Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 May 1926, p. 15

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E Ay . May 7, 1926. = ee The Whig's DAILY BRITISH WHJG a sified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place : . y Business Services Ar Te Dn HAL, or | soma d | Teal Estate For Rent ___ (QUT QUR WAY. BY WILLIAMS. ----"----20 __ t Hotel Die D> y ON em _ . | ay Teh, 1926, to Mr; and Mrs. R. | Female Help Wanted 3 Rooms 10] : f ha joseph Howes, Godfrey (nee Mary | __ | GET YOUR PAINTINGe=And paperi + gan), 8 son. CAPABLE, GENERAL SERVANT -- | FURNISHED ROOMS--For light house- | £ XY dony or sale oon roaaonabie. Wal a C { Kingston General rienced cook, with refer-| keeping: all gonveniences; gas for) | : Ch May Sth, 1936, to Mr | Mat he an in the evening sre | cooking: central. Apply 163 Sydea- | . | Wood Street. 'Phone 2984-J ences A 2 and Mrs N. C. Timmerman (nse | Richard Oo lwiigtit, 152 Umiversity| bam waeet. | a om Farced Micha an AP 5 | Ay Tous Wanted To Rent 11 | an : | HSN PAINTING--J. S. Robingés, rear | { | & son, Harold Nichol }] th GENERAL--Miidle aged person, Pro- ci ------------ | 3 4 175 bago: Street. testan:, who understands plain cook- | grap HOUSE OR APARTMENT o| 3 4 i= § DEATHS, { ing. No laundry or upstairs work; Fairly central, wanted by June 1st " ia & | Tinan in Hacrowgmit. on May fen, | by Lh Wail wages. AP-| Apply Box H-6, Whig Office. 3 E - | herson, | ly Bo -7. h 7 { VTE 3 { : pn Salle ger, Mace Barr, | | SMALL FLAT--Or 'small apartment = > MENT Soc ry theon rated I | : 13 years. | MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN -- Protestant | house, with a small family: would like Z . ) ? 101 ProanrY re ste | . laté | preferred; wanted to care for inva to take possession by 10th of May. Ap- v ; . Ph ' af i HR TUR aid and fake care of home: famMly| ply Box' KT. Whig Office. ' SETHI Sr z iokn on city and Tar prapeninn" ie | x » , | ts of two, in_the village. OF a me ee j i | 3 day, May 9th, at 2 p.m. (Standard | Son sia y Thomas Wal. . SAN Yestment. Bonds bought and sold; de- | time), 'to Harrowsmith Cemetery. Bar ticy late apBly Io Mrs. 0 For Sale or To Let ila WA : and interost paid' wa | lars minimum 'monthly balance. RR. | | and acqueintances are respeot- | 5 : ; ily invited to attend. WAITRESS --Wanted for Queens' Ho- | FURNISHED COTTAGE~With Sleep. 7 # gis Ebina ds ap tel. Apply 117 William Street after ing Jorn, Fort Henry Cove. Apply | 3 pm. 44 ohn ton @! or g. f CK--In Kingeton, on May 7m, | 1926, Barbara Scott, widow bi] ths) | te Lawrence Black, formerly © - " " Ss OTTA Ru » A { a Re Ey or lamps | WOMANZL Tefined, capable woman to A) AEE COTTAGE . : "ToRAGE For, Turalture. clean. dry. | yy y St. C | r a lew w © ver 8 Lawrence, near a | ' Be wi Mrs. William Nicol. Villa St. Claire 2682-w T shore of River St I e . , - and k F 's Cit. z 3 . Bale | amen highway Apply at 327 Earl Street vy hs ey. ross ¥y torage, 399- ' Apaiiments, Bal Bagtie Street ily T Phone 1012-m. k 4 Y 395 queen St. 'Phone 526. Res. 939-w. day 8 'ice at 2 P 4 ) 4 . 3 " > ok £1230 0 orock, tense to Brockviile| Male and Female Help Wasted 8b SUMMER BUNGALOWS -- Eastview é -- . Cemetery by motors. = . Park, 6 niles from Kingston. 5 6.3 f J 2 | ry TORAGE ER DUSRoniar | : MEN AND BOYS WANTED --To pat-| rooms; furnished; screengd verandahs 1 2 y dise. | BY--In Sydenham ss May oth, ronise J. W, Curzon's Barber Shop.| and fireplaces; good view, bathing ac- 772 \ % : _proof building. "Phone 1000 or 1177. 1034, jobs rat rp Ra HY Men's hair cuts, 2c. Shaves 10e. Bove gommodation. Avply J. D. Boyd, 122 ' 2 BC . 3 { 4 hair outs, 15c. Ladies 25c. =| University Avenue, Kingston. 'Phone 5 Miscellancous } . énham, on Saturday, May Sth, at 2 lington Street. 1053-m, i { oar ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job done. A. MacGragor, | mn. (etandard time), to Sydenham ; émetery. trol ~ : i ' : . No ES 24s and Scquaintances respectfu =" Real Estate For Rent. Real Estate For Sale "2 / g ls ¢ | 24 Russell Street. 'Phone 2365. tT Odessa, May 7th, 1926, I ora ---- VICE ow aaa ¥ \\ : 19° ASHES--Removed from yard and cel- Wake. in his 796 year. | Apartments and Plats 7 Farms and Land 12 , ; lars; sgneral carting; first class dry- e --------------------_-- at ------------------ NN \ i - ce ~ ha W. R. Take, Otesss, at 4 | APARTMBNT--3 rooms and bathroom. | 3g ACRBS--Large barn, stanchions for NY : : : Bremer Pram. Th mates "given. ndard time), Sunday,| heated: furnished or unfurnished. AlM| "gS head, 4 box stalls, concrete floors, ; \ , - "Phone 201 and 2316-M convenlences. Price reasonable. Ap-| ,iiikinc' machine drinking dishes, 2 } w : Ply 6 Jenking Street or "phone 1319-J.1 wijoe i Fieel carrier, § horse statis, ice \ ; o CAVERLY TRANSFER CO, Upper ha h ilk , tool shed, wind- 3 row! APARTMENT--In the Winston, 6 rooms, hoe. ilk Jone Be HO poultry AYA ) 3 ww ard acre sash ing. harrowing loving memory of Mrs. J. A. Payne, | heated; hot water all year round; gasl hoice" two houses, three orchards. ; N/A 3 team-work done. Estimates given. Amouth, who dled on May 7th | stove In kitchen. Apply Dr. Anglin, 52 buildings in good condition. Located ¥ } 'Phone 1507-J. Earl street or phone 178. near Henderson Harbor, N. Y. 3% miles '4 Z : sub Ma off State Road, near Lake Ontario : A BA ' : y Expert Plano Tuning, In , in patience | APARTMENT---Sydenham Apartments, i 000. & Si . .N . ie Borg, Te *ufiered, in p prock Brest. four rooms and tiled | you" pd Saas ene rover tation paid if : : Sys § Player-Pltlip Adjusting win called her home to euffer no| bathroom: gas range, refrigerator, worth, 9 Flower Building, Watertown,| - 3 ns va We Phone 1564. \ " hardwood floors, well heated. Apply 69 Nr Y. - a = A 3 ye 3d C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED Gone but mot forgotten. " Brock Street. . x E - wh © ! miss aughter- : o 3 2 E en ~ Murra, ndlew. er. and Mrs. J. A Paves. Jr | HEATED APARTMENT--Corner Barrie Business Places 13 "of J - - SALES SERVIOR -- Murre y's Austion and Princess Streets, also stores on a, RS ; - : ' ly sales Thursdays and Saturdays at Princess Street, centrally located with BLACKSMITH SHOP--ANRd houge in ll 10.530 a.m Send anything you want rear entrances. Apply I. Conen & Co, ood condition. Apply J. L. Silver, > to seli--oome for what you need. Tele-~ Ontario Street. Phone 836. Jlginburg. . phone §91-J. o. . UPHOLSTERING--And general repair. Business Places 8 Houses 14 * ing. Leave order, e s At or drop a cand ©1908 ov wea SOWIE to F. W. Harold, 104 Clergy Street 'Phone 1600-J, ns DESIRABLE OFFICES--With vault in DESIRABLE BRICK RESIDENCE-No, Ontario Chambers, corner King " 5 Vutvergity Ave. 1 SRposite Bat Ee ' larence eotreets. Possession ist o; ouglas rary." Ideal location. Bric ) as May. Apply King and Smythe, 7172 Femaence, 116 Barrie Street, facing the } Articles For Sale Business Service Automoblies larence ,» Kingston, Ont. cket fleld. pply Kingston Agen- & cles' Limated, 67 Clarence Street. Se 3 rofessionay a Auto Accessories EJ LBORNE Li hi vs bd Bivby Ee aha Fwd DWELLINGS--Well located k 15 Midcelitevis u FORD TOURING CAR 1 ood offices, in the Bi ullding. erms FILLY ocated workmen's eo. F. 2 . TR n run- i SaLao! 'PHONE 1839, to suit tenant upon application to R.| AWCHlings. Tn tre Village of Ports- | rr ROSEWOOD MELODEON -- Large size rs Sects Teunle Ads Bagot| Ming order; i good tires No Tahmams D, Sloan, Bibby's Limited. mouth, Apply to King & Smythe, 71- Bee our Chocolate bargain. See us| In 800d shape. 'Phone or wrike. M. Br 'Phone 951-w. Hours 9-12,| @ble offer refused. Apply at Frontenac em | 19 Clagence Street, Kingston, Ont. taturday only and get mother this| V- Lake, Yarker, Ont. 1-8, 67.30. Consultation free Garage, Kingston, Ont. and Touses © | HOUSE--8 rooms. electric light, 3 p | handsome $200 box. SET OF SURVEYOR'S INSTRUMENTS Barristers ana Solicitors 31h | KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY OO, Parlors: 274 Princess Street bath, good garage, centrally located. ELDER'S --For sale. Apply to Walkem & --Makers of Auto, Buggy, Boat Tops a BRICK HOUSE--116 Stephen Street, 6| Price $2,200. Apply M. B. Trumpour, | Sr est bargain in town for Mother's| 'Walkem, $3 Clarénce Street. and Cushions. Commercial, . Ambul rooms, all improvements, good veran-| 270 Princess Street. 'Phone 704 or $23 bout pany s--regular 0c. Saturday W. H. HERRINGTON--Barrister. Soligi- Coupe bodies, Californis Tops and Up- dah, in first class condition. Posses-| 1295-J, By-~Nelisori s--regula or WE WILL RENT--You a Piano for six| tor and Notary Public. 151 Welling- holstering. Awnings and Tents, ete ston at once; no remt charged to June only--s$ pound box ior §i.00. uollars per month and at the gxpira- ton Street. 'Phone 3548+w. 347 King street. 'Phone 3945. 25a 'i -- 0 - Moab to Surprise Store, 353( SOLID BRICK HOU SE--And garage, ELDERS tion of six months will allow all mon. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- ed -- University Avenue. 9 rooms, modern led paid to apply on purchase price of and Solicitors, 79° Clarence Stre , . rocosates--Nellson's--regular 60c. a a improvements, 2 foeplaces; large lot,| 0c lates : ¢ 9c. iano, Kasy terms arranged on the . 3 DUPLEX HOUSE-- 5 rooms and bath-| 'shrubs and rose vushes. Apply 333 Pre tiurday for, Mother's Day ddc Palance. C." W. Lindsay Limited, 121 Kingston, AB. Cunnningham, K.C: * room, heated, gas Jove. Jaupdry tubs, University Avenue. Phone 1083-m Princess Street. . h.w. floors, grate, 8, fixtures, c@l-| ~~ . Ep 'OR. ho riden, verandah, front and back | $1.100---Frame. § rant, gurage, garden | HLDENS PINE ON ee But th Jats Furniture 10a | AN core. Np eh Street, "King. Undertaker and Embalimer, entrance, garage. Apply 178 Univers- tohange ch going business, would eut fireworks. When you ceievraie, ston. A. E. Day, Adrian I Revelle One Light Six McLaughlin Car, . Sydenham, Ont Phone 20 ity Avenue or 'phone 1753-m. 3 Rey central all imp. Terms ca the best. FURAITURE. Ae cd oy modern Mortgages arranged. 'Phons 205. good condition. " - - ; y 4 . le - HOUSE~-2 Colborne Street, corner 5yd-|3 Farme--near city. Would exchange, ELDER'S FIREWORKS-- er, 507 Princess Street, successors to REYNOLDS, J. C--Barrister and Soliol. One Light Six Roadster Mo énham, § rooms, all improvements. 45) Houses--and flats to let. ad Lesses Antique Sho .ax - |] Leughlin--good running order. Gel your salutes Rere--dhe loudest s q P- tor, 81 Brock Street. Mortgages ar Also all kinds of Second Hand Concession St, § rooms. Apply 1s6| Insurance. Money to loan. hg r . CUT FLOWERS Queen Street. 'Phone 9§8-w. TT CONNOR, aster mode Je. X43 danay. and Phas 2500, 17 Sn farm "property. |] Ale sll Parts for all makes of 351 Princess Street 'Phone 1189-7. | 3 S$ FIREWORKS. Fuel Feed is - cars, WEDDING BOUQUETS HOUSE--311 Queen Street, near Busi- kL b B Second Hi slats = ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS nesg College, § rooms, bath, hot water, 109 Wyma sud bese display. in thle NEVILLE--Wili dsliver anthra- ! canaries andl] ieeusd ) ies, an g » to » gas, electricity, furnace. Immediate J. E. CUNNINGHAM cite coal at $15.76. Carrying _ extra.| 5, rl 1 Ban ne; KIRKPATRICK'S || Sosesstss: Ripiy' "135 "union Beret Real Botate DE LAVAL--Booner or Inter yoy will] 'Phove 2365-m. ; ¥ . 3 = "Il ROSEN & POLLITT ART AND FLOWER STORE a ep hant #45-w. I 4 Loans Paouna Suaval Heparator and Milker.{ oem: H hard i 22! - 140 RIDBAU STREET 'Phones 452 and 1218-J, FINE RESIDENCE-~ West end, near " Inquire about our power milker from Personai 22 WOOD---Dry k : - 76.00 up. Some good used engines] ®nd soft wood Sia We handle none 'Phone 2475-w. Victoria Park, eight rooms, h.w. fur-| SEVEN ROOMED BRICK HOUSE | $! but the best. 'Phone 2516-w. J. C nace. hardwood 3D: outh, gan, | Charles Street. 3 piece bath, hardwood | S04 Separators. hh double harneast Uf fb BRILEETICS -- At last a tremtment y fico tairs; - i . . and . Found 1 ge. Phhe ASI or Boy ayion May My and gas. © God arin 08, elec TOW. on gi plramer, Frost & Wood De $3.75 r| bromides, narcotics. Guaranteed. In- Split Cad i Phone 2515 or Box B-14, Whi tricity and gas. Good garden and . y DRY, BODY HARDWOO $ a MARKER Féund on Office. . age. This is a rea] buy at $3,000 Agancy Al Brock Street. "Phone 585-J oud. Dry mixed 33.00. abc. ox: formation free. Hunter Laboratories, o 8 ner may have same at HOUSE--33 Ear! Street 9 Y um SNIVERSITY AVENUE--Desirable : tra. Wo Madling Jstides cover, iLi 900 Beott, Little Rock, Ark. ato Office. - r reet, 9 rooms an . + e residence opposite "Douglas FISH AND CHIPS--The oldest fish and er load. one ~J. rs. y : 3 " ig In attic; 3 plece tollet; gas for cook-| Library." Price on application, chip cafe In city. W. F. Redden, 360] £arker, corner Johnson and McDonald Rous NANTED-A urging Joe tt ti ! Office. A ention ing; electri¢ lighting; plugs for lamps, | 116 BARRIE § PT--Brick residence Montreal Street. Hours § a.m. to 1.60 Streets. GOOD HARDWOOD--$3.50 quarter cord = ( AIN PEN--Found, on Friday.| of ©cck Sunshine furnace. heating facing Cricke: field. Price on go 1 3 i; n: 2 ca- , have same at 87 Earl St, satisfactory. Garage and stables. Ap-| tion. Kingston Agencies LAS. 671.00: We deliver. Phone 2638-m. 00 and $3.35 quarter Ladies' Hair Parlor. 24 We are forced to vacate our 0--saoft slabs - present building and are offering may by calling in evening. Ply for key at Gilbert's Grocery, 134] Clarence Street. ixed wood $3. GOLD RMING--Set with | Barrie St. 'Phone 364. THREE STOREY CEMENT DWELLING| 150004 bona of burs bred-to-lay Barsed| ford-- hard slab Jise--ott Wi os . arter cord. ough and dressed Plood-swone. loa Tuesday I vicinity | LARGE HOUSE -- In city limits, 10] Com STOREY and Albert giroaic| Rocks, oie WA Hep ors, for. Dba rary in 500k Clens ma Nine ro moni "0 HA can ctals | | for sale a large stock of yorwatt in Grant ] Respoake Finder| I00ms, gdod barn and stable, large] Particulars oh application Mills Co, Jie SOCRere " 1507-w 588: Bath Ro dust § cents bag. 'Phone 3753-J. W.| mations, bed ourla, switches, sham. USED AUTO PARTS AND i to Whig Office Ree Pe ot Fessonable, Aly Box| 79 Clarence Street, . O. "Phone -W. H. Talbot, Concession Street. ooing. eing, sur ing, Lad os' and USED CARS . ~7, Wi C8 or "pi ~F. n's r eu . Ts. un« - W. SfULL1N 7 108 CREAM... Wagon, Ford Touring! ammo h and 4 1so | - al a. 88 Bay Street, Kingston SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE--Electric and| Real Estatt and Insurance Broker | 101 model One shod shine stand, six | LUMBER--Rough ati ah also Tolephone 900" - aie Tools and Garage equip- UI YR MAY have same| Toy, bathroom. athe. br Loot Alfred Johnson and Division Stree Pool tables Hert Stansbury, 8) Shimyles and all kinds, stovewood ce. Street, near Streé® Car Junction and{ 'Phone 6539-w. See Advi Tela g | Lhestnut Street. 'Phone 1730-w. Resawing 6nd laning. J. Peters & Everything must be sold. MAROEL WAVING rr Victoria School. Apply 144 Union St Son, corner rock and Toronto . nd, No. 64, as "Phone 914-J. Articles F Now. 1s ne mn to Geconste Row. |_Stréets. 'Phone $89. guriing: _ 48, Soung Sug Bobbed SALE NOW ON ! on N. 'Alfred Strest (80. | yin ROOMED HOUSE--Bleotric lights, or Sale. Kingston_ Cement Products parom | WOOD--Best of Mixed Wood $5.00 a] Foriabplinic B Ardaim peoisi ' ' : cellar, garden and driveway, on Divi imo Kingston Cement Products, Patrick quarter of a cord; Bardwond' slabs ation 1 air Bydliy. i] PALMER S A a| Switzer, or ' " . ven (o H n t reasonabie. Apply Street. Phone 730-w. under cover, $2.76 7 Queen treet. ap- on Bun- ' #9 Charley Street. Miscellaneous 15| HoTOR BOAT 18 ft 6" x 4 ft. 6", two | O9Tdi body hardwood i; 3 pointment 'phone 2016 SAL VAGE | KEY--Souna at Kingston Wille y may same at the : Weis Office. ™ =| eylinder 4-5 h.p. Davis engine with gia core. Delivered. } Bagot Streets. WAVING Bagot and Queen Streets SIX ROOMED HOUSE « To let on if . Charles Street; electric Hght and gas. AWNINGS---Verandah Curtains. Apply bp dig phi, and, long Phone 2055-J. ikl " | 4 Royal Cord Tire and | 71 med house, all im rovements, fur : oP Loughbore Lake bridge J " pat.| Frank W. Cooke. 'Phone 436, 125.00. CC. Eves, 6 Alwington Ave. Hn etter oY Re | nace. Apply to H. F. ormaa, §9 Pat- 3 , or Westlake's {i Livery, Wanted To uy 190 Fbr the véry latest In Ladies' . Automobiles For Sale, 20 } ty Portsmouth, , ft. . Finger wots R. Dixon, |.__Tick Street ARMY BOOTS--Good condition, Mens s bury. us suits, goo new; h a O Nea - "Pou 1, Sun STONE HOUSE 233 Brock Street, elec- tools, grips and at oy Prices very "07 POWER OEMENT . MIXER--Also | ASHES--Or other SU Jranteq at Rideau] LADIES' BE LsIYE PRIVATE "iat cians ream. Bear bargain 0c. 2 AR! fed in Ki tric light and gas, hardwood floors, hot - Schoo, onald eet, per. ephen Street. feasonable. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess] 70 h.p. Petrie Boller. Prices very rea - 5 n water heating. P 1st.| Sireet. v Fora le. Apply T. H. Craig, Veropa,| 108d delivered. 1 LOR Y, or Apply 230 Princess Strost." Uae! nt. a A. B. KINGS SUITS--At $20.00 and $35.00. Only & few BABYS Camnr---Wanted. Must bs|30s princess Street' BURY, 201843; Y- nd, ou St jon Ma (Ay have same at 197 Stephen | X00) oo James Rens oy orinhiay 1s Fe ' ARR. in good condition and r _ a A Rooms 10] uirattec' ook | "Racks: RY as CANS wb dotten| Price. Telephone. 1803-m. i" N : ton R. w i 3 . Bas A White Leghorns. 100 per ph bry guar- . Insurance 8 k A LIGHT TRUCK n TWO FURNISHED ROOMS--And sun| phone 3308-w. «Ge anteed live delivered. Give us your } CBLET«e Set With ame. porn on bathroom floor for ht| Johnston Street. order. 'Phone 15l-w. Your Talloring ana Pressing 20 a eB Ah ind Hess! wo a 1) 8 ahora Street one DRILL--Frost & Wood Hoe Sesl DYiiL| won a Hatch ry Mahal, Nang 811 branches of insurance in old lin¢ With i on i i v « JlEy 3 this address snd chi] Poon Apply Stafford Patt Cata: ston shery. Queen Street. Wd OBERTSON-Tallor Suits made tof companies of highest fnancie) stand canopy fop. claim re- erson, raquit. - onder, 35.00 and up. Sleauing, "ing. 281 Kin, reet East. 'Phones LIGHT DELIVERY ey Ts fo---hound rT f "Sag on ars stv price Lioting: Repairing. 175 Bagoc $c | Fifiiw. Rew fii oT vin ma extra Roadster baci ! ye or o. - Pp 0 e Street. Utomobile and Casuaity Insut- Diversity A and t + COAL burning may be old-fashioned but it's the most efficient, Busi FIREil ee Sunda. Omer May have same at economical and safe method of heating, after all, ral op HORSES 7 Blaht 304 nine ness Services Anos iL Srmivy, 420 Earl Street Stree Coal, being time-tried, requires no experiments to make it work. Jan Road or Tahonc 2680" . a ----] TNSURANCE--Only the most reilabie RING--1920 Oil distillate burning is new--but only time will tell whem, and | | RUBBISH BURNERS. Garden Fences | DRUGLESS PRA NER Stra Bilhed In 1350 "Oanse & WITH STARTER. if, appliances permit oil to rank with coal for domestic use. : Sates, Basheny or ever ee irom Marcelle orher of Harries Sines, rect: Pale por aside FORD TOURING ---1 COAL HEATING is far m Works. Plating in Silver, Nickle| ments, Slagtrie Jrebtinants and J.B. COOKE Lite, Fire. Accident and WITH STARTE much so that the duties of feeding coal and removing ashes arg || COUPSr. ste. tion free. "Hours 9-13 rg tipknees, ip reliable ies. dis- CHEV. TOURING---1924 lavishly. paid for in the wide difference in cost. REFRIGERATORS--Four Eureka Re. Evenings by n Shee user Limpe stem. |FORD COUPE---1921 _ STICK TO COAL---for like a ninety-nine year lease, it's good for ADE ra roses on pagar HO jut oh OUR HEALTH AND ACCIDENT-Pol- - : Ia = aes 127 Nelson Street "Hele ux a ie. will proteet Jour Salary. All lings FORD TUDOR---1 eR . 0 "have other Site a: hSureace. or S cars resondd- some time yet. J x» 0 Wi Couper street. 2 heh P¥ JAM ES SWI I & CO. Limited Fant the Classified vage tor Lost and furnished Tend cary thclude License, he rbaps ou u t 'PHONE 135. : . "FOOT OF JORNSON STREET. ERE et hal at Loki] ears' experience. br. © aid Daspraior, | S48Y payment pian "ee CAs on the) Eng Mirissed VAN LUVEN BROS, ee BRINGING UP. FATHER sd Boilie ALL THE pe MELLO Lrmie DARLIN wiLL y OF SNEAKIN' bgt YOu THE TICKET OUT OF OUT.OF THE Hobe [= [ MY ORESSER AN THROW IT | FORLOT TO Our THE AOOVW TO * BRING my ; TICKET TO THE r . -

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