and to Girl Scout cen- XarX it ALL-BRAN Jesu arly. branch to unite with them in a joint A a . hd how 1 do oll my i Bome. A home must have a Wo- | tres of Boston, Washington and last. most. stab! Woeting at Chatfey's on June '3rd. biusework with in it, and above all else love. | ly to visit Camp Edith Macy with the | cases or your grocer returns the |AD appeal was presented from the the hou a dose now and me without love, is vain, and |idea of taking mew ideas, fresh in- purchase price. ~ |Armenian Relief Association of Ca- then helps me. Iam willing for you nel be a happy one. Mother love | spirations back to the girls of their| . Eat two tablespoonfuls daily-- | nada, and the usual contribution of | to use this letter an see fit home makes it happy for the | own 4 fn chronic cases, with every meal. [ten dollars was voted for thi .+ andIwill answer I can ad and children, and it that | pier hy tho Saad ote met at the You will like its mutlike flavor. [A resolution was carried to suciet| ameothor Td be only 100 gles e has Christ ablding In it. 1t]egeorted by the police to the Na- Si iihe Tecipes on svery package, the caretaker of the hall, George| 10 try. Mire. Eons HougnTon, indeed a havey So i or tional Girl Scout headquarters, given cereals, Yardley, to the extent of five dollars 72 {habasca W., Moose Jaw, Sas- pl take is awed a luncheon at the Colony Club, for the purchasing of nalls for a new Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable you 0 ake Ihe Come motored to City Hall, where Mayor house he is erecting. It was also de- Com is a dependable medicine r gli Alker grested thom and Welcomed Sided a Temember_ une uf the et i peehe Rl Phiness." ; city, and then they left - Mrs, M. Moore, who is in druggists everywhere. 6 the evening. Mrs. Brnest | tor Boston, where they will romata the Hospital in Kingston, with a pot | more ry : PAE Sel, Th Se Bundy tes Ya of tyre My 8 to Me, rive in Washington, where they will 0 The Testing to bo adiresed id @ governmen elegate, 0 : James Lomax gave a recitation |, Loi omoq by President and Mrs. "Kiss the Children When Coolidge and by Mrs. Hoover on son of Denfield is to be held on June Monday. Tuesday will visit RL Ire PTE 17th, and the subject chosen for the | Camp Macy in ray Cliff Manor, "at the Clark Rely you address was, "Bifficiency . After where they will remain until Mon- ae ' Forty." There was some community day of the following week--thence : sy singing. and the roll call was ans- to Buffalo by motor to see Niagara | wered by the payment of dues, twen-| Falls, then to Canada and then back | to their countries on the Montreal CANADIAN the coming year. for Wednesday Men's Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, fine quality, full size, for... ai... /25c euch, ' ~ Maderia Serviettes -- beautifully * embroidered; full 13 inch size. Dainty patterns; for $4.50 dozen. : 185. Metta, 19th." Toronto ; as Miss E. A. Halladay, as one of the nro May BOI | delegates to the Athens Agricultural i 3 i mb Conference Crepe de Chene Scarfs in a variety of colors, with fancy 'ends, for $1.19 v : ; W. N. Linton & Co.

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